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Leaked letters and war.

Zoot Zoot

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The King of England, Alfred Windsor stands up in a televised meeting of Parliament.

"By the authority given by Parliament to the Monarch of England, and the backing and full support of the Conservative and Labour parties including Prime Minister David Cameron who believed I should deliver this message.

England is now in a state of war with the The Kingdom of Burgundaholmr.

During Englands liberation, Admiral Joona, sank a Burgundaholmr fleet that began launching V-2 missiles on a tragectory towards his fleets aircraft carriers.
As a result of their launches, 37,000 Burgundaholmr soldiers and sailors perished. After studying the launch tragectories further, the missiles were bound for London itself with a landing area around the houses of Parliament, the Tower of London and that general area. Thank goodness for Irish and Finnish missile defences destroying all incoming rockets and saving the lives of hundreds.

In a correspondance from Tiministan myself and Parliament have learned of a plot that would bring a massive nuclear strike against cities across the country, if not for Tiministani honour.

The Kingdom of Burgundaholmr sent a message to Tiministan offering one billion pounds worth of Diamonds in exchange for deploying nuclear weapons against us.
Their reasoning, Admiral Joonas defence of London and his battlegroup which resulted in the loss of Burgundaholmr's expeditionary/invasion force.

I will now read both correspondance, the letter send from Tiministan from The Kingdom of Burgundaholmr and the letter Tiministan sent David Cameron.

[quote]King of Tiministan

I have a deal to make with you. The employment of a mass murderer of Germans as an admiral by England has been a source of anger among high--level people within Germany. A strike is needed to teach those subjects of the Great German Nation their place in the world. Launch nuclear attacks on them, and I shall see to it that $1 billion worth of diamonds are provided to you. Should the English attempt to invade Tiministan, you may blame the attack on the Red Orchestra.[/quote]

[quote]I recieved this letter on my desk this morning. I realise we may have gotten off on the wrong foot, but I can forsee a bountiful relationship between our two nations. I do not take kindly to bribery, and although I might have been sympathetic to his cause, this is exactely type of opportunistic greed we in Tiministan despise.

Yours Sincerely

King John[/quote]

This is the evidence for all to see.
As previously stated, England now recognises a state of war with the Kingdom of Burgundaholmr

Prepare yourself England, once more unto the breach."

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We are astonished that Burgundaholmr would stoop this low. We’ve haven’t seen a country act so despicably or cowardly since DKT or Altin Urda. Europe needs responsible members of the community not mass murdering nuclear terrorists. The people of Slavorussia will not shed a single tear for Burgundaholmr after the English lay it in its own grave.

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Burgundaholmr is obviously sore at having the Royal Navy destroy 37,000 of your soldiers in your failed attack on London by V-2 rockets, which is reason enough to go to war and remove your regime. We in England would be exactly the same.

Grit your teeth Burgundaholmr, we are going in dry.

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As we said, grit your teeth because we are going in dry.
We demand the unconditional surrender of Burgundaholmr.

Moreover, if you had not launched attacks aimed at London, your soldiers would still be alive.
This is your own doing, now suck it up.

The letter is obviously from your Government and under the circumstances We have no reason to believe it to be anybody else.

Edited by Zoot Zoot
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Strange that we have never discussed the deaths with anyone but Finland. Or could it be that England is Finland in disguise? You have no proof we ahve sent the letters, you have no proof we have that much currency, you have no proof we have been even thinking of revenge. This is a pure war of aggression. We are certain our German brothers will be sane.

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"Ah, if England had still remained a part of J Andres, this aggressive war would not be happening. But alas, not too long after it had formed, England poses a direct threat to the peace and stability of Europe."

Generally, this was meant to be private, but an inexperienced junior official accidently broadcast it to the world. OOPS.

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The letter says otherwise, you launched attacks at London, answer for them.
If not for Admiral Joona, who is Finnish, you would have murdered civilians, and for what?

You need not discuss it, their bodies still wash up on our beaches.
The fact of the matter is, Burgundaholmr, and you will pay for it, your leaders will be placed on trial for warcrimes and conspiracy against England through the use of Nuclear weapons.

Your homeland will be returned to the Germanic Union as you are unfit to rule.

Do not talk to us about wars of aggression, you are currently invading Wallonia, which is a war of aggression.
you are fueled by hypocrisy and lies, and you have been revealed to the world for the liars that you are.

Edited by Zoot Zoot
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[quote]King of Tiministan

I have a deal to make with you. [b]The employment of a mass murderer of Germans as an admiral by England has been a source of anger among high--level people within Germany.[/b] A strike is needed to teach those subjects of the Great German Nation their place in the world. Launch nuclear attacks on them, and I shall see to it that $1 billion worth of diamonds are provided to you. Should the English attempt to invade Tiministan, you may blame the attack on the Red Orchestra.[/quote]

The 'mass murder' or rather retaliatory attack is clearly a reference to events that occurred recently between England and Burgundaholmr. England's conclusion seems to be justified.

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[quote name='Karl Martin' timestamp='1286759441' post='2480794']
Go on, England. We shall see how this will end.

OOC: The Wallonia war has just started, you wouldn't have been able to know about it yet.

OOC Wrong, its been on going now for whats ICly some time. Checks Martens news thread.


We know how it will end, and it will not end well for you.

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[quote name='Karl Martin' timestamp='1286759441' post='2480794']
Go on, England. We shall see how this will end.

OOC: The Wallonia war has just started, you wouldn't have been able to know about it yet.
OOC: Anyone with a hunk of metal in space can see what's going between Wallonia and Burgundy.

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OOC: The messanger happened to be a German who had no connections to Burgundaholmr. The letter would have been sent from Brussels if we go with your RP.

IC: Burgundaholmr has never sent any letters of the sort. The format is very different from what Burgundaholmr uses, and the lack of a name is suspicious. Submit undeniable evidence.

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[quote name='Karl Martin' timestamp='1286760618' post='2480822']
OOC: The messanger happened to be a German who had no connections to Burgundaholmr. The letter would have been sent from Brussels if we go with your RP.

IC: Burgundaholmr has never sent any letters of the sort. The format is very different from what Burgundaholmr uses, and the lack of a name is suspicious. Submit undeniable evidence.
Make an undeniable argument--those two points are not particularly strong arguments.

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OOC: My only question in this is, since you are RPing all out of Germany, your messengers are German, your invasion of Wallonia is some how coming from Germany. Is it acceptable to say that you are a representation of the German state and as such that Kaiser Martens and Vince Sixx are collaborators in all this? Cause that's what its looking like ICly. And even if you say differently, if you're saying they're German and not Burgundian, then you're with them. Just need clarification. A simple yes or no will suffice.

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