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GOON spy orders


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[quote name='Ejayrazz' timestamp='1285208146' post='2461679']
But..but..I've known him longer! He likes me more!

My point is, you can't prove that I didn't send him aid, can you? If so, please fill me in, and I say this seriously without an ounce of sarcasm.
Seeing Methrage haven't received any new aid they can be fairly certain you didn't. If you did it secretly another ??????????? would have popped up.

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[quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1285208150' post='2461680']
We're not.

No, actually we don't aid nuclear rogues attacking people we don't like.

We have our results, we only spy when we are certain. We have been successful. Just because you lack the imagination to see how we found it out does not mean there is no possible way we could have enough evidence to convict.

If he had nothing to fear he should have allowed the spy attacks. Nobody asked him to aid methrage, nobody forced him to attack us, he is paying for his crime, nothing more, nothing less.

Sensible? What about aiding nuclear rogues is "Sensible"?

He voided any "right" to privacy when he made this thread.

What would you classify aiding a nuke rogue who was attacking CoJ? Aiding nuke rogues of people we feel neutral against? People we like?

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[quote name='Ejayrazz' timestamp='1285208146' post='2461679']
But..but..I've known him longer! He likes me more!

My point is, you can't prove that I didn't send him aid, can you? If so, please fill me in, and I say this seriously without an ounce of sarcasm.
Yes I can, I can do so without even looking at your nation. If you're trying to ruffle our feathers, it's not working. If you're really invested, just go for it. The more rogues the better. You can make it 16.

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[quote name='Muddog' timestamp='1285207786' post='2461672']
I guess I thats why I don't fit in very well on these boards, but it just seems so wishy-washy, does nobody stand by their morals?

Good the subconscious advertisement is working "I will soon be very rich, rich, rich!!!! At least its not an Organization announcement, then we make people think of cross and balls..... I'll never be taken seriously :(
[/quote]GOONS always abides by its stated values.

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[quote name='Beefspari' timestamp='1285208132' post='2461677']

We "brag" because it's hilarious that Methrage's shenanigans have netted us 270m. And now his shenanigans are resulting in the destruction of the 22nd largest nation on the planet. I'm not saying the money's not nice, but we aren't looking at it from the profit angle (though until now it HAS been profit) so much as the "look at what one hilarious rogue can accomplish."

I'm curious if there's ever been a rogue as infamous as Methrage, who managed to get a quarter billion in reps and billions in damages for people fighting for his cause?

Well now his shenanigans will have cost you and your allies billions vs any profit.

As to the second part, I am not sure how many reps have ever been paid for rogues. But I doubt it was ever this much. Of course I doubt there have been many cases where people keep aiding rogues to this extent no matter what. Just shows how you make a lot of people feel about you, which is kinda great imo. Nothing wrong with being evil or the bad guy.

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[quote name='Umar ibn Abd al-Aziz' timestamp='1285208426' post='2461692']
You know what, I don't really give a toss as to what it costs, because I never get much of a chance to do any fighting these days. In fact, I'd be more than happy to give up a billion or two of my warchest to get back into the thick of things and enjoy a bit of a biffo :D

I actually applaud this stance. We can't buy casualties. Good on you Umar.

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[quote name='Vol Navy' timestamp='1285208840' post='2461704']
Well now his shenanigans will have cost you and your allies billions vs any profit.
How many times do we have to post that [size="5"][b]we don't care about the profits.[/b][/size]

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[quote name='Choson' timestamp='1285209006' post='2461706']
How many times do we have to post that [size="5"][b]we don't care about the profits.[/b][/size]

As many times as GOONS have posted bragging about all the profits they were making off him?? I just find it kinda funny that the "Billion Dollar Rogue" is now the rogue that cost billions.

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[quote name='Vol Navy' timestamp='1285209299' post='2461710']
As many times as GOONS have posted bragging about all the profits they were making off him?? I just find it kinda funny that the "Billion Dollar Rogue" is now the rogue that cost billions.
Do you know the future or something, because I'm pretty sure billions haven't been spent yet?

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[quote name='Vol Navy' timestamp='1285209299' post='2461710']
As many times as GOONS have posted bragging about all the profits they were making off him?? I just find it kinda funny that the "Billion Dollar Rogue" is now the rogue that cost billions.

Dude, you are so black and white about this. The profits were icing. Nothing more. Of course we bragged about it. It was cool. But it wasn't the point to begin with. Is that really incomprehensible?

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[quote name='Vol Navy' timestamp='1285209299' post='2461710']
As many times as GOONS have posted bragging about all the profits they were making off him?? I just find it kinda funny that the "Billion Dollar Rogue" is now the rogue that cost billions.
You didn't read my post explaining that we talk about the profits because it's funny, not because we're worried about the money or the numbers. If we cared about taking damage we would have dropped the issue when Jim said he'd attack. We didn't, because we don't, and neither do our allies. Sending a message is far more important than "profits."

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[quote name='Vol Navy' timestamp='1285209299' post='2461710']
As many times as GOONS have posted bragging about all the profits they were making off him?? I just find it kinda funny that the "Billion Dollar Rogue" is now the rogue that cost billions.

How freaking dense can you possibly be? Do you seriously not understand that "we love free money" and "we love fighting" are two separate and compatible concepts?

Making money off a pitifully ineffective "rogue" is hilarious. Fighting rogues is fun. Do you understand now or are you going to make another horrible post about how sad we are to lose infrastructure?

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[quote name='Choson' timestamp='1285209407' post='2461712']
Do you know the future or something, because I'm pretty sure billions haven't been spent yet?

Let a few of Jim's nukes hit, then the billions will be out the window.

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Listen bro there are two outcomes to these sort of things

1.) We get Reps
2.) We get War

Guess what? We like both of those! In fact many of us like war more than reps! But because we're reasonable people we're willing to accept Reps if offered.

This isn't a difficult concept to grasp!

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[quote name='Mandolus' timestamp='1285209642' post='2461716']

Making money off a pitifully ineffective "rogue" is hilarious. Fighting rogues is fun. Do you understand now or are you going to make another horrible post about how sad we are to lose infrastructure?

I never said a word about you being sad to lose infra. I would also not really call Meth inffective any more. He is costing GOONS and GOONS allies a whole lot more than the cost to his nation unless Jim actually backs down.

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[quote name='ChairmanHal' timestamp='1285206853' post='2461650']
You sure?
Hal, just to clarify things, my "goading" as you call it was my response to Jim's threat to declare war if GOONS organised to have his nation spied on for a second time. Jim did follow through on his threat, something that I doubt had very much to do with the post that I made yesterday.

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[quote name='Vol Navy' timestamp='1285209946' post='2461722']
I never said a word about you being sad to lose infra. I would also not really call Meth inffective any more. He is costing GOONS and GOONS allies a whole lot more than the cost to his nation unless Jim actually backs down.
No, I'm pretty sure he's still ineffective. And why are you still stuck on the whole money aspect of everything?

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[quote name='Vol Navy' timestamp='1285209946' post='2461722']
I never said a word about you being sad to lose infra. I would also not really call Meth inffective any more. He is costing GOONS and GOONS allies a whole lot more than the cost to his nation unless Jim actually backs down.

Here is what you are continuously, constantly not understanding: profit goes beyond money for us. We profit in tears. We profit in bloodshed. We profit in ways that you can't put a financial amount on.

If all we cared about was how thick our bankrolls are we'd all flip to green and isolate ourselves from the world, as others have readily done.

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[quote name='Choson' timestamp='1285210229' post='2461726']
No, I'm pretty sure he's still ineffective. And why are you still stuck on the whole money aspect of everything?

Because the GOONS made such a huge deal about getting reps and making profits in every Meth related case so far. My original comment that spiraled all of this was that I'd be curious to see the damage this causes vs the reps received. I didn't say anything about infra hugging or pixel saving or anything like that.

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[quote name='CEverettKoop' timestamp='1285210467' post='2461728']
Here is what you are continuously, constantly not understanding: profit goes beyond money for us. We profit in tears. We profit in bloodshed. We profit in ways that you can't put a financial amount on.

If all we cared about was how thick our bankrolls are we'd all flip to green and isolate ourselves from the world, as others have readily done.

I don't really see anyone crying much for Methy but okay. I am all about casualties myself, so good luck with it once some GOONS are in range to attack by next week.

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[quote name='Vol Navy' timestamp='1285210471' post='2461729']
Because the GOONS made such a huge deal about getting reps and making profits in every Meth related case so far.

Why are you intentionally ignoring us when we explain it to you? I mean, I'm assuming you read my post, the one you quoted, and conveniently left out the part where I explained this. So either you're intentionally ignoring our statements or you just can't read. Which is it?

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[quote name='Umar ibn Abd al-Aziz' timestamp='1285210828' post='2461736']
I would just like to have it noted that before Jim's nukes hit, my peak rank was #69 :smug:

But your casualty rank should shoot up as long as you aren't turtling. So thst's a win.

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[quote name='Voytek' timestamp='1285172329' post='2461040']
You're p OWF-centric. Expand your horizons, my son.
Could you please read the post I'm replying to?

[quote name='Heinlander' timestamp='1285169237' post='2460986']
[b]You have read this thread[/b] and seen that there are already people lining up to fight you, right?

[quote name='Rampage3' timestamp='1285179655' post='2461171']
I am not amused. Try sticking to the matter at hand and leave TENE out of your attempts at intelligence.
It's not my fault that you guys set the precedent that defending yourself against spy attacks makes you a rogue.

[quote name='Andre27' timestamp='1285197585' post='2461439']
If it is any consolation, you're not the only one who received a GOONS aid offer which was cancelled right away.
They seem to think that anyone who doesn't like GOONS and holds a FAC [i]must[/i] be supplying Methrage.
They haven't sent me one yet, I feel left out :(

[quote name='ktarthan' timestamp='1285200214' post='2461518']
A rogue is an unaffilitated nation that acts aggressively (ie: an act of war) towards another entity (generally an alliance). That's what a rogue is!
No, this is not the definition you're using, as you have defined UOKMB as a group of rogues. By definition, a group is affiliated.

[quote name='Choson' timestamp='1285205260' post='2461626']
Because people hate us. There's no rhyme or reason to it.
The basic problem here is just good old hypocrisy; when GOONS' allies hail rogues, GOONS don't object, but when GOONS actually has rogues to deal with, everyone is supposed to be all polite and respectful.

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