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Official Kerberos Nexus Announcement


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Apparently, signatories are not being filtered. Therefore, I hereby sign this document. I also invoke the flag I had previously created for this here creation of Methrage:

We shall overcome.

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[quote name='Bavaricar' timestamp='1284423647' post='2452976']
I had a feeling this was coming from you. Very well, we are back to the original document until you reconsider. ;) And no, I am not seconding any motion to expel anyone not even you :wub: .
In that case, I change my vote to support the amendment.

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[quote name='Bavaricar' timestamp='1284423331' post='2452963']
On the vote to remove language relating to the expulsion of members:

Mandolus - Yes
Methrage - Yes
Bavaricar - Yes

Rebel Virginia - ?
Ghuxalia - ?
You forgot Nicholai and Mandolus I haven't agreed to.

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[quote name='Bavaricar' timestamp='1284423778' post='2452984']
Okay, now we need to convince Methrage to get back on this train. And RV, where did that bugger wander off to this time?

Can you imagine? He had more important matters to attend to. I know....surprising.

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[quote name='Haquertal' timestamp='1284423875' post='2452988']
You already caused an infraction, so changing what you have done is meaningless.
I never did an infraction, but I'll put his signature on if he's willing to abide by it.

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[quote name='Bavaricar' timestamp='1284424172' post='2453000']
That's for him to reconcile, not us. ^_^
After we find out what RV thinks of changing the expulsion clause and if he's willing to abide by it, then I'll maybe reconsider.

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[quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1284424118' post='2452998']
You're part of an alliance that encourages tech raiding, which goes against libertarian principles.
Who said alliances had anything to do with this? As far as I'm concerned, this is just a bunch of people playing along with your stupid little game because they're bored, while the rest of Planet Bob looks through the palm that is covering their collective face.

Edit: proofreading = smarter before you hit "post".

Edited by Ghuxalia
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[quote name='Ghuxalia' timestamp='1284424304' post='2453005']
Who said alliances had anything to do with this? As far as I'm concerned, this is just a bunch of people playing along with your stupid little game because they're bored, while the rest of Planet Bob looks through the palm that is covering their collective face.

Edit: proofreading = smarter before you hit "post".
I don't know what you're talking, but this is no game. This is serious business. ;)

Edit: Are you a signatory that will take the document seriously or do you wish to remove yourself from it?

Edited by Methrage
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[quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1284424118' post='2452998']
You're part of an alliance that encourages tech raiding, which goes against libertarian principles.

I'm not signing for GOONS. I'm signing for my own nation, which is not currently engaging in the practice of tech raiding.

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[quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1284424261' post='2453003']
After we find out what RV thinks of changing the expulsion clause and if he's willing to abide by it, then I'll maybe reconsider.

The only wild card here is RV and there is not a thing we can say will change his mind one way or the other. As for making sure anyone will abide by it, that's not something that anyone can guarantee. A signature is a compact between one person and the document, not us.


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[quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1284423742' post='2452982']
You forgot Nicholai and Mandolus I haven't agreed to.
Why does Nicholai get a vote? Nicholai's signature wasn't on your treaty until after both RV and Bavaricar joined. That means either he's just a part of KN's signature and between the two of you you still only get one vote, or you forced his name onto the document without getting the proper 2/3 vote required to admit new members. Either way, he doesn't get a vote.

In addition to this, the previous 2/3 vote to remove you should have been valid.

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[quote name='Felix von Agnu' timestamp='1284424648' post='2453017']
Sign me up. (nation, not alliance)

Felix von Agnu
Magister, Magistrate, Tribune, and High Trickster of Land of Tricks
What do you think of my war with GOONS and tech raiding in general? Do you agree with the OP? You can PM your answer if you want.

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[quote name='ChairmanHal' timestamp='1284378615' post='2452197']
...ah c'mon Haflinger it's a nice distraction while we're building warchests for real fights. ;)
On this point, at least, you are emphatically correct. :awesome:

Didn't I say it was Methrage? :D

[quote name='pezstar' timestamp='1284392098' post='2452321']
Just so we're clear, I'd like to ask for clarification. You believe that by simply requesting help, you can defeat GOONS, who is allied with both C&G and SF? Is that correct?
Well, technically, of course he's correct. Who knows, C&G and Superfriends could decide to answer his pleas.

Methrage is definitely a strong believer in the "You don't know if they'll say yes unless you ask" school of thought. :v:

[quote name='BloodFury' timestamp='1284403504' post='2452503']
Usually I am behind any kind of entertainment value, and it is always good fun to root for the underdog, but every time the Methrage gets involved with the GOONS, I have to think that his sanity slips further away from himself.
No, Methrage's sanity is still in the same state as it was when all this began. As I well should know.

You see, that state is Llonach. Yes indeed, Methrage's sanity is inside the borders of my fair realm. I'd let it out, but you know how it is.

I love these threads. :D

[quote name='Bob Janova' timestamp='1284415563' post='2452764']
I'm not sure what your best course of action at this juncture would be, but I'm fairly sure this isn't it.
Wouldn't be prudent at this juncture, Bob?

Suddenly I think of this: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xk9r8_ministry-new-world-order

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[quote name='Beefspari' timestamp='1284425444' post='2453034']
Why does Nicholai get a vote? Nicholai's signature wasn't on your treaty until after both RV and Bavaricar joined. That means either he's just a part of KN's signature and between the two of you you still only get one vote, or you forced his name onto the document without getting the proper 2/3 vote required to admit new members. Either way, he doesn't get a vote.

In addition to this, the previous 2/3 vote to remove you should have been valid.

There was never such a vote and no RV did not lie. RV and I had a humorous miscommunication via im and decided to roll with it.

Also, pending the outcome of the charter amendment vote, I also vote to admit anyone who signs this document.

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