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GATO Fun Filled Announcement


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The Global Anarchy and Terror Organization has finally decided to post a DoE after a few rounds of being around. So here we are, we are GATO, hear us rawr. Our gov’t is as follows:

Secretary General (big boss): DarthCyfe6
SG’s Advisors: Kubla Khan, Overlord Wes

You can find us on irc in our channel #gato_te


And now part two of the announcement

We had plans to just announce GATO's new gov't today to the OWF... those plans are still intact as you can see here, HOWEVER, a few events have occurred over the past 24 hours to alter this announcement, Kodiak Corp had jumped GATO before the stroke of twelve and quadruple attacked most of our nations and didn't even have the decency of posting a DoW on us. COWARDS! So since these slimeball scumbags decided to jump us like this, I say lets return the favor! No one jumps us and gets away with it!

Now lets $%&@ some !@#$ up! Go GATO!

Due to some errors in miscommunication, this announcement was planned for 11:54 pm of Planet Steve Time Standards. (or 6 mins before the update) Apologizes for the delay.

Edited by SoADarthCyfe6
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[quote name='SoADarthCyfe6' timestamp='1284010813' post='2447420']

We had plans to just announce GATO's new gov't today to the OWF... those plans are still intact as you can see here, HOWEVER, a few events have occurred over the past 24 hours to alter this announcement, Kodiak Corp had jumped GATO before the stroke of twelve and quadruple attacked most of our nations and didn't even have the decency of posting a DoW on us. COWARDS! So since these slimeball scumbags decided to jump us like this, I say lets return the favor! No one jumps us and gets away with it!

Now lets $%&@ some !@#$ up! Go GATO!

Due to some errors in miscommunication, this announcement was planned for 11:54 pm of Planet Steve Time Standards. (or 6 mins before the update) Apologizes for the delay.

You've won how many GA's?
Cry! :lol1:

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[quote name='Darrenb209' timestamp='1284025502' post='2447501']
out of two people who attacked me, one of them has only 2k in cash

are you guys serious?

Of the four nations I am warring with only one seems to have more than 2K in cash.

are you guys serious?

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[quote name='JudgeX' timestamp='1284013667' post='2447441']
You've won how many GA's?
Cry! :lol1:

I could say the same for yourself, however, I had no plans on winning any GA's it was for another reason. If you would like, I could focus everything towards your nation. Only if you want me too.

The fact is that you guys are cowards, you quaded, had multiple nations attack, and you never even posted a formal DoW, pretty low imo.

Should probably get yourself off the high horse there, if we had done the same thing you did, you would have been screwed. Your not that big of an alliance to be talking smack like that.

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[quote name='SoADarthCyfe6' timestamp='1284044782' post='2447665']
I could say the same for yourself, however, I had no plans on winning any GA's it was for another reason. If you would like, I could focus everything towards your nation. Only if you want me too.

The fact is that you guys are cowards, you quaded, had multiple nations attack, and you never even posted a formal DoW, pretty low imo.

Should probably get yourself off the high horse there, if we had done the same thing you did, you would have been screwed. Your not that big of an alliance to be talking smack like that.

Well this is TE, Dow's are hit or miss here....Some post some don't, some post after the fact and some post about 5-10 min before.
There really is no set rules :)


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BG has a good point as in it is the players that make the general rules of engagement.
Between update and 15 mins before is the norm.
Cutting it to 6 mins before calls for tight planning if the DoW is to be in place.
If the DoW is after the event (effectively the next day) there can be little point in posting it imo.

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DoW timing could swing it even if it were non update but the planning would take a while and the risk factor is high hence most dec over update.
I'm sure most war planners would agree that you need to know your enemy but the update is tops when it comes to ease.

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[quote name='SoADarthCyfe6' timestamp='1284044782' post='2447665']
I could say the same for yourself, however, I had no plans on winning any GA's it was for another reason. If you would like, I could focus everything towards your nation. Only if you want me too.

The fact is that you guys are cowards, you quaded, had multiple nations attack, and you never even posted a formal DoW, pretty low imo.

Oh please, do you have no idea how war works, seriously? They quaded, organized a full out attack and hit you proper, what did you expect, them to come by and sit around the camp fire and sing kumbaya? This is TE, war is around every corner, if you don't like that, follow your DoE up with a disbandment.

Kodiak Corps matched up very well with you when they started this war, had 3 fewer members and similar nation strengths, your just upset that they completely obliterated you guys. Kodiak Corps might not be the biggest alliance, but they've showed that they are very capable.

[quote name='SoADarthCyfe6' timestamp='1284044782' post='2447665']Should probably get yourself off the high horse there, if we had done the same thing you did, you would have been screwed. Your not that big of an alliance to be talking smack like that.

I doubt it. Like I noted earlier, it was a very similarly matched war, but Kodiak Corps was organized and hit you with a very well organized blitz, they won the war before you even knew it was happening. I'd be hard pressed to think that you could muster that kind of coordination and update activity, and even then I've got no doubt that Kodiak Corps would have been tenfold more prepared then you.

I don't usually like to say things like these in this realm, however get over it, you weren't prepared for this war, and somebody who knew what they were doing came by and stomped you, you can either continue the crying or you can chalk it up as a lesson learned.

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Which alliance has over half their nations in anarchy and who's alliances leader is pretty much living off of CM's and bombing runs? I'm not on a high horse. I'm down in the mud grinding your face into it with my boot. I started out 100 infra and 40 tech short of your nation and still put foot-to-buttox, so stop crying and send a couple more bombing runs. You're the only nation attacking me and I need more money to throw at you. I'm only at about 25k up off of 4 GA's won against you in your failed return quad. Get over it it's not your SE nation and have some fun!

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That's good to hear. Maybe you should lead TE: GATO. It's all about getting more war and having fun and if your leader don't understand that maybe he is the wrong man for the job. honestly. How long did he think it would be before your AA got hit? we could have waited 2-3 more days and almost our whole AA would have had nukes. would that've been better? At least at the end of this war you guys will be relatively unscathed for the long term of this cycle. I hope to see you on the battle field.


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[quote name='memoryproblems' timestamp='1284060382' post='2447883']
Oh please, do you have no idea how war works, seriously? They quaded, organized a full out attack and hit you proper, what did you expect, them to come by and sit around the camp fire and sing kumbaya? This is TE, war is around every corner, if you don't like that, follow your DoE up with a disbandment.

Maybe if they had the common decency of posting a DoW like everyone else does.

Kodiak Corps matched up very well with you when they started this war, had 3 fewer members and similar nation strengths, your just upset that they completely obliterated you guys. Kodiak Corps might not be the biggest alliance, but they've showed that they are very capable. [/quote]

They clearly had a few better Nation growers then we do, and are you kidding me? Capable of what, quading people? That's a simple task. it's not difficult to curbstomp small nations.

I doubt it. Like I noted earlier, it was a very similarly matched war, but Kodiak Corps was organized and hit you with a very well organized blitz, they won the war before you even knew it was happening. I'd be hard pressed to think that you could muster that kind of coordination and update activity, and even then I've got no doubt that Kodiak Corps would have been tenfold more prepared then you.

I don't usually like to say things like these in this realm, however get over it, you weren't prepared for this war, and somebody who knew what they were doing came by and stomped you, you can either continue the crying or you can chalk it up as a lesson learned.

If we had did the same thing Kodiak did to us, they would be in the same position we are now, barely getting out of anywhere.

[quote name='JudgeX' timestamp='1284062063' post='2447910']
Which alliance has over half their nations in anarchy and who's alliances leader is pretty much living off of CM's and bombing runs? I'm not on a high horse. I'm down in the mud grinding your face into it with my boot. I started out 100 infra and 40 tech short of your nation and still put foot-to-buttox, so stop crying and send a couple more bombing runs. You're the only nation attacking me and I need more money to throw at you. I'm only at about 25k up off of 4 GA's won against you in your failed return quad. Get over it it's not your SE nation and have some fun!

I don't think you understand, I hit you last of the three nations I had attacked, I could attack you first, plus my bombing runs and CM's I don't think you will last that long. And please, a one on one war I would have rolled you with ease so don't kid yourself that you are super amazing for being able to handle me easily. Once again, high horse.

[quote name='JudgeX' timestamp='1284063904' post='2447945']
That's good to hear. Maybe you should lead TE: GATO. It's all about getting more war and having fun and if your leader don't understand that maybe he is the wrong man for the job. honestly. How long did he think it would be before your AA got hit? we could have waited 2-3 more days and almost our whole AA would have had nukes. would that've been better? At least at the end of this war you guys will be relatively unscathed for the long term of this cycle. I hope to see you on the battle field.


You would of maybe had 2 or 3 nations having nukes, again your boasting, get off the high horse.

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[quote name='SoADarthCyfe6' timestamp='1284079781' post='2448244']
A bunch of stuff.

Ok, I try not to get worked up over these things, but your whining is getting you nowhere.

1) Your complaining because Kodiak attacked you and completely beat the living hell out of you. If they'd posted a DoW, you'd probably just find something else to complain about. This is TE, not SE, and sometimes wars aren't announced. Whats the difference, you don't check your nation? By all means, your complaining shows that you know little of the nature of this realm and in no way, shape or form do you belong anywhere around a leadership position.

2) I don't see what your complaining about on quad-attacks. Thats how war works, and on planet steve, war is what happens, what were you expecting? I'd be very hard-pressed to imagine that Kodiak Corps would be in any comparable situation, considering the level of activity that GATO has in this realm and the level of competency that their leadership possesses in comparison. And curb-stomp small nations? They beat down your entire alliance with coordination and activity, it was a similarly matched war in strength and numbers. Something that you need to realize, yes, Kodiak Corps put three nations on each one of yours, but GATO has more people involved in this war then Kodiak Corps do.

3) Do us all a favor, stop complaining, your doing little more then paint yourself and your alliance as incompetent, really its coming off strongly as whining because you got solidly beat by an alliance with fewer members. Perhaps you should either come to terms with how things work over here, or do your membership a favor and hand the reins over to somebody who actually can lead the alliance or just disband all together.

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Buddy, you got jumped and most of your guys were unprepared. It can be tough when that happens but it's not like it's a mismatch nor are our guys triple teaming without also fighting three wars of their own. Best to just learn from this and have your boys better prepared for next round.

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[quote name='memoryproblems' timestamp='1284085309' post='2448344']
Ok, I try not to get worked up over these things, but your whining is getting you nowhere.

1) Your complaining because Kodiak attacked you and completely beat the living hell out of you. If they'd posted a DoW, you'd probably just find something else to complain about. This is TE, not SE, and sometimes wars aren't announced. Whats the difference, you don't check your nation? By all means, your complaining shows that you know little of the nature of this realm and in no way, shape or form do you belong anywhere around a leadership position.

2) I don't see what your complaining about on quad-attacks. Thats how war works, and on planet steve, war is what happens, what were you expecting? I'd be very hard-pressed to imagine that Kodiak Corps would be in any comparable situation, considering the level of activity that GATO has in this realm and the level of competency that their leadership possesses in comparison. And curb-stomp small nations? They beat down your entire alliance with coordination and activity, it was a similarly matched war in strength and numbers. Something that you need to realize, yes, Kodiak Corps put three nations on each one of yours, but GATO has more people involved in this war then Kodiak Corps do.

3) Do us all a favor, stop complaining, your doing little more then paint yourself and your alliance as incompetent, really its coming off strongly as whining because you got solidly beat by an alliance with fewer members. Perhaps you should either come to terms with how things work over here, or do your membership a favor and hand the reins over to somebody who actually can lead the alliance or just disband all together.

Lol your logic is fail

1) If they had posted a DoW, idc even if the reasoning was "for the lulz" just attacking us out of the blue and blitzing us like that and to not have the common decency of posting a DoW is low. Idc if its Se or TE alliance politics are still around and having some balls to post a DoW for no reason would have been acceptable in my standards. The first thing I look for when we are at war is the DoW, just like most leaders would. Not seeing one pisses me off. I pretty much check my nation all the time, however, I do not have [OOC] time to devote , such as yourself, to waste my time and be on 24/7 and on at each update seeing its 1:00 am and I have a Life to attend to.[OOC] Also, would I have been pissed off still if they DoW? Obviously, who wouldn't, would I complain as much as I am now? No. You would clearly know the difference of a good and poor leader, I think I will take your fantastic advice now since your such a fantastic leader and know what it takes to be one.

2) Do quad attacks suck? Yes. Do they suck on an even smaller nation being quaded by 3 people? Probably about 20x more so. Our nations were pretty small, consider only about 4 of them had over 499 infras. 12 GA's and not including CM's and Air strikes pretty much can take out a small nation with ease. Not much of a war. Pretty much a wipe out in one attack and now lets praise Kodiak for being able to do that, congratulations your so amazing. Explain how 3 people make a difference. We have 3 nations completely useless at a strength a 3.00, so yes your logic with more nations completely fails.

3) I see how effective my "whining" is when it painting my alliance incompetent to you. I could gave a rats ass on what you think of my leadership skills are. We've been DoW'ed on before in the past, never have I cared this much before. AGain you fewer members logic fails, if you jump an alliance and hit it 8 to 12 times all with rather small nations, its a pretty easy war. They had 17, we have 17, I'd say that's even? because clearly 17 > 17.

How about next post a DoW.

[quote name='Grabem' timestamp='1284085336' post='2448345']
Buddy, you got jumped and most of your guys were unprepared. It can be tough when that happens but it's not like it's a mismatch nor are our guys triple teaming without also fighting three wars of their own. Best to just learn from this and have your boys better prepared for next round.

This I know, were we unprepared? Yes. Is that our faults? Mostly. Will we be better prepared for next round? I can guarantee that. I understand that we weren't all of that, however what really irritates me is no formal DoW.

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[quote name='SoADarthCyfe6' timestamp='1284088661' post='2448426']
Lol your logic is fail[/quote]

How about I deliver the Warriors at your door step and give you something worth complaining about? You didn't get curb-stomped by an alliance three times your size, you got beat solidly by an alliance that was pretty much equal your size and numbers.

[quote name='SoADarthCyfe6' timestamp='1284088661' post='2448426']1) If they had posted a DoW, idc even if the reasoning was "for the lulz" just attacking us out of the blue and blitzing us like that and to not have the common decency of posting a DoW is low. Idc if its Se or TE alliance politics are still around and having some balls to post a DoW for no reason would have been acceptable in my standards. The first thing I look for when we are at war is the DoW, just like most leaders would. Not seeing one pisses me off. I pretty much check my nation all the time, however, I do not have [OOC] time to devote , such as yourself, to waste my time and be on 24/7 and on at each update seeing its 1:00 am and I have a Life to attend to.[OOC] Also, would I have been pissed off still if they DoW? Obviously, who wouldn't, would I complain as much as I am now? No. You would clearly know the difference of a good and poor leader, I think I will take your fantastic advice now since your such a fantastic leader and know what it takes to be one.[/quote]

1. Its TE, very few if any wars actually have what would be construed as valid CB's in the other realm.
2. Wars are about the element of surprise, had a DoW been posted, it would have been posted to coincide with the beginning of Kodiak Corps attacks.
3. Like you said, either way you wouldn't have been around to see the DoW in time to effectively prepare for it, so what difference does it make.

I do appreciate your praise of my leadership abilities though :lol1:

[quote name='SoADarthCyfe6' timestamp='1284088661' post='2448426']2) Do quad attacks suck? Yes. Do they suck on an even smaller nation being quaded by 3 people? Probably about 20x more so. Our nations were pretty small, consider only about 4 of them had over 499 infras. 12 GA's and not including CM's and Air strikes pretty much can take out a small nation with ease. Not much of a war. Pretty much a wipe out in one attack and now lets praise Kodiak for being able to do that, congratulations your so amazing. Explain how 3 people make a difference. We have 3 nations completely useless at a strength a 3.00, so yes your logic with more nations completely fails.[/quote]

You keep telling me that my logic fails, yet you provide the most illogical of reasons as to why. Like I've iterated before, before the attacks began, GATO and Kodiak Corps were very similar in size and members. It wasn't like somebody with twice the NS came out and beat on you, it was a good-matchup, but Kodiak Corps used timing, coordination and activity to gain the decisive victory. Are you upset that the mechanics of war didn't work well with your lack of preparation or activity?

Seeing as how Kodiak Corps have you by the throat, maybe your continual whining isn't the best way to shake this war off, bring it to an amicable end and allow yourself to walk it off and start preparing for the future.

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A DoW in TE is usually posted at the same time or even after the initial attacks, so I don't see how it would have helped your alliance at all. It would have been the same outcome. And I would have to question anyone who complains about the attacking alliance doing quad attacks. That's..how wars work. It's pretty standard stuff, perhaps you should make sure your alliance is more prepared for war next time and this situation wouldn't seem so terrible to you. But as far as I can tell Kodiak Corps didn't do anything wrong here, so try to enjoy your wars. This is TE, after all. :)

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Thanks to your abject untruths about the size of your nations I will forevermore post screenshots pre-war so that original stats can be compared! you guys had 5-6 3K NS+ nations to our 2-3. You yourself was #6 on the nation list with 549 infrastructure. I posted the DoW. according to the timeline on it it would have been posted 1 1/2 days early. Have a nice day.

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