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The People's SotW #2 - Submissions

Titus Pullo

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Hello and welcome to the second People's Signature of the Week competition.

Last week Ghux moved us with his simple yet sentimental political message. This week, it has been decided that the theme shall be "[b]CN Historical Event[/b]".

The rules for this competition are as follows:
[list=1][*]The signature much focus on the theme of the week.
[*]The signature must conform to CN Signature rules. (e.g. Maximum size is 450px by 150px)
[*]Entrants must comply with any regulations mandated by the lovely and hard-working CN Forum Staff.
[*]Entries must not be plagiarized in any fashion. Plagiarism is defined as the copying, without permission, of a finished piece of artwork.
[*]Upon the request of any PSotW staff member, the entrant will provide links to source images used in making the entry.[/list]

We, therefore, invite all artists to submit their pieces by 1159 CST Friday September 10th. (This deadline may be extended at the discretion of the PSotW Staff.)

Looking forward to seeing your work,
Deputy Executive Director of the People's Signatures of the Week

[center]The People's Signature of the Week: Signatures for the people, by the people, and of the people.

Week 1 - [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=91498"]Nominations[/url], [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=91698"]Voting[/url], and [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=91698&view=findpost&p=2444537"]Result[/url][/center]

Edited by Titus Pullo
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[s]Can I resubmit my previous sig? It would work for most major conflicts...[/s]
[code]Ghux - [img]http://s388.photobucket.com/albums/oo324/TheGhux/TechorGTFO.png[/img][/code]

Edited by Ghuxalia
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[quote name='Keve69' timestamp='1283869408' post='2445274']
I decided to go for a work in four parts on this one... enjoy:


heh, hehe, hehehe.. You missed out on a big chunk of history between Genesis and Hegemony Mark I. Nice though.

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[quote name='Jens of the desert' timestamp='1283879199' post='2445456']
pshhht. If anything, the "peoples" sig of the week should not be placing shackles on creative genius. Poor show.

I don't feel completely unsimiliar, the other (inferior) signature contest allows them of various sizes as long as they don't completely take up the entire screen, and I'm not a big fan of the anti-plagiarism rule. Take the diplo-girl entry for example, it was quite the master-piece of a signature if i do say so myself, its one thing if you take a completed signature and try to pass it on as your own, its another thing to take a variety of stock-images and work them together into something completely different, interesting and creative.

Provided, this signature contest is meant to be different then the other one, and that is what the majority of the other competition consists of, but never-the-less, as long as its creative, as long as its predominantly their own work (The diplo-girl for example, was what it was not because of the stock images, but because of the creative editing), then why not let it in?

[i]What would the [b]people[/b] want?[/i]

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[quote name='memoryproblems' timestamp='1283881958' post='2445501']
I don't feel completely unsimiliar, the other (inferior) signature contest allows them of various sizes as long as they don't completely take up the entire screen, and I'm not a big fan of the anti-plagiarism rule. Take the diplo-girl entry for example, it was quite the master-piece of a signature if i do say so myself, its one thing if you take a completed signature and try to pass it on as your own, its another thing to take a variety of stock-images and work them together into something completely different, interesting and creative.

Provided, this signature contest is meant to be different then the other one, and that is what the majority of the other competition consists of, but never-the-less, as long as its creative, as long as its predominantly their own work (The diplo-girl for example, was what it was not because of the stock images, but because of the creative editing), then why not let it in?

[i]What would the [b]people[/b] want?[/i]
I hope Titus sees this, as I am sure that we are not the only two who agree on this matter, and surely with a title like that, he will be open to all forms of advice.

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[quote name='memoryproblems' timestamp='1283881958' post='2445501']
I don't feel completely unsimiliar, the other (inferior) signature contest allows them of various sizes as long as they don't completely take up the entire screen, and I'm not a big fan of the anti-plagiarism rule. Take the diplo-girl entry for example, it was quite the master-piece of a signature if i do say so myself, its one thing if you take a completed signature and try to pass it on as your own, its another thing to take a variety of stock-images and work them together into something completely different, interesting and creative.

Provided, this signature contest is meant to be different then the other one, and that is what the majority of the other competition consists of, but never-the-less, as long as its creative, as long as its predominantly their own work (The diplo-girl for example, was what it was not because of the stock images, but because of the creative editing), then why not let it in?

[i]What would the [b]people[/b] want?[/i]

Then make your own. That's what I was going to do but, I'm lazy. I'll support yours though.

I call dibs on a NPO universe!

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[quote name='memoryproblems' timestamp='1283881958' post='2445501']
I don't feel completely unsimiliar, the other (inferior) signature contest allows them of various sizes as long as they don't completely take up the entire screen, and I'm not a big fan of the anti-plagiarism rule. Take the diplo-girl entry for example, it was quite the master-piece of a signature if i do say so myself, its one thing if you take a completed signature and try to pass it on as your own, its another thing to take a variety of stock-images and work them together into something completely different, interesting and creative.

Provided, this signature contest is meant to be different then the other one, and that is what the majority of the other competition consists of, but never-the-less, as long as its creative, as long as its predominantly their own work (The diplo-girl for example, was what it was not because of the stock images, but because of the creative editing), then why not let it in?

[i]What would the [b]people[/b] want?[/i]

Your concerns are noted and we will allow the people to continue to discuss them this week and implement any changes necessary for PSotW #3.

I would, however, like to address a couple of points:

[list=1][*] I decided to add in the signature size limitation due to the fact that this is a -signature- competition and not a "really pretty looking image that's smaller than my screen" competition. I feel it is in the best interest of the people if the signatures submitted were actually allowed to be worn on these forums. Should the people feel otherwise, I have no hesitation on eliminating or relaxing this requirement. Therefore, what do the people think? What should be the maximum allowable size?
[*]As for the anti-plagiarism rule: It was put in place to discourage this competition become yet another "SotW" where "artists" put a render in a file of a particular size and then use some brushes and effects made by other people to make it look "full". Perhaps, instead, the people would wish to have a requirement that all source images must be properly cited upon submission?[/list]

As always, the staff is open to the people's ideas and suggestions and will work hard to fulfill the will of the people.

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[quote name='Titus Pullo' timestamp='1283892229' post='2445660']
[list=1][*] I decided to add in the signature size limitation due to the fact that this is a -signature- competition and not a "really pretty looking image that's smaller than my screen" competition. I feel it is in the best interest of the people if the signatures submitted were actually allowed to be worn on these forums. Should the people feel otherwise, I have no hesitation on eliminating or relaxing this requirement. Therefore, what do the people think? What should be the maximum allowable size?
I think that the 450x150 limit is a perfectly fine one. And it means we can wear them.

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I can see where your coming from on the 450x150 rule, and the more i think about it, the wiser it seems to me, however:

[quote name='Titus Pullo' timestamp='1283892229' post='2445660']
[*]As for the anti-plagiarism rule: It was put in place to discourage this competition become yet another "SotW" where "artists" put a render in a file of a particular size and then use some brushes and effects made by other people to make it look "full". Perhaps, instead, the people would wish to have a requirement that all source images must be properly cited upon submission?[/list]

As always, the staff is open to the people's ideas and suggestions and will work hard to fulfill the will of the people.

I definitely like the idea of not turning into yet another SoTW where people just add some effects, but two primary examples that spring to my mind would be the politics with money background last week and the diplo-girl signature.

The politics one had a nice message, and the diplo-girl, its in no way comparable to somebody who takes a picture of Freddie Krueger and adds some sparkly effects in the background (no offense to those who do that, its visually attractive, and thats the difference between the two competitions), but when you look at the variety of images that went into that signature, the signature was a finely crafted product of the images being combined, and it was what it was not because of the images that went into it, but rather because of the artists creativity in combining them.

I guess what I'm saying is that I'd rather see a competition where using some stock images would be acceptable so long as the signature consists of more then just an image with some sparkly effects, although I'm not sure how one would codify such rules.

perhaps that use of stock imagery is acceptable provided that they provide links to the original images when prompted, and in such a case as the stock photos are requested, that in comparison it is deemed that the submitted entry is not visually or intellectually dominated by the stock imagery, but instead by the message or creative aspect contributed by the submitting artist.

[b]Edit:[/b] Also, as far as suggestions for the overall contest and its continuity go, I'd like to suggest that every 4th or 5th contest be non-themed, meaning a free-for-all contest, I think it'd be an interesting change-up from the every week a different theme, and give people a chance to be more creative in thinking up ideas for signatures.

Edited by memoryproblems
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As Executive Director of the PSotW, I have a statement prepared.

I am afraid that people misunderstood the original "no plagiarism rule", and due to my own intense laziness I haven't gotten around to fixing the situation until now.

From this point forward, plagiarism will be defined thusly: "the copying without permission of a finished piece of artwork". Most images accepted by the inferior contest would also be accepted here, we simply encourage creativity whereas they encourage Ursukar winning.

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Good. I would be on the verge of opening the silos if my sig was put in the category of 'stock+sparkles' >.>

Edit: Completed. I am personally very pleased with it.
Edit2: Made it better. There is a slight discoloration, it is not my fault nor is it built into the picture, blame photobucket. I tried re-uploading and it still does it, so just ignore it.
Edit3: Fixed it, but it's overall a little worse :(


Edited by Teddyyo
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