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My observations after 5 rounds


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[quote name='Thomasj_tx' timestamp='1281760721' post='2415375']
Lot's of typing and how much warring?


It has been a great round. My 7th.

And I am looking forward to my 8th.

To TE! :gun:

I've got three offensive wars...still waiting on some defensive ones.

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[quote name='Cellardoor' timestamp='1281761215' post='2415384']
I've got three offensive wars...still waiting on some defensive ones.

Well I am sure that you did not think that my post was directed at you and you alone.

Besides, I have 4 filled slots and way out of your range.

That, plus being in my 4th alliance-wide war.

See, I told you I have had a great round! :lol1:

Have fun! :D

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[quote name='CubaQuerida' timestamp='1281758328' post='2415340']
Like I said, you can call yourselves warriors and try to bash other AA's for trying to be successful, but the rogue antics are pretty much [b]the reason TE loses 25% of its players each round[/b].

You cannot deny the numbers. [i]TE used to have 3000+ players, then 2500, then 2000 and now barely 1500[/i]. People do NOT want to play all round and work hard to build their nation only to have their efforts bashed by some person whose only order was [u]"go nuke this person"[/u].[/quote]

Pardon my ignorance, but isn't building a nation to get bashed (or bash with) the whole point? Roguery is what killing TE? I thought it was Coalitions. No, wait it was HUGE AA's. No wait it was Confusion. Each round it seems something new is killing TE and yet there is always another round when the current one ends. Personally, I don't care how other AA's or individual nations conduct business. I look at it as changing strategy and tactics just as in RL warfare. I notice our military doesn't line up and walk toward the enemy anymore. So should it be in TE. Adapt and survive or lament and perish.

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[quote name='lonewolfe2015' timestamp='1281751701' post='2415229']
Don't throw that stuff around, you guys have flag chased.
My statement wasn't directed in your general direction and maybe in the past OP might have flag chased, but in the last two rounds, with the current government group, noone in OP pursues the flag. That is a fact. Each of the last two rounds we have fought 4 AA wars, that is a fact. In closing, I don't care what you guys do, flag chase, organize rogue attacks, whatever....

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[quote name='Cellardoor' timestamp='1281751807' post='2415231']
Everyone had ample opportunity to declare on us throughout the round. RD is faulting us for doing what they did. Only we also started an offensive war. The difference is despite our wars and three of us getting rogued and hit with 5 nukes (me 2, 3 over the other 2), we STILL built up to a point where we could do this. We're warring with the other AAs. Just because the intent behind it doesn't match OPs doesn't make us opposites.

/o OP
I am not faulting your intentions at all, in fact we thought about dancing NB.(would have been fun) Its not your fault noone attacked you, in fact you guys are currently engaged with almost everyone. My statement was just that a general statement as to OP's intentions under our current government group, noone will flag chase from OP.

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Players need to stop whining about how other players play.

We play the game, we follow the rules, stop complaining. TE is war, and every player has their own way of warring. deal with it. :gun::frantic:

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[quote name='CubaQuerida' timestamp='1281749132' post='2415171']
What NB / Porkshrmp / BasktballN / TFD does is not war and is not in the least bit respectable. You have perpetually taken advantage of the fact that the round is only 60 days long and one nuke can disable up to 10% of a nation's collect.

Therefore you can call yourselves underdogs, non-cowards or whatever you want, but it doesn't change the fact that you only hide for 50 days just to declare on people who are high NS, send one nuke at the 55 day mark, and then log off. I have YET to find any of these rogues worth fighting and it's just sad that TE has to come down to this rogue-witchhunt every round.

Reminds me of Al Qaida...

Sorry if I hurt anyone's feelings, honestly I'd be surprised if you are even checking your nation or the forums at this point!
In my experience, the round is effectively 45 days long, and then you have a 15 day cycle where you do your best to ward off a curbstomp. You mean that's not everyone's experience? Some people get 55 days? That's just...just...unfair! Shenanigans! *grabs a broom*

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I love how people like NB refuse to take responsibility for their dirty tactics, and instead think that they actually contribute towards TE. It is quite fun to see, really, are you guys seriously so delusional you think you contribute with anything but making players leave? Please excuse me while I go and laugh my face off.

And to those who claim we were/are trying to grab the flag, I assume you still get a custom flag in normal edition as well? How exactly will a bunch of people from different alliances benefit from such? It's not like we would be unified in what flag we would have, it wouldn't be just for one alliance. So, no, we aren't here for the flag, even though there are some hurp-a-durps out there who think we are.

Edited by The fox
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[quote name='lonewolfe2015' timestamp='1281887140' post='2416692']
Why do you whine so much? If you can't handle a little war then you don't belong in TE in the first place.

You know, I could take the time to explain myself and everything as such, but knowing the people on here it would just be a waste to be quite frank. I enjoy wars, clean wars, obviously everyone on here is incapable of such, which is sad.

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[quote name='The fox' timestamp='1281889130' post='2416711']
You know, I could take the time to explain myself and everything as such, but knowing the people on here it would just be a waste to be quite frank. I enjoy wars, clean wars, obviously everyone on here is incapable of such, which is sad.

What's a clean war? And do please explain yourself, it might make sense out of why you seem to have some mistaken sense of understanding about TE.

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Can you guys stop talking and kill this guy?

Definitely, this guy kill TE, hiding for 60 days without any casualties. Congratulations for your winning and your contribution to kill this game! :lol1:

I'm out from this game. Thanks to clash, BG, tibs, dogbite, LW, Thaisport, and all my fellow farker, Boz, 12eaper, etc. for the great rounds by rounds of this game. :wub:

See you when i see you.

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[quote name='The fox' timestamp='1281886474' post='2416685']
I love how people like NB refuse to take responsibility for their dirty tactics[/quote]

Yes, yes, we use 'dirty' tactics and loving every moment of it. I suppose 'war slot fillings are much cleaner'. You've shown employed it in the past and were going to do it again this round. Deny all you want but anyone with half a brain could see it miles away.

Back to using tactics. If you were to be a part of this team, you'd love it, too. All the plannings, intels, strategies, coordination, dedications, sacrifices, hard works, loyalties, cooperation, politics, etc... combining into one big body working together towards common goals; trying to be the best we can in every aspects in this WAR game.

[quote]So, no, we aren't here for the flag, even though there are some hurp-a-durps out there who think we are.

Oh, please...I can point out at least 4 RD nations running for it (and still trying) and I don't fault you for it. You'd be terribly misinformed if you think otherwise.

I think flag running is great actually. It requires more brain than brawn.

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[quote name='GreatMagic' timestamp='1281891427' post='2416743']

Back to using tactics. If you were to be a part of this team, you'd love it, too. All the plannings, intels, strategies, coordination, dedications, sacrifices, hard works, loyalties, cooperation, politics, etc... combining into one big body working together towards common goals; trying to be the best we can in every aspects in this WAR game.


Yes, it must take a lot of planning to push one button to nuke nations, and another one to sanction. My, just think about all that brain power it takes, astounding isn't it?

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[quote name='Robony' timestamp='1281791832' post='2415644']
Pardon my ignorance, but isn't building a nation to get bashed (or bash with) the whole point? Roguery is what killing TE? I thought it was Coalitions. No, wait it was HUGE AA's. No wait it was Confusion. Each round it seems something new is killing TE and yet there is always another round when the current one ends. Personally, I don't care how other AA's or individual nations conduct business. I look at it as changing strategy and tactics just as in RL warfare. I notice our military doesn't line up and walk toward the enemy anymore. So should it be in TE. Adapt and survive or lament and perish.[/quote]
Words of wisdom here. I don't like flag-chasing either, this is why my alliance declares war on someone at least twice a round. If everyone did that every alliance would be in four alliance wars a round and that's enough war for everyone. Most alliances don't for whatever reasons. PS unquestionably does though and just checking these forums proves it. Scoreboard. I think that alone refutes most of the OP (opening post). No refutation of OP the alliance of course, those guys brawl.

[quote name='Thomasj_tx' timestamp='1281760721' post='2415375']It has been a great round. My 7th.

And I am looking forward to my 8th.

To TE! :gun:[/quote]
Now that's what I'm sayin'!
The Warriors will be back next round.

Bet your best buttcheek on it.

[quote name='Prozenz' timestamp='1281890616' post='2416733']I'm out from this game. Thanks to clash, BG, tibs, dogbite, LW, Thaisport, and all my fellow farker, Boz, 12eaper, etc. for the great rounds by rounds of this game. :wub:

See you when i see you.
I have a better idea. Join the Warriors!
You and I have fought before. I know how you kill.
You've always been a Warrior in your heart, my brother of the battlefield.

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Read my nation bio.


We are strategic, ruthless, efficient, and a tad insane.

We'll tunnel into your little den and place a satchel charge if it suits our objectives. If that makes us to some a group of terrorist operatives, good. Be afraid.

You'll never know if we have you in our sights until your NS is falling like the tears down your furry cheeks.

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[quote name='Cellardoor' timestamp='1281757720' post='2415331']
The Foreign Division. They're a SE alliance that, I believe, contracts out flags. They play TE for flags then sell the rights to it in SE. Pretty effective at it from my admittedly limited knowledge.
Sorry, never post on these forums but I had to comment on this one. I can't speak for everyone, but when playing the nations of the Foreign Division play TE for fun, and and try to win the round when we play. We've never sold a flag. Round 5 victor Firebolt uploaded flag custom 61 our standard SE flag, and Round 7 victor King Adam uploaded custom 64 our war flag. Several recent rounds we were trying to get our NATO allies flag in, but failed, because as some know, this game is hard to win (at least for me). I've been beaten by three pointers at the buzzer and have also missed freethrows and a layup to lose too. The basketball ninjas know what I mean by this.

It appears to me that Nordic Ballers/Pork Shrimp are running a beautiful gameplan. Since I'm still playing I've got to try and shot-block though.

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[quote name='The fox' timestamp='1281892275' post='2416758']
Yes, it must take a lot of planning to push one button to nuke nations, and another one to sanction. My, just think about all that brain power it takes, astounding isn't it?

You're naive if you think this took no skill whatsoever. Or you're doing a poor attempt at trying to push our buttons over it.

However, in order to give a glimpse into the strategy required to both war and win a flag, check it out.

First, you plan what you'll do for the round early on, and pick several nations who have great resources to give it a go. You tell them that their main goal is a flag if they can get it, but that their alliance will be warring so if they get hit, not to worry because we can always modify plans as we go.

Next you make sure you have uranium temp trades (that's me btw) for the buckling circles that occur over the round, and of course you pick a sphere where you won't have to worry about being sanctioned when possible.

You engage in a war, you try to make it as fair as possible of course but sometimes plans get changed on the fly (like when we had to move Betamax over due to Abyss' incessant ranting on them) and it caused the war to end early. Because well, war is important and fun. If you can't win a flag in a round while going to war once or twice, why win the flag at all? It's not our fault that we did too well for all of our nations capable of winning the flag to get destroyed. (Kudos to the couple rogues smart enough to catch a few of them or that we failed to anarchy)

Now, this end of round wars, oh hell yes, we went out to destroy everyone we possibly could, not only did it improve our chances for a flag, but it caused everyone to have fun. Except me, my RD opponents aren't any fun.

Along the way? You gather intelligence on every possible nation you can in a coordinated effort. You take off nukes (which we saw several people do to us as well) and you gather charts of all possible runners or rogues. Once you've got that data, you make sure your guys know to get nukes and HNMS and spies and a warchest.

You tell everyone, "Ok, let's hit them before they hit us. If we don't win the flag, then at least we're having fun."

So, assuming you ignored all of that, multiple times I've said that if the flag isn't won, it isn't the end of the world. I'm quite content with having done a whole hell of a lot of damage to everyone possible and done it alongside some of my best friends in SE. This round started out as a joint venture to team up and see what our alliances could do together in a conflict.

We aren't ruining anyone's round besides those people who dedicated their round to trying to win the flag and never took the time to stop and smell the nukes. Anyone who was playing TE for the war, which is what you should get into TE for in the first place, got everything they could have asked for if they were prepared properly.

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[quote name='The fox' timestamp='1281892275' post='2416758']
Yes, it must take a lot of planning to push one button to nuke nations, and another one to sanction. My, just think about all that brain power it takes, astounding isn't it?

Got it. I am so glad you can only contemplate as much...

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[quote name='SonicBoom' timestamp='1281897463' post='2416830']
Sorry, never post on these forums but I had to comment on this one. I can't speak for everyone, but when playing the nations of the Foreign Division play TE for fun, and and try to win the round when we play. We've never sold a flag. Round 5 victor Firebolt uploaded flag custom 61 our standard SE flag, and Round 7 victor King Adam uploaded custom 64 our war flag. Several recent rounds we were trying to get our NATO allies flag in, but failed, because as some know, this game is hard to win (at least for me). I've been beaten by three pointers at the buzzer and have also missed freethrows and a layup to lose too. The basketball ninjas know what I mean by this.

It appears to me that Nordic Ballers/Pork Shrimp are running a beautiful gameplan. Since I'm still playing I've got to try and shot-block though.

I love it when you talk like this.

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Just imho.
There are three general trains of thought on TE it seems:

1. Those who fight as little as possible: It's a nation-building contest.
The only in-game prize is for having the biggest nation.
2. Those who like to fight: It's for war.
No financial aid, stand on your own. No peace mode, no hiding forever. Glory rides with casualties.
3. It's for both, and everyone else too. Duh.

So, you know, do what you want.
Don't cry when others do the same tho.

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[quote name='SonicBoom' timestamp='1281897463' post='2416830']
Sorry, never post on these forums but I had to comment on this one. I can't speak for everyone, but when playing the nations of the Foreign Division play TE for fun, and and try to win the round when we play. We've never sold a flag. Round 5 victor Firebolt uploaded flag custom 61 our standard SE flag, and Round 7 victor King Adam uploaded custom 64 our war flag. Several recent rounds we were trying to get our NATO allies flag in, but failed, because as some know, this game is hard to win (at least for me). I've been beaten by three pointers at the buzzer and have also missed freethrows and a layup to lose too. The basketball ninjas know what I mean by this.

It appears to me that Nordic Ballers/Pork Shrimp are running a beautiful gameplan. Since I'm still playing I've got to try and shot-block though.

Thanks for the clarification. I wasn't aware the secondary flag was yours as well. I need to pay more attention to my history!

And you're welcome to try and shot block. It's giving me some navy experience. And the annoyance of how long it takes to destroy a navy :)

I wish you weren't turtling though. How am I supposed to win the casualties side bet I've got going with my alliance mates?!

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