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In regards to the bases or to the shipyard facilities.  We're in confusion there.  We'd prefer factories not individually be reinforced by regiment size levels, however, bases may be.  What sort of presence are you looking at in the Far East?


On the issue of missile and sensor systems, the Sun Tzu Integrated Sensor Suite, which Tianxia uses has the World's most proven anti-missile, anti-air capability, and has been upgraded to integrate all sorts of weapons from guns, rail guns, missiles, electronic attack, lasers, as well as a whole suite of space, air, land, and sea borne sensors.  The problem as my engineers tell me chiefly arises when say you wish to add a missile interceptor to the system coded with different software, and integrate it into our radars, IR sensors, etc.  Just like getting a damn cable box and TV working on the same remote can be buggy, so can this, when there is a problem of shooting down a missile in only a couple seconds window.  That is why our builders want the information.

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A private message would be delivered to the appropriate authorities in Tianxia by courier. The courier, the Legion Minister of Defense, comes with the power of negotiation and a lengthy shopping list.




240 F-18 Superhornets

60 F-15 D

160 Heavy Transports
300 Medium Transports


1200 M-1A1 Main Battle Tanks

2400 M-1 Bradley Armored Personnel Carriers

We are also in the market for rebuild kits for our wheeled transport fleet. These kits are to have engines, transmissions, and all the other parts needed to bring an older vehicle up to date and into full service. It is our desire to create some coherence to Legion's wheeled transport fleet in terms of having only a few well tested and tried engines and other parts. 


12000 rebuild kits for light vehicles

4400 rebuild kits for medium vehicles

5400 rebuild kits for heavy wheeled transports

Last we wish to purchase replacement engines, transmissions, and electronics for our combat support vehicles. Our engineers assure us the same engines and transmissions for the M-1 Bradley.

6000 Rebuild kits for Combat Support Vehicles

We recognize this will be quite expensive and we hope that we can come to some long term arrangement for payment. To show we are earnest in procuring this equipment we wish to put up a 1.5 billion dollar advance payment.


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Reviewing my words, I suppose I was not clear enough, we are currently assessing that we will need a reinforced regiments' worth of military police specialists for [I]all[/I] facilities total, not a regiment per facility. I apologize for that misunderstanding. On the topic of Far East Bases, the presence we are assuming is one that is primarily support personnel, a few transport planes and/or refueling aircraft, or electronic warfare aircraft. Probably scattered between that would be a few combat resources but nothing more than a squadrons' worth of combat aircraft. The Polish Land Forces would probably assume that ground combat forces would number, spread amongst a few small outposts or as part of your own bases if you so choose, to be around two battalions' worth of troops. Most of these being prepositioned to support in allied operations. Essentially the bulk of these forces are logistical or support in nature, overall.


As for your software integration, we are developing several weapon systems currently for our navy that haven't been deployed yet, but will be ready shortly. We can make available performance data during the batteries of tests that we are putting these weapons through to help them integrate. It is our belief that these weapon systems will be matured enough by the time our ships are being outfitted with sensor equipment, that all data will be available for your engineers to input. This could also prove useful in cooperative engagement scenarios, should Tianxia and Poland find themselves in a combat together and need to utilize each others' weapon systems to engage a common threat.

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Dispatch to the Legion:


Your orders have all been accounted for, with ammunition and service contracts the total comes to 74.164 Billion International Bancors.  Will that be credit or debit?


Dispatch to the Polish:


All that of course would be acceptable, so then we have an agreement?  Please keep our engineers informed of your developments so we can integrate them into the design.

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OOC:  Realized I have two building threads.


IC:  Tianxia builds ups were now largely done, giving room for mass production of the three large foreign orders.  Lines of credit would be extended to the Legion by a consortium of federal banks to finance the deal at affordable interest rates pegged to 1% over the Tianxia Ten Year T-Note.


In the South Imperial Troops however would move swiftly into the Indian Subcontinent.  Activity on the subcontinent had slowed to a near complete pause.  Given the current global environment, Imperial Forces would move to actively take control of it, along with its advanced equipment in order to prevent any rogues from appearing there in the center of the Imperial Line.

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I would believe that we have come to an accord, what we have laid out thus far is acceptable to my government and ministers. Shall we draw up a final agreement to lay out the terms in a judicial manner?


I will make the individuals involved in the development of these weapon systems abreast of the requirements, and ensure there is a steady flow of data from testing to your own engineers.

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Material shipments would begin pouring into the Legion, starting with equipment in stockpiles, with heavier equipment taking more time and being delivered as completed.



Encrypted Transmission to Poland


The Entente Cordiale


Article I.  Non-Aggression and Mutual Amity


Both Parties commit to a not engage against hostile acts against one another, and to have mutual amity supporting each other's political initiatives where at all possible, and to seek to uphold the same values.  Both powers shall maintain open lines of communication between each other.


Article II.  Intelligence Cooperation


Both Parties shall cooperate on intelligence, both at a shared domestic level in order to combat espionage, covert/clandestine actions, transnational threats, non-proliferation, illicit trade, and cyber crime, and at a strategic level to include electronic intelligence, signals intelligence, communications intelligence, iinformation assurance, and measurement and signals intelligence.  


Article III.  Foreign Policy Cooperation


Both the Empire of Tianxia and the Republic of Poland shall cooperate on foreign policy initiatives and shall inform on another during crises via formal consultations at the ministerial level.


Article IV.  Strategic Cooperation


Both sides shall make available facilities within their respective territories and protectorate to the other, in levels as agreed upon via ongoing consultation.  Both parties agree to strategic economic investment in the other country, and property rights shall be respected in accordance to individual commercial agreements.  Tianxia is permitted to conduct some of its civilian national mission within the borders of Poland.  Poland is permitted to hold large stake holderships in the defense industrial base in South America, using it to fulfill its contracts, and lease bases in the region as well as a Far East Station.


Article V.  Military Cooperation


Should the Empire of Tianxia or the Republic of Poland come under attack, the other party shall come to its aid as if they themselves had been attacked.  Further both parties shall seek to support the other in all levels of military cooperation.   Both parties shall engage on cooperation in defense policy, including the interoperability of military forces, supply of materials, and access to resources.  Both parties shall engage in joint exercises.  


Article VI.  Expansion and Amendment of the Entente Cordiale


Both Parties may by mutual consent add additional members or amend the Entente Cordiale.

Edited by Triyun
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Communique to the Imperial Court


To His Imperial Highness, Yuan Jia I, Emperor of Tianxia, Japan and the Americas,


Altough the Japanese nation is not entirely free of troubles, our country, under the benevolent and most prudent rule of His Imperial Highness, has established itself successfully and slowly develops itself well. We extent our gratitude for this most wise guidance and would hope for His Imperial Highness' rule to last for another ten thousand years.


Given the relative peace and tranquility, as well as the cultural importance of the event, His Imperial Highness' Government of Japan has decided to celebrate the cherry blossom of this year. As His Imperial Highness has not yet ever visited the Japanese nation in person and graced his Japanese subjects with his presence, we would like to invite His Imperial Highness to pay a visit to our people and to possibly oficially open the Grand Hanami Festival.


The Japan Meteorological Agency has predicted the first sakura trees to blossom around the 18th of April around Kochi, with the Sakura Zensen reaching Kyushu and most of Shikoku around the 21st to 24th and the major towns of Kyoto and Tokyo at the 28th and 30th respectably.


We would appreciate His Imperial Highness' presence and would hope that the bright-blooming Sakura contribute to the inner balance of our hard-working Emperor and give His Imperial Highness new vigor to master the challenges of his far flung realms.


With our most humble regards,

Tachibana Rika, Prime Minister of Japan


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Tianxia has ordered a prototyping study done on the airframe of the YF-23 for an operational F-23 model with equipping of integrated sensor technologies developed for the F-35 as well as low maintenance in frame integrated radar absorbent material.  The production lines will be located primarily in South America for the standing up of the Holy American Air Corps.  

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TO: The Office of the Prime Minister of Tianxia

FROM: The Office of the Minister of National Defense of the Fourth Republic of Poland


To whom it may concern,


As part of our recently-signed agreement, the Fourth Republic of Poland, ever standing by its commitment to Article IV, respecting property and proper licensing, we request the proper licensing and plans from your government for two classes of ships to be built in Polish yards.


These vessels would be built to some varying degree of change from Tianxian models, but would be similar in both size and shape overall, making them mostly indistinguishable from your own vessels. The vessels in question are as follows; Sejong the Great Block III Heavy Destroyer, and the Trimaran version of Tianxia's Littoral Combat Vessel.


The Ministry of the Treasury is prepared to offer monetary payment to compensate for these designs, and we hope that this arrangement is satisfactory for your office, and the Imperial Court.


Best of Regards,


Tomas Karpinski

Minister of National Defense

Edited by TheShammySocialist
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We thank you for the opportunity to build these vessels as integral parts of the Polish Navy.


Furthermore, we would like to state the intent for one of our fast heavy transport vessels, carrying troops and equipment for a battalion battlegroup made up of elements from the Polish Land Forces' 1st Carpathian Rifles Regiment to rendezvous with Tianxian Forces in the South Atlantic. While these units are officially on maneuver, the deployment of these elements to the South Atlantic would be readily available for international operations should they be required at a moments' notice.


The deployment of this vessel to rendezvous with your own forces also gives a chance for Polish and Tianxian forces to perform joint training operations at sea, should the need for these soldiers not present itself.

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To: Boeing

From: Hellenic Air Force


To aid in the defence of Athenian airspace and further guarantee the capability to project the Hellenic Air Force would like to order 300 units of the EA-18-G Advanced Growler. Payment can be provided at once in advance



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To:  Athens

From:  Boeing


Subject:  Growlers


Tianxia Export Controls has approved the purchase, the fighters with Tier 1 export electronics we will begin production as soon as payment is received.




Tianxia's construction program of building its at sea basing had neared a final stage of completion with the Merchant Marine operating the large modular cargo ships capable of supplementing amphibious assaults, naval aviation, as well as acting as modular 3-d printing logistical nodes, resupply bases and along with the M.O.B.s and unique to Imperial capabilities at sea VLOS rearmament.  Four would be outfitted with maximized missile deck space for 2000 VLS slots each.[2]  Additionally the fleet would have the units to complement their at sea tendering.  


The capabilities would remain relatively quiet, along with the more secretive special operations at sea basing, with the navy deploying the ships mostly to act as logistical hub points in the open Southern ocean.  


Additionally the completion of the first Polish carrier would be used to early retire Tianxia's oldest carrier placing it in cold storage, shifting the crew and planes to the new one.  

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The following was delivered to Tianxia Diplomatic Authorities


A Formal Invitation of Economic Cooperation


To: Whom it may concern

From: The Madagascar Economic Development Corp., Republic State Department


Dear Sir, Madam, Monolithic Organization, Etc


As you know, the Republic of Madagascar and the Private Sector are continually seeking new and better ways to improve our island nation, which in turn improves our continent, which, in continuation, improves the world. While significant progress has been made improving the lives of our people, the technological significance of our infrastructure, and so forth, there are still some areas in which we lack experienced and professional citizens. In other cases, we simply lack the entities to organize resources to address certain need. One of those needs is telecommunications and electronics. Other needs are more military in nature.

The point, as we have been slow to get to, is this: Madagascar is opening it's doors to foreign investment and enterprise, and you are invited.



Alfonso Blanc, representative of the State Department

The Council - Madagascar Economic Development Corp.

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-Imperial Xia class ships have had two vessels retired.

The Imperial Fleet has been authorized procurement for 900 F-111 Bombers to be upgraded to carry long range stand off weapons, advanced avionics, targeting, ferrous ball paint, new engines, buddy packs, and the latest electronic warfare suites.  The units will be manned primarily by the naval and marine combat aviation for anti shipping and suppressing landing sites from over the horizon. The weapons would be based on historical records from the Australians.

-Twenty Multi-Mission Combat Ships will be decommissioned twenty more upgraded formidable class frigates for surface control.

-A second group of 300 F-23 Bloc II Advanced units will also be purchased with provisions for these units to be deployed across the world along with the continuing air power hardening and upgrade program along with the delivering of the modified air liners.





Cable to the Madagascarians:


We find your idea acceptable.  Please forward us the proposal with more specifics on investment opportunities.




Cable to the Rooskies:


Unfortunately we lost our entire 777 factory and line during something other than a cloaking device experiment.

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The following message would be sent to the Embassy of the Empire of Tianxia in Dublin for it to be forwarded to the appropriate entities from the Ministry of Defense.

Request the Purchase and Acquisition of:


- 48 P-8 Poseidon Maritime Patrol Aircraft

- 48 EA-18-G

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Classified Message

From: American Commonwealth Department of Defense

To: Tianxian Imperial High Command

Topic: Joint Exercise


The American Commonwealth would like to formally invite the Empire of Tianxia to participate in war games in the Atlantic ocean and East Coast with the Commonwealth military.  Exercises to be held include open ocean naval manuevers, anti-area access denial operations, and amphibious assault operations culminating in a live fire SINKEX of extra, unused, vessels on hand.  Forces will be involved in air, surface, sub-surface and landing operations.

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