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[quote name='kulomascovia' timestamp='1281901984' post='2416895']
Actually, if you read it (it's a couple of pages behind) you'll see that the reason for not sanctioning him is that he used to be an important person on maroon. It has nothing to do with trades. One good reason for sanctioning him is that his income decreases, his bills increase, and any military bonuses he might have gotten will disappear. Of course UPN can handle swat. But it doesn't really have anything to do with my claim that Maroon senators condone roguery.
Define exactly what they mean by important member on Maroon then.

Like I said, he could have set up a !@#$load of trade circles or they count him as an important member on Maroon because he stayed on Maroon trading sphere for a long time and kept trades with other Nations, which helped Maroon prosper. Just because you think its to do with a dislike of UPN does not mean that is true.

His income decreases, his bills go up, his treaty partners income decreases and their bills go up. In my opinion it does not balance out, its got to be something more.

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[quote name='Tornado' timestamp='1281903049' post='2416908']
Define exactly what they mean by important member on Maroon then.

Like I said, he could have set up a !@#$load of trade circles or they count him as an important member on Maroon because he stayed on Maroon trading sphere for a long time and kept trades with other Nations, which helped Maroon prosper. Just because you think its to do with a dislike of UPN does not mean that is true.

His income decreases, his bills go up, his treaty partners income decreases and their bills go up. In my opinion it does not balance out, its got to be something more.

Well you'd have to ask the senators who made that decisions. I have no idea why he was considered an important member on maroon and I don't know why that's being used as a justification to condone his actions. He could have set up trades, he could have been a priest. Who cares. The point is that his past deeds should have no bearing in judging his current misdeeds. Again, as someone has said, will you let a murderer go on a rampage just because he used to be "an important person"?

Also, the point of the sanction is to reduce his abilities to destroy innocent nations by crippling his income and military bonuses. His trade partners do lose a trade, however that is the consequence of trading with a rogue. Just as you stand to lose by allying yourself with a belligerent alliance, you will stand to lose if you trade with a rogue. Plus, 3 nations losing a trade can hardly be called a devastation for maroon. I'm pretty sure they can recover easily and the loss won't be that great anyway.

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[quote name='kulomascovia' timestamp='1281905941' post='2416957']
Well you'd have to ask the senators who made that decisions. I have no idea why he was considered an important member on maroon and I don't know why that's being used as a justification to condone his actions. He could have set up trades, he could have been a priest. Who cares. The point is that his past deeds should have no bearing in judging his current misdeeds. Again, as someone has said, will you let a murderer go on a rampage just because he used to be "an important person"?

Also, the point of the sanction is to reduce his abilities to destroy innocent nations by crippling his income and military bonuses. His trade partners do lose a trade, however that is the consequence of trading with a rogue. Just as you stand to lose by allying yourself with a belligerent alliance, you will stand to lose if you trade with a rogue. Plus, 3 nations losing a trade can hardly be called a devastation for maroon. I'm pretty sure they can recover easily and the loss won't be that great anyway.
That is your opinion, Maroon has their's and as it is their sphere im sure they view their opinion more greatly.

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[quote name='Peggy_Sue' timestamp='1281884740' post='2416670']
Hello Duncan!
Is raiding a nation that isn't in an alliance against AO's charter?

Have you [i]read[/i] their charter?
[quote]If a member attacks an unaligned nation they cannot expect support or aid from the alliance.

Alpha Omega will not use spies against any aligned nation, (excepting war with said alliance). Any Alpha Omega nation found to be using spies without an approved Declaration of War will face punishment up to, and including expulsion, and possible military retaliation.

If an Alpha Omega member performs espionage on an unaligned nation they cannot expect support or aid from the alliance.[/quote]
SWAT has an alliance affiliation, thus he is not unaligned. These clauses are the only ones I spotted relevant to this issue, which basically say "unaligned nations only." SWAT isn't unaligned.

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[quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1281908808' post='2417008']
[color="#0000FF"]If he is he's more than welcome to join the NSO. I can promise him full support and six million dollars in aid.[/color]
You can do better the second time around :P Go all out, NINE million

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PZI/EZI is bad.

[i]*rabble rabble rabble...[/i]

As I recall, you don't even want reps.

[quote name='Peggy_Sue' timestamp='1280275618' post='2391780']
Where did the question of paying reps come from?
I don't want reps. UPN doesn't want reps.
If you pay Mixester that is your affair.

Edited by Goose
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[quote name='Peggy_Sue' timestamp='1280275618' post='2391780']
Where did the question of paying reps come from?
I don't want reps. UPN doesn't want reps.
If you pay Mixester that is your affair.

[quote name='Peggy_Sue' timestamp='1280287655' post='2392012']
We can do white peace when your infra is low ... very low.

His infra is zero. You don't require reps. It has been five days. Where is his white peace, Peggy Sue?

Edited by Penkala
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[quote name='Penkala' timestamp='1281991573' post='2418213']
His infra is zero. You don't require reps. It has been five days. Where is his white peace, Peggy Sue?

Why not accept him into CSN and force UPN to let him go? Maybe because they're not a 1/3rd of CSN's size?

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[quote name='JWConner' timestamp='1281993712' post='2418256']
Really? I didn't think that was a policy in CSN. I mean, the last 2 rogues they took in and accepted as members didn't post applications.

That's because I'm special. :smug:

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[quote name='JWConner' timestamp='1281993128' post='2418245']
Why not accept him into CSN and force UPN to let him go? Maybe because they're not a 1/3rd of CSN's size?
While I admit I handled the initiation of our talks poorly, I'd like to think we both walked away relatively happy. You got far more protection against Penkala or BrotherKane going rogue against you again than a single ZI would have given you, and I didn't have to wait for you to drop them back down to ZI, which they'd already been under 30 infra.

As to this situation, I hope I've learned from that of Penkala and BrotherKane, and will no longer make the mistake of starting off heavy-handed.

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[quote name='Goose' timestamp='1281994138' post='2418266']
While I admit I handled the initiation of our talks poorly, I'd like to think we both walked away relatively happy. You got far more protection against Penkala or BrotherKane going rogue against you again than a single ZI would have given you, and I didn't have to wait for you to drop them back down to ZI, which they'd already been under 30 infra.

As to this situation, I hope I've learned from that of Penkala and BrotherKane, and will no longer make the mistake of starting off heavy-handed.

Well, I do appreciate that. The way you came off initially completely changed the way our talks went, and, from common friends, is completely out of character for you. While I don't see many of our members ever getting along and don't quite get your feelings towards Penkala, I do regain some of the respect I had for you prior to our dealings.

Edited by JWConner
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[quote name='fluffyewunga' timestamp='1281992516' post='2418232']
Consiering the last 2 times UPN fought RnR i'd say your the last person to call out their fighting ability. Since the stats show they returned your burning allaince back to u on silver platters twice u'd best not embarress yourself any further.
[quote name='Altheus' timestamp='1281992523' post='2418233']
Coming from R&R and your complete inability to fight us in two seperate wars, that's rich.

Yes, all hail the glorious UPN army. Who decided that they needed to 15 mil NS to take down our 4. Who declared half as many wars on us as Invicta did last war, then decided to repay their glorious allies by chickening out. I applaud you good sirs, you are an alliance to be renowned by Bob as a whole!

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SWAT, nice spin. But as we chatted in a public IRC channel, we can go back to that for reference if need be.

I told you there is too much money in your warchest to let you up ... I offered to let you up if you sent 3M to each of the small nations you warred ... 4 or 5 I think. That would have left you with maybe 12 million today... I'm guesstimating from last week when you told me the value of your warchest. You see, last I spied your warchest I extrapolated to last week and figured you still had many millions more than you claim.
Why is that important to me? Because it is likely you'll come right back after these festivities end. I'd prefer to know your warchest is miniscule.

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[quote name='JWConner' timestamp='1281993128' post='2418245']
Why not accept him into CSN and force UPN to let him go? Maybe because they're not a 1/3rd of CSN's size?
Hey, dont you have reps to pay that you swore yall would never pay

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