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The Pikachurin Conference


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Pikachurin, with approximately 20,000 population, is the largest city of the J Andrean Overseas Territory of Bermuda as well as its capital. After the War of National Liberation ended in 2025, the city - as well as the rest of Bermuda - floundered in chaos and instability, all due to a tiny government and nonexistent law enforcement. But then the J Andrean Government turned its attention to Bermuda and proceeded to build it into a military base and economic center. In addition to Hamilton (as the city was originally known) being renamed Pikachurin in honor of the great Disparuean King, Lance Pikachurin, new buildings were built or rebuilt in the grand Disparuean style. As a result, whenever one walks on the streets of Pikachurin, they would think that they were actually in Disparu itself, not a overseas territory of J Andres. It also was due to the fact that Pikachurin had both J Andrean and Disparuean flags.

In light of the increasing tensions in North America, especially between the United States of America and the Tahoe Republic regarding the status of the southwestern states that used to form South Tahoe, and of which chose to join the United States in spite of Tahoe, who claims legitimacy over its former southern lands, the J Andrean Government extended an invitation for representatives from both nations to attend a Conference in Pikachurin.

No sooner had the invitations sent out did the local government of Pikachurin muster a ‘mobilization effort’ to prepare the city for the visiting representatives. The streets, already clean as they were, were thoroughly cleaned. The grasses were mowed, the shrubs were trimmed, along with others. More J Andrean and Disparuean flags were put out on top of buildings and flagpoles.

The conference was to be held in the renovated City Hall, located in the center of Pikachurin. Interestingly, the City Hall has a startling resemblance to the New Parliament Building in Jubilife, Disparu. Limousines has been dispatched to the Pikachurin International Airport; a delegation of high-ranking J Andrean government and military officials has been sent to the airport to greet the visiting foreign dignitaries.

[center][img]http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20090728202620/cybernations/images/thumb/9/9b/NewParliamentDisparu.jpg/800px-NewParliamentDisparu.jpg[/img][/center][center][i]The City Hall of Pikachurin. It is bascially a smaller version of the New Parliament Building in Disparu[/i][/center]

At the Meeting Room in the City Hall, President Richard Mercton, Prime Minister Ben Richards, Foreign Minister Mickey Bethesda, and Direktor Roger Ahmadinejad waited for the representatives to arrive.

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Vice President Arthur Sinclair Jr. would be attending for the Republic of York. Though Sinclair had been told he was just an observer, his hard-nosed, blunt approaches to problems and no bull-!@#$ solutions are famous in Republic of York political circles. As the second highest-ranking political figure in York, this gives an indication as to how important this summit is to President Harland.

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[font=arial, verdana, tahoma, sans-serif][size=2]Blue Heaven special envoys Roger Smith and Dorothy Smith came in as observers as they were concerned about what would happen with the Tahoe situation as they'd heard that the US was annexing one of the Tahoes.[/size][/font]

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[quote]While our nation is new and has nothing really to do with the particular issues presented here at this conference we would nonetheless like to send an representative to observe and ascertain the direction the whole North American region is moving in and to start to learn more about our American neighbors.

-Ministry of Foreign Affairs.[/quote]

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Although the state of Texas did not send a representative (Texas's voice would be represented by the President), many citizens eagerly awaited for the result, most shouting "42 and below or fight!" referring to the 42nd parallel that was the northern border of California, Nevada, and Utah. It was obvious that Texas wanted all states to join.

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Despite the objections of several local officials of the western states, Nico Crooks, the leader of the territories before the vote to join the Union, arrived at the conference in a separate plane from the rest of the United States. He carried with him a briefcase and a highly-secure, closed touchscreen flat computer.

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The U.S. was in attendance. President Caudill landed and was escorted to the site by motorcade. His aides were almost drowning in the legal documentation and evidence of the voting record in Southern Tahoe, the Senate.. the entire.. completely legal.. annexation process. Complete with signatures and DNA evidence of each individuals signing and vote registration.

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[quote name='graniteknight' date='21 July 2010 - 04:26 PM' timestamp='1279743970' post='2383154']
Carnegie shook the man's hand warmly and then pulled him aside whispering, "Chief, I know you're not feeling all that hot but could the Delaware Public Television interview you and could you say flattering things about Delaware?"

"Mr. Carnegie. I know the elections are going on strong right now, but now is not the appropriate time. There are international agendas at present that could involve us in the war and I do not need to be distracted by such matters right now. Delaware is as good as any other state in the Union. We love the dearly, you are our family. I will not play favorites. Now, let me tend to the business of our defense when it is most necessary, please." Caudill said with a heavy sigh.

"Keep the elections at home, their proper venue."

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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Mercton, Richards, Bethesda, and Ahmadinejad were all surprised (in a good way) at the amount of representatives that filed into the Conference Room.

“[i]My, my…seems that everyone is looking forward to it.[/i]” Mercton whispered to Bethesda, who nodded.

Ahmadinejad, who heard Mercton’s whispered statement, grinned. “[i]Yes, all we need is some popcorn, drinks, and perhaps some girls--[/i]”

“[i]Do we have to talk about girls?[/i]” Bethesda interrupted. He was still slightly miffed, ever since when he found out the invasion of the Eggman Empire was named after him due to Ahmadinejad. He’d given the Direktor as well as the President and Prime Minister quite a piece of his mind, which to his great irritation, the Direktor found to be amusing. Bethesda mentally prayed that Ahmadinejad and his Nationalist Party would be utterly crushed in the upcoming 2030 elections.

Clearing his throat, Mercton stood up and stepped forward. He shook hands with all the representatives and leaders, Richards, Bethesda, and Ahmadinejad doing the same. “[i]Welcome to the Maritime Republic of J Andres! Welcome to Pikachurin and Bermuda! We are glad that you have come for this particular Conference.[/i]” Mercton greeted at the foreigners.

“[i]The way he puts it, it reminds me of Ahmadinejad…[/i]” Bethesda whispered to Richards.


Mercton turned to Ahmadinejad and raised an eyebrow. The Direktor, a bit embarrassed, shook his head and got on a seat.

Shrugging, Mercton turned back to the foreign dignitaries. “[i]Now as I was saying…thank you all for coming. Now, if you’ll receive your seats, we can now begin this Conference. I think more will be coming, but we can update them on the proceedings if they do arrive.[/i]” He nodded at several aides standing near the door. “[i]Oh, and one more thing…I would think it would be prudent if the Tahoan and American representatives sit on opposite sides of the table. Just to be safe, y’know, heh.[/i]” The President chuckled as he sat down, next to Ahmadinejad. Richards and Bethesda shook their heads as they sat down on the other side of Mercton.

Edited by JEDCJT
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President Darragh McDonnell will attend.

"Whatever the United States claims, the fact of the matter is that the people were killed, tortured and forced into submission. Whether any voting took place or not is in doubt, but what is not in doubt is massive human rights abuses against the people of the Southern Tahoan states. One hundred and fifty years of Tahoan unity WILL NOT be removed, under any circumstances. We demand the unity of California, Nevada, Utah and Arizona with the rest of the Tahoe Republic."

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"Whatever the Tahoe Republic claims, the fact of the matter is that people [b]were[/b] killed, tortured, and forced into submission - by the rulers and policies of the First Republic, not under my watch and not under the government of the Second Republic. There is no doubt as to whether any voting took place, as there is ample evidence that it did, and what [b]is[/b] in doubt are your unbacked and unverified claims of human rights abuses. One hundred and fifty years of Tahoan abuses and neglect led to this, and was removed years ago," Crooks shot back.

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"Is that a fact? Can you name any? I cannot. Facts are frustrating, aren't they. However, we can identify, with witnesses, human rights abuses in the mere [i]weeks[/i] that south Tahoe has been occupied. Who is more legitimate? One hundred and fifty years of democratic government of a month of military occupation? Or perhaps you deny Arturo Chavez and Sean O'Deaghaidh agreed to form a government of the people, by teh people and for the people because Chavez admitted he did not have legitimacy as a ruler only to betray the loyalists."

Edited by Emperor Mudd
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OOC: I don't care what time scale you go by, but I go by one month = one year. If you want to press with your "weeks" go on ahead but because it's [b]my[/b] country you're completely wrong.//

"I don't need to - the Coalition that took out the First Republic did for me. Chavez never admitted he did not have legitimacy as a ruler, and in fact was popularly supported by non-extremist elements. There was never a military occupation after Chavez became President and there was never a military occupation under my rule. Further, the Loyalists betrayed him - not the other way around."

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Arthur Sinclair Jr. took his seat near the other observers but with a clear view of the table and the proceedings. He pulled out a small PDA, specially made for secure transmissions back to York for events such as these. He started typing as it went on, chuckling to himself, "This is already getting good."

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