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International Criminal Police Organization


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"We opt for the Arctican version with the hope that the amendments we proposed would be considered. As regarding Transvaaler concerns for piracy, we concur in it and the Kingdom offers non partisan offer of assistance during any case of piracy in Indian Ocean region. Our strategic reach in Indian Ocean place us efficiently to offer such a help," Gen. Faraz said.

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"Since the representatives have selected the Arctican version for modification, this conference will now move into the revision stage. Please make any changes you feel necessary to the document and submit them for voting."

When Vedran was done, the Interior Minister leaned over and whispered something, to which he nodded. The Minister then spoke. "On behalf of the Arctican delegation, I wish to make the following change. Article II states: [b]The first five members (the Founding Members) will be admitted to the Organization upon their signature of the charter.[/b].

This was an arbitrary number selected to allow a number of members in without being voted in. After a review of this, we have decided to suggest the following amendment: [b]The members signing at the founding conference (the Founding Members) will be admitted to the Organization upon their signature of the charter.[/b]"

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"While an admirable cause, Greater Pacifica must decline to participate at this time. Though we generally cooperate with foreign police authorities." - Thomas Devereaux, High Magistrate

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"The Kingdom hopes that our proposals for amendment to the working scope of INTERPOL be considered, rather than a tiered structure, it remain a Council of equals with elected Chairperson who only has power to mediate and notate rather than as a decisive or executive position. INTERPOL should not become an executive body, but rather than a body for sharing of intelligence on a voluntary and cooperative manner. If a crisis unfolds in which a member nation is a party to it, INTERPOL must have no right to demand any action."

"In our opinion, INTERPOL should remain a completely apolitical system where the prevention of crime is the only agenda and not policing as such," Gen. Faraz said.

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"Indeed, the Kingdom of Cochin's suggested changes to the structure of the organization would fit better with our original intent in starting such an organization." The Interior Minister nodded in agreement with the Australian representative.

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"Gentlemen, Royal Cochin Police Forces tables the following amendment to the Arctican Constitutions to reflect our vision of INTERPOL," Gen. Mohammad Faraz said.

[center][b]International Criminal Police Organization - Constitution[/b][/center]

The Organization called the 'INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL POLICE ORGANIZATION' shall henceforth be entitled: 'THE INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL POLICE ORGANIZATION - INTERPOL'. Its seat shall be in Oceana, Arctica.

[b]Article I: Purpose[/b]

Its aims are:

To ensure and promote the widest possible mutual assistance between all criminal police authorities within the limits of the laws existing in the different countries;

[b]Article II: Membership[/b]

The first five members (the Founding Members) will be admitted to the Organization upon their signature of the charter. Outside of the Founding Members, membership shall be subject to approval by a two-thirds majority of the General Assembly.

Members may be stripped of their status following a two-thirds vote by the General Assembly.

[b]Article III: Structure[/b]

The International Criminal Police Organization shall comprise:

* The General Assembly
* INTERPOL Liaison Center
* The Commission for the Control of Files

[b]Article IV: The General Assembly[/b]

Each Member may be represented by one delegate appointed by the competent governmental authority of that country. Only one delegate from each country shall have the right to vote in the General Assembly.

Members should attempt to include the following in their delegations:
(a) High officials of departments dealing with police affairs,
(b) Officials whose normal duties are connected with the activities of the Organization.

The functions of the General Assembly shall be the following:
(a) To carry out the duties laid down in the Constitution;
(b) To determine principles and lay down the general measures suitable for attaining the objectives of the Organization
(d) To determine any other regulations deemed necessary;
(e) To adopt resolutions and make recommendations to Members on matters with which the Organization is competent to deal
(f) To promote international cooperation in law and order and security to prevent proliferation of international crime
(g) INTERPOL is not an executive body and does not have decisive power to enact or execute the decisions of INTERPOL on any nation. INTERPOL shall be a primarily liaison body.
(h) Any delegate of the INTERPOL has the right to table agendas for discussion by the General Assembly.
(i) Specialized and technical information pertaining to the discussions would be provided by the INTERPOL Liaison Center.

Decisions shall be made by a simple majority except in those cases where a two-thirds majority is required by the Constitution.

[b]Article V: Chairman of the General Assembly[/b]

The General Assembly shall elect, from among the delegates, the Chairman.

A two-thirds majority shall be required for the election of the President; should this majority not be obtained after the second ballot, a simple majority shall suffice.

The Chairman shall be elected for {2 months realtime). He/She shall not be immediately eligible for re-election to the same posts.

The Chairman of the Organization shall:
(a) Preside at meetings of the Assembly and direct the discussions;
(b) Ensure that the activities of the Organization are in conformity with the decisions of the General Assembly;

In the exercise of his/her duties, Chairman shall conduct him/her selves as representatives of the Organization and not as representatives of their respective countries.

[b]Article VI: INTERPOL Liaison Center[/b]

In order to ensure the above co-operation, each country shall appoint a body which will serve as the ILC. It shall ensure liaison with:
(a) The various departments in the country;
(b) Other National Central Bureaus;
(c) Serve as an international information depository center in the fight against ordinary crime;
(d) Serve as a technical and information center
(e) Maintain contact with national and international authorities, whereas questions relative to the search for criminals shall be dealt with through the National Central Bureaus;
(f) Produce any publications which may be considered useful;

INTERPOL Liaison Center shall serve as an informatory service to provide liaison information about legal systems, law and order procedures of various nations as well as matters of international law, including maritime and aviation law.

ILC shall be staffed with law and order personnel on deputation from member nations for certain periods of time, determined by the Chairman of General Assembly and the individual member nation.

INTERPOL Liaison Center shall maintain and operate the INTERPOL Crime Database which shall have information contributed from member nations with the sole intent to prevent international crime and apprehension of international criminals.

In the exercise of his duties, staff of ILC shall represent the Organization and not any particular country.

In the exercise of their duties, the staff of ILC shall neither solicit nor accept instructions from any government or authority outside the Organization. They shall abstain from any action which might be prejudicial to their international task.

Each Member of the Organization shall undertake to respect the exclusively international character of the duties of the INTERPOL and abstain from influencing them in the discharge of their duties.

[b]Article VII: Commission for the Control of Files[/b]

The Commission for the Control of Files shall ensure that the processing of personal information by the Organization is in compliance with the regulations the Organization establishes in this matter.

The members of the Commission for the Control of Files shall possess the expertise required for it to accomplish its functions.

[b]Article VIII: Budget[/b]

The Organization's resources shall be provided by:
(a) The financial contributions from Members;
(b) Gifts, bequests, subsidies, grants and other resources after these have been accepted or approved by the Executive Committee.

Each Member shall contribute to the Organization no less than 0.5% of its national law and order budget.

[b]Article IX: Amendments[/b]

The present Constitution may be amended on the proposal of either a Member or the Executive Committee.

All amendments to this Constitution shall be approved by a two-thirds majority of the Members of the Organization.

[b]Article X: Meetings[/b]

All meetings shall be held at the seat of the Organization.

If the Executive Committee considers that circumstances are unfavourable to the meeting of the Assembly at the seat of the Organization, it may decide on another place.

The following may be invited to be present at meetings as observers:
(a) International organizations.[/quote]

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Copies were made of the Cochin proposal and were distributed to the representatives. The Interior Minister and Director of Internal Investigation entered a short, hushed discussion and then voted in favor of the amendments.

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If it isn't too late already, the nation of Paradox would like to sign the treaty. We believe that this will instill a sort of "protection" for our people. If we would be allowed to sign, I shall send our Minister of Police and Internal Affairs to sign.

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[quote name='Molotov' timestamp='1280374975' post='2393481']
If it isn't too late already, the nation of Paradox would like to sign the treaty. We believe that this will instill a sort of "protection" for our people. If we would be allowed to sign, I shall send our Minister of Police and Internal Affairs to sign.

OOC: This organization is for people who are participating in CNRP, the major roleplaying community in the Fantasy IC subforum. To join this organization you need to create a CNRP nation. The rules and guidelines are in the pinned map thread, I believe.

To anyone other CNRPers that want to be a part of this conference, it is still not too late to join the proceedings.

Edited by Vedran
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The Sarnungian request to send an observer was approved. When he arrived, he would be shown to their seat and handed a transcript of the proceedings so far.

"Do we have any more votes on the Arctican or Cochin amendment proposals?"

OOC: And just to say it now, observers (e.g. people attending the meeting but not intending to be a founding member of the organization) cannot vote on proposed revisions.

Edited by Vedran
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OOC: Observerman is the Sarnungian way of saying representative.//

Observerman Jackal smiled at the document. "I do believe it is easy to say my country will support INTERPOL, but what is harder is that Sarnungian laws and the concept of punishment and justice tend to be far different than the rest of the world. What happens when someone commits a criminal act in one country and flees to another, and the second would not classify the man as a criminal? Perhaps this is an unlikely situation but laws and punishments do differ widely with different countries - perhaps maybe we can all agree drug smugglers are bad, but what if we disagree on the way of punishment? The Sarnungian Republic doesn't endorse the death penalty and we don't extradite to nations with the death penalty, so how would this be accomplished?"

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