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End of an Era and dawning of the sun

Zoot Zoot

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The BPE after being hit, with the former Imperiums biologcal attack upon BPE's water supplies the actions of declaring war was arisen once more. But a simple action came from the Emperor James Axel Denel in order to demand actions to be done upon the ROC, James Axel decided once again to make a live broadcast to his neighboring sovereigns.

"Once again, the Imperium..no I should say the Republic of Canada has, brought the flames of war back to Phoenixia even though it was the idiotic revolutionary's trying to free their country from the glorious world of the monarch, but it is unacceptable to poison our waters with biological weapons now isn't it....we will be preparing to do a counter to this, with an insurgence into the land which the former Imperium annexed the former nation of Coruscanta. And we will begin another insurgence into the ROC mainland to rid them of the rebel filth and place the monarch back in its place."

BPE suffered, 3,400 casualties from Ebola, and BPE is shutting down all water lines and switch's to our reserve's in the great lakes.

Bodies that are contagious are being burned by biological specialists in a remote area away from any populated area's and the disease is being contained in that remote area until all bodies are burned.

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OOC:Yes Lutai, Ebola is a fast acting flesh eating disease that has no cure, always fatal and kills within two weeks.
So pretty much most of your cities have poisoned water, and ide imagine hundreds of thousands didnt even realise it, but thats down to you to RP the damages of.

[quote]"This is Josephine Bonaparte of the Imperium of Canada speaking from the Imperial recruitment office in the Kingdom of Cochin.
Any loyal Imperial soldiers, and soldiers who did not turn their backs on the people and the Emperor, I command you now to destroy ever Republican soldier. I command you to aid Disparu, the Republic of York, J Andres and the BPE in their crusade against the enemy.

Youare NOT to fire on Republic of York military personel or personel from J Andres, you are to offer them aid at EVERY chance you are given.
You will fight a war of insurgence if you are no longer in a state to fight in open battle.
You WILL restabilise the Empire.

The Republics attacks are despicable and MUST be punished at all costs."[/quote]

The Republican forces, what little remained fled towards New Caen, the Republics new Capital, around 20,000 of them had survived the attacks and battles against Imperial Soldiers, most of whom were rallying in New London and preparing for a slaughter. Only 30,000 of them remained.
In Canadian Coruscanta, the 205,000 man army had fractured into its Legions, well over 90,000 Republican soldiers, traighters were pitted in open warfare against the Imperial forces, who in turn were systematicly destroying the rebels.

In Antarctica, the only rebel free zone, the battle was over and the Govener was orchestrating efforts to rebuild the region after the civil conflict within the Antarctic Army Corps, but with only 15,000 men remaining, it would be difficult.

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[b]Public Statement from Blue Heaven

[/b]"The government of Blue Heaven sends its condolences to the family of Bonaparte. As of immediately we are closing the border between ourselves and the Imperium/Republic of Canada. Only food, water and medicine will be sent over the border to aid [i]civilians[/i] and this will be done by [i]unarmed citizens of Blue Heaven[/i]. Any nation that attacks our citizens while in the Imperium/Republic will be seen as at war with us. That is all."

-Lila Nevak (Prime Minister of Blue Heaven)

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BPE Military movements.


BPE, will move into the annexed land of former Coruscanta, and keep control of it till the original government is put back into it's rightful place.

As for the main army will assist the others in the ROC mainland.

OOC:messed up on military and Insurgence for my army's ok, but I'm using my military.

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"We find the propaganda spewing from the mouth of this insolent nation to only be further proof that they no longer deserve to exist as a nation any longer. No nuclear weapons were launched at civilian centers, and other conventional ICBMs were used tactically to take out those in leadership positions. The two nuclear weapons that were launched hit an industrial center in the middle of the tundra and an island that is, or was, rather, a military base. Unless they have four million civilians packed into those two areas, something our satellites say they didn't, then they are once again, lying."

"Further, we reject all terms put forward by Wilks. You have already been tried and found guilty by your statements, and your sentence is death. The Republic/Imperium of Canada shall cease to exist as a nation. We will wipe it off the face of the planet. We call upon the Kingdom of Cochin to arrest the Empress to answer for her husband's incompetence that resulted in the deaths of 2,490 York citizens by VX nerve gas."

"The world will know this: we are not monsters. We do not kill civilians. We use precision. As has been evidenced by our strike against Lannes. The monsters can be seen clear as day as those who launched nearly thirty missiles at a purely civilian target. We will chop of the head of this raging incompetent monster to the north and then dispose of its body so the world never has to face a threat like this again."


Gentlemen, the time is now. We are presented with a grand opprotunity to wipe this pathetic nation from the annals of history, and bring lasting peace and prosperity to an American continent too long ravaged by wars. Please join us in wiping out these imbeciles, and we will all be safer for it.

To Disparu, we ask permission for our troops to pass through your territory to attack the Republic/Imperium.


Another ten conventional ICBMs launched and headed towards the point where the signal from Wilks had been traced from. With both leaders of both sides dead, hopefully the war would end much faster.

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[quote name='Pravus Ingruo' date='22 June 2010 - 10:14 PM' timestamp='1277225068' post='2346632']
We call upon the Kingdom of Cochin to arrest the Empress to answer for her husband's incompetence that resulted in the deaths of 2,490 York citizens by VX nerve gas."

The Kingdom of Cochin condemns the gross war crimes committed by New Canada and we agree that the persons guilty of this must be punished aptly. However we cannot extradite Mrs. Josephine Bonaparte for crimes her husband might have been involved in. The crime of launching an aggressive war was committed by Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte who is no longer with us. The crimes of using weapons of mass destruction on Republic of York were committed by elements in New Canada and not at the behest of the Mrs. Bonaparte who has been under our hospitality and scrutiny.

Also considering the fact that she and her family has sought asylum in our nation, we regretfully decline to arrest or extradite her to Republic of York. We hope you would be more successful in apprehending and destroying the heinous persons actually responsible for those ghastly WMD attacks on your nation.

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[quote]The Republic of York forgets about previous nuclear attacks on my Nation, which is still killing people today from radiation sickness.
Your attack on the tundra facilities destroyed vital fuel stockpiles and the EMP killed most electronics, preventing power to the Northern settlements.
Without fuel, or power, they will freeze to death, aswell as die from radioactive dust being blown by the winds.

With the industrial center all in one area, its manned by thousands of workers, because it manufactures items etc, refines fuel and more.
Your conventional ICBM's of course, whilst none nuclear, with 3300 pounds of explosive per missile my analysts tell me from the damage, and with the Government formerly being based out of tents in the refugee camps, fifty of your conventional weapons exploded across two refugee camps and the Imperial Palace.
People half a mile from any single missile hit were affected from falling masonry, construction vehicles such as cranes.
The camps fuel storage was struck by missile wreckage causing that to to explode, spilling fuel everywhere, which then ignited from flaming debris, causing massive fires to spread throughout the camp and the outskirts of the city.
I must say, your efficiency at killing civilians is excellent, already over a 100,000 people are confirmed dead, with almost 320,000 more sure to die from wounds. The rest will freeze to death over the next few days thanks to your attacks.

President Wilks[/quote]

Not long after the transmission New Caen was hit by ten more conventional ICBM missiles. The Missiles, all aimed for Wilks signal, careered into the most heaviest populated area of the city, causing fires, secondary explosions, house/building collapses and severe structureal damage to sky scrapers which would eventually lead to them collapsing due to damaged structural componants.
Wilks was killed, but his generals in the field were not and they had a mission to complete.
In Canadian Coruscanta, Imperial forces that had secured the border greeted their old enemies, as they pressed inland tto aid in the destruction of the Republican Menace.
Severley outnumbered, and not outgunned, the republican forces began to flee into the mountains away from Imperial solders from Canada and the BPE.

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“We will decide all the terms. You are in no position to dictate terms to us. Your terms are extremely biased in favor of your nation, which had launched the attacks insofar we are concerned and is insensitive to the suffering the people, government, and republic of York had suffered.

Now, we offer you one last chance to surrender to us. Do it now before we will have to use overwhelming force.”


In northern J Andres, particularly in New Hampshire and Maine, 50,000 Army troopers and 15,000 Kommissazul soldiers as well as 5,000 Special Ops troops were mobilized and prepared. In Fort Farnum, Army commanders hastily devised a plan, to be codenamed [b]BACKLASH[/b], for an invasion of the Canadian Republic.

The idea was this: the troops, now combined in an [b]Special Expeditionary Force J Andres (SEF-JA)[/b], were to be airlifted in S-22 Osprey transport aircrafts and helicopters through Disparu. Ten squadrons of fighters (120 aircrafts) and ten squadrons of interceptors (120 aircrafts, making for 240 fighters and interceptors total) were to accompany five squadrons of bombers (60 aircrafts). They were to, once again, take passage through Disparu (the Disparuean Government were to be informed of this beforehand) to the Canadian Republic, where the troops were to be airlifted into various cities not hit by the nuclear attacks, particularly New London and New Caen.

Moreover, a battleship strike group (BSG) were to be dispatched to the Hudson Bay, where they will provide naval support to the SEF-JA in their planned operations against Canada. The BSG will be led by the battleship, the JAS [i]Pikachurin[/i], and is expected to provide overwhelming fire that will hopefully end the war.

Moreover, intelligence agencies all over J Andres began readying to wage cyber warfare against Canada. They were as of now awaiting approval from the federal government in Endor Cuidad.


We will work together with you, Disparu, and the others in resolving this war as soon as possible. We are currently marshalling our military forces to be deployed to the Canadian Republic. The Army, Air Force, and the Navy will play a role in the upcoming operation against Canada.


We would like to humbly request permission for our forces to pass through your territory. We are currently gathering military forces that are to pass through your lands to get to Canada. We are also planning to dispatch a battleship strike group to the Hudson Bay and thus we also request for permission to pass through your waters.

Edited by JEDCJT
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"The United States is currently handling a mess of its own in the GLP, but strongly condemns the recent actions by the Imperium of Canada and believes the nations currently involved with conflict with the IoC have more than enough manpower among them to finish the job of dismantling this rogue state. That said, they fully have our moral, financial, and logistical support. If you need anything more, simply ask. Due regards." stated President Caudill.

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BPE's 3rd and 4th armies move into the Imperium annexed land of Coruscanta, they pass the border and are put on alert for any surprise attack by ROC

34 AA's are placed with the 3rd and 4th armies to protect them from any air raids,7 artillery units are in movement with the armies and are not set up for ranged attacks yet.

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Secretary of Defense Studabaker had this to say to all those CAN members not yet involved in helping getting the chaos in Canada under control. "You never want a serious crisis to go to waste. Seize this opportunity to stabilize the North."

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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[quote name='Pikachurin' date='22 June 2010 - 05:16 AM' timestamp='1277212562' post='2346484']


"If you wish, we will be able to send supplies, medical personnel and quarantine crews to deal with the 'Republic' of Canada's inhumane biological attacks."

- Lilian Meridian, Minister of Foreign Affairs

OOC: Oh, didnt see this, sorry. :blush:



"We appreciate Disparu's assistance and support. Of course, you can do that. Your gratitude is deeply appreciated and will not be forgotten."

- Mickey Bethesda, Minister of Foreign Affairs

[quote name='Zoot Zoot' date='22 June 2010 - 09:52 AM' timestamp='1277229156' post='2346711']
This is General Skye of the Republic of Canada
Name your terms.

“Here are our terms.”

They were duly sent to the Canadian Republic. They were as follows:

[code][*]The Canadian Republic is to surrender to J Andres, York, and other nations
[*]The entire government is to resign.
[*]Canada is to be placed under military occupation by J Andres, York, and/or other nations.
[*]Any government and/or military officials, be it rebel or loyalist, responsible for the biological attacks are to be apprehended and tried as war criminals
[*]The Canadian Republic is to pay reparations to J Andres, York, and other nations for the attacks that it had launched.

“That's not including any terms York and the other nations may decide to put forward. If you do not accept these terms, you can expect overwhelming force and your nation to be eradicated off the face of the planet.”

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"Our terms to the Imperium/Republic of Canada are as follows:

1. The Republic of Canada ceases to exist as a nation.
2. The Imperium of Canada ceases to exist as a nation.
3. All military personnel of either of these two nations will surrender to the Republic of York and be taken into custody.
4. All soldiers who fought for the Republic of Canada will be placed on trial for war crimes.
5. All civilians from the Republic/Imperium of Canada will be provided transport to a destination of their choice, outside of the North American continent, to restart their lives not in a frozen hell-hole.
6. The land occupied by the current Imperium/Republic of Canada will turn into either a CAN protectorate or Louisiana/Atlantis protectorate at the discretion of those nations, or simply unclaimed territory.

These are our terms. They are non-negotiable."

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[quote name='Pravus Ingruo' date='22 June 2010 - 12:44 PM' timestamp='1277225068' post='2346632']

To Disparu, we ask permission for our troops to pass through your territory to attack the Republic/Imperium.

"Approved. Your troops may pass through as long as they avoid civilian centres and do not disrupt anything in Disparu."


[quote name='JEDCJT' date='22 June 2010 - 01:25 PM' timestamp='1277227538' post='2346674']

We would like to humbly request permission for our forces to pass through your territory. We are currently gathering military forces that are to pass through your lands to get to Canada. We are also planning to dispatch a battleship strike group to the Hudson Bay and thus we also request for permission to pass through your waters.

"Both are approved. However, please try to avoid all civilian centres as much as possible. We do not want to cause mass hysteria in the Disparuean society."

[quote name='JEDCJT' date='22 June 2010 - 02:07 PM' timestamp='1277230041' post='2346732']

"We appreciate Disparu's assistance and support. Of course, you can do that. Your gratitude is deeply appreciated and will not be forgotten."

- Mickey Bethesda, Minister of Foreign Affairs

As soon as clearance was received, the Disparuean Government would send thousands of medical supplies to Andrean hospitals along the York-J Andres border experiencing shortages. Doctors and nurses were also sent to deal with the influx of patients affected with nerve gas. Cleanup crews wearing hamzat suits were also sent to help clean up the Canadian Republicans' biological attacks.


[s]@JED: Can you also reply to the "Private : to J Andres" section of [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=87919&view=findpost&p=2346484"]this post[/url]? Thanks. :)[/s] Never mind, didn't see your latest post. :P
@Zoot: Respond to my earlier military movements. I can't post movements and the like if I don't know how your rebels react. :v:

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[quote name='Pikachurin' date='22 June 2010 - 10:12 AM' timestamp='1277230318' post='2346742']

"Both are approved. However, please try to avoid all civilian centres as much as possible. We do not want to cause mass hysteria in the Disparuean society."[/quote]


"Got it. We will avoid civilian centers and use roads that will lead directly to the Hudson Bay. Thank you for your support, we appreciate it."


@JED: Can you also reply to the "Private : to J Andres" section of [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=87919&view=findpost&p=2346484"]this post[/url]? Thanks. :)

OOC: [s]I just did. See two posts up.[/s] Nevermind, you saw that. :P

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The Republic of Canada accepts the terms put forward by the Republic of York.
As the ranking commander after Wilk's death, I also claim responsibility for the attacks.

After reading out the terms to civilians and handing out leaflets, the civilians wish to move to the Falklands Islands, where they have reason to beleive the Holy American Empire will shelter them. They also wish this because it is an Imperial domain and and dont wish for anything else.

Republican magorities in the city of New Caen wish to live in Blue Heaven, as they aswell are a republic.
The remainder is to be Placed under CAN protectorate, they tended our needs when we suffered our darkest hours.

The Antarctic territory I am to understand, so to go back to the Ownership of Australia.
Its govenor has been in touch with me to confirm this.

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With the acceptance of terms, Republic of York military personnel moving through Disparu and into the former lands of the Imperium/Republic began arresting soldiers and moving civilians towards port and airport areas. Those wishing to head to the Falklands would be placed on to tankers and cruise ships that would transport them down there. Any civilian needing medial care would be treated before being placed on a boat. Citizens wishing to head to Blue Heaven were placed into trucks to begin the transport there.

Finally the Imperium/Republic of Canada would no longer be a thorn in the side of North American nations.

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** Private to Republic of York Executives **

The U.S. congratulates you on your recent efforts in Canada. Maybe things will quiet down a bit around here now. We request, due to our recent and successful co-operation, a lifting of any remaining embargo that you have on our country and invite you to establish an embassy on embassy row.

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With the surrender of the Canadian Republic, the generals at Fort Farnum quietly dropped their plans for Operation BACKLASH. After all, J Andres and York had done the task of ending the war.


“As York seems to have the situation in the former Canada under control, we will send over cleanup crews and aid volunteers, as well as small contingents of military forces (to be organized into peacekeeping forces) to Canada to assist in the maintenance of law and order in the region as well as cleanup and reconstruction efforts.”


Thousands of aid workers and dozens of cleanup crews, accompanied by 5,000 Army troops, were sent to the region through Disparu. Instead of the battleship strike group, several cargo vessels were dispatched to the Hudson Bay to bring in food, supplies, and equipment. Similarly, airliners were loaded with food, supplies, and equipment and flown to the region.

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[quote name='Pravus Ingruo' date='22 June 2010 - 11:08 AM' timestamp='1277230066' post='2346735']
5. All civilians from the Republic/Imperium of Canada will be provided transport to a destination of their choice, outside of the North American continent, to restart their lives not in a frozen hell-hole.

We find the reading of these terms to be a bit ambiguous. We hope those civilians that wish to stay in their frozen hell-hole are granted that right. Can you clarify?

Edited by Sal Paradise
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OOC:Sense there seems to be, no RP response from zoot I might as well annexed that land he got from Mark.

IC: After passing through the border, into the Coruscantan land held by ROC the 3rd and 4th armies move into ROC annexed land and started to occupy every city, and it won't be long till it would be under BPE control.

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