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GPS days 4&5.

Maelstrom Vortex

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Day 4: Emerging Issues and Global Concerns.

Reconvening on the floor of Congress in the House of Representatives, global delegations were welcomed to bring up their individual concerns that they feel lie in the way of global progress. The U.S. would be delivering its own speech at the end. At the end of the day, delegations would be free to run about the city for the next 24 hours due to their day off.

ooc: Wrong Forum, requesting move.

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Kapone is welcomed warmly and guided to his seat. The crowd awaits the first nation to volunteer to speak on this topic. Caudill would give about 5-10 minutes before he'd consider going up and giving his speech.. concluding the very short session, and letting everyone out. Perhaps folks were tiring from the previous activities at the Summit.

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ooc: We have a bit of a thread convergence occurring.. events with Caudill continuing here: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=87715&view=findpost&p=2343467

Everyone present would be aware of the event occurring on Pennsylvania Avenue.


Caudill looked out of a window as a glimmer of light caught his eye. "Oh no.." He stood up and he and his team could be seen rushing out of the capitol building.

Security personnel on the floor took control of matters, "All heads of state, please follow us to a safe-area. The security of the Summit has been compromised, I repeat, you are in danger due to terrorist attacks against the United States. We have reason to believe the President of the Great Lakes Provinces has just been assassinated in route to this summit."

They would then be lead down a corridor and into one of the subterranean bunkers under the Congress.

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The Minister was shocked that terrorists would actually attack the United States during the summit. The North American continent was more unstable than he had believed. Cursing under his breath in his native tongue, he stood and found one of the Americans.

"I will need transportation back to my plane. Also, my wife is sightseeing in the Mall. I will never forgive myself if she becomes a victim of these attacks. Can you send someone to collect her?"

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The Secret Service appointment to the security of the minister responded, "All members of the delegations have Secret Service cover. Your wife is being escorted to your plane even now. We're going to get you all loaded into the motorcade in the sub basement, send you all off in different directions and to different airports to ensure the minimal potential for any harm. We greatly apologize for the inconvenience. We're doing the best we can to stabilize this continent, but it doesn't want to seem to stay stable." He sighed. Fortunately, the SS members all had name tags of assigned names for their delegates to call them by, apparently the agent appointed to him was named 'Jeff.'

"Your plane has been re-routed to Baltimore and your wife will meet you there."

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Ramiaramanana let out a sight of relief. "Good, good. Let's get going then." Despite his regret over the summit being cancelled, the Minister wanted to get out of the country as soon as possible. He would not feel fully safe until he was well over international waters, on the way home.

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Ramiaramanana's delegation sped out from beneath the capitol as another began to load into its motorcade. They veered off onto a secured set of side roads on the way to the main interstate to Baltimore. Jeff spoke as they drove, "President Caudill extends his regrets on the.. ahem.. added excitement.. to the festivities. He's sure you're looking forward to getting home now. I'm almost tempted to ask you to take me with you." Jeff chuckled. "God knows what is ahead of me in the next several hours... but eh well.. it's what I signed up for. If you want a drink or anything, we have some in the central compartment here, just let me know. First place I'm hitting off duty.. is a bar."

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Alain chuckled, amused at how talkative Jeff was. The Ministry's security service agents were always stern fellows, it was all business with them. "No drinks for me for now, thank you." He sat back in the seat and thought over the events of the day, wondering if anything discussed in the summit would make a difference now that the delegations scattered and the US prepared for war.

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Al Kapone was shocked at what was happening. Why did they go to North America again? There are way too many wars and now terrorist attacks?

"I will need escort. My plane is still at the airport, but I have no armor to get there safely. If I could just get a motorcade."

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Mr Stuart who had remained silent through the whole summit, just taking notes on what he deemed was important information. However, when the attacks occured he reacted calmly and carefully always following any orders and directions until he was safe in the underground bunker.

From there he sent back a message detailing the problems and events and assked for orders. He was instructed to stick by President Caudill at all times. Lady Romonov still believed that war could be avoided, agreeing with her statement Mr Stuart ent and approached the nearest guard he could find.

"Greetings I am sure you are busy but I have been ordered by my government to stay with President Caudill. The Romonov Foundation believes that war can be avoided. Now tell me can you take me to him and if not can you find me someone who can?".

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The three Disparuean officials quickly followed the other delegations into the underground bunkers. Lance was quite alarmed that war had sparked in North America. He had been quite naïve to overestimate the security and stability of North America, especially after signing GODSWILL. Nevertheless, he hoped that the war could still be ended with as little bloodshed as possible.

When they were asked to return due to threats to their safety, Lance sighed and blamed himself for bringing in Maylene and Paul into harm's way. It would've been alright if he was alone, as he could escape more easily, and there would be less casualties in the event that he gets killed. But bringing his wife and his friend in front of death's face was just unforgivable.

He would hurriedly look for an American official and inform him (or her) that there was possibly a commercial plane in the airport headed back to Disparu, but his delegation would need to be escorted to the airport just to be safe.

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[quote name='Fizzydog' date='20 June 2010 - 12:51 PM' timestamp='1277052694' post='2343861']
Al Kapone was shocked at what was happening. Why did they go to North America again? There are way too many wars and now terrorist attacks?

"I will need escort. My plane is still at the airport, but I have no armor to get there safely. If I could just get a motorcade."

[quote name='Kevin Kingswell' date='20 June 2010 - 01:03 PM' timestamp='1277053385' post='2343871']
Mr Stuart who had remained silent through the whole summit, just taking notes on what he deemed was important information. However, when the attacks occured he reacted calmly and carefully always following any orders and directions until he was safe in the underground bunker.

From there he sent back a message detailing the problems and events and assked for orders. He was instructed to stick by President Caudill at all times. Lady Romonov still believed that war could be avoided, agreeing with her statement Mr Stuart ent and approached the nearest guard he could find.

"Greetings I am sure you are busy but I have been ordered by my government to stay with President Caudill. The Romonov Foundation believes that war can be avoided. Now tell me can you take me to him and if not can you find me someone who can?".

[quote name='Pikachurin' date='20 June 2010 - 02:27 PM' timestamp='1277058425' post='2343941']
The three Disparuean officials quickly followed the other delegations into the underground bunkers. Lance was quite alarmed that war had sparked in North America. He had been quite naïve to overestimate the security and stability of North America, especially after signing GODSWILL. Nevertheless, he hoped that the war could still be ended with as little bloodshed as possible.

When they were asked to return due to threats to their safety, Lance sighed and blamed himself for bringing in Maylene and Paul into harm's way. It would've been alright if he was alone, as he could escape more easily, and there would be less casualties in the event that he gets killed. But bringing his wife and his friend in front of death's face was just unforgivable.

He would hurriedly look for an American official and inform him (or her) that there was possibly a commercial plane in the airport headed back to Disparu, but his delegation would need to be escorted to the airport just to be safe.

All delegations concerned for their safety would be made aware each had a motorcade.. each taking them to a different airport near D.C. for their own protection. As for the request to be near President Caudill at this time, it was denied due to high national security threats and concerns. However, a hot-line was provided to Mr. Stuart by which he could contact the President.

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[quote name='Maelstrom Vortex' date='20 June 2010 - 10:56 PM' timestamp='1277088972' post='2344524']
All delegations concerned for their safety would be made aware each had a motorcade.. each taking them to a different airport near D.C. for their own protection. As for the request to be near President Caudill at this time, it was denied due to high national security threats and concerns. However, a hot-line was provided to Mr. Stuart by which he could contact the President.
Upon their arrival at the airport, the Disparueans would book a commercial flight to Mercton (Boston), J Andres. From there, they would board a high-speed rail to Montreal, and would eventually return to Jubilife.

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The Bohovian Prime Minister, was calm and talked to the leader of the USA, about the situation

"If you would like, you can come to my country, and stay with me in the Presidential Palace in Bohovia, to make sure were both safe. I have also committed military" (OOC: On GLS-USA war post)

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The Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Blue Heaven, along with the [i]Descendants of Fianna[/i] and some Operators escaped, yet at least 10 Operators remained in DC to keep an eye on the going ons in the USA.

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[quote name='ottawa1234' date='21 June 2010 - 12:33 PM' timestamp='1277138021' post='2345295']
The Bohovian Prime Minister, was calm and talked to the leader of the USA, about the situation

"If you would like, you can come to my country, and stay with me in the Presidential Palace in Bohovia, to make sure were both safe. I have also committed military" (OOC: On GLS-USA war post)

Caudill observed, "In times of war, I stay with my men." It's important to remember, he was a general before he was a President. "But, thanks for the offer. Now get home before things get any worse.. we got to make sure Washington is safe again." He helped the Prime Minister into his motorcade vehicle.

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[quote name='Maelstrom Vortex' date='22 June 2010 - 05:56 PM' timestamp='1277225752' post='2346642']
Caudill observed, "In times of war, I stay with my men." It's important to remember, he was a general before he was a President. "But, thanks for the offer. Now get home before things get any worse.. we got to make sure Washington is safe again." He helped the Prime Minister into his motorcade vehicle.

"I understand. If you need anything at all, you can reach me, anytime. Bohovia is committed to having a safe North American continent, as well as good relationships with nation such as your own"

The PM arrived at the airport, and heavy Bohovian Secret Service Security surrounded the PM as he boarded his private plane, and flew back home.

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"I realize you were a General, Mr. President," Jackson stated calmly as they were about to be escorted from the bunkers. "I too was in the military of my nation at one point--and I've dealt with terrorists before. Would you care for a simple advisor at this time?"

Meaning, of course, himself.

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