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Corporate Press Conference

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[quote name='KINGKrath' date='10 June 2010 - 10:37 PM' timestamp='1276223828' post='2332623']
what is the answer to life the universe and everything?

where do you see Corp in a month? two? half a year?

You seemed to have missed this post :D

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[quote name='KINGKrath' date='10 June 2010 - 10:37 PM' timestamp='1276223828' post='2332623']
where do you see Corp in a month? two? half a year?

Most if not all changes in the next couple months would likely be internal, hopefully for the better (more members, more NS, etc.). I don't see our position in the political world changing much in that time.

As for half a year, that's hard to say. Hopefully by then we'll have passed the 100 member mark, gotten past 2mil NS and have become a pretty significant force.

Edited by LegendoftheSkies
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[quote name='Jgoods45' date='10 June 2010 - 10:12 PM' timestamp='1276222325' post='2332551']
Would you ever join a coalition to roll Athens? :3[/quote]


[quote]Hows the green sphere treating you?

It's the bees knees.

[quote name='KINGKrath' date='10 June 2010 - 10:15 PM' timestamp='1276222500' post='2332558']
do you like your new partners in UJA, the Omniscient Empire of Green?

No, their leader rejected a trade circle I made :mad:

[quote name='New Frontier' date='10 June 2010 - 10:15 PM' timestamp='1276222531' post='2332560']
Gondor, discuss.[/quote]

Two Towers or Fellowship?

[quote]Also, nice flag.

It's sweetastic.

[quote name='aboooe' date='10 June 2010 - 10:15 PM' timestamp='1276222531' post='2332561']
Did you really have to amsg this? :P

Nobody wants your opinion, lurker.

[quote name='Lusitan' date='10 June 2010 - 10:19 PM' timestamp='1276222748' post='2332571']
Do you still dislike the NADC or is it getting to the point of water under the bridge?

We've been pretty neutral with them for the last few months. NADC are NADC, Corp are Corp. Nobody can deny that we're polar opposites and I'm going to wager a treaty will never happen but hey, we don't hate each other anymore.

[quote name='Bob Ilyani' date='10 June 2010 - 10:23 PM' timestamp='1276222989' post='2332582']
Nice new flag. Keep going strong Corp.

For reference Planet Bob: Bob Ilyani is the man.

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[quote name='Baltus' date='10 June 2010 - 11:06 PM' timestamp='1276225594' post='2332699']
World Federation. Tell me how awesome we are, though I already know. :awesome::smug:

No :P

[quote name='Baltus' date='10 June 2010 - 11:06 PM' timestamp='1276225594' post='2332699']
What are your Future Plans on FA, and what made you guys make this radical (and lazy :P ) choice of Conference/IRC Diplomacy?

Again, it's a bit difficult to say what our future FA plans are. As Kev said, we'll be mostly focusing on internal growth over the next few months. I'd say we'll be looking to maintain our existing relationships, and leave ourselves open to new ones, but i don't think we'll be doing too much in the way of actively pursuing any.

As for this new strategy, I tend to have the habit of being our main diplomat on top of being our CCO. In spite of me really wanting to be in a million different places and get to know 50 different alliances I'm personally interested in, I really can't do that. I honestly can't keep track of all the embassies I've created abroad anymore and I feel I've been neglecting the people we're already close to. This is a good way, in my opinion, to focus myself where I need to be while also leaving open the possibility of getting to know new people. It also leaves more resources and manpower to internal affairs.

I'd also say the more active nature of the OWF and irc is far more compelling (for both us and everyone else) than most forum diplomacy I've conducted.

Edited by LegendoftheSkies
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What do you think will be the eventual cause of the next major war?

What sort of internal programs does the Corp have going?

Were you to pick one alliance to really get to know better, who would that be?

How are the general activity levels?

Also, I'm liking the new flag, and the new sphere.

Edited by Vesalius
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I think I skipped most of you. Legend will do it. The page loaded to this post and thus, here I am. One cannot dwell in the past.

[quote name='Vesalius' date='11 June 2010 - 01:47 AM' timestamp='1276235220' post='2332940']
What do you think will be the eventual cause of the next major war?

What sort of internal programs does the Corp have going?

Were you to pick one alliance to really get to know better, who would that be?

How are the general activity levels?

Also, I'm liking the new flag, and the new sphere.

Well, the gears seem to be shifting in motion and the summer boredom is starting but many of the major combatants are still licking their wounds. Either this summer is going to be peaceful, or one of Cybernations' madmen like Ramirus is going to go off his rocker. He will then promptly have the ever loving hooah beaten out of him. Then again, I could be wrong. I don't really care. I hate Foreign Affairs to begin with.

Better question. The Corporation is gearing up financially as all of our nations finish getting placed into trade circles. In addition, we're having a rather large competition planned for shortly up the road which will boost our stats immensely. That, and we have certain other things in the making which aren't as much for public consumption.

Hm. Probably RnR to be honest with you. Even as a founder of the Teen Titans I never really knew them, which is a shame. [OOC: I used to play America's Army too.] I know they're cool cats, and we're either allied or very close to the other SF members so it would seem only natural for us to get to know eachother. In fact, thank you. Legend, go sign up on RnR forums immediately.

Pretty darn high, which is awesome. We've got a full government of active members (our government has 13 positions) and high spirits as we've (seemingly) broken the 1,000,000 curse for good.

[quote]How do I acquire shares in this venture?[/quote]

First, get a list of ten tech sellers. Then, deliver it to our Director of Technology, Bungalo Bill. Then get me a double shot espresso and you may acquire shares at the front desk.

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[quote name='Vesalius' date='11 June 2010 - 01:47 AM' timestamp='1276235220' post='2332940']
What do you think will be the eventual cause of the next major war?

What sort of internal programs does the Corp have going?

Were you to pick one alliance to really get to know better, who would that be?

How are the general activity levels?

Also, I'm liking the new flag, and the new sphere.

1. Me

2. We're going to be doing a competition sooner or later within Corp in order to boost activity and encourage people to work to improve both their own nations and the AA as a whole. That's it as far as I'm aware.

3. I think the problem is that each of us in Corp might have a different answer to that question. Personally, I'd say Kronos <3

4. Summer is typically abysmal for general activity, but we've got an active government and irc activity tends to be much better than forum activity.

And thanks ;)

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[quote name='Lusitan' date='10 June 2010 - 09:27 PM' timestamp='1276223218' post='2332590']
Fantastic :)

What are Corporation's main projects and goals? I see 4/7 of your MDP+ treaties are with alliances belonging to the SuperFriends MADP bloc, do you think your alliance would be a good fit in that bloc and its ideals? What are your thoughts on TFD - besides the, I imagine, unpleased political allignement with NADC - ?
I speak for myself but id love to have Kev and iClean back in the SF loop(yeah, they were TT but as close as the blocs were might as well have called them SF)

Corp, what are your thoughts on Goose's lawn? how about iCleans failure at ACP and embassies

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[quote name='wickedj' date='11 June 2010 - 04:47 AM' timestamp='1276246040' post='2333070']
I speak for myself but id love to have Kev and iClean back in the SF loop(yeah, they were TT but as close as the blocs were might as well have called them SF)

Corp, what are your thoughts on Goose's lawn? how about iCleans failure at ACP and embassies

Corporation for Teen Titans 2010.

What's one thing you gentlemen are looking forward to accomplishing before this year ends?

Edited by Emperor Marx
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[quote name='wickedj' date='11 June 2010 - 04:47 AM' timestamp='1276246040' post='2333070']
how about iCleans failure at ACP and embassies

iClean leaves FA to me and Kev for a reason :P

[quote name='Dexomega' date='11 June 2010 - 04:51 AM' timestamp='1276246272' post='2333073']
Do you hate USN for the hilariously bad luck our tech deals have been having? :o

I've not done any tech deals with you guys personally, nor am I the one who organizes our tech deals, so I can't really say. I can say that I believe this is the first I've heard of us having tech dealing trouble with USN.

[quote name='Emperor Marx' date='11 June 2010 - 06:54 AM' timestamp='1276253633' post='2333120']
Corporation for Teen Titans 2010.


[quote name='Emperor Marx' date='11 June 2010 - 06:54 AM' timestamp='1276253633' post='2333120']
What's one thing you gentlemen are looking forward to accomplishing before this year ends?

Getting over 2mil NS would be lovely. 100 member count wouldn't be too shabby either.

[quote name='SpectreTehDestroyer' date='11 June 2010 - 07:56 AM' timestamp='1276257349' post='2333148']
What are your views on STA?

I remember you guys leaving a good impression on me during WotC, but beyond that I really can't say I know to much about you guys.

Edited by LegendoftheSkies
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