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ECO Council and Discussion


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[center][b][u][size="5"]European Cooperation Organization Headquarters[/size][/u][/b]
[size="4"]Prague, Slavic Federation[/size][/center]


We the nations of Europe come together united by a common bond, to once again promote the ideals we share. The European Cooperation Organization is established upon the principles of independence. Unless attacked the members shall have freedom to act as they see fit, to the benefit of their respective nations. The goal of this treaty is to foster the advancement and prosperity of Europe as a peaceful, yet unified continent.

[b]Article 1: Sovereignty[/b]

I: All signatories of this treaty shall remain sovereign, independent entities, as do their respective nations.
II: The Central Council will hold no power over a signatory's internal or foreign affairs.

[b]Article 2: Non-aggression[/b]

I: No recognized member of any signatory may knowingly perform an act of aggression against another signatory.
II: An act of aggression shall be defined as attacking a signatory directly or aiding, encouraging and otherwise provoking an attack upon a signatory by a third party.
III: If a nation is alleged to be in violation of this article, they must immediately cease any and all attacks and offer peace. Reparations to the defender must also be made, to an equal or greater amount of the damages the defender incurred.

[b]Article 3: Intelligence and Espionage[/b]

I: Signatories agree to refrain from engaging in any kind of espionage or other intelligence gathering activities against any signatories. They shall also refrain from supporting any such action by other parties.
II: If any signatory possesses information relevant to the well being of any other signatory it is required that the information be shared with that signatory.
III: If any signatory is found to be in violation of this article, the Central Council will vote on the possible expulsion of this member.

[b]Article 4: War and Aid[/b]

I: All signatories have a legal casus belli against any third party which conducts aggression (as defined in Article 2, Section II) against any signatory.
II: Aid can be requested by any signatory. If requested, said aid must be considered through the appropriate channels by all other signatories.
III: Signatories can, but are by no means required to, come to the military defense of another signatory.
IV: If a signatory decides not to pledge aid to another signatory, they must remain militarily neutral in the conflict until it is resolved.

[b]Article 5: Establishment of Free Trade Zone[/b]

I: All signatories agree to establish a joint Free Trade Zone

[b]Article 6: Establishment of Central Council[/b]

I: The purpose of the Central Council shall be to serve as the primary inductor for new nations into this treaty, and to add additional amendments to this treaty. The council also reserves the right to expel signatories if they are found in violation of Article 2 or Article 3, or for some other specified reason.
II: Each signatory may appoint up to two officials to serve in the Council.
III: A signatory may be expelled from this treaty with a vote of no less than 75% of the Council.

[b]Article 7: Admittance[/b]

I: This treaty is open to all European nations, provided they agree to be bound by its terms.
II: The sponsoring signatory shall inform the Council of the application upon completion of the survey and shall present the survey to the Council. The Council shall have 21 days to discuss and vote upon the application.
III: The members of The Council may vote yea or nay to the admittance of the applicant nation, any one signatory may veto the entry of an applicant nation by voting nay.
IV: New signatories may be admitted to this treaty by a 50%+1 majority vote from the Council within the allotted 21 day time period, provided that there are no vetoes.
V: In the event of a veto or that an application can not reach the required quorum within the allotted 21 day time period, the sponsoring signatory shall inform the applicant nation that they have been denied entry to this treaty.

[b]Article 8: Amendments[/b]

I: New legislation may be added to this treaty after being approved by the Council with a unanimous vote.
II: Signatories may propose legislation they feel will strengthen this treaty to the Council for consideration.

[b]Article 9: Cancellation and Expiration[/b]

I: Any signatory may withdraw at any time from this treaty. After an official and public announcement has been made, and the withdrawing alliance must still obey all parts of this treaty for a period of 120 hours.
II: Should any signatory be expelled from this treaty, all signatories, including the expelled signatory, are still bound to non-aggression as defined in Article 3, Section 2 for a period of 48 hours.

Signed For the New Palma Republic:
President Edward Nicholas Moshum

For the Empire of Slavorussia,
Emperor Justinian Mikhailovich Romanov
Prime Minister Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev

Signed for the Athenian Federation,
Nikita Akhatova,
President of the Athenian Federation

Signed for the Slavic Federation,
His Imperial Highness [b]Alec Pradeux[/b], Emperor of the Slavic Federation, President of Dalmatia, Chief Priest, Imperator of the Slavic Armed Forces, Imperium Maius, First Man of the Senate, and Imperial Censor of the State
His Imperial Highness [b]James II[/b], Emperor of the Slavic Federation, King of Caucasia, Chief Priest, Imperator of the Slavic Armed Forces, Imperium Maius, First Man of the Senate, and Imperial Censor of the State

Members:Central Councilor(s)

Slavic Federation: James II and Alec Pradeux
Athenian Federation: Nikita Akhatov and Jean-Luc Picard
Slavorussian Empire: Konstantin Gregorovich Romanov, Viktor Vasilyevich Orlov
New Palma Republic: Edward Nicholas Moshum, Christopher Moshum

Councilors are, by default, the signatories of the document, until specified otherwise. Those with only one councilor may appoint the second councilor at will.

[b][u]Issues for the Council[/u][/b]
Admission of the Sicilian League into the European Cooperation Organization
Aye: 4
Nay: 0
Abstain: 2
To Vote: New Palma(2)

Edited by Drakedeath
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[quote name='Justinian the Mighty' date='09 June 2010 - 11:57 PM' timestamp='1276124207' post='2330734']
The Slavorussian government appoints as its two permanent ambassadors to the ECO, Grand Duke Konstantin Gregorovich Romanov and Count Viktor Vasilyevich Orlov. They vote in favor of Finland’s admission.

Noted and updated.

Before the Slavic Federation votes on the Finnish entrance, we'd like to ask if, in the event of different votes on the same issue by PEPTO and ECO, would you honor the commitments you would make to this treaty?

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President Moshum & Christopher Moshum Executive Of Foreign Affairs will be presenting the NPR until stated otherwise. Before voting, we'd like to know how The Republic of Finland intends on promoting the goals of the ECO and where it's loyalties will lay if it goes against PEPTO on issues where there is no legally defined right or wrong party, but only a subjective based opinion on matters.

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[quote]We do not see where such a conflict could occur.[/quote]

Such a conflict could easily occur over, for example, the allocations of land, as demonstrated by the recent situation in Belarus. While we believe your actions to be admirable, we question the ethics of joining two blocs, and we echo the sentiments launched by our fellow constituents. Could it be that you believe in true European cooperation? or could you just want to delute the power of the ECO in favor of PEPTO.

Edited by Malatose
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We find accusations of conspiracy to be absurd, and are beginning to question the "Equality" and "For Europe" statements of this bloc. The Republic of Finland has fought for European freedom and diversity since the war with the GNR, and will continue to do so. We will fight on the side of Europe, and thus we believe we have an obligation to join all peace-dedicated blocs in Europe. We question the paranoia of the Slavic Federation, and welcome you to apply for PEPTO as we have applied here. There is no reason for a conflict to occur.

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[quote name='Drakedeath' date='09 June 2010 - 03:44 PM' timestamp='1276123453' post='2330715']
[b]Article 9: Cancellation and Expiration[/b]

I: Any signatory may withdraw at any time from this treaty. After an official and public announcement has been made, and the withdrawing [b]alliance[/b] must still obey all parts of this treaty for a period of 120 hours.
OOC: Eh, what? I guess someone took a template from a Cn treaty, didn't they?

Anyway, sorry for the OOC: Just thought you ought to know about that.

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[quote name='BaronUberstein' date='09 June 2010 - 06:36 PM' timestamp='1276133761' post='2330965']
We find accusations of conspiracy to be absurd, and are beginning to question the "Equality" and "For Europe" statements of this bloc. The Republic of Finland has fought for European freedom and diversity since the war with the GNR, and will continue to do so. We will fight on the side of Europe, and thus we believe we have an obligation to join all peace-dedicated blocs in Europe. We question the paranoia of the Slavic Federation, and welcome you to apply for PEPTO as we have applied here. There is no reason for a conflict to occur.

These are not accusations of "conspiracy" but questions that we believe need to be answered. If the Slavic Federation were to apply to PEPTO, I'm sure the same questions would be raised, and to be honest, we wouldn't mind answering them one bit.

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[quote name='Malatose' date='09 June 2010 - 06:41 PM' timestamp='1276134089' post='2330978']
These are not accusations of "conspiracy" but questions that we believe need to be answered. If the Slavic Federation were to apply to PEPTO, I'm sure the same questions would be raised, and to be honest, we wouldn't mind answering them one bit.
Outright stating, "or could you just want to delute the power of the ECO in favor of PEPTO." is an accusation of conspiracy in our eyes. We have answered the questions asked, and will once again state, that we will fight on the side of freedom for Europe. From what we have read, both this treaty and PEPTO are ODP's, thus, it gives us full freedom on who to support should a conflict break out. We will always choose the side of diversity, freedom, equality and a united yet politically diverse Europe.

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We fear that a dual membership could equate to a conflict of interest, which could distablize the entire continent of Europe. Therefore, we're going to have to vote "nay" for the admission of Finland into the European Cooperation Organization.

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[quote name='King Penchuk' date='10 June 2010 - 03:11 PM' timestamp='1276179057' post='2331610']
Scotland views this Eastern version of the WEU with suspicion.

"Yes. CLEARLY the Balearic Islands are in EASTERN Europe. Don't be so self-centered as to assume this is a version of the WEU.
In the spirit of your late king, a dead fish has been enclosed."

-James II

Package contains a dead fish.

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[quote name='Sargun' date='11 June 2010 - 09:34 PM' timestamp='1276288452' post='2333617']
OOC: It was Aye: 2 and Nay: 6
Centurius voted Aye with his two, and everybody else voted Nay

OOC: Justinian voted Aye with his two, too.

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In all honesty we are on the fence in regard to the Sicilian League. We have rarely if ever had any contact with them. The only thing we have to draw on is that we were on opposing sides of the war in western Europe. Since we only have broad general questions which may not shed light on anything specific, we choose to abstain from this vote. We will respect the council's decision in this matter.

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