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Jeb Bush is all in my Europe with disease

Proxian Empire

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The sky outside began to darken, and was shortly followed by rain. Seeing as this was northern Scotland, nothing was seemingly out of the ordinary for those oblivious to the turmoil engulfing the nation. Scotland's King Douglas had died from a mysterious plague that had swept the country within weeks. Following the untimely death of the king, Scotland was transformed into a federal republic with President Walter Smith now head of state. Controversially, airports had been re-opened despite the quarentine imposed on the island by the old monarchy.
President Walter Smith

Cackling in the darkness, a strange man sat in a chair gazing out the window, in an abandoned house somewhere near Newcastle. With his true identity concealed, his followers knew him as the [b]Illusive Man[/b], and it was he who had perpertrated the disease that had killed so many.

A trembling, cowardly man kneeled before his master begging for forgiveness. "Please my Lord, forgive the lowly Nick Griffin for failing yet again to destroy the island of Great Britain," Nick Griffin sobbed.

Nick Griffin, Henchman of the Illusive Man

The Illusive Man laughed, turning around to peer down at the tiny, cowardly man with a sinister grin.

"[b]I am on an academic intelligence hotwire that can not be unhooked by anyone![/b]" the Illusive Man bellowed.

"But your Graciousness, you must give me another chance! The plague was meant to kill more, there was to be no one left to assume proper control of the government. Instead only that wretched King Douglas and worthless civilians were killed. We know what we've done wrong, we can make a new and improved disease that will surely enable us to destroy the people of the British Isles! We have even taken steps to spread the plague to Taeunas!"

The Illusive Man shook his head, clearly displeased with his minion. He frowned for a moment and scratched his chin as if contemplating some evil plan. Suddenly, the sinister grin re-appeared on his face so quickly that it sent chills down Nick Griffin's spine.

"Three of the most dangerous Weapons of the Crime War today are 1. Praying For Persons to die with electronics, 2. Killing the person's heart with an electric snake hot-wire hookup and 3. Poisoning Persons with Cancer," the Illusive Man said.

"My Master, this is why you are our leader. Only one so wise and mighty as you could think of such a brilliant plan! We must spread the plague, death, and destruction throughout Europe and kill them all!" Nick Griffin cheered.

"Prove the definition Kill in the Random House Dictionary of the English Language! Prove Governor William Perry is killing me and my family very seriously! Prove the United States Government killed my sex life, my wife sex life, my daughter-in -laws sex life both may sons [sic] and other of my family members sex life with Espionage Experimentation and Espionage Exploitation sex killing!!!" the Illusive Man stood up from his chair, shouting his commands at the top of his lungs.

Nick Griffin did not understand what his master was saying, but he felt it was better not to ask for clarification lest he enrage the Illusive Man; doing so could only result in death.

"I will not fail you my master!" With that, Nick Griffin scurried out of the house, and the Illusive Man proceeded to watch his favourite, evil football club on the television: Newcastle United.

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Within hours, the mysterious symptoms of the plague that had struck Scotland began to appear in countries around the world, mainly in Europe. Reports indicated the plague had appeared most significantly in Taeunas, France, the GDR, Denmark, Finland, and Deutschland.

Edited by King Penchuk
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Germany quarantines itself in order to prevent further spreading of the disease, although it may be well too late. The military medics and medicine doctors join up with their civilian counterparts and begin to work out on a cure, while separately, a hidden division tries examining the disease to see if it could be man-made. So far, the only thing that they know for sure is that this was seen before in the Island not far. Some say that Martens may have overreacted, but he claims that at least this will help prevent sending the disease to other neighbors. It is yet unknown exactly how many have been affected, but certainly a large amount.

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Doctors and scientists from the GDR are already working hard to determine the nature of the disease and a cure or vaccine. Once developed, it will be distributed freely amongst all affected nations.
Current estimates say that it will take mere weeks to find the cure.

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[center]Press Release from China[/center]

The United States of China hereby embargos all effected country and cancels all flights to those countries and bars citizens from traveling there. All European and persons traveling from Europe shall be quarantined by USC officials.

Edited by Triyun
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Tiministan requests that Scotland stop all traffic, except humanitarian aid, in and out of their country until the plague has been contained.

We do not want this to turn into a global epidemic, and it is your responsability to do your best to control this outbreak, and keep it's effect to a minimum.

Until such a time as this is put into place the Tiministan border will remain closed, with all air an sea traffic inbound turned away.

Anyone seen to be crossing our border will be shot on sight.

Edited by KingTimmy
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"Australia is thankful, indeed, that travelers from Europe are few and far between. We will not forbid travel, however, those abroad in any country with a known outbreak will be required to submit to a minimum one-week quaranteen upon their return."

Edited by Subtleknifewielder
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Great Lakes Provinces have been placed in DEFCON 1 due to infection and death reports ongoing in Toronto. Quarantine has been placed in effect on the infected area and the entire city itself. All airports, seaports, railroad stations, and highways have been shut down until further notice.

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In Taeunas, a few infected persons were discovered in the northeastern areas of the nation. Mainly these were Scottish citizens on business trips or vacations. A few Taeunas citizens who had been traveling in Scottland at the time had contracted the disease. The military was mobilized to declare marshal law in these areas and infected peoples put into isolation. All manner of fluid and tissue samples were taken and sent to TRIAD for classification and research into possible cures.

"We assure the world that we have taken totally effective measures to stem the tide of this. Even so, we reccomend travel through Shannon only for all international visitors. Investgations into the origin and purpose of this disease, as well as possible cures, is ongoing. We have no issues about cooperating with any researchers from other nations affected by this. We expect to have treatment and curitive measures sorted out in a short time."

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The Imperium of Canada has declared guarantine and walls are under construction around the nation.

All traffic from infected nations has been halted, and all "clean traffic" is being screened in ports by the military.

Infected aboard ships in the Imperium, are being placed on lockdown and the ships forced to drop anchor to prevent spreading to external Ports.

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[i]Versailles, France[/i]

Therese held the report in her quivering hands as she continued to glace back over at the Minister of Health that lay just behind the white piece of paper. The figures were nothing that she could imagine and sent beads of sweat began to roll of her face as she coughed and took a small mint from one of the drawers in her desk and plopped it into her mouth. "This is true Gerard, signs of plague in the North of France?"

"Indeed Your Highness, people throughout Rouen, Calais, Brest and Nantes have shown signs of plague that was first contracted in Scotland. The proper measurements have been made I assure you. Quarantines throughout the cities have been established and doctors along with military medics have been ushered into the areas by Imperial Command. Our biggest regret however is that there doesn't seem to be a cure as of right now and the people are dying." Gerard looked down at the ground and gulped, fearing to speak the next words. "The best we can do at the moment is provide comfort for the inflicted..."

The Empress squeezed the paper into a ruined crinkle and snarled. "Don't tell me that Gerard, don't you dare tell me that."

"The Germans are currently working on a cure and word has been sent to their government, following their unification, that French scientists would be delighted to aid the development of a cure for this putrid disease. Other than that, there are ways to push the symptoms back, but our biggest concern..." Gerard sighed. "There could very other forces moving within the north that are acting here, forces that Imperial Agents have not detected, but there have been a few murders of doctors and nurses that were most definitely not plague related."

Therese sighed and turned in her seat staring out against the night sky over Versailles. "We have operatives looking into this?"

"Of course Your Highness, everything is being done to prevent the spread of the disease as well as to catch the criminals responsible for the attacks on Imperial Personnel."

"And how soon did the Germans say a cure would be developed?"

"Mere weeks..."

With a gesture of her hand Therese lowered her head. "You are dismissed Monsieur Minister, I would like to be alone."

"Of course Highness." She heard the groan of the wooden floors against his feet as he bowed and then turning on his heels out of the room. After the Minister had left, Therese sighed and ran her hand across her eye as well as fingering the glass orb underneath the black cloth over her right, but glass eyes were so unbecoming. But that was the furthest thing on her mind, out there across the miles of countryside lay the effected cites and the people who were dying and in the midst of all that, someone had managed to see the plague as an opportunity of a power struggle. Therese looked back at the reports, they were all military causalities, they were all Imperial targets, and this frightened her the most.

Running her finger up and down the arm of her chair, the Empress shook her head. "The question is who and don't you realize you're playing with fire. One of us will get burned and I will not be me." She pounded on the arm as the clouds dipped underneath the moon.

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Personal chambers of Lady Reese Romonov

"Who allowed that idiot to make a statement on our behalf!" screamed Lady Reese Romonov her face a bright shade of angry red as she looked at her advisers who recoiled in shock and fear. "There is plenty of proof out there that the disease is real for crying out loud and here we are denying that it is even real!" continued Lady Reese her hands clenched so tightly together that the skin was turning white.

Her advisers most who were in suits apart from her education adviser, who was wearing a set of pyjamas, who had been woken from his sleep were still recovering from the Lady's outburst. It was her military adviser who recovered the fastest and he stepped forward raising his hands in the hope of putting off another round of shouting. "My Lady first let me apologise on all of your advisers behalf for this embarrassing incident and I promise that we will find those responsible for this".

"You better or I will be holding all of you responsible for this. Now get out of my sight I have a statement to make" said Lady Reese angrily before shooing them out of her chambers and allowing one of her maids to arrange her hair and make up for the camera.

Main audience room of the Romonov Foundation Government building

Sat in what was called the "leading chair" Lady Reese smoothed out another crease in her suit before signalling that she was ready. In response the cameraman started to count down from five signalling the last two numbers with his fingers as the camera started rolling broadcasting the image of Lady Reese Romonov to the world.

"Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen of the world, my name is Lady Reese Romonov of the Romonov Foundation. Many of you may not or do not know me but you mostly likly have heard of the statement released from this nation a few days ago. I now come before you all to offer an apology".

"A gentleman working as a member of the government's press release released a statement claiming that this disease that orginated in Scotland was a hoax. As we have all seen from the number of deaths that many nations have suffered this disease is not a hoax. I offer my nation's and my own personal apology to all of those who have suffered the lost of loved ones and friends for that man's statement. Even now that man is being arrested and will soon face trial for his words".

"In regards to the disease itself we in the Romonov Foundation would like to do what we can to help combat the disease and hopefully eradicate it. If any nation looking to stop or research the disease would like to use our frigid conditions then please do so. Give us a message and we will set up an area for you to use. Let us hope that this disease can be stopped before it kills more people".

And with that final sentance the camera was stopped and the connection cut, as the crew packed away the recording gear Lady Reese Romonov left the main audience room for her office where she sat waiting for anyone to call her.

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With the plague spreading in other nations, paranoia of any sickness has risen in the Republic of Finland. Hospital visits are up 78% for things as simple as a cold, and the government has issued army medics to inspect all incoming travelers and hold international visitors for 48 hour quarantine.

Prices have started to rise on imported goods as Customs has started to turn back all goods from infected countries. Local industries have started to take this price gap between locally produced and internationally produced goods as a chance to seize what was previously international market-share.

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"Taeunas will obviously attend, and offers the administrative HQ of TRIAD in Dublin as a secure location for the meeting."

All along the eastern coastline, UAV's patrolled the waters between the nations. Using FLIR cameras mounted on the airborne platforms, techs watched for any heat source coming towards the shore. Ground troops were assigned to patrol on foot and with light vehicles. Clad in full CBR gear, they would intercept and deliver to quarintine anyone making the crossing. DeSchaine had refused to issue a "shoot on sight" order as had been requested by the more paranoid in the congress.

At TRIAD's hidden research facility, the multitude of samples from infected persons were being subjected to every test in the books, and even a few thought up on the spot. Techs dealing with sharps were being extra careful, but even so one was infected after sneezing and accidentally pricking themself with a needle. They were immediately put into isolation and would be used as an on site testing subject.

A request was made of Scotland to allow Taeunas investigators in to determine the source and starting point of the disease. If the investigation turned up a terrorist link, DeSchaine had already drafted, but not sent, a request to allow HCT soldiers to perform raids on targets in Scotland. He hoped it wouldn't come to that, but one must cover all possibilities.

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Scotland encourages other nations to attend the conference in Dublin, as President Walter Smith will be attending himself. We request that checkpoints be set up to determine if visitors to this meeting contain the virus, as we wouldn't want any of our fellow world leaders to have any risk of infection. Scotland will be releasing further obtained information on the plague once we have all assembled.

*Private Message to Taeunas and France*

Numerous reports have already indicated that the virus has been chemically developed in a laboratory from North America. We have ample evidence to believe the spread of the virus throughout Great Britain is associated with the former terrorist cell known as "España", which has attacked Scotland numerous times throughout our history in advocation for a united Spain.

Specialists are already investigating the matter, and we welcome your assistance in this investigation. At this time we feel it is best to limit this knowledge to members of the Western European Union, but we will reveal further information in Dublin.

OOC: Strange change of heart, Kevin Kingswell. I wonder what caused you to change your mind about this RP?

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[quote name='King Penchuk' date='11 June 2010 - 04:07 PM' timestamp='1276290449' post='2333698']
Scotland encourages other nations to attend the conference in Dublin, as President Walter Smith will be attending himself. We request that checkpoints be set up to determine if visitors to this meeting contain the virus, as we wouldn't want any of our fellow world leaders to have any risk of infection. Scotland will be releasing further obtained information on the plague once we have all assembled.

*Private Message to Taeunas and France*

Numerous reports have already indicated that the virus has been chemically developed in a laboratory from North America. We have ample evidence to believe the spread of the virus throughout Great Britain is associated with the former terrorist cell known as "España", which has attacked Scotland numerous times throughout our history in advocation for a united Spain.

Specialists are already investigating the matter, and we welcome your assistance in this investigation. At this time we feel it is best to limit this knowledge to members of the Western European Union, but we will reveal further information in Dublin.

OOC: Strange change of heart, Kevin Kingswell. I wonder what caused you to change your mind about this RP?

Lady Reese Romonov's eighteen year old son John Romonov shall be attending on behalf of the Romonov Foundation. He will be arriving in Dublin on a private jet. We hope that he will be well cared for in relation to possible virus infection.

OOC: At first I thought strange disease effecting the world without the players permission as BS but when I re read your posts I thought hey no it is clearly well written and worked out and changed my mind. Also my first post was a pretty moronic move which I regret.

Edited by Kevin Kingswell
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"They're saying its terrorism for sure now?" Therese glanced over at Gerard and Claire as the Imperial jet cut across the air over the English Channel towards Dublin.

"The Scots believe so, they're saying its a radical group most likely from Iberia demanding Spanish unification." Said Claire going over the message that had been sent by Scotland.

"You think that perhaps the murders are associated with the terror group that they mentioned then?" Said Gerard butting in from one of the seats in front of where the Empress and Imperial Guard Commander sat. "It seems likely."

"I'd rather not make any assumptions until all the facts are before us. If this is international, then we may have a bit larger of a problem then I previously thought. Have we made any progress in our own investigations?"

"Just what we can present the Scots and Taeunasians in Dublin, Highness." Said Gerard.

Therese sighed and sat back as the jet began to descend towards the airport. "Lets just hope." She said quietly. "That their discussion stays on the plague and not going back to imperial declarations."

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When the delegates landed in Dublin, they would be met by army medical teams with testing kits. All members would be required to submit a blood sample before being allowed to continue on. When cleared, each would be conducted to the meeting by diplomatic APC convoys along a secure route.

A six block radius around the TRIAD HQ had been cleared. Only main routes to the airport were open. All others had been closed by the army with heavy vehicles. Inside the zone, teams patroled on foot with K-9's and a mix of lethal and less lethal weapons.

After passing through an airlock keeping the building in negative pressure, the visitors would be ushered down a stainless steel hallway to the Epidemic Response Center. If they looked around, they would notice all the furniture was of the same style. Everything in the room was designed to be sterilized quickly. President DeSchaine awaited them, a few sheets of notes at his elbow. He appeared at ease, dressed in his favorite polo shirt and best jeans. Looks could be deceiving, as he was deeply worried about the effect the situation was having on global trade.

He steepled his fingers and hummed "Devils Dance Floor" softly to himself as he waited.

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The rain continued to pour for the third day in a row. The [b]Illusive Man[/b] sat comfortably in his chair, donning the shirt of the most supremely evil football club: Newcastle United. He frowned angrily at the cowering minion who stood before him.

"I understand my lord, you no longer wish to unify España. Although it was the dream of your grandfather, it is now a petty, former objective in the history of our organisation. With Rebel Virginia a faint memory, your father's ambition has been realised as well. Now all we must do is enact revenge upon the Scottish and the world for the insolence!" Nick Griffin grinned cunningly, "It won't be long now before the death toll continues to rise."

The [b]Illusive Man[/b] continued to frown, clearly unsatisfied with what his minion had said. Nick Griffin continued to smile, but in his head panic ensued. Why was his master so angry? Was his master not pleased to see the destruction of the Scottish people and soon the world?

"Once, I am elected to the office of President of Europe the thing I am going to do for the people is regulate the office of the President of Europe right and not wrong. Europe has two Governments and they are Government #1 and Government #2 and I own Government # 1. I can not bring you the Europe Government # 2 because it is Overthrown," the [b]Illusive Man[/b] screamed.

Clearly confused, Nick Griffin requested an explanation. "Your holiness, I do not understand what you are implying. Do you mean to say you seek to overthrow the weakened, plague ridden European nations with widespread revolts?"

The [b]Illusive Man[/b] stamped his feet and began to foam at the mouth. "Prove these perpetrators are trying to stop me from running for President of Europe! They are The President of Taeunas, the President of Scotland, the Empress of France, and their [u][b]Assessors[/b][/u]. They keep killing my mother and our family very seriously!"

The [b]Illusive Man[/b] raised a loaded gun towards Nick Griffin.

"Ye-yes my lord right away! I will stop them from killing us very seriously!" Sobbing intensely, Nick Griffin clambered away to contact coordinated terrorist cells throughout Europe. It was time to unleash the second wave of the plague; a new one designed specifically for those immune to the original. Nick Griffin knew that only a handful of people, including the [b]Illusive Man[/b] had been vaccinated against this disease, but he knew that their followers will willing allow themselves to die for the [b]Illusive Man's[/b] cause.

Once that had been done, preparations would begin for the revolution.

Edited by King Penchuk
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