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Declaration of War

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[quote name='Amer Kurtovic' date='19 April 2010 - 10:04 PM' timestamp='1271729078' post='2267220']
I can assure you that we'll have a Protectorate within a week starting today.

Heh. Must be a small alliance that has no idea whats it getting into.

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[quote name='Amer Kurtovic' date='19 April 2010 - 09:59 PM' timestamp='1271728775' post='2267208']
They'll see the Tech without a problem in the not so distant future. As soon as I can get out of this war.

Except with the way you're headed, you're gonna be in eternal war unless you get on the good side of some larger alliances FA department to allow Rome to let you off easy for this annoyance.

[quote name='Amer Kurtovic' date='19 April 2010 - 10:00 PM' timestamp='1271728813' post='2267209']
Not anymore. I'm working on getting us a Protectorate.

I don't think even Dark Fist or CSN would touch you with a 10 ft pole.

Besides that, Why should protectorate treaties be used only as a cop-out for your screw ups? And I thought REAL ALLIANCES got protectorates, not a group of less than 20 nations.

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[quote name='Amer Kurtovic' date='19 April 2010 - 07:33 PM' timestamp='1271727188' post='2267176']
It's called an extension. Explain to them that since I am in a war, I won't be able to give them the tech at the time but I will get it to them as soon as I finish the wars. Simple.


Only the last paragraph is actually written by him. The rest he is quoting me from the Rome boards. Apparently there is an issue with his mask...but we've pretty much got it figured out.

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[quote name='DiogenesL' date='19 April 2010 - 10:14 PM' timestamp='1271729657' post='2267236']

Only the last paragraph is actually written by him. The rest he is quoting me from the Rome boards. Apparently there is an issue with his mask...but we've pretty much got it figured out.

screen shots away...

Edited by wiccan high priest
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[quote name='Seaotter' date='19 April 2010 - 07:25 PM' timestamp='1271730327' post='2267248']
Amer, The Flowers do not want you. We did not have a vote, you are not our leader. Put a pie in your face, clown.
Well, this sure simplifies things.

[quote name='supercoolyellow' date='19 April 2010 - 07:27 PM' timestamp='1271730406' post='2267252']
Thank God for this!
Thank Him indeed! :P By the way, it would seem someone took you up on your idea of PMing Flowers members to come into this thread. o/

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[quote name='Seaotter' date='19 April 2010 - 08:25 PM' timestamp='1271730327' post='2267248']
Amer, The Flowers do not want you. We did not have a vote, you are not our leader. Put a pie in your face, clown.

I never thought I'd say this, but thank you SeaOtter.

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[quote name='Amer Kurtovic' date='20 April 2010 - 03:07 AM' timestamp='1271729222' post='2267225']
LOL. No. Our forces are organized.

Clearly. You are planning a triple break-off flank attack with those organized forces.

Although I doubt this man will reply.

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[quote name='Amer Kurtovic' date='19 April 2010 - 09:04 PM' timestamp='1271729078' post='2267220']
I can assure you that we'll have a Protectorate within a week starting today.

You are quoted as saying of your nation, "This nation may be new but we know what to do. I have had a nation in CN about a day or two ago and I know what to do."

Your nation's strength is low, and I haven't even seen loyalty from the 6 nations you claim to lead.

Do you really expect a Protectorate within a week? I'd be surprised to see that in a week you finally realize you have 0 trades and should probably get a trade circle.

But alas! Some do seek entertainment and laughter on this Planet and I will grant you yours in exchange for mine.

Edited by RePePe
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[quote name='Seaotter' date='19 April 2010 - 09:25 PM' timestamp='1271730327' post='2267248']
Amer, The Flowers do not want you. We did not have a vote, you are not our leader. Put a pie in your face, clown.

well with this, hopefully Rome will let Flowers off the hook and go after Amer. hell at this point i will personally pay $3 million to allow Flowers to get peace for the attack one of their members did.

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[quote name='Dochartaigh' date='19 April 2010 - 08:18 PM' timestamp='1271733505' post='2267325']
well with this, hopefully Rome will let Flowers off the hook and go after Amer. hell at this point i will personally pay $3 million to allow Flowers to get peace for the attack one of their members did.

I'd join you in this endeavour, but my slots are full. :(

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[quote name='Dochartaigh' date='19 April 2010 - 11:18 PM' timestamp='1271733505' post='2267325']
well with this, hopefully Rome will let Flowers off the hook and go after Amer. hell at this point i will personally pay $3 million to allow Flowers to get peace for the attack one of their members did.

I will support you! I have free slots but money will need to be collected.

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guys thank you for your nice gestures in offering to pay reps on behalf of the flowers but we do not believe in asking a small alliance like the flowers or any alliance that we are at war with for that matter for reps we have never asked them for reps and wont start now.

this incident was must unfortunate specially for amer and I wish him the best of luck when he re-rolls with his new nation, may you learn how to play the game well.

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[quote name='richard I' date='20 April 2010 - 12:14 AM' timestamp='1271736831' post='2267404']
guys thank you for your nice gestures in offering to pay reps on behalf of the flowers but we do not believe in asking a small alliance like the flowers or any alliance that we are at war with for that matter for reps we have never asked them for reps and wont start now.

this incident was must unfortunate specially for amer and I wish him the best of luck when he re-rolls with his new nation, may you learn how to play the game well.

what does this mean? What you said? Are you making Peace? With the Flowers?

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How has this gone on for ten pages!! This is madness!!! But seriously at least we got some semblance of logic from the Flowers. At least we know this is just Amer's attempt at trying to be a leader. /me sighs
Well best of luck to all in solving this issue.

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[quote name='GeneralPatton' date='19 April 2010 - 09:26 PM' timestamp='1271737592' post='2267415']
what does this mean? What you said? Are you making Peace? With the Flowers?

EDIT: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=84605

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[quote name='Seaotter' date='19 April 2010 - 11:25 PM' timestamp='1271730327' post='2267248']
Amer, The Flowers do not want you. We did not have a vote, you are not our leader. Put a pie in your face, clown.

Heh, suspicions confirmed. As suspected, he just hopped onto their AA and made war.

Amer, I give you some small credit for audacity, but I have little respect for those that would endanger innocents simply for their own ends.

To be a great leader, even of 6, you need to have character.

[quote]Moral character or character is an evaluation of a particular individual's moral qualities. The concept of character can imply a variety of attributes including the existence or lack of virtues such as [b]integrity[/b], [b]courage[/b], [b]fortitude[/b], [b]honesty[/b], and [b]loyalty[/b], or of good behaviors or habits.[/quote]

Using others, especially the innocent, whether by sucking them into war or accepting money and reneging on a tech deal may get you what you want in the immediate, but are such selfish acts how you want to be remembered? Even the clever guerrilla fighter has an overarching goal, one larger than him or herself, that he is willing to die for.

You quest for personal revenge is petty. Take peace, if you can get it, and put your determination to work for the betterment of an alliance.

Edited by Kzoppistan
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[quote name='supercoolyellow' date='19 April 2010 - 07:27 PM' timestamp='1271701649' post='2266527']
Antonio is GPA's Minister of Foreign Affairs

lol, oh I know that. I guess my sarcasm was lost on everyone. lol. kinda hard to pick up on sarcasm in text. I should use more smileys.

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