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Same Network in 2 cities? I think not.

President Hardin

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Okay here is my issue. I have been playing the game for almost a year now. I went to a friends house 15 miles away from mine in a completely different city to hang out and it was around update so i logged onto my nation, collected taxes, and signed out. done. okay so few days later my friend calls and asks what was that game i was playing. i told him and he calls me back hour later saying he couldn't make a nation because it said he already had one and gave my login name and gave him a message that multi's are not allowed..

where does the madness stop? is there no limit to this? how on earth are we to get others to play this game without showing them what its about? i test drive a car before i buy it, i squeeze the melons before i put them in my grocery cart. i could understand this if i had logged on a dozen times from his home.

surely logging in one time doesn't constitute multi nations?

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well i'm hoping to get some sort of answer. i mean surely there are limits to this. i mean its highly unlikely i'll drive thirty miles to log into another computer so i can sell myself tech. in other words, how in the world do they expect people to find this game? strictly by accident? i mean eventually somebody somewhere has shown their friend this game.

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[quote name='President Hardin' date='14 April 2010 - 05:01 AM' timestamp='1271246492' post='2260006']
Okay here is my issue. I have been playing the game for almost a year now. I went to a friends house 15 miles away from mine in a completely different city to hang out and it was around update so i logged onto my nation, collected taxes, and signed out. done. okay so few days later my friend calls and asks what was that game i was playing. i told him and he calls me back hour later saying he couldn't make a nation because it said he already had one and gave my login name and gave him a message that multi's are not allowed..

where does the madness stop? is there no limit to this? how on earth are we to get others to play this game without showing them what its about? i test drive a car before i buy it, i squeeze the melons before i put them in my grocery cart. i could understand this if i had logged on a dozen times from his home.

surely logging in one time doesn't constitute multi nations?

The game logs every IP you login from, I don't know if they "naturally" expire, but I do know that IPs are associated with the nation (eg, if the nation is deleted, the IP list is deleted too. (Barring, of course, cases where they're actually banned.)) Also be warned that even if he is able to create a nation (at a later date), there is a decent chance that you will be unable to trade, aid, or war with him.

And second, network topography has little to do with RL geography. Many a time the shortest network route is geographically the longer route. And Certain ISPs are known for making customers in a largish area share an IP.

If your 'friend' has a dynamic IP, I believe that would allow him to create a nation (if he reconnected with a different IP from when you logged into your nation.)

Just keep in mind that as far as I know, that would put both of you at risk for cheat flags -- most notably, if his IP goes back to the one you logged in on. Also, I would strongly advise against either of you collecting taxes at the other's house.

[quote name='President Hardin' date='14 April 2010 - 06:58 PM' timestamp='1271296703' post='2260742']
well i'm hoping to get some sort of answer. i mean surely there are limits to this. i mean its highly unlikely i'll drive thirty miles to log into another computer so i can sell myself tech. in other words, how in the world do they expect people to find this game? strictly by accident? i mean eventually somebody somewhere has shown their friend this game.

A long time ago, multis were rampant in CN -- much more than today. And many would pass it off as a "sibling", "cousin", "friend", and/or "spouse" (I wouldn't be surprised if some tried to pass it off as their pet parrot.) Also, tbh, you can show them some of the game without logging in.

(Off-topic: I found the game through a series of ads that bounced me from one game to another -- I'm not sure which game 'directly' fed into CN, though.)

Edited by Sakura
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okay ya i don want to jeopardize my nation. i've worked my $@! off for the last ten months and i would freak out if somethin happened. so when he got that warning he called me and he closed the window. so he didnt sign up and i wouldnt even care if we could never ever trade. i just figured there was some leeway to overlook one log in. that would rock. but i don know alot about ip addresses so i'm lost. i don know what to do. does anybody know where i could ask someone officially? there are so many sticky posts and rules that i am overwhelmed on here sometimes. any help on this i would be very grateful.

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You wouldn't happen to use AT&T? They have long been known as an evil corporation looking to stop all people playing Cybernations... :ph34r:

In all seriousness, they recycle IPs so it can happen where you come across with other people's even if you are nowhere near each other, you shouldn't fear as it's a common enough issue if that's the case that the mods can tell what is going on.

If you don't use them, perhaps someone else who does the same IP recycling is possible.

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Uhm... every ISP that uses Dynamic IP's "recycles" them. It's just a way to save money.
Now, on-topic: From what I remember, CN uses cookies. And they expire. Mine expire in 2028. :D
You can ask your friend to use the "Clear cookies" option from his web browser in order to remove that warning and then he could make an account. BUT, be careful, don't ever login from his house, and avoid trading/aiding/waring between your nations. But that's just how i understand the rules. I'm sure a Mod could tell you the best thing to do.

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Ask your friend to not create any Nation in-game until a Mod comes in this threads and answers to you about what to do.
If you can get on IRC go to #Cybernations on Coldfront and ask a Mod there.

If you're cleared up for your friend to create a new Nation, be then sure that you never log-in in each other's house anymore, that you never exchange Foreign Aid and that you never Trade, War or Spy on each other.
Also make sure that your Nations never do anything of this with the same third nation.

Then you might be safe.

To answer one of your questions: you can show someone the game at your home. If you travelled 15 miles your friend can surely do the same...

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okay. i guess i figured this out. so whoever has helped thank you. i started thinking about something and called him. i asked when he went to the Cybernations page was Register or Login blue or purple. He said purple,which was odd considering he says he cleans his cookies and its been several days since i started this thread. That led me to think his cookies and cache were not being deleted by his computer. He was using disc cleanup instead of an actual outside Windows based application.

So i had him install CCleaner. He ran it and cleaned his computer and WAS able to clear the warning notice and start his own nation. So I guess this thread can be closed :)

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