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N3 Reports

Voodoo Nova

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OOC: This will be general activities within Novak, smaller internal national RP's, etc.


[size="4"][b]Brunei Now Novakian Territory[/b][/size]

Riyadh, Novak -- After months of discussions with the PRC, a referendum of the people of Brunei, and a vote by the Majlis al-Shura, Brunei is now Novak's first autonomous province. In 9000 years the land will revert back to PRC territory. The citizens of Brunei voted to become an autonomous province of Novak with 85% in favor of joining. The region will maintain their own local government and elect their own officials. They will have proportionate voting representation in the Majlis al-Shura and the same rights and liberties as Novakian citizens. Current residents of Brunei will be allowed to maintain PRC and Novakian citizenship, with new residents and newborns becoming only Novakian citizens. Novak will also be expanding the local economy by encouraging local businesses to grow and for older companies to begin new operations in Brunei. Citizens that do not wish to live in Brunei will not be held against their will and may be aided in the process to find a new home. The people of Brunei will not be disappointed and we will ensure they will thrive just as well as any other Novakian province.

The government of Novak have stated that if any citizen should have questions, to ask their local government officials and/or send letters to the President and Prime Minister. They have also stated should any government of the region have any issues with this should set up a diplomatic meeting to clear up any issues they may have regarding Novak's control over the territory.


The 3rd Fighter Squadron, the 104th Army Brigade and the 60th Amphibious Expeditionary Force made their way to Brunei to ensure adequate defenses for the new territory.

Edited by Voodoo Nova
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[quote name='Subtleknifewielder' date='24 March 2010 - 08:11 PM' timestamp='1269461484' post='2235498']
[b]***Classified to the Chinese Premier***[/b]

"And what of the promise you made me, that you would work toward making the people independent? Handing them over to another nation is not what you told me you had in mind."


*Classified to Subtleknifewielder*

"We have waited along time for a leader strong enough to lead Borneo. We are currently discussing the possibility of turning Borneo completely independent. What this is a base that we have agreed to give once a referendum was held. As the report says 85% of the people voted yes to joining Novak under the Dual Citizenship rule. Our promise still stands, we shall not go back on it."

-Premier Megan Fox

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[b][size="4"]Novak Leaves Diamonds; Prime Minister Resigns[/size][/b]

Riyadh, Novak -- The President and Prime Minister made a joint announcement today concerning the Diamonds Pact & the government of Novak. The President spoke in the native language of Novak, Arabic, while the Prime Minister spoke in the language understood by most of the world. We have the transcript of this short speech below.

"It is a shame that we must announce this, for we consider all signatories of Diamonds our friend. It is for that very reason we feel we no longer need to be a part of Diamonds and officially announce the withdrawal of Novak from Diamonds...

I would also like to announce I officially accept the resignation of Prime Minister Ghalib. He has served this nation for many years as a civil servant and may retire knowing his work has better shaped Novak for the future. The Majlis al-Shura will elect a new Prime Minister by the end of the week..."

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  • 4 weeks later...

**Classified Internal Government Memo**

James ordered the military and government officials to begin jamming non-government & non-military equipment on certain, secure frequencies used by Novak and allied government/military communications. The Memo states extra security precautions are needed in today's day and age to prevent outside groups from being able to tune in and listen on government and military communications. Military technicians will begin placing equipment necessary to jam outside signals and electronics from being able to intercept classified communications on secure frequencies. We will also have aircraft covering the same task to prevent exploitation of static equipment. This will usher in a new security for our communications internally and externally with allies.

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  • 2 weeks later...

**Classified Government Orders**

Missile defenses shall remain permanently mobilized all across the Novakian deserts and mountains. Eritrea and Somalia shall be mobilized as well. This does include nuclear weapon defenses as well. The ever increasing possibility of peoples will to use weapons of mass destruction means we need to maintain our guard. Should Novak be struck with any WMD by any foreign national, said nation will receive full retaliation of the Novakian armament. Our nuclear missiles will remain on high alert until further notice. Place area of denial weaponry in our EEZ waters, to be activated when non-allied or non-Sudanese ships enter our waters; they should include anti-ship mines and other various explosive devices to hinder enemy ships. Anti-Aircraft defenses shall be mobilized to randomized patterns across our nation, keeping a 2:1 missile launching platform:gun platform ratio in each group. Mobile radar groups shall be put on to random patrol patterns throughout the nation, to cover the entirety of Novak. The radar system is to be 3-tiered: Low, Medium and High. Our missile silos will require hardening to be protected against all attacks meant to decommission the missiles as well. Jamming equipment will be expanded to include radar jamming of non-Novakian satellites over Novakian territory, so Novakian territory will be secure. Anti-satellite missiles will accompany the radar jamming equipment and will be placed in hardened silos as well. Anti-ship missile groups will mobilize along Novakian water borders in a random pattern patrol. There will be 3 missile launching platforms per group. This is to be completed within the next 3-6 months.

**End Classified Orders**

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[b][size="4"] Latest Terrorist Organization List Issued[/size][/b]

Update--This past Thursday, the Ministry of Public Security, Foreign Affairs, Justice and Defense issued the latest Foreign Terrorist Organization List. It includes one new organization, the Faith of Dream Cult. This authorizes authorities to treat all cultists as hostile combatants and as enemies of the state.

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  • 1 month later...

**Classified Military Orders**

The 3rd Fighter Squadron, the 104th Army Brigade and the 60th Amphibious Expeditionary Force were given orders to move to positions in Guangxi. Their orders were to be in a defensive position. Saigon was the least of Novak's concern at this point and time.

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[size="3"][size="4"][b]Hamzah Claims Responsibility; Evades Police[/b][/size]

[size="2"]Hamzah was once known as one of Novak's best orators. Now he is known as the mastermind behind the nuclear strikes on the USA. Earlier this month, Hamzah issued a video stating he was responsible for the attacks. Citing lack of proof, the law enforcement of Riyadh could not issue an arrest warrant, however they were still searching for him when they could not reach him for questioning. President Shakir issued a statement condemning the nuclear attacks on the USA and that Hamzah is wanted for questioning in connection with this terrorist attack.


The base in the South China Sea has been completed and the required naval vessels, air group and troops have been stationed there to aid in the defense of our East Asian allies. [/size]

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[size="4"][b]Novak Government Votes on New Constitution

[/b][size="2"]The Majlis has voted on a new constitution for Novak, officially turning it into a Socialist State. The citizens are ecstatic in regards to the bright future of the Socialist Soviet Republic of Novak. Officials have stated citizens basic rights that were in the original Basic Law have been included in the new Constitution. Shakir has been reported as saying "this is a great day for the country, the party and the people of Novak." Nationalistic Authoritarian elements have protested the new Constitution and claim they will fight against this Constitution until a new one is in place. Some fringe extremist communist groups believe this Constitution does not meet the needs of the people. Along with this new Constitution, the flag of Novak, the seal of Novak and the government structure of Novak have been changed.[/size]

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[size="3"][b]First Supreme Soviet Elected[/b][/size]

In a record election, all 717 seats of the Supreme Soviet are filled by the Communist Party of Novak. The Supreme Soviet has appointed the Council of People's Commissars of the SSRN, who has elected the Chairman. The Chairman will be General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Novak, Akhmed Shakir. Crowds of people roared and cheered as their leader stepped up to the balcony. The Soviet Republic's flag waving in the wind above the building. Shakir spoke to the people, covering a wide range of issues including military strength and power, workers rights and the need to cleanse the nation of the corrupt men and women that have destroyed this nation bit by bit. "Novak will enter in a new era of prosperity, a new era of strength, a new era of power." was the final line of his speech. The people cheered for their great leader as he walked back in to his office.

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  • 1 month later...

[size="3"][b]Novak Announces New EEZ and EEZ Policy[/b][/size]

Novak has announced its new EEZ, the area which it defends with various naval defenses currently classified by the government. The new policy will effect non-allied ships, as Novak has long allowed its allies to traverse its EEZ waters freely. Non-allied ships must put forth a request prior to the departure of the ship detailing when the ship will arrive in the EEZ, all cargo being carried and all passengers and crew aboard the ship. Should the ship's request be accepted, it will be considered automatic consent to search at any point in time in the EEZ zone. Should a ship deny access, the crew and passengers will be detained, the cargo forfeited and the ship seized.

A picture of the EEZ should appear on your screen at this time.


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[quote name='Voodoo Nova' timestamp='1285529034' post='2465345']
[size="3"][b]Novak Announces New EEZ and EEZ Policy[/b][/size]

Novak has announced its new EEZ, the area which it defends with various naval defenses currently classified by the government. The new policy will effect non-allied ships, as Novak has long allowed its allies to traverse its EEZ waters freely. Non-allied ships must put forth a request prior to the departure of the ship detailing when the ship will arrive in the EEZ, all cargo being carried and all passengers and crew aboard the ship. Should the ship's request be accepted, it will be considered automatic consent to search at any point in time in the EEZ zone. Should a ship deny access, the crew and passengers will be detained, the cargo forfeited and the ship seized.

A picture of the EEZ should appear on your screen at this time.


The Kingdom of Cochin strongly suggests to Novak to not extend its naval sphere of influence so close to the Indian subcontinent. International waters and Cochin territorial waters and EEZs patrolled and sailed till now by Royal Cochin Navy would be continued to be sailed by the Kingdom of Cochin and any action to restrict our movement would be an act of war.

Desist from this proclamation and readjust your EEZ limits.

[url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=66584&view=findpost&p=1864961"]Strategic Doctrine[/url] listing [url="http://i710.photobucket.com/albums/ww110/gokulvarmank/scdn.jpg"]EEZ[/url] Limits.

EDIT: OOC: to add the links. If this is a genuine mistake, I shall apologize for jumping the gun ICly. If not, war.

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[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1285553144' post='2465702']
Bullying the Novakians will not get Cochin the results it wants.

We are not bullying Novak, we are merely expressing extreme outrage at our sovereignty being infringed. If this is a genuine mistake, we shall apologize to Novak as soon as they change it. Peace and regional stability is after all our paramount goals.

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[quote name='king of cochin' timestamp='1285553240' post='2465704']
We are not bullying Novak, we are merely expressing extreme outrage at our sovereignty being infringed. If this is a genuine mistake, we shall apologize to Novak as soon as they change it. Peace and regional stability is after all our paramount goals.

Your trigger happy vocabulary suggest otherwise. This is the second event in Asia recently where the Kingdom of Cochin was quick to jump to discussing the use of force immediately. We find your bellicose behavior highly disturbing.

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[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1285553590' post='2465711']
Your trigger happy vocabulary suggest otherwise. This is the second event in Asia recently where the Kingdom of Cochin was quick to jump to discussing the use of force immediately. We find your bellicose behavior highly disturbing.

The incident in PRSEC was one where the Kingdom did not accuse anybody of anything, it was to our great sadness that our statement was so misconstrued by UFE. Here there has been a genuine infringement of our sovereignty and unless this is a cartographic mistake, we have reason to be alarmed.

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"We find it quite alarming that the KoC has threatened war. The fact that Novak is also an ally of ours doesn't improve the situation either." - James White, High Magistrate of Greater Pacifica

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[quote name='iamthey' timestamp='1285554313' post='2465723']
"We find it quite alarming that the KoC has threatened war. The fact that Novak is also an ally of ours doesn't improve the situation either." - James White, High Magistrate of Greater Pacifica

[u][b]Private to Greater Pacifica[/b][/u]

"We find it even more unfortunate that a regional neighbor has infringed on our sovereignty. This is a grave threat to the Kingdom and something that we cannot consider lightly. We hope Greater Pacifica understands that it is indeed a grave situation which has caused us to raise the specter of war."

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[quote name='king of cochin' timestamp='1285554452' post='2465725']
[u][b]Private to Greater Pacifica[/b][/u]

"We find it even more unfortunate that a regional neighbor has infringed on our sovereignty. This is a grave threat to the Kingdom and something that we cannot consider lightly. We hope Greater Pacifica understands that it is indeed a grave situation which has caused us to raise the specter of war."

*Private to KoC*

"We are talking about an EEZ dispute, one which may be completely benign. Cochin can certainly take measures to resolve the matter, but to out and out threaten war at the first point of contact, that is a bit extreme. We only asking for the same diplomatic courtesy you have extended to us and to others in the past. Surely you can understand our concern." - James White, High Magistrate of Greater Pacifica

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