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Over and out!


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Finally a worthy man of honour that'll spread my tactic known as 'going out with a bang', - the nuclear version.

SunnyInc, I have known you since my time in MCXA, you have always been a good person to talk to. I'll miss our conversations and good laughs.

If you're ever planning on coming back, and for gods sakes I don't hope you are, because this game is too much of an addiction that you can handle properly, remind yourself of the time you've spent 'playing' it. It'll help changing your thoughts. Also, find hobbies. Active ones. The time this game takes can't be replaced with watching television or something.

God speed to you.


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[quote name='SunnyInc' date='28 February 2010 - 09:34 AM' timestamp='1267367926' post='2208252']when things were looking grimmest, not one of the individuals who had promised their nation to the Oblivion abandoned our banner. [/quote]
Pfft, where else would they have gone? :smug:

[quote name='SunnyInc' date='28 February 2010 - 09:34 AM' timestamp='1267367926' post='2208252']In you're wondering why I left TSO, I had posted a resignation that was to come into effect at the end of the war but one of the Commanders I had been locking horns with over the past couple of weeks insisted I leave beforehand. After leaving TSO I found I had too much nation strength to hit the six individuals I wanted to go rogue on so I decided a fun way to shed some pixels was by nuking Grey Council. They were not quite the pushovers I expect, insofar as they sanctioned me on every team, but they were still pretty laughable. If you do not have anyone you particularly want to hit on your way out, I would highly recommend having a chop at them.[/quote]
Blah blah blah, I didn't think my clever plan through, so I'm taking things out on uninvolved parties. Embarrassing behavior; get out and don't come back.

Edited by Schattenmann
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As much as I respect the longevity and the tenacity, my first thought upon skimming this was, "Good. Now some friends of mine can finally have a break from him and his incessant and unyielding harassment."

Honestly, though I mean not to cast them as victims, the Grey Council seems a dishonorable choice, and shows your lack of respect.

Go now, and bother us all no further. If you ever return, I do hope that you conduct yourself with more dignity.
Other than that, godspeed in that mysterious realm.

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[quote name='The Lonely Man' date='28 February 2010 - 01:18 PM' timestamp='1267381398' post='2208556']
Nobody really cares. Goodbye.
[quote]Goodbye SunnyInc. Get out. [/quote]
[quote]get out and don't come back.[/quote]
[quote]Go now, and bother us all no further.[/quote]
[quote name='Banksy' date='04 March 2010 - 04:39 AM' timestamp='1267695847' post='2213578']
Can't say i'm upset.
I hate it when they steal everything I was going to say before I say it! :( Oh well. The masses have spoken. Sunnyinc you're being here for two years does not warrant importance. You're attacking a neutral alliance, which is also a pretty classy move I must say.

And lastly, I feel the need to correct something that was said:
[quote name='LoweAlpine' date='04 March 2010 - 03:56 PM' timestamp='1267736452' post='2213969']
[s]Finally[/s] [i]This happens a lot,[/i] a [i]man[/i] worthy [i]of being ZI'd by the Grey Council, and a[/i] man of [i]no[/i] honour that'll spread [s]my tactic[/s] [i]a tactic that I stole from countless others before I even began playing this game[/i] known as 'going out with a bang', - the nuclear version.[/quote]

I think I've made an honest man out of you.

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[quote name='SunnyInc' date='01 March 2010 - 12:34 AM' timestamp='1267367926' post='2208252']
Greetings Digiterria!

I am now in range of most of the nations I wanted to hit -- elborrador (reaction would be priceless), Grub (obvious reasons), Archon (Crymson would get a raging boner), [s]Franesca[/s] feralboy (obvious reasons), sup4 (reaction would also be priceless) -- but unfortunately, Grey Council is bent on swallowing nukes until I delete.

Hi Sunny,

You know where I am if you get the chance... also not so obvious to me :P

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I really can't understand people who says that they haven't time to play CN, a game who requires 15min(or 1 hour if you want to be [s]barely[/s] informed about what's happening) each 20 days to be played when you are really busy.

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[quote name='SunnyInc' date='08 March 2010 - 10:41 PM' timestamp='1268106388' post='2218781']
Gotta love being trolled in an OOC thread. Especially when its a resignation thread and half the people dropping chat do not know me in an IC, let alone an OOC, sense. Classy stuff kids.
It just shows people's love for you.

I have little respect for you, but I wish you all the best. Good luck :)

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