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The Brotherhood of the Dragon [BoD]


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[center][b][size="5"]Brotherhood of the Dragon[/size][/b][/center]

This is not a declaration of existence, for we have always existed. Many names for our elite group of world leaders have been whispered over the years- Ordo Draconis, Sarkany Rend, Brotherhood of the Snake, Societas Draconis. In this time of war and great political turmoil on Planet Bob, we, the rightful descendants of the Lusignan Dragon Kings of Jerusalem, formally and publicly reconstitute The Imperial and Royal Dragon Court as a sovereign body, and create the Order of The Brotherhood of the Dragon.

The Order is a closed fraternity- only those whose bloodlines can be properly verified will be welcomed into The Brotherhood of the Dragon. The nation leaders of The Brotherhood swear to observe true and pure fraternity. Although an organizational hierarchy was created to facilitate decision-making, we are essentially an organization which emphasizes the crucial links between families. As such, the rank system within the Brotherhood takes second place to the sense of blood relationship and the natural bond of co-operation engendered by that relationship. Service, mutual support and respect supersede those types of ambition and advancement which prevail in other “alliances”. The Brotherhood holds dear the principles of Honor, Justice, and Truth. Where perceived power can breed inequity and division in other international organizations, we in The Brotherhood exhibit true power. As such, we are confident and unified in our goals and our means of achieving those goals.

The rights and practices of The Brotherhood of the Dragon remain secretive for a purpose- they are only known to our true members. However, we have chosen to reveal the identity our true members to the community of Planet Steve.

Grand Master- BigKat
High Councillor- King Sigismund I
High Councillor- David BenGurion
High Councillor- Baba Yaga
Minister Of Warfare- Asaroth Blackheart
Minister of Foreign Affairs- Polly PrissyPants
Minister of Internal Affairs- John Barleycorne

There are, of course, other Lords, Ladies and Initiates of the Brotherhood.

Feel free to address members of The Brotherhood of the Dragon on irc at #DragonCourtTE, or direct personal missives to BigKat.

-Grand Master BigKat of The Imperial and Royal Dragon Court, Order of The Brotherhood of the Dragon-


[center]Announcement from the Minister of Warfare[/center]

Any attack on a sovereign nation of the Order of the Brotherhood of the Dragon is considered an attack on the entire Brotherhood. The phrase “tech-raiding” is merely a euphemism for an aggressive, unprovoked attack on a country, and such practices will not be tolerated against the Brotherhood. The Brotherhood is aware that Bob can be an aggressive and war-like planet. As such, if you attack a member of the Dragon Blood, be prepared for a full-scale response that includes all methods and measures of defense available to that particular nation, and to the nations of the Brotherhood as a whole. If you choose to attack one of our brothers or sisters, we do not want to hear you crying about our counter-attacks. Your complaints will be without merit, for you have been warned.

We will decapitate your soldiers, and place their heads on poles for the birds to feed upon. In that way, their spirits will forever wander blind, deaf and speechless throughout the agony of their afterlife.

Hail or deride this announcement- we care not. Know that we will make one exception to this policy- I will regularly post the names of individuals who “ghost” us. That is an affront to those of us who carry the true Blood of the Dragon in our veins. Feel free to attack and destroy such scum as you see fit, with our full support.

-Asaroth Blackheart, Minister of Warfare-

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[font="Times New Roman"][size="4"][i]Brotherhood of the Dragon no longer exist - neither does BigKat [img]http://forums.cybernations.net/public/style_emoticons/default/dry.gif[/img]

[b]This post is merely to keep BigKats many friends updated on the situation
- no judgement of Mod Actions is made by be, or should be made by any people responding to this
[/b][i][font="Times New Roman"][size="4"]-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/size][/font][/i]

I couldn't find BigKat's Nation on CN (In-Game) - so I emailed him
This is his reply to me

[quote]No, my entire alliance was deleted on SE, including my nation that I have worked on 3 [sup]1[/sup]/[sub]2[/sub] yrs.
Some of the guys were sharing the same network (different computers, weren't trading with each other, etc.), actually two different networks.
This has not been a problem in the past for them. But we "went to war" so to speak over a tech raid and ****** ******** asked a mod to check out some of the nations because they looked similar, and the result was my entire alliance was erased.

Those two networks, which included my library, are apparently site banned.
Maybe at some point I had checked my nation at work, but it would have been a LONG time ago, because a friend of mine was playing from work for a long time,
so I know that I never logged in here within the last...3 years maybe.

No questions asked- just deleted all of us.
Even though I don't feel like there was cheating involved since it was all separate people, quite a few were working off of the same two networks.
That is a violation and is understandable.
I just don't think that the entire alliance should have been affected.
After spending so much time to lose my nation, and finally starting an alliance and having it disappear,

[b]I will never be back[/b][/quote]
[i][font="Times New Roman"][size="4"]-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I Repeat ............

[/size][/font][/i][b]This post is merely to keep BigKats many friends updated on the situation
- no judgement of Mod Actions is made by be, or should be made by any people responding to this

[/b][i][font="Times New Roman"][size="4"][size="3"]I will pass on your regards, if offered,[/size]
[i][font="Times New Roman"][size="4"][/size][/font][/i]
Cameron of Lochiel[/size][/font][/i]

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[quote name='sethb' date='03 March 2010 - 10:42 PM' timestamp='1267656338' post='2213019']
Damn that's sad, one of the best guys I've ever met here. Tell him I said farewell. [img]http://forums.cybernations.net/public/style_emoticons/default/sad.gif[/img]

Message sent, thanks !

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