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New Canadian statement on Midway Island crisis.

Zoot Zoot

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The New Canadian Government will support the Tahoan regime in its legal aquisition of Midway Island as Protectorate status.
Whilst we do NOT pledge Military support, diplomaticly, Tahoe has New Canadian support.

Whilst the topic is of hot controversy, we stand by our American bretherin.

Viniland gave us independance, and we owe it to their people and former Government to support any and all who defend their former lands.


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Our Policiy on colonialism is as follows, If I use the Midway crisis as an example seeing as Tahoe is being accused of Colonialism.

If Tahoe was to ANNEX Midway Island, we would condemn the action as an Imperialistic move as we are against colonialism.
However, if the land was given legally as a PROTECTORATE, we have no objections as it is not an Imperialistic act, nore is it an act of colonialism, its an act of good will to safeguard land when requested by its owners.

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"New Canada should realize that Tahoe is not a country that will say "Oh, we're sorry, here you go", no, they would never do that. It reminds me of when we claimed our homeland after being driven out by the Nords in a perfectly legitimate deal...until Tahoe, the Nords and others quite plainly told us to leave AGAIN. It's hypocrisy like this is the reason Alvonia will have nothing to do with America."

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Tahoe is Tahoe, no excuses to be honest, we all know what the Tahoan Government can be like, all you can do is either roll with it or gather a Coalition and crush him.
Personally, I would just roll with it.
War is not the means to every end.

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"It should be noted from myself as an observer that has no opinion, that Greater Pacifica, right or wrong, does indeed have allies that will most likely back them up. And if someone takes this whole thing nuclear, they are likely to face much harsher terms at the end of such a war. It would definitely be a calculated risk for anyone, on either side, that uses such weapons."

~Daniel Jackson, Duke of Adelaide

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[quote name='Jordosaur94' date='01 February 2010 - 12:48 PM' timestamp='1265057309' post='2150977']
We wish to point out that Tahoe has allies too, and if this does blow up, we will remain neutral.
"I'm not saying they don't. But an analysis of GP's and Tahoe's allies makes me wonder who would really come out on top in a full war. Especially considering Viniland is no longer in the equation."

~Daniel Jackson

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"Rebel Army has a right to be paranoid--they were heavily nuked by Tahoe and its allies at one point. The apology helped, I am sure, but would you still trust someone after having to rebuild your entire nation from one of their attacks?"

~Daniel Jackson

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Maybe the Reich needs to shut up stirring the !@#$pot.
Your causing trouble in an announcment in which it was stated no force would be taken.

when you learn how to play politics and diplomacy, and not be an insolent young pup, insulting super powers elft right and center, planting paranoid ideals into peoples minds, we might listen to what you have to say.
until then.
*Security escort the Reich respresentive out of the premises and back to the airport for a flight home and cut all transmissions with the Reich.*

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[quote name='Zoot Zoot' date='01 February 2010 - 02:26 PM' timestamp='1265055970' post='2150950']
I am by no means suggesting war with Tahoe, but yes in essence.
The body count would be stupidly high, and would most likley result in a nuclear war. which effects people globally not just locally.

"Yes, and this is why NTR agrees to never attack or mess with Tahoe. It may result in a Nuclear war, which would not only effect the human evolution, but the enviroment and creatures around us. NTR would never participate in any war with Tahoe or Tahoe's enemies."
-Yiroshi, NTR President

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[quote name='Markus Wilding' date='01 February 2010 - 03:53 PM' timestamp='1265057614' post='2150992']
Anyone who oesn't have any allie is an idiot. With that said, we remove ourselves from this.
Excuse us, but we have no allies and we are no idiots...

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"To the people that are scared to uphold your principles and beliefs as a nation, shame on you. If Tahoe came to take your land, would you roll with it? If Tahoe came to take the land of any ally, would you roll with it? I don't think so. Many nations have risen because they fought for what they believe in. Many have fallen for the same reason. What sets those nation's apart is respect.

New Canada and the Imperial Hudson Reich, you might as well allow Tahoe take over your governments. It will save you the trouble of becoming hypocrites in the future when they do something against you or one of your allies in America."

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