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Good Evening Planet Bob.

Assuring the citizens of Planet Bob the right to consume bacon has been a cornerstone of our Alliances Policy. However recently it has come to our attention that the selfish leaders of North Korea have denied their people their inheriant right to consume bacon. This policy does not sit well with the leadership of BACoN.


Yesterday our ambassador recieved a secret letter from Weh Won Pork detailing the struggle of the North Korean people.

Hello, Good nighttime.

Recently Dear Leader deny worker of North Korea freedom to eat bacon. We are request assitance from Bacon Emperor. Kim Jong Il selfish denial of bacon rights has caused great conflict among worker. He claim that Pig is enemy of State and tool of impearialist swine. Please, send number one GI to bring bacon back to the working people of North Korea. We are disapoint if you do not help us. Please dont forget people of North Korea.


Weh Won Pork

Rebel Leader

Saddened by this outcry from the peasant starving population of North Korea, we contacted the government of North Korea. To broker an agreement peacefully. As the following IRC logs will show, our petition was rebuffed.

01[20:02] <kpcurley[bACoN]> Hello

01[20:02] <kpcurley[bACoN]> We are appalled that would deny your people the right to consume bacon!

[20:02] <DerKaiser[NNK]> You are an imperialist coward who have attempted to poison people of korea with unhealthy bacon!

01[20:03] <kpcurley[bACoN]> That is a foolish claim and a good way to receive a DoW from our alliance.

[20:06] <DerKaiser[NNK]> You are coward. I laugh at your efforts to question the wise leadership of Kim Jong-Il

01[20:06] <kpcurley[bACoN]> Your leader is a monster. No one should be denied bacon...

[20:06] <DerKaiser[NNK]> How Dare you say erroneous remarks about our dear leader

[20:06] <DerKaiser[NNK]> We will not stand for your biased interference our affairs

01[20:06] <kpcurley[bACoN]> This does not bode well for your Alliance. You have until update to provide bacon freedom to your people. And before anyone asks... I am totally serious!

[20:06] <DerKaiser[NNK]> You are imperialist swine. I laugh at your cowardly attempt to influence our workers.

The leadership of NNK has tested our resolve and our values. We are responding with our armed forces. We will assist the rebels within North Korea who are bravely sacrificing their lives so that their people may enjoy bacon freely. As of now, a state of war exists between BACoN and NNK (Nutty North Koreans). This war should not be viewed as aggression from our alliance, but rather a humanitarian mission of compassion. The North Korean People have a right to enjoy bacon. We urge the leadership to relent and allow of relief agencies to provide bacon to the masses. The destruction of human right and the oppression of the people have caused great outcry among our citizens!

Kim Jong-Il is a tyrannical tyrant who is mean, and not nice. Also we suspect the majority of their leadership has bad breath and does not shower at regular intervals.

I officially announce the commencement of Operation Vietham. May god have mercy on NNK. To Educate the people further on the current crisis we have produced this short film on the Bacon Rebelion within North Korea.

Vietham Video

And to the rebels of North Korea I deliver this message. "They may take your lives, but they can never take your BACON!!"


His Supreme Succulence, Emperor Oink: The Divine Swine: Kpcurley of BACoN

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My name is Keve69, Emperor of UINE and I approve of this statement!

EDIT: Sorry to all those I dissapointed, I set a precendent with - How Keve feels about it - which I have failed to uphold now, i'll move to correct this right now.

How Keve feels about it: Greatly amused th_HAPPYKeve.jpg

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My name is Keve69, Emperor of UINE and I approve of this statement!

I am curious as to how Keve feels about this announcement...

As well, bacon is delicious. The only acceptable reason for not allowing your population to eat bacon is to hoard it for yourself.

Edited by El Hefe
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Each and every citizen of each and every nation in the proud alliance of MFO supports this noble and worthy cause.

I feel able to exclusively reveal to you one of the holy documents of our collective religion. A document which every citizen references daily as part of their dietary regime.



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