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Bidding on ClashPoint's membership


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Roman Empire Announcement

As our Emperor once promised, the Roman Empire will attempt to poach ClashPoint. However, ClashPoint, being a high paid ho, shall not come cheap. As a result, I've decided to bid for ClashPoint's membership. Bidding ends January 7th.

RE will start with an offer of $15 million and 250 tech.


Thank you


Roman Empire: $15 million, 250 tech, pink sphere, co-ownership in the Yellow

Army of Darkness: One Round of War with ClashPoint

Ozland Cobras: A loose woman a loose man, a half bottle of year old Farkistani beer and a couple of Snakebites, a vintage bottle of Jeremiah Weed,

Fark: 2 Farkistani Beers and 3 strips of bacon, a lead role in a b-grade porno, an in depth storyline to our b-grade porno (the secrets of that story will not be released unless their bid is successful), a lifetime supply of lube

Parrot Pirates: 3 kegs of Rum and a Parrot, canon with a life-size Paris Hilton doll to use as target practice

Rodentia Dominatus: 3 barrels of cheesybacon beer, 2 boxes of cookies, and a poisonberrybananachicken pie, a la mode, "1 Alligator... not your average alligator though.. this one is stuffed.. but that's not all.. it is wired for light to make it a lamp too.. but wait, there's more.. his front claws are arranged to hold a golf club.. but it get's better.. we include free mukluks on his back claws"

Global Democratic Alliance: a hoard of minions, and a real live girl, the position of co-conspirator in sippyjuice's plot to take over the world,

Mostly Harmful Alliance: A naked picture of Hisk

Ordo Paradoxia: a mummified platypus, live female platypus, lifetime supply of platypus shaped animal crackers

Echo: the position of Minister of Internal Affairs and a masterful portrait of ClashPoint. 32 cents, some lint, a string, and the rest of my tuna casserole.

Wolfpack: A freshly killed deer and free rabies shots for all

Pink Induastial Enigma - A lifetime supply of P.I.E.

The Bovine: The hate of almost every alliance in Planet Bob*

SOS Brigade: 1 $5 donation in SE to a member of your choice.


Thom98: 1 piece of dried fruit of Clash's choice

Sylvia Midnight: A date with Sylvia Midnight, and a promise to join an actual alliance next round.

*Offer arrived in game.

Edited by kulomascovia
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Oh god don't ask! :lol1: I think it's a cross between boss and totes, but it's not in the urbandictionary yet :P

Cuz CN is so cutting edge and all :P

*edit. If I use another tongue smilie in this thread, declare war on me

Edited by Jeb the Wise
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