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Need help with writer's block

Cybil de Blanc

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My brain has officially hit the other wall with this nasty bout of writer's block I have. I have so many storylines I want Cyneriice Northan to go through with, but I can't seem to find the right words to express them with. Furthermore, ideas to bridge one part of the story to the next are severely lacking, and I'd appreciate it if someone could give me a nudge in the right direction.

So, does anyone have any ideas on what they might want to see with Cyneriice Northan (other than non-civil war)? Here is what I have so far for storylines:

- A pair of shapeshifting werewolves on the run from the Eggman Empire (allowed by Kintober) that are mother and daughter

- Cybil being kidnapped by Loki and brainwashed, not to mention tortured by Tintagylian extremists

- Cyneriice Northan's Lady-General Yuralria Toklurapok pulling a Lawful Stupid now that she is the (newest) ruler

- Norse wolf of legend, Fenrir, attempting to take over Cyneriice Northan, and being absolutely shoddy at it in the process; his servants run rampant as werewolves to harm the Northanics

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Awesome, Vampires, Demons, Gundams, Tentacle monsters and school girls. Just what CNRP needs. Because they won't fight in war right?

If they don't interact with or affect in any way another player's characters , then what do you have to worry about, really? Why has no one been objecting to her RP's before this? Or kintober's? Or Raz's? or a few of Sarah's, while we're at it?


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If they don't interact with or affect in any way another player's characters , then what do you have to worry about, really? Why has no one been objecting to her RP's before this? Or kintober's? Or Raz's? or a few of Sarah's, while we're at it?


If you mean that one big rp of Sarah it wasn't canon but a book written from the point of view of a Nord or the then nation of GG

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Technically zombies belong in there too ;). Although it isn't as bad as the others.

IMO, anything like this can only happen when:

1. The role play is written so that your fiction/fantasy creatures/sci-fi creatures can exist in your country without affecting any nation near you. I.e. your zombies don't leave your country for X reason and/or are shot on sight by border patrols in surrounding countries. This also means you cannot pull off huge feats of technological advances, i.e. making a Helicarrier from Marvel Comics, because other countries would be naturally affected by it existing.

2. All involved and affected parties allow the fiction/fictional creatures to exist in their respective countries.

3. It is slightly explainable with science, like how non-undead zombies have a slight chance of existing.

4. You do a good job with the role play and you have plenty of reasonable role play backing it up.

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- Cyneriice Northan's Lady-General Yuralria Toklurapok pulling a Lawful Stupid now that she is the (newest) ruler

Lady-General Toklurapok could stage an invasion of the Disparuean province of Nunavik using her polar bear calvary as a start. :awesome:

(Though that will most likely get Cyneriice Northan kicked out of the CAN...)

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@N Reeki: She's not in Soviet Russia...but you have caused such a stir with the gears in my brain, it feels like my muse is on espresso. Thank you for such an awesome idea - if I get this idea going, would you like to sort something out with your nation via PM?

@JerreyRough: #1 and #2 on your list is how I'm handling this. I'm not going to drag the fantasy elements of my particular roleplay into anyone elses without permission.

@Razgriz: I have a character similar to Kintober's Hank who just might come to do that. Thank you for suggesting it to me. :)

@Subtle: Cybil will get back eventually. I have a few things I'm trying to work out with her at the moment, though....

@Pikachurin: I don't really think I could see Yuralria screwing up connections with the CAN, since Cybil was one of its founders and that's important to her - a reminder of what once was. However, if you still want to be involved in a Northanic roleplay, I have an idea involving a Valkyrie that I wanted to pitch. PM?

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No, that actually is NOT what I am referring too. She has Hannah being the Avatar of one of the Norse Goddesses.

Wtf? Honestly people, stuff like this isn't CNRP canon. They're non-canon side stories, I'm never going to recognize werewolves or vampires or gods or zombies in CNRP.

Edited by BaronUberstein
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@N Reeki: She's not in Soviet Russia...but you have caused such a stir with the gears in my brain, it feels like my muse is on espresso. Thank you for such an awesome idea - if I get this idea going, would you like to sort something out with your nation via PM?

Cybil: I'd be glad to. Just shoot me a PM whenever you want to talk out specifics.

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@All: If need be, I can retcon/make non-canon everything back to the point where Cybil vanished, since that's where everything started taking a fantasy element. Well, the bear cavalry was meant to be serious...but I was planning to have it used as a cover-up for a more serious military program. Of course, I still want Yuralria to pull a Lawful Stupid, and I don't know if my above idea seems too cliché; I was trying to take inspiration from the antics of Baron Uberstein and Generalissimo. :P

@Californian: Thank you! ^_^

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