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Announcement from Dark Fist

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No, I was simply providing one instance where he has done something insulting with the intent to cause OOC harm. Bringing that up had no IC meaning, he was simply trying to upset us.

Wait, his IC actions caused you OOC harm??? Seriously?? that is your story?? If he was trying to upset you based on IC actions wouldn't that be IC??

Me thinks the line between IC/OOC has becomed a little blurred...windex does wonders

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I just can't believe Tyga and I are finally on the same page.... it's gonna be a very white Christmas :P

not really because when tyga calls someone a moron, idiot etc etc his opinion matters where as yours mhawk, the majority of people are like meh.... -_-

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Have DF made any demands what so ever? Or any threats?

No, but they sure did a great slander job.

Good show, SCM, I'm only sorry I can't give you that cross you want to hang yourself on so badly.

I haven't

SCM hasn't

So imma go with no.

OH WAIT I LIED!!! We asked that reps be paid if the rogue who wasn't a rogue attacked our member.

I think that's reasonable though.

And for militarization, which was swiftly denounced as ridiculous and dropped. But I think that's reasonable.

Learn to read, a few posts above yours:

Right back atta boy.

You'll see that line you quoted was some time after the exchange I highlighted which was the one where I alluded to stupidity. Seeing as I was being accused of calling you stupid I believed the context was necessary to show I was hardly being abusive but reacting quite appropriately to something that was indeed stupid.

You'll also notice it was Daikos who raised the issue again, not me. I merely replied to counter the misinformation he was posting. If you wish for me not to post then making allegations about me is probably not an ideal way to make that happen.

Edited by Chron
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No, but they sure did a great slander job.

Good show, SCM, I'm only sorry I can't give you that cross you want to hang yourself on so badly.

And for militarization, which was swiftly denounced as ridiculous and dropped. But I think that's reasonable.

I'm sorry. I've dabbled in the law and it has made me a pedantic pain in the arse. However, slander is spoken. Libel is written, so technically this would be libel, not slander.

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I'm sorry. I've dabbled in the law and it has made me a pedantic pain in the arse. However, slander is spoken. Libel is written, so technically this would be libel, not slander.

[ooc]Technically since this is an RP "discussion", and was made as an "announcement", in IC terms, one would consider this entire dialogue to be "spoken", and therefore "Slander", rather than libel.[/ooc]

Where be a thesaurus?

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And for militarization, which was swiftly denounced as ridiculous and dropped. But I think that's reasonable.

If you can show me proof of myself or Starcraftmazter demanding you pay reps for our militarization I will eat my own head. BLahh.


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You'll see that line you quoted was some time after the exchange I highlighted which was the one where I alluded to stupidity.

Actually it was less than 3 minutes after the exchange you quoted, I would ask you to check yourself.

What does it matter what your members are saying?

Call me crazy, but I somewhat care what members of my alliance think.

OOC: How does youwish seeing that Soldier allied with TPF do anyone OOC harm? And so what if he found it funny that an IC enemy lost money by stealing that ally away, or something. Whatever happened. Point is it was an IC action. Not in anyway comparable or even proof that he had your board spammed. If you're going by that logic you might as well say that we're all suspects because we have played the game. Therefore we must have had some motive to spam your board.

I think you missed the point, so I won't persist with this.

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[ooc]Technically since this is an RP "discussion", and was made as an "announcement", in IC terms, one would consider this entire dialogue to be "spoken", and therefore "Slander", rather than libel.[/ooc]

Where be a thesaurus?

That's actually an interesting point and a bit of a grey area. However, as a general rule of thumb, spoken = slander and written = libel. Its more to do with the durability of the statement, and the amount of consideration given to the statement. Either way, this could turn into a very long off topic discussion!

PS - you're now in charge of taking any messages for me

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Wow, lots of pages.

I have been offline for most of the last five days.

I will be on IRC later tonight, probably sometime between 11pm and update EST. If anyone would care to discuss this in a reasonable manner that doesn't include being an idiot and posting hearsay and baseless claims then I would be happy to discuss it. If unsubstantiated claims of OOC activities is all you have to go on then don't bother me. I can assure you that I am not in the mood for it.

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If you can show me proof of myself or Starcraftmazter demanding you pay reps for our militarization I will eat my own head. BLahh.


I thought you were using "we" as being in regards to your entire alliance?

[12:56] <Starcraftmazter> my member would want reparations as they are gearing up for war, which is costly, etc

[12:56] <Tygaland> you are !@#$@#$ kidding me

[12:56] <Starcraftmazter> tl;dr I believe NSO went very badly about handling this

[12:56] <Starcraftmazter> no i am not

[12:56] <Tygaland> you want reps?

[12:56] <Starcraftmazter> i dont want reps

[12:56] <Tygaland> I'm doen with you and your rank stupidity

[12:56] <Starcraftmazter> people in my alliance want reps

[12:56] <Starcraftmazter> makes sense to me

[12:56] <Starcraftmazter> you are not being very nice Tyga

So I was referring to Dark Fist demands in general, however if you want to be technical, I'll throw in the fact that SCM has said on several occasions that he does what the membership wants. Either way, it was brought up, and described as something you may have wanted at your end.

I expect a video.

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Call me crazy, but I somewhat care what members of my alliance think.

Nice selective quoting. Really changed the meaning with that one. Kudos to you sir. But as I was saying, Tyga was talking to you, and not your membership, so when you brought up the "reps for mobilization" nonsense that was you talking, and not your members. That's how it works. When a demand comes from you, the leader, that becomes an official request. I don't see how hard that is to understand.

I think you missed the point, so I won't persist with this.

I think you missed the point, so I won't persist with this.

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Of course we have collaborated with our allies and have obtained their opinion on the matter. We are however not hiding behind anyone, and in fact I would vouch to say that if NSO declares war on us, we will not ask for anyone's assistance, but simply let them assist us if they consider it appropriate.

I am pleased to hear this, but on the other hand the fact you have "collaborated" (To work together, especially in a joint intellectual effort.) with your allies means you already know if they will or will not support you if a war happens.

Now if those said allies refused to support you in this war, you would have already backed down, tell me if I am wrong please

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I thought you were using "we" as being in regards to your entire alliance?

So I was referring to Dark Fist demands in general, however if you want to be technical, I'll throw in the fact that SCM has said on several occasions that he does what the membership wants. Either way, it was brought up, and described as something you may have wanted at your end.

I expect a video.

Sorry, but that offer was made over 6 minutes ago, which in a fast paced forum topic is too long to be considered a current offer.

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Nice selective quoting. Really changed the meaning with that one. Kudos to you sir. But as I was saying, Tyga was talking to you, and not your membership, so when you brought up the "reps for mobilization" nonsense that was you talking, and not your members. That's how it works. When a demand comes from you, the leader, that becomes an official request. I don't see how hard that is to understand.

Because I agree with you that it would otherwise seem that way, I specifically made sure to clarify that it was not a request.

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Because I agree with you that it would otherwise seem that way, I specifically made sure to clarify that it was not a request.

No you just said it was something your members wanted and brought up just because.

Sorry, but that offer was made over 6 minutes ago, which in a fast paced forum topic is too long to be considered a current offer.

Damn. I'll consider it a draw, then.

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Sorry, but that offer was made over 6 minutes ago, which in a fast paced forum topic is too long to be considered a current offer.

Indeed, during that IRC conversation I should have fired up the flux capacitor and travelled three minutes into the future to see he was going to clarify they were not demanding reps before returning to the present and respond accordingly.

You'll see from the relevant part of the conversation I quoted, you know, the part where I alluded to SCM's stupidity, he mentioned his members wanting reparations for the cost of militarisation and indicated he felt it was a reasonable request. This is after he has told me his members thoughts pretty much drive his decisionmaking.

If the demand for reps was never on the table, I fail to see why he'd mention them at all. I lean more towards him raising it in seriousness then baulking when he saw my reaction.

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