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The NEW Story, Why We Do What We Do

suryanto tan

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The views on raiding have changed for some people, not for everyone. Just because your views have changed doesn't make your views right. As you said, your views at one point were the same as NEW's now. Only difference is NEW has always had this stance, you've flip flopped from one side to the other as the balance of power on PB has changed.

I'd say that's more hypocritical than anything I or anyone else has done/said in this whole situation.

Right, that's exactly it. Because I thought about something long and hard and came to a conclusion that was different from my original conclusion, therefore I'm a hypocrite.

Yeah, you're a smart one, aren't you?

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Right, that's exactly it. Because I thought about something long and hard and came to a conclusion that was different from my original conclusion, therefore I'm a hypocrite.

Yeah, you're a smart one, aren't you?

Methinks you don't know the definition of "hypocrisy." I never said you thought about anything long or hard or came to any conclusion, I said you flip-flopped. I thought that was fairly clear when I very clearly wrote..."you've flip flopped from one side to the other as the balance of power on PB has changed.". I guess that wasn't easily comprehended.

My bad, I overestimated your abilities. I'll try to not do that again :D

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We should be thankful for TOP once again stepping in and averting another war.

*wipes his brow*

What would we do with out them watching over and parenting the cyberverse?

Thankfully you're still a moron. TOP was not in the last peace talks. But please keep spewing your mouth, maybe one day you'll check a fact.

I'm still waiting for TOP to crush people who are playing like they do. Hell, I'm still waiting for TOP to crush people, period. You seem to talk the talk, let's see if can you walk the walk.

Did you really tell another alliance to walk the walk? You're hilarious, good sir

That has to be the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. If they offered you reps to facilitate you paying them reps then they are complete dupes.

Actually, Khyber and Yev are some of the smartest people in this game. They knew that NEW was too proud and wanted to make it look like they didn't full out lose.

Here are my thoughts:

Background: I was one of the mediators during the talks. I was away for the start of the talks(Phone call)

Peace talks: The only ones in the peace talks were: ZDP, NEW, Penkala and I, note this was the final peace talks. The conversation was going nowhere by the time I had arrived and continued this pace for a good bit. In my mind, and I stated this, NEW sent us a mouthpiece. I thought this was a very disrespectful, so I was not the happiest person, nor was some of the other people in the talks.

The peace talks were in a deadlock, when I came in. NEW was still insisting no reps yet wanted to have peace talks. I found this an extreme waste of time. About that time, Penkala queries me and tells me to say 9 mil to ZDP and 3 mil to NEW(The reason for 9 mil reps was because ZDP only wanted Reps for the spy attack. Earlier in talks NEW stated that someone who was not involved in the war has been attacked. This is where the 3 mil originated from). It had became obvious to some of us that NEW would want some sort of reps(Which I think was for pride) This was shot down at first.

As we had continued the peace talks both sides still being very stubborn. We had soon realized that NEW had sent a mouthpiece to the negotiations. We soon contacted NEW's high level government, and got them into the channel. Some talks went on, and still went nowhere. So I went away for a couple of minutes. I came back to a query from Yev, saying that peace has been obtained.

My Thoughts?

My thoughts are mine only. I thought of NEW as extremely disrespectful, this excludes yoyo because he wanted to pay the original reps plus he is a good friend. My thoughts of NEW has diminished a good bit, mainly for their lack of respect. The low shot at Dan further proves this. The fact that the language barrier was a defense of this war is complete *$(# in my opinion. The government member of NEW, along with founders, had a very firm grasp on the language. And I hope that they do not use that "defense" again.

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Thankfully you're still a moron. TOP was not in the last peace talks. But please keep spewing your mouth, maybe one day you'll check a fact.

Background: I was one of the mediators during the talks. I was away for the start of the talks(Phone call)

Peace talks: The only ones in the peace talks were: ZDP, NEW, Penkala and I, note this was the final peace talks. The conversation was going nowhere by the time I had arrived and continued this pace for a good bit. In my mind, and I stated this, NEW sent us a mouthpiece. I thought this was a very disrespectful, so I was not the happiest person, nor was some of the other people in the talks.

The peace talks were in a deadlock, when I came in. NEW was still insisting no reps yet wanted to have peace talks. I found this an extreme waste of time. About that time, Penkala queries me and tells me to say 9 mil to ZDP and 3 mil to NEW(The reason for 9 mil reps was because ZDP only wanted Reps for the spy attack. Earlier in talks NEW stated that someone who was not involved in the war has been attacked. This is where the 3 mil originated from). It had became obvious to some of us that NEW would want some sort of reps(Which I think was for pride) This was shot down at first.

As we had continued the peace talks both sides still being very stubborn. We had soon realized that NEW had sent a mouthpiece to the negotiations. We soon contacted NEW's high level government, and got them into the channel. Some talks went on, and still went nowhere. So I went away for a couple of minutes. I came back to a query from Yev, saying that peace has been obtained.

Both Crymson and I were there and talking with NEW and yev at the time.

Edited by mhawk
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Small misunderstanding there.

Believland (BEazy) was there for most of the peace talks of that day, except the very last ones.

The last ones included Brother Kane (ZDP), Mhawk (TPF), Crymson (TOP), gantaX (NEW) and myself. They were very quick, to just about everyone's surprise. Hence why BE might have gotten the impression that there were no new discussions.

I would probably have included Chimaera but I think he was away or absent at that moment. We, in ZDP, asked TOP to be there; they were a force for peace and they are good friends of us.

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Both Crymson and I were there and talking with NEW and yev at the time.
Small misunderstanding there.

Believland (BEazy) was there for most of the peace talks of that day, except the very last ones.

The last ones included Brother Kane (ZDP), Mhawk (TPF), Crymson (TOP), gantaX (NEW) and myself. They were very quick, to just about everyone's surprise. Hence why BE might have gotten the impression that there were no new discussions.

Thankfully you're still a moron. TOP was not in the last peace talks. But please keep spewing your mouth, maybe one day you'll check a fact.

The irony.

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