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The Wedding in Moscow

Justinian the Mighty

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The day of the wedding was finally here and the entire country waited eagerly for news of the wedding to reach them. The palace was bustling with servants, aides, guests and the media. Everyone was waiting for a glimpse of the bride, who was in an adjacent room having a few last minute adjustments done on her dress. In the chapel the hundreds of guests had arrived and taken their places. The Emperor’s court, his government, military commanders as well as Foreign sovereigns and ministers awaited to beginning of the ceremony. On the stage the Patriarch of Moscow and the clergy all dressed in gold robes made a few last minute preparations while waiting for the bride and groom to arrive.


Moments before noon the tolling St. Basil’s Cathedral’s bells silenced the city of Moscow. The momentary silence was interrupted by a 21 cannon salute shot over the Moskva River to signal the commencement of the ceremony. Then the double doors in the back of the room opened, and all the guests stand. The nation’s flag and the Emperor’s standard entered first, fallowed by a long procession made up of ushers, courtiers, palace officers and Imperial Guardsmen. The band begins playing

as Justinian enters the room, wearing a black officer‘s uniform modestly adorned with his medals and decorations.

Immediately after Justinian reaches the stage the wedding march begins to play, and the procession continues, finally ending with the bridesmaids and the bride. To keep with tradition Christina wore the gown worn by numerous Romanov brides. Her dress was made from the finest silk, trimmed with ermine and embroidered with crystals, diamonds and pearls. Around her neck she wore a matching necklace of pearls and diamonds. Finally upon her head was a diamond tiara.

At bottom of the platform two members of the clergy hand Christina and Justinian two lighted candles. Then they both nervously approach the Patriarch, who greets him while other members of the clergy pray behind him. The Patriarch raises his hand to the couple and begins the nuptial ceremony.

“Dear God, join these two, thy servants, unite them in one mind and one flesh.”

Justinian and Christina take each others hands and the ceremony continues, and as they exchange rings he turns to each and says a blessing. As the ceremony ends and the couple seal it with a kiss the Patriarch again blesses the union with the sign of the cross.

Once that is done two thrones are brought onto the platform along with a large cross. The newlywed Emperor and Empress kneel before the cross. The Patriarch anoints them while the clergy continues praying. Then the Imperial Crown is brought out and handed to the Patriarch. Justinian rises, takes the crown then places it upon his own head. He then turns to Christina, still kneeling, and briefly places on her head, before returning it to his. As he does this the Patriarch utters the phrase “In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.”

Finally Justinian and Christina take their seats upon their thrones as the Emperor and Empress. After the ceremony the guests are all invited to the ballroom for the reception.

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Katrina Zykova approachs the Tsar and Tsarina of Slavorussia and bows.

"On Behalf of the Tsarina of Molakia, My self The Vice Royal, and the people of Molakia, we wish you only the best in your future. May Mol smile upon you." She says, rising from her bow.

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General Van Eaton arrived at the palace. He was met by a Royal Guard who greeted, "Good evening, General!", to which Van Eaton growled, "Yeah, yeah, yeah!". His aide, Lieutenant Rachel Sanders, a skinny 25 year old woman who, Van Eaton's critics claim, has some sort of affair with the General, told him, "He's had a bad morning."

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Half an hour later after everyone has gathered in the ballroom Justinian and Christina arrive and are formally introduced as the Emperor and Empress of Slavorussia.

Katrina Zykova approachs the Tsar and Tsarina of Slavorussia and bows.

"On Behalf of the Tsarina of Molakia, My self The Vice Royal, and the people of Molakia, we wish you only the best in your future. May Mol smile upon you." She says, rising from her bow.

Justinian bows his head in greating the Vice Royal and replies, “Thank you for your blessing Miss Zykova. It‘s a pleasure to finally meet you.”

Jack Carter walked to the Tsar and Tsarina and introduces himself, and wishes them a happy future together.

“It‘s a pleasure to meet you Mr. Carter. Thank you for coming.”

The Tahoe Republic officially offers its congratulation to the Imperial Family and All Slavorussia for this momentous event and wish them well in the future.

The newlyweds send their thanks to the Tahoe Republic.

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"So this is Slavorussia. I've truly never been." Said Valeria as she and Hannah walked into the grand ballroom of the Tsar's Palace. The architecture of the palace and indeed the entire country was breathtaking.

"Indeed, its a shame that the Hansa and Slavorussia hasn't had the relationship that it ought to have really."


"Well with the Valkyrie War and all, I would have figured our nations would have come together a bit more, though I think they're still a bit angry about Belarus. But that's out of my hands now, anyways, we're not here to talk politics. Follow me."

Hannah Asgeirsson, Potentate of the Hanseatic Commonwealth and her Lillian Commander Valeria Sangral had landed in Moscow the day before and had come to the wedding in their best gowns and of course to impress the European crowd once again that the Hansa, while perhaps isolated and seeking a rather self-centered view was still available to greet acquaintances. Hannah, in a black gown, her white hair in a long braid down her back. While Valeria, blonde with her hair flowing freely, strode into the ballroom behind many of the other guest clamoring to greet the Tsar and his newlywed bride.

After the crowd had dispersed for a time, Hannah and Valeria made their way up to the two royals and bowed their heads.

"Excellency it is a pleasure to finally make your acquaintance." Said the Potentate. "And on such a monumental occasion such as this. I hope you both have many years of health and love between yourselves and may Slavorussia continue to function as a country to be feared throughout Europe and Asia for that matter." Hannah said with a smile. "Its quite a shame that our peoples have never really communicated a great deal. Honestly, I only visited Moscow once, it was after the Valkyrie War, after my comrades and I left Valkurheim, your country is still as beautiful as I remember it."

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OOC: Ack, missed this somehow.


Uberstein arrives late, and quickly heads into the building with his gift, mumbling to himself about meetings and air traffic and bomb threats and overzealous security. He seeks out the Tsar and hands him the gift, "A bottle of wine from my personal stores, aged to perfection and one of 5 in the entire world. Sorry to have missed the ceremony, but there was a bomb threat to my personal aircraft and my bodyguards tend to take these things very seriously. Congratulations on your marriage."

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"So this is Slavorussia. I've truly never been." Said Valeria as she and Hannah walked into the grand ballroom of the Tsar's Palace. The architecture of the palace and indeed the entire country was breathtaking.

"Indeed, its a shame that the Hansa and Slavorussia hasn't had the relationship that it ought to have really."


"Well with the Valkyrie War and all, I would have figured our nations would have come together a bit more, though I think they're still a bit angry about Belarus. But that's out of my hands now, anyways, we're not here to talk politics. Follow me."

Hannah Asgeirsson, Potentate of the Hanseatic Commonwealth and her Lillian Commander Valeria Sangral had landed in Moscow the day before and had come to the wedding in their best gowns and of course to impress the European crowd once again that the Hansa, while perhaps isolated and seeking a rather self-centered view was still available to greet acquaintances. Hannah, in a black gown, her white hair in a long braid down her back. While Valeria, blonde with her hair flowing freely, strode into the ballroom behind many of the other guest clamoring to greet the Tsar and his newlywed bride.

After the crowd had dispersed for a time, Hannah and Valeria made their way up to the two royals and bowed their heads.

"Excellency it is a pleasure to finally make your acquaintance." Said the Potentate. "And on such a monumental occasion such as this. I hope you both have many years of health and love between yourselves and may Slavorussia continue to function as a country to be feared throughout Europe and Asia for that matter." Hannah said with a smile. "Its quite a shame that our peoples have never really communicated a great deal. Honestly, I only visited Moscow once, it was after the Valkyrie War, after my comrades and I left Valkurheim, your country is still as beautiful as I remember it."

“Ladies, welcome to our home, we’re glad you could make it.” Justinian replies while returning the smile, “I don’t know if Slavorussia is feared in Europe, but if it is, then I only wish fear equated to respect in this world. Sadly I doubt any of our neighbors have any idea the meaning of that word.”

Christina quickly changes the subject before Justinian goes of on one of his rants. “Have you had a chance to do any sightseeing? Justinian and I love going to the Bolshoi Theatre.”

OOC: Ack, missed this somehow.


Uberstein arrives late, and quickly heads into the building with his gift, mumbling to himself about meetings and air traffic and bomb threats and overzealous security. He seeks out the Tsar and hands him the gift, "A bottle of wine from my personal stores, aged to perfection and one of 5 in the entire world. Sorry to have missed the ceremony, but there was a bomb threat to my personal aircraft and my bodyguards tend to take these things very seriously. Congratulations on your marriage."

“I’m sorry to hear about that President Uberstein, thank the Lord you weren’t hurt. ” he says as he takes the bottle of wine to inspect. “Any idea who was behind the threat? Socialist extremists? Fascist fanatics?”

The Vice Royal bows again, and steps foward to Justinian..

"Hopefully the Union between myself and Anna will be as peaceful...can I expect your side of the family to keep civil?" she says in a hushed voice.

Justinian chuckles nervously at the thought. “When two women love each other Vice Royal Zykova, I would never try to get in-between them…”

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Prime Minister Ísólfur Ármannsson had discreetly walked in before the procession and was now mingling with the quests after the reception. He decided to join James I and Justinian. Ísólfur gave James I the traditional bear-hug greeting with noticeable restraint so as to not harm him, "Good evening James, it's a delight to see you! So where are your travels taking you next?" He then turned to Justinian with a curt nod and firm handshake, "congratulations on your marriage Justinian."

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The representative from Dranagg approached the tsar

"I am Captain Cor, of Dranagg. I have a gift from the government."

A rather undiplomatic statement from someone not used to diplomatic situations. He doesn't appear to want to be here, and looks very out of place, even considering he is a military officer and not a diplomat.

The small box he presents to the Tsar contains the gift.

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King James approached the Tsar with a smile, and extended his hand. "Congratulations! I'm glad I get the chance to meet you on a non-political occasion."
Prime Minister Ísólfur Ármannsson had discreetly walked in before the procession and was now mingling with the quests after the reception. He decided to join James I and Justinian. Ísólfur gave James I the traditional bear-hug greeting with noticeable restraint so as to not harm him, "Good evening James, it's a delight to see you! So where are your travels taking you next?" He then turned to Justinian with a curt nod and firm handshake, "congratulations on your marriage Justinian."

“Thank you for your kind words gentlemen. I‘m glad we have this chance to meet without the animosity which usually plagues us when dealing with each other.” Justinian wonders to himself while Ísólfur Ármannsson, “Hmm, he must be like Molakia‘s Vice Royal, only he likes other men.”

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Prime Minister Ísólfur Ármannsson had discreetly walked in before the procession and was now mingling with the quests after the reception. He decided to join James I and Justinian. Ísólfur gave James I the traditional bear-hug greeting with noticeable restraint so as to not harm him, "Good evening James, it's a delight to see you! So where are your travels taking you next?" He then turned to Justinian with a curt nod and firm handshake, "congratulations on your marriage Justinian."

"Ehm...travels?" James asked, confused. "Most likely home, or to the doctor's..."

“Thank you for your kind words gentlemen. I‘m glad we have this chance to meet without the animosity which usually plagues us when dealing with each other.” Justinian wonders to himself while Ísólfur Ármannsson, “Hmm, he must be like Molakia‘s Vice Royal, only he likes other men.”

"Indeed. Politics cause such rifts between those that would normally be friends."

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A note and a small oak box is sent to Slavorussia via the Queendom of Australia's Embassy.

To: Tsar Justinian and Princess Christina

"I take this opportunity to congratulate you on your wedding. I sincerely wish you the very best for your future together. Regrettably the situation between our two nations does not permit me to attend the wedding. Nonetheless I offer this small gift.


His Imperial Majesty Azenquor II, Crown Prince of Vaule and Buryatia."

Inside the oak box, is a small jade pendant.

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“I’m sorry to hear about that President Uberstein, thank the Lord you weren’t hurt. ” he says as he takes the bottle of wine to inspect. “Any idea who was behind the threat? Socialist extremists? Fascist fanatics?”

"A prankster who found out my office's phone number was toll free. Just some group of teenagers calling themselves the Finnish Inquisition. I'm sure some time in some Youth Rehabilitation programs will help, they're too young to send to jail. But honestly enough about myself, this day is about you and your wife. A word of advice though, I suggest that you get her to learn hand-to-hand combat, same with yourself if you haven't already. A leader of such a powerful country should always be ready to protect their family." He give the Tsar a firm handshake and heads off to the bar.

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A letter arrived at the palace with written congratulations to the newlyweds, along with an apology for not having been able to make it in time. No reason was given in the letter, though there had been some rumors through official channels that the Zargathian flu season had graced the Queen with its presence this year.

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A note and a small oak box is sent to Slavorussia via the Queendom of Australia's Embassy.

Inside the oak box, is a small jade pendant.

As the guests eat drink and dance the night away, a palace aide brings the oak box to the Tsar and Tsarina. He hands it to Christina, who opens it to reveal the jade pendant. “Oh it‘s pretty.” she says as she lifts it out of the box holds it up into the light. “Justin, will help me put it on?”

Justinian smiles pleasantly, takes the note from the aide’s hand and quickly reads it. Then he glances at Christina and smiles again. “Darling that doesn’t go with anything you have on, besides you‘re already wearing enough jewelry.”

Taking the pendant and placing it gently back in the box and dictates a letter to his aide.

To His Imperial Majesty Imperator Azenquor II,

Thank you so much for the most generous gift. Christina and I are sorry you couldn’t be here to celebrate with us, but such is life. Hopefully our dire situation will improve, and we may someday meet in person. Until then good luck and good health.

His Majesty Emperor Justinian of Slavorussia

OOC: I may not have posted in this thread very much, so I'm probably out of it. Is the wedding over or is it still on? :huh:

ooc: You missed it Jed, but you can still come to the reception.

"A prankster who found out my office's phone number was toll free. Just some group of teenagers calling themselves the Finnish Inquisition. I'm sure some time in some Youth Rehabilitation programs will help, they're too young to send to jail. But honestly enough about myself, this day is about you and your wife. A word of advice though, I suggest that you get her to learn hand-to-hand combat, same with yourself if you haven't already. A leader of such a powerful country should always be ready to protect their family." He give the Tsar a firm handshake and heads off to the bar.

“No need to worry about me Mr. President, I‘ve received the same basic training that all Slavorussian soldiers receive.”

A letter arrived at the palace with written congratulations to the newlyweds, along with an apology for not having been able to make it in time. No reason was given in the letter, though there had been some rumors through official channels that the Zargathian flu season had graced the Queen with its presence this year.

A letter would be returned to the Queen thanking her for her congradulations, and wishing her good health if the rumors were indeed true.

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Theodore Jameson felt a little out of place as one of the few people of color. Most of the attendees here were of European or other light-skinned descent. That didn't stop him from coming forward when the crowd momentarily cleared inf ront of the pair of newlyweds to present his own gift--a finely-carved pair of turtle-doves perched on a branch, made with clear loving care by a master wood-craftsman.


"I and my nation's congratulations on your happy union. May you be blessed with peace and happiness."

Edited by Subtleknifewielder
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