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A Plea to the International Community

Nagato the Great

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OOC: This has got to be one of the most !@#$@#$ retarded threads i've bothered reading here... Any GMs out there wanting to get involved in this !@#$storm?
OOC: Check out Missiles over Mandalore. It has all the juicy goodness, from Sargun cruise missiling me, to someone else (forgot their name) nuking me for no reason, to Libya invading me for no reason.

OOC: All posts are legitimate. There's no godmodding or metagaming involved.

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As the missile inbound towards Vatican city approached, the anti-missile systems constructed and operated by the Austrian technicians successfully intercepted and destroyed the missile inbound toward the Holy See.

We condemn someone launching a missile at the bloody Vatican. Seriously, what have we become if we're lobbing missiles at religious centers?

OOC: Who launched the missile?

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***Encrypted message to NoN***

There are currently 500 Selenarctan humanitarian aid and Ground Force personnel believed alive but unaccounted for within Mandalore. We would be grateful if you could assist any you find in reaching one of the two Destroyers currently docked on the the Mandalorian coast, or a safe location inside of NoN. -Selenarctos Defense Command

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***Encrypted message to NoN***

There are currently 500 Selenarctan humanitarian aid and Ground Force personnel believed alive but unaccounted for within Mandalore. We would be grateful if you could assist any you find in reaching one of the two Destroyers currently docked on the the Mandalorian coast, or a safe location inside of NoN. -Selenarctos Defense Command

***Encrypted message to Selenarctos High Command***

NoN-CMBT forces will definitely keep an eye out for these Selenarctan Nationals. If recovered, dead or alive, they shall be treated as fully documented NoN Nationals until transferred to said Destroyers.

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***Encrypted message to Selenarctos High Command***

NoN-CMBT forces will definitely keep an eye out for these Selenarctan Nationals. If recovered, dead or alive, they shall be treated as fully documented NoN Nationals until transferred to said Destroyers.

***Encrypted Reply***

Thank you. Should any Selenarctan Ground Force personnel cause trouble, please inform them Recovery Code Hemisphere 4 has been enacted.

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Nuke blown up, crisis successfully avoided.
As the missile inbound towards Vatican city approached, the anti-missile systems constructed and operated by the Austrian technicians successfully intercepted and destroyed the missile inbound toward the Holy See.

OOC: You cannot auto blowing up nukes...these will be rolled.

Edited by Sarah Tintagyl
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Well, it would appear that my mention of "Could only be better if they nuked themselves", was taken up. They have nuked themselves.

Wow...Dranagg seems to have hit an all-time low with their ranting...how would Mandalore even obtain the nuke in the first place?

OOC: All posts are legitimate. There's no godmodding or metagaming involved.

OOC: I beg to differ on the metagaming part. There's been some borderline on that score. not you, no, but some other people.

We condemn someone launching a missile at the bloody Vatican. Seriously, what have we become if we're lobbing missiles at religious centers?

OOC: Who launched the missile?

The same one who launched at you.

Edited by Subtleknifewielder
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Wow...Dranagg seems to have hit an all-time low with their ranting...how would Mabndalore even obtain the nuke tin the first place?

OOC: I beg to differ on the metagaming part. There's been some borderline on that score. not you, no, but some other people.

The same one who launched at you.

We recommend not trying to reason with Dranagg. Reason apparently doesn't get to them.


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Orly? It's an offshoot of "Botha Mode" called "Justinian's I dont recognize lulz rp...Mode"


OOC: Pretty much this. Sorry, but my nation is not at the whim of immature folks. If you want to act like morons, that's your business. But don't involve me, especially for absolutely no reason.

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OOC: Pretty much this. Sorry, but my nation is not at the whim of immature folks. If you want to act like morons, that's your business. But don't involve me, especially for absolutely no reason.

OOC: You can't ignore something that happened ICly, unless you're in actual Botha Mode, RPing your actual stats.

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OOC: Even Botha would have recognized the nuclear arm going off in his nation, should he have been hit.

ooc: I'm not Botha

OOC: You can't ignore something that happened ICly, unless you're in actual Botha Mode, RPing your actual stats.

ooc: I just did.

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OOC: He doesn't recognize unplanned wars.

I have to agree with Justinian, I didn't come to CNRP to RP random "lulz", and if this is what unplanned wars are turning into, then I no longer recognize unplanned wars against me. I may participate in an occasional silly thread, but I usually make those non-canon.

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