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Pacifica: the reformed alliance?


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99% of members who leave the New Pacific Order do so with good experiences and love in their hearts for their former alliances.

And if you'll believe that I have a warehouse full of technology to sell you.


Edited by Sal Paradise
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Oh, please people.

Was I harsh with Francesca? Absolutely. Happy to do it.

What you don't see here is that my speaking to Francesca was the end of the line, a long line, of her disobeying orders from her superiors to change her behavior. When a member fails to follow the policies of the New Pacific Order, a member of the chain of command disciplines them. When they fail to obey that order, it gets bumped up to the next rung on the ladder. And so on and so forth ad nauseum. My conversation with Francesca was harsh and deservedly so because she failed to follow the orders of members of the government of the New Pacific Order. When you continually fail to follow orders, it goes to the Emperor, and that's your last chance.

99% of members who leave the New Pacific Order do so with good experiences and love in their hearts for their former alliances. The only people who parade this kind of stuff around are those who, recognizing that their career with the NPO is shot, hope to make a career with its enemies. The only problem is, for Francesca, I think she shot her career to !@#$ already by joining us.

Good luck in your future endeavors.

Mm...... you could've kicked her out and been kind about it. Then again, you are the Emperor of the New Pacific Order. You're /bound/ to be a nice person.

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Mm...... you could've kicked her out and been kind about it. Then again, you are the Emperor of the New Pacific Order. You're /bound/ to be a nice person.

Hey how about you spend less time harassing Emperor Blackbird and more time accepting that aid offer I sent you 10 days ago? It's about to expire.

So hard to find good help these days......

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Man, I'm tempted to see if I can get back into the NPO, just to see what would happen.

On the one hand, it's actually nice to see the emperor paying attention, it seems, to the membership of the NPO on a more personal level. On the other hand, not being able to speak one's mind isn't very fun.

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Man, I'm tempted to see if I can get back into the NPO, just to see what would happen.

On the one hand, it's actually nice to see the emperor paying attention, it seems, to the membership of the NPO on a more personal level. On the other hand, not being able to speak one's mind isn't very fun.

I'm pretty sure you're allowed to speak it, it's just when you speak it and what comes out is stupid is where a person will run into trouble.

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Yeah. I wasn't sure if I should. I knew people were simply going to hate on me for it.

I believe you're confusing criticism with hate. Take your experiences, the things others say, and learn from them. This can be either a positive or negative event depending on what you decide to take from it.

Please, go ahead and provide evidence that I disobeyed orders beyond what was reasonable. You can start by proving that I disobeyed orders period.

By making this type of demand, I hope you're prepared for what you're asking for. This almost never ends well.

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I am neither surprised by the fact that Fran got the boot or by Cortath's behaviour.

[16:40] <Cortath> Do you understand how the government of the New Pacific Order works?

[16:40] <Francesca[NPO]> Might I ask what you refer to, specifically?

[16:40] <Cortath> No, you may not.

Instant sig material.


Though honestly Fran, Cortath's done you a pretty big favour here. If I were you I would be truly thankful for my newfound freedom. :v:

Edited by Voytek
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I believe you're confusing criticism with hate. Take your experiences, the things others say, and learn from them. This can be either a positive or negative event depending on what you decide to take from it.

By making this type of demand, I hope you're prepared for what you're asking for. This almost never ends well.

What does she really have to lose? In all honesty?

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If you define your existence in terms of losing, you're not going to win.

No, what I am saying is, you say that it probably won't turn out well for her, which is understandable, however, if she's leaving anyway, does it really matter?

It goes back to that quote "the most dangerous enemy is one who has nothing to lose" simply because they can't lose anything, all they can possibly have is gain. As it stands, IMO, she really has nothing to lose.

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I have no love of Francesca, but Cortath's style reminds me of what I dislike about NPO so much. I guess that kind of role-playing does it for some people, more power to them I guess, but it's never something I'd want to be involved in.

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Looks more like internal discipline matters. I consider myself lucky I haven't found myself having this kind of talk yet.

And yes, you do give up some autonomy if you join an alliance. Especially the New Pacific Order; seriously, they've written essays on the subject! Everyone gives up sovereignty to the Emperor so he does his Emperor stuff. It's not like they hide the fact from..um, anyone at all.

It's kind'a iffy on the whole private-socialising monitoring thing, but she seemed to accept it.

'You have lousy forums' is a kind'a lousy defence when it comes to something that takes them down. Tho it may look like a sign to get an update. But..again, that'd be an internal issue.

Something to keep in mind, perhaps. I'll keep this in mind in the unlikely scenario of me applying there, but other than that..eh.

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Cortath was awesome in those logs. I really never could figure out why she was let into Pacifica in the first place.

The body republic believed she deserved a second chance. Their faces must be red now.

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Looks more like internal discipline matters. I consider myself lucky I haven't found myself having this kind of talk yet.

And yes, you do give up some autonomy if you join an alliance. Especially the New Pacific Order; seriously, they've written essays on the subject! Everyone gives up sovereignty to the Emperor so he does his Emperor stuff. It's not like they hide the fact from..um, anyone at all.

It's kind'a iffy on the whole private-socialising monitoring thing, but she seemed to accept it.

'You have lousy forums' is a kind'a lousy defence when it comes to something that takes them down. Tho it may look like a sign to get an update. But..again, that'd be an internal issue.

Something to keep in mind, perhaps. I'll keep this in mind in the unlikely scenario of me applying there, but other than that..eh.

I tried to obey his orders and submit to him.

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Why do people stay in the NPO if this is how their government behaves without any indication that they'll ever stop being so elitist and controlling?
I believe there once lived a man questioning what's wrong about being a mindless drone. Perhaps therein lies key to this conundrum, or like James Dahl said, the strength of personal bonds are greater than the desire to remove oneself from an environment that doesn't seem to promote much more than comformity and subjection to the Emperor.

That being said, not all are capable of fitting in in all environments.

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