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CNRP World Map 1 Redux


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Alright, so I've been looking at the map, and have been a bit disappointed with how some of it looks. After a lot of through, a portion of the blame falls on me for doing a half @#$% sharpening of the original, blurred, LVN map. So, out of guilt, I've redrawn the blank map for peoples' use, so we can all stop using the atrocious blank map I made a while back:


Also, redrew Europe for the hell of it:


By the way, for the most part I fought the urge to match things to RL borders, but in a few places, it was so close it seemed to be what the person was trying to do anyway, so I did it. That only accounts for one or two five pixel lines, so it shouldn't be too much.\


Edited by Il Terra Di Agea
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Sargun is the only other person who has edited the map since I started the new thread. So you would have to ask him.
I actually don't think so. I've only seen him as that single island ever, before.

it might have been from before you were doing this map...I dunno. I only really just noticed it now. But he had a sizeable portion of Middle-America, actually. Unless he himself reduced his claim and I did not see it...


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ITDA, that's awesome.
ITDA, this is awesome and you should feel awesome.
Come on, people, you call him awesome, but you are't really showing it...this is how you do eet!

ITDA, you are :awesome: !

Why thank you all.

However, it looks like a lot more work than it was. The new blank map was, as with the first one, just a bunch of filters, selections, and fills. The new Europe, was because I was bored a few days ago.

Save praise for redrawing the full map, which I may or may not end up doing. I've got like half of Asia done though.

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Once you're done with the new map, include Cascade! :)

Did Emperor Mudd give you the right to RP that section breaking away from his territory or did you decide to move to another space on the map? Cause you have to tell the mapmaker where to put you.

Edited by Sarah Tintagyl
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just a question, do we ever reset CNRP? like, start over so noobs can get some land?

It's been talked about, but never implemented, as generally the only people who support it are whiny people (Yes, I supported a reset a while back, and I won't deny it :P ) upset with their current land, and... well, noobs who want some land...

Edited by Il Terra Di Agea
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CNRP Reset: Absolutely not. You are welcome to start an alternative RP with identical rules, but I think disrupting the continuity of CNRP would be a mistake.

Edited by iamthey
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/hugs New England possessively


Srsly, I doubt CNRP would have a reset.

*does similarly with Caucasia*

It's mine...my own...my prrrreciousssssssssss....

Srsly. no resets. Ever. If you reset it, I will find a way to hack the reseters computer and cause furry porn to show up on their screen whenever they click anywhere on their screen.


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