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A Harmful War

HisK Owns You

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I'm going to make this short...

Folger I like you... But RE will not change overnight... I have talked with you a lot over the past few days. So... I hope you can change things for the better... But for now it's war!

Mostly Harmful Alliance declares war on the Roman Empire.

Good luck everyone :)


LW - Exec Director (alliance leader)

Thaisport - Chairman

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Actually we decided this like 2 days ago and we weren't about to stop it because of one measly announcement.

That's interesting since Thai, Wiz and I agreed yesterday not to fight each other. Mayhaps I'm not the only one capable of backstabbing?

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Actually we decided this like 2 days ago and we weren't about to stop it because of one measly announcement.

How could it be a measly announcement? The 1 person who orchestrated this whole thing is out of the alliance. Attacking him would be smart, attacking the alliance that kicked him out = not smart. Grudges to roll over like it did this round, RE has been #1, and will most likely be there again next round. What stops them from destroying you guys? :rolleyes:

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I'm going to make this short...

Folger I like you... But RE will not change overnight... I have talked with you a lot over the past few days. So... I hope you can change things for the better... But for now it's war!

Mostly Harmful Alliance declares war on the Roman Empire.

Good luck everyone :)


LW - Exec Director (alliance leader)

Thaisport - Chairman

Sounds good... bring it on... bring the beers... and lets keep it civil!

Yay for blaming an entire alliance over what 1 person did!

No worries, its TE.

That's interesting since Thai, Wiz and I agreed yesterday not to fight each other. Mayhaps I'm not the only one capable of backstabbing?

Shut up.

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Congratulations to MHA and you're terrifying war machine. Your ability to muster 5 people (out of 150) for an update strike leaves me speechless. Keep up the good work!

at least sdf got six nations to hit mha..

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That's interesting since Thai, Wiz and I agreed yesterday not to fight each other. Mayhaps I'm not the only one capable of backstabbing?

I guess when you decided TPF's loyalty was worth discarding, you left your back side open...Now you have no one to defend you, and honestly

I think you will be hard pressed for future allies as well.

While i think RE is over all a good AA, and its sad that the AA as a whole has to be punished for Tibs's mistake...RE is the #1 AA, TPF has been betrayed, this is TE.

Folger, you are a good guy and i wish you the best of luck with RE.


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I particularly love this quote from MHA's forums:

Is this it?

I don't mean to be rude chaps but considering this war has supposedly been planned for days the organisation has been left wanting.

As it stands there have been just 25 attacks on RE. Just 10 MHA nations are involved and they have attacked 15 RE nations. That's just 6% from each side.

This isn't a war, this is a skirmish.

Haphazard targetting and a 5 nation "blitz" attack. Come on gents, this is embarassing!

So, so true.

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Re this has nothing to do with anything, decided to hit you once you got black and SDF to try and attack us. Basic revenge/retaliation. Also, we were a little war hungry and you guys are a fair target for an even fight.

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Re this has nothing to do with anything, decided to hit you once you got black and SDF to try and attack us. Basic revenge/retaliation. Also, we were a little war hungry and you guys are a fair target for an even fight.

Its all good, we hunger for war as well.

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Lonewolfe2015 walks in and sighs.

Listen up, and listen up good.

Tiberius condemned Roman Empire this round, his actions were unbecoming of a leader looking to not have his alliance destroyed. MHA, under my orders, even less-so Thai (but he did know and signed off) went to war on RE.

I have no grudge against anyone, but sometimes people need to learn the hardway. As MHA plays, next round is a new start for everything. We expect people to respect that philosophy of ours.

You want a reason for no coordination in this? We told our members an hour before update, because I did not decide to go to war until I went to bed tonight and left the work in the hands of a few Harmful loyals, some people have to sleep ya know. Not to mention the fact that I'd rather a fair war, but that seems impossible with the number of alliances that are ticked off here, having my members go in blind seemed the only way to give RE even a slight chance.

I don't care what anyone has to say about this, this is all my opinion and the way I handled it. You can argue, you can agree, it makes no difference to me.

Folger, you're a good man, but you let Tiberius run RE far too long, I even warned you that he would do so.

Our members are under orders to remain civil, as such I expect this war will be a friendly one in the spirit of TE.

Good luck RE, and may this war bring on a new age to TE.

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Although Tiberius' horrible, yet brilliant plan is tied into the Roman Empire, I personally don't feel that every alliance needs to declare on RE because of his doings. Obviously, RE did not back him in this, given by the post by folger. I think a general nuking on tiberius would have done the trick, instead, his whole alliance pays for his mistake.

Edited by eyerack
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Folger, you are a good guy and i wish you the best of luck with RE.


I'm also... a nice guy... Hahaha.

Folger, you're a good man, but you let Tiberius run RE far too long, I even warned you that he would do so.

Our members are under orders to remain civil, as such I expect this war will be a friendly one in the spirit of TE.

Good luck RE, and may this war bring on a new age to TE.

LoneWolfe, any warning you gave me you know I couldn't believe, but thanks for once again mentioning it.

Although Tiberius' horrible, yet brilliant plan is tied into the Roman Empire, I personally don't feel that every alliance needs to declare on RE because of his doings. Obviously, RE did not back him in this, given by the post by folger. I think a general nuking on tiberius would have done the trick, instead, his whole alliance pays for his mistake.

Tibs' plan was horribly brilliant... though the horrible side of it was what caught my attention. As for the war... its welcomed.

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Although Tiberius' horrible, yet brilliant plan is tied into the Roman Empire, I personally don't feel that every alliance needs to declare on RE because of his doings. Obviously, RE did not back him in this, given by the post by folger. I think a general nuking on tiberius would have done the trick, instead, his whole alliance pays for his mistake.

The plan while maybe a good one, down side is he tried to use/betrayed his most loyal friends.

He did not think through the process enough...This is a war game, as such AA's war.

You can't go a whole round at the #1 position and think that war is not inevitable no matter if you tie up

the top 4 AA's or not, there are 6 other top AA's and 30 AA's below that who could ban together.

Not to mention he underestimate his foe's and over estimated his abilty to be sluth...We knew he was plotting, just didn't know the whole plan.

At any case, you should never betray your friends and I'm sure me dropping my treaty with RE

helped motivate the perfect time to attack RE by the other AA's plotted against.

Far as the whole AA being attacked for what Tibs did, This is TE and they are in the #1 spot...MHA are in the #2 spot, this war WAS inevitable.


Edited by Burning Glory
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The plan while maybe a good one, down side is he tried to use/betrayed his most loyal friends.

He did not think through the process enough...This is a war game, as such AA's war.

You can't go a whole round at the #1 position and think that war is not inevitable no matter if you tie up

the top 4 AA's or not, there are 6 other top AA's and 30 AA's below that who could ban together.

Not to mention he underestimate his foe's and over estimated his abilty to be sluth...We knew he was plotting, just didn't know the whole plan.

At any case, you should never betray your friends and I'm sure me dropping my treaty with RE

helped motivate the perfect time to attack RE by the other AA's plotted against.

Far as the whole AA being attacked for what Tibs did, This is TE and they are in the #1 spot...MHA are in the #2 spot, this war WAS inevitable.


I agree with you. sad, sad day.

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