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The War

der Rote Baron

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- Capitol City, New Polar Order

“Why does it always have to be me to bring Moldavi the bad news?” complained James to himself as he walked down a very big hallway. James is a well-educated man who works for New Polar Order’s Intelligence Agency; he is in his mid-thirties, clean-shaven, and slightly bald. “It is always me, I mean Mr. Moldavi just sits there when you give him some news and says once you are done,

‘Thank you’ and then ‘Get out’, I just can’t stand talking to someone like that. And when you talk he just stares at you with his piercing blue-green eyes and that black hooded cloak! Man, that this is just very creepy.” James sighs, “Well here goes nothing.” He then pushed a button next to one of the gigantic thirty-five foot golden doors that led into Ivan Moldavi’s huge office.

“I did not call you yet nor did you call me to tell me that you are coming.” said Moldavi. James replied, “I know sir but this is very important news that you must…”

“ENOUGH!” exclaimed Ivan Moldavi, “If it was more important then what you are saying then why didn’t you use the new cameras that are installed into your computers? If you couldn’t use that, then you do not have anything to bother me with.”

“But sir, our closest ally, New Pacific Order, is in a war and they are calling on us to help them out.” said James.

“New Pacific Order you say?”

“Yes sir, NPO.”

“Well then, I guess I was wrong. I should not have yelled at you, but you still should have used our new camera system.”

“Yes sir, I will from now on sir.”

“Good.” As Moldavi leans back into his swivel chair James looks over at Ivan’s desk and sees some files.

“Are those files these files that I have right in my arms sir? They look exactly the same!”

“These are not the files you are looking for James,” said Mr. Moldavi “But do go and get as much information that you can get your hands on and come right back here and we will discuss about

what’s going on in Planet Bob.”

“Yes sir.” As James walked out of Ivan Moldavi’s office and into the elevator, he shuttered at the sound of the doors closing and tried to recall in detail what was on Moldavi’s desk that he had inquired about.


- Francograd, New Pacific Order - one hour after war is declared upon New Pacific Order

“This is an outrage!” yelled Francos, ruler of New Pacific Order. Francos is a tall man of about six foot three, blond hared, with a mafia suit and a red handkerchief coming out of the front pocket of his suit. “How dare New Polar Order tell us to wait for hours until they can get back to us! I should have gone strait to Moldavi himself!”

“Sir, we have reports saying that the enemy is positioning their tanks and getting ready to advance over the mountains and into New Pacific Order.” said Francos’ General.

“As soon as this petty war is over with, we need to invent a new device that can change the weather because I can not stand this thunder and lightning anymore! And for heavens sake, it’s not even raining!” moaned Franco.

“Sir?” said the General.

“What?” Franco sternly replied.

“Did you hear what I just said?” After the General repeated himself and told Francos what was happening on the other side of the mountains, Francos finally told the General to rally New Pacific Order’s leaders to come into his office.

“And bring a map of NPO General, we need to use maps again.” ordered Francos.

“Right away my lord.” said the General as he rushed out to get the other leaders of New Pacific Order into Francos’ office.

- Global Alliance and Treaty Organization - (GATO) Enemy of NPO. 1.5 hours after declaring war upon New Pacific Order (NPO)

GATO leaders are in the main war conference room discussing what to do next since the declaration of war against New Pacific Order. “Well since we have our tanks in position ready to advance

over mountains and into NPO, I think we ought to tell our tanks to go ahead and move.” said one General.

“Well we can’t do that you meat head. They have strong ground defenses and we would have to send in more troops then we can spare.” said another General.

Just then a voice rang out, “Council Members! I have news about our enemy to the west! They have moved more ground forces near our boarder and reports show that they might try to move their troops to attack us by midnight.” declared the GATO intelligence army commander.

“Is that really true Commander?” asked Kevlar. Kevlar is the Head of State of GATO. He is short, about five foot four, has red hair, a long nose and a white suit with blue shoes made out of the finest material that one could buy. Kevlar is also the richest man in all of GATO.

“Yes sir, Mr. Kevlar, it is true. I have the reports right here if you wish to see them.” As Kevlar read the reports, the rest of the military leaders debated, discussed and often argued about which

way to go with this war.

“Okay boys settle down, settle down.” ordered Kevlar. “I have read the reports that our Intel Commander gave me; I have found two flaws about the movement of New Pacific Order’s military. One: NPO is not moving their stealth bombers or stealth fighter planes, so we can use ours soon. Two: NPO’s anti-aircraft turrets are not operational just yet. But they seem to be getting the anti-aircraft turrets ready and they will be ready within twenty or thirty minutes.”

“What does this mean then?!” yelled one of the Generals somewhere in the large conference room.

Kevlar raised an eyebrow and smoothly said, “I was about to get there.” Kevlar said smoothly. “What this means is that we can make a devastating blow at the heart of New Pacific Order. And that my fellow GATOians, is a major air strike at Francograd. Yes it may seem like a bad move but if we move fast enough, we can confuse the enemy long enough for us to move in our tanks, soldiers, artillery and so on and so forth. The bombers will not only strike at the capitol of New Pacific Order, but some will also bomb major power plants to disable our enemy for a longer period of time then if

we just bombed Francograd.”

All the generals looked at the table map that has the borders of GATO and NPO among others and moved some military arrows around the board. All looked up from the board and said, “Yes sir!” in unison.

“Good then, order our stealth planes to take off within twenty minutes or so and bomb Francograd along with major electrical power plants. The planes are loaded to the maximum right generals?” “Yes sir we had them loaded about three and a half hours ago.”

“Good then continue with my plan and I don’t want any mess-ups.”

- Francograd, New Pacific Order - one hour and forty-five minutes after the declaration of war from GATO

“Generals, I would happily welcome you but I am not happy right at this very moment. GATO has, as I hope you know, declared war on this beautiful land of ours. We must make the first strike before GATO does. I have called you all here tonight for you to quickly make battle plans. I have ordered the anti-aircraft turrets to become operational within one hour so that we do not get any surprise attacks from the air.” said Francos.

“Sir, what if GATO sends in their ground forces and makes a ‘Pincher Maneuver’?” asked Hopkins. General Hopkins is very talented for he can see the tiny flaws in one’s battle plans. He is not only

incredibly intelligent, but also one of the most handsome generals in the New Pacific Order’s army. He is six foot three, about one hundred eighty pounds, with a buzz-cut hairstyle, and extremely muscular.

“I highly doubt that GATO would do that, Hopkins.” said Francos.

“Well I think they might," contradicted Hopkins, "it’s one of the smartest maneuvers if you are on the other side of the Pacifica Mountains.”

“If you are going to argue with me Hopkins, then just leave and head over to the front line would’ja? And if you see them coming down from the mountains in two directions trying to do a ‘Pincher Maneuver’ then call me. Until then why don’t you just go back to your rightful position, which is not to question me, General.” The other generals started to snicker at this. “Get back to work!” commanded Francos, “And where do you think you’re going Hopkins?”

“Back to my men sir. I came here to form battle plans and strategies, not receive ill-conceived orders” yelled Hopkins. He then climbed into a taxi and drove off defiantly. Hopkins only got five miles

away from Francos’ capitol building before his taxi flew into the air, rolled over twelve times came to a stop wrapped around a telephone pole.

“Ugh. All this thunder is giving me a headache!” said Francos, “Someone get me an aspirin!” When Francos swallowed his aspirins he noticed that the thunder and lightning stopped. “What the heck?

Why did the thunder stop all of a sudden!?”

“It does that sir, besides weather is a freaky thing sometimes. It can do things in an instant and we don’t have it on radar, like tornadoes.”

“I know that Colonel. My anxiety is just getting to me that’s all.”

“Oh, um, yes sir.”

There was a noise that went ‘Boom’ many times over in two minutes. “There goes the thunder again!” Francos said in a very angry tone, “I am so sick of it!”


“What is it?”

“We just want you to take a look over the new battle plan.” said a general sheepishly.

“I’ll be right there.” Francos said as he rubbed and massaged his temples. As soon as Francos got to the table a distant siren started to blare, then another one slightly closer. “Generals? What is go-

ing on?” Every general whipped out their Blueberries® and tried to find out what was going on.

The generals started talking to themselves, “But what is it…” “No it can’t be that!”

“How many more are going to blare?”. “Well?!” demanded Francos.

“Sir, we…” at that very moment all the sirens from the first one that started blaring to the siren right outside of the NPO capitol building began to produce the emergency blare.

“What in the name of?!” Francos tried to yell over the sirens. Every single general tried to move away from the glass room, they started to block the doors with all the pushing and shoving. Then, KA-BOOOOM. The glass room shattered, glass went flying everywhere. Some of the glass gouged itself into the necks of some top officials, bleeding them to death. Some more glass only cut some people. Francos himself was cut in many places from the forehead, to the arms and hands, and to the thighs and feet. Then half of the NPO Capitol Building, the side that the glass room was

on, collapsed. Francograd then became pitch black. It was only eleven fifty-five P.M. Francograd Time (FGT).


- Global Alliance and Treaty Organization (GATO) one hour and fifty-five minutes after the declaration of war upon NPO

The GATO conference war room was silent as all eyes where fixed upon the giant screen made up of one hundred, thirty-inch flat screen televisions up on the front wall of the room where the Speaker

of the War Room’s podium was. Then all at once everyone jumped up from their seats as if it was the first moon landing from Planet Bob. People where screaming with joy seeing that five of the seven major electrical power plants were leveled. Francograd was collapsing under itself from the disturbed land that was now shaken and cracking. Everyone was shouting, “We did it, we did it!” but

Kevlar knew that the new war was not over as every one was shouting about.

“Sir, we have a telephone call from some alliance. They wish to speak to you.” said Kevlar’s secretary.

“Which room?” Kevlar asked seeming puzzled by a phone call at this time.

“The Situation Room, sir.”

“What is the name of the alliance that wants to talk to me?”

“They wouldn’t say, but they are using the encrypted alliance channel.”

“Tell them I will be on the line in a few minutes.”

“Yes sir.”

As Kevlar walked through the hallways to get to the Situation Room, he saw people dancing around the televisions, crying about the mess they where about to get into, people throwing their hats in the air for joy, and as he finally got to the Situation Room he looked out the window and saw two streets - one with massive protests against the action and on the other with people shouting Down with the evil Empire, down with NPO!. Kevlar then went to sit in his large leather

chair and picked up the phone.“Hello? Who am I talking to?”

There was static and then he heard a voice, “I saw what your alliance did.” said the man.

“Yes I know, it’s all over the televisions now. Planet Bob has too much media coverage for this to be broadcasted in such a short time from our attacks. Again I will ask, who am I speaking to?”

The person on the other line hesitated for a moment and said, “I am the leader of the alliance KARMA.”

To be continued tomorrow...

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Not a bad idea... You should change some of the names though. Ivan Moldavi is more closely associated with NPO than NpO, for example. And Francos Spain never led NPO in CN. But I'll concur with Ryan that CN fiction might be an okay idea. :)


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Not a bad idea... You should change some of the names though. Ivan Moldavi is more closely associated with NPO than NpO, for example. And Francos Spain never led NPO in CN. But I'll concur with Ryan that CN fiction might be an okay idea. :)


I wanted to include names that everyone was familiar with, along with historical figures in CN.

I also had to change some things around otherwise it would be to historical.

Any ideas on what you want to see down the line in The War?

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Amazing how noone ever thought of it before...

That has nothing to do with what I said. Alternate history as in say GOONS won the UJW or maybe if NPO had attacked LoSS in December of '06 because of the Red Senate crisis to start the Second Great War rather than the Fark/GOONS thing starting it in January '07. What I meant with fiction is what the OP is writing now. Fictional wars between alliances or other fictional events. In this case GATO declares war on NPO in a fictional universe. Both CN fiction and CN alternate history in my opinion would be pretty interesting and fun to read.

Edited by Ryan Greenberg
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That has nothing to do with what I said. Alternate history as in say GOONS won the UJW or maybe if NPO had attacked LoSS in December of '06 because of the Red Senate crisis to start the Second Great War rather than the Fark/GOONS thing starting it in January '07. What I meant with fiction is what the OP is writing now. Fictional wars between alliances or other fictional events. In this case GATO declares war on NPO in a fictional universe.

It has been done before in News Reports. Honestly, you arent going to be well recieved by an audience of people in the OW, so you might as well put it in the proper forum where people who do enjoy to read things such as this, at an alliance level, and other stories at a national level.

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YEA! It's about time <_<:P

I am open to suggestions via PM.

Thanks! Hope you guys like the story! :D

It seems like you are genuine in this, so I will give you a suggestion. If you want do CN fiction and have it involve existing alliances, perhaps do a short interview with them first. For instance, any Polar gov/older member could have told you what the Capital is. As well as provide some names and settings for you.

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