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Red Dawn

Sarah Tintagyl

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The Shinsei Shikkoku Teikoku would be rather interested in the exchange of embassies with this state, and the meeting of state officials.

Unlike some, we have a tolerance for whatever regime a people in a given region choose, whether it be communism or anything else.

Indeed, perhaps in the future we will have to talk of state affairs on the open table, all we require is an avenue for meeting and our representatives will be available. Vaule is very pleased to have such a warm welcome back onto the world stage.

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"And with you...Comrade. Just tell us when it would be most convenient to send someone, and they will be on a plane within thirty minutes."

Anytime is fine with us my friends, send your representative, there will be a bottle of vodka waiting for him or her as soon as they exit the plane.

The Yuktobanian Government also wishes to exchange embassies, as well as further discussions in the near future.

We share a common bond with Yuktobania, the same bond that we share with Slavorussia and Buryatia, nothing will make Vaule happier than to be able to create an ever lasting bond with the people of Yuktobania. We look forward to hearing from you Comrade.

We recognize this nation, but that's about it.

It would appear that the Gronlandians are a bit off set by us, fear not Comrade, Vaule wants nothing to do with Gronlandia if Gronlandia wants nothing to do with us.

Edited by Sarah Tintagyl
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Anytime is fine with us my friends, send your representative, there will be a bottle of vodka waiting for him or her as soon as they exit the plane.

"Very well. Sophia Reese will be glad to represent our nation's interest to you."

OOC: Will continue that in another thread.

"This is not Vaule - pretenders are not welcome in Carthage. There will be no contact between us."

"So a false state refuses to recognize a legitimately-formed one. How ironic."

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Classified Conversation

The Reichsmarshcall looked at the large LCD screen before him, displaying a map of Vaule and the new information pertaining.

He swivelled around in his chair to face the circular desk and his Cabinet of Ministers. "Left-wingers. Communists. When will they learn?"

General Brunwald spoke first, "To quote an American politician, 'the trouble with our liberal friends is not that they're ignorant; it's just that they know so much that isn't so.'"

"Hmm..quite. We shall see how this one plays out. Looks like ComIntern wasn't the last of them."

Public Statement

The Militarrepublik Rheinmark recognizes Vaule as a sovereign country. We have no love for communism, but if we followed the policy many of you do in which you refuse to recognize a nation based on an ideological reason, we would be backwards and ignorant."

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"This is not Vaule - pretenders are not welcome in Carthage. There will be no contact between us."

Very well Comrade, noted. Moving on...

Public Statement

The Militarrepublik Rheinmark recognizes Vaule as a sovereign country. We have no love for communism, but if we followed the policy many of you do in which you refuse to recognize a nation based on an ideological reason, we would be backwards and ignorant."

It is a shame you have those tendencies Comrade but we feel the same towards fascism, though it is good to be able to see that two nations as different as ours are can get along in this world filled of turmoil. In additon, to see the Rheinmark separate themselves from those that only see an ideology and not the people beneath them is a true display of honor.

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Very well Comrade, noted. Moving on...

It is a shame you have those tendencies Comrade but we feel the same towards fascism, though it is good to be able to see that two nations as different as ours are can get along in this world filled of turmoil. In additon, to see the Rheinmark separate themselves from those that only see an ideology and not the people beneath them is a true display of honor.

"We base our own sovereignty on the fact htat what is right for one people is not necessarily right for all or even any others. We hold to that ideal not only for ourselves but for every other nation. So long as Vaule seeks to develop its ideology internally and not externally, as they have a history of doing therefore I have little to no fear that they will, we have no problem with this new government."

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Sygh-Varthys, Vaule

Chambers of the Council

The sharp sounds of heels echoed across the marble floors leading up to the grandiose staircase when would then lead into the center of the Vaulian Council of Governors. Since unification it had been this body of bureaucrats and officials who had and held the most power in the socialist state and were well aware of the history of world governing bodies and outside influence. Indeed the council had many different powerful players to fear in the day to day administration of Vaule. First of course was the Royal Family, Prince Nikolai of the Vaulian-Buryatian Royal House had a great deal of central power all ready, functioning as at least as powerful as any president or prime minister of a neighboring state and while he did not have absolute power, most of the officials and especially the Premier of the Council Pyotr Gurov were strong supporters of His Highness the Prince. Aside from monarchical power was the natural threat from the military. Sergei Glimko and Andrei Kuztov the commanders of Vaulian ground infantry held the country in their own idea of an iron grip, but even inside the Council, most administrators looked at the two old men as fools who were not able to formulate even the most basic of political plans and campaigns. If you were smart, you didn't fear the Marshals, you feared the General of the Air Force. Zhana Akhatova not only had the support of both her fighters and the ground infantry, but her service in the Bosporan military during the Nordic-Slavorussian War and her contributions to the Vaulian military did not go without recognition. A popular and pretty face that was known through out the ranks of the military and the population alike. The most terrifying thought concerning General Akhatova was however, that she knew the extent of her popularity as well.

Reconstruction was well on its way of beginning, as Vaulian industry which had been nearly at a standstill due to regional economic practices, encountered a new breath of life, as a massive public works system was developed sending people of all ages and backgrounds to work in the fields of their greatest qualifications. Roads were built, bridges repairs, factories buzzed with the sounds of production, steel, iron, aluminum, produced for civic and military purposes alike as new tanks, artillery pieces, shells, ammunition, rifles, guns, and planes of all shapes as sizes were crafted by the sore backs and strained muscles of the men and women of the Vaulian work force. Regional and national universities were founded, the largest of which were located in Sygh-Varthys and in Bratsk, with a heavy influence geared towards state service and particularly at least one year of military service. Universal health care was enacted and thus began to slow and tedious climb to create a state founding on the principles of Meritocratic Socialism. However, for Zhana Akhatova, this was not enough.

She of course had enjoyed rising fame during this period of Vaulian rebirth and while Glimko and Kuztov fiddled around with their toys on meaningless drill maneuvers in the Vaulian wildness, almost competing with each other she joined Gurov in applying all the skills she knew to fix and preserve the Vaulian state. Together, the Premier and the General of the Air Force traveled the country, each with their own set of principles on how Vaule could be improved and unified further. Gurov, through a strong central economy managed exclusively by the state, combining the principles of Ubersteinianism and other various economic principles. Zhana, through a strong military, a dedicated populace that received what they worked so hard for, the dedication of the government back to their daily lives. "It is a cycle." She would often say. "A citizen can not expect to work day in and day out for just the scraps off of the masters table nor should a citizen be fanatical over a government that does not give back to the citizen what the citizen wants and deserves. Each man and woman in this country deserves the right to free health care, protected borders, and a state that cares for them. Therefore, we are all citizens of the state and the state is in each one of us, inseparable in destiny and bond." Often to the echoing of great applause.

It was during one of these speeches as Zhana and Gurov stood together in the Chambers of the Vaulian Council that Glimko and Kutzov looked down from top balcony with nervous twinkles in their dark onyx eyes.

"She could present a problem Andrei, a very large problem if we do not cut this weed out from the ground as soon as possible." Said Gurov as his wrinkled hands wrung the rail separating him from falling down into the central chambers. "She has popularity with the people, with the government, hell, she probably in in league with the Prince himself."

Kutzov sighed. "Women can do that. But the Prince is a weak man if he falls for that siren's tricks. Beauty is as much as a curse as it is an aid. She is nothing but a fool with a silver tongue who got lucky at the right time."

Glimko rustled his hands through his thinning gray hair. "Da. But even fools can get ahead in this world and she speaks to the population, something that, I will be honest with you Kutzov, neither you nor I are good at. Our jobs here are at stake, we can not just let her control their ears like this. We need to do something."

"That can be arranged Sergei, I have already thought about removing Akhatova from her position permanently. A bullet between the eyes or a large dose of rat poison would do the trick, don't you think?"

"All possibilities." Glimko said, still obviously flustered as below Zhana had finished speaking to a row of applause. "Just make sure she never gets the chance to daybreak again. Can you do that Kutzov? Can you do that?"

"Consider it done Comrade." Kutzov shook the marshal's hand firmly and turned back town to the chambers and smiled. "You are getting in our way Zhana and I'm afraid that I can not allow that to happen. Vaule ill needs a woman of your dreams and desires."

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Ust-Illmsk, Vaule

The steam of the shower escaped from the top of the glass stall as the warm water sprinkled gently on Zhana's back as she almost felt herself slipping into a trance, the stresses of the day melting away with the soap and water running down the drain. Leaning her head back, she let the droplets hit her face, run into her eyes and run across her body before reaching over and twisting the knob of the shower back to its original position as the flow completely stopped and the final wisps of steam jumped into the bathroom proper before she opened the shower door and the sauna like room again faded further into the house, dissipating into the air. Grabbing a towel, the General of the Vaulian Air Force quickly dried out, letting her blonde hair hang low and wrapping a silk robe around her before heading out to her living room to complete the process of unwinding from the morning.

Zhana never liked living in Sygh-Varthys, it was too crowded, too many politicians and officials and there was no room to relax. Ust-Illmsk was perfect for that reason, it was only some thirty miles from the capital which was about a forty-five minute drive to her command post in the capital and even better was that the main command of both the army and the air force was located right outside of Ust-Illmsk which made it even easier to stay on top of things, especially snakes like Glimko and Kutzov.

Her house was modern, but still had the coziness that Zhana missed seeing from her grandmother's house. For all intensive purposes, she was not even a true Vaulian, but the birth certificate that been forged and all the proper authorities had been consulted so that politically and officially the general would not have to worry, but deep down in her heart, it was something that pained her every moment of her life. Zhana was an Akhatova and it had been the Akhatova family who had brought order, stability, and prosperity back to central Asia when Zhana's sister, Nikita had risen as President and Chairwoman of the Communist Party in the country of Bosporan. Zhana sighed at the thought, Bosporan had always been her home, how the steppes in the south gently rolled into the northern Russian hills, but things were simpler back then. Everything had been going perfectly, the country was a rising star on the world stage, one of the most powerful members of the ComIntern and in selfless nationalism, it had been this success and prosperity that had led Zhana to enlist in Bosporan's air force as a captain, dark in the shade of her popular and beautiful sister.

But prosperity and stability were not to last, as war would soon be brought to Europe in the form of the Nordic Confederacy's invasion of Slavorussia. Bosporan had been quick to enter the war under the unifying banner of Communism and freedom for all Slavic peoples, the Europeans didn't understand that, hadn't they learned from previous wars? But the war was a failure, from the beginning, the Russians and the Communists only wasted time blasting the Nordic allies in Molakia instead of concentrating on destroying the major nations, Prussia, Germany, Nordheim and the rest. Then Vaule had declared to stay out of the war and Slavorussia's unconditional surrender took place, everything began to collapse. About the same time, Zhana had been flying a mission over Slavorussia to engage a recon detachment from the German air force, but what had started out as a routine attack and flee, turned quickly into a dogfight as German fighters intercepted the Bosporanians, Zhana's entire detachment was shot down and it had only been due to the grace of the plane's metal not slicing her head open that she had survived, everyone else was dead.

Zhana spent the next year of her life in perpetual horror in trying to flee from Nordic ruled Russia back to her homeland, but when her sister had begun a series of reforms transforming the state from an actual political entity to abomination that was AWS, she was heartbroken, Zhana watched in despair from a safe house in Moscow after the Slavorussians had been brought back, though weaker than before as Bosporan finally collapsed into nothingness as the Peacecrafts, the Centurias, and finally her own family left Bosporan to disintegrate into factional states now held by the Dragon Empire. She still remembered crying for days as everything she knew as a child, as a woman, as a soldier disappeared. She still remembered screaming up into the night sky that without her homeland, without her motherland, there was no true reason left to live. But still she perceived finally making it through the plains of Russia before the Mariehamm War had begun, arriving in the splintered states of Vaule. It was here, amongst people of a shattered nation that Zhana promised she would rebuilt her shattered past and create a strong future for herself. She had no family, to be honest, it would make sense for Nikita to believe her dead, but that would all change, everything would change and as she gripped a bottle of vodka tightly and leaned back on her couch. The Worker's Rite by Fjodor Leclerc in her hands, Zhana smiled. "One day Nikita, one day I will show you what we could have had together. I looked up to you, I believed in you. No more."

Meanwhile, the front door of Zhana's small house clicked open with a small pick as a man, covered head to toe in black walked in. He had an MP40 in his hands and a grim smile on his face. His orders were clear, make the killing as bloody and as horrific as possible, there was no crime commented here, only the execution of a state criminal. The assassin walked up the stairs slowly, casually, silently, finally reaching the door that led into the upstairs living room. He held his ears to the door and heard the sound of a vodka bottle lightly taping down against a glass table. Oh it would be too easy. Placing his hands on the knob, he readied the gun then in a single flowing movement flung open the door unleashing a storm off bullets into the living room as feathers and fluff from the couch that Zhana was sitting at flew into the air. He continued to fire until nearly all his bullets were exhausted and the room was dissolved into complete chaos. The smoke filled the room as the assassin approached the couch. "General Akhatova?" He grinned. But where was the body?

Two shots rang out as the assassin felt his legs give out, he tried to turn around to fire against the attacker, but a sharp punch in the face brought him down to the floor faster as Zhana stared down at him, her pistol above his eyes. "Who set you dog!?"

"I...I come with my own will."

"!@#$%^&*, you don't just have the sudden desire to kill an officer in the Vaulian army unless you have a serious political transgression with her and since you don't look like you hold any political position, cause you wouldn't be doing the dirty work yourself cause people in politics are push overs then that means someone sent you."

"I said no one sent me!"

"Then you're defending them as the last breath of a dead man. Who knows maybe I would have let you life if you were only a pawn in Glimko's and Kutzov's game. But now." She grinned. The assassin only held his mouth agape at the possibility of having been spared, Zhana noticed this immediately. "Ah, so someone did send you. Good, that will be enough for me to want to kill Glimko and Kutzov."

"But what if they didn't send me?"

"Doesn't matter now does it. You don't exist anymore." She pulled the trigger sending the man to the afterlife.

The body would be easily disposed, Zhana after all had the same means as Glimko and Kutzov had, she just preferred to do it herself. But now she had the excuse to enact the second part of her plan, slowly, slowly Vaule would be hers.

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"The amount of times that Promised Land and Carthage have bickered with one another is getting tiresome are you both ever going to grow up and stop acting like children".

"Grow Up? With the arrogant hypocritical leaders that exist in Promised Land, we could never see that happen."

"We recognize this nation of Vaule."

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"Grow Up? With the arrogant hypocritical leaders that exist in Promised Land, we could never see that happen."

"We recognize this nation of Vaule."


1. a person who pretends to have virtues, moral or religious beliefs, principles, etc., that he or she does not actually possess, esp. a person whose actions belie stated beliefs

2. a person who feigns some desirable or publicly approved attitude, esp. one whose private life, opinions, or statements belie his or her public statements.

"Please tell us how our words and actions are hypocritical when we have not contradicted anyany of our set policies with our words or actions. Unless the PRC has a different definition for hypocrite?"

OOC: Sorry for this little discussion Sarah. But I couldn't let that one slide, not and stay IC.

Edited by Subtleknifewielder
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Statement to the World

My fellow nations, it has come to our attention that the world is once again subject to the evils of a Russian Communist state. This latest development both breaks my heart and angers me. For I dread to think of how high the human cost will be for such a regime, a regime that promises so much and will in the end deliver so little. Communism is an evil that must be contained if not completly obliterated from the face of this planet. To those who support Communism I can assure you that their precious Communism will lead to nothing short of complete Stalinism in Russia, something that cannot be tolerated. The Confederacy of Mexico can not and will not conduct any diplomatic relations with any communist state, including this one. We can only hope that the rest of the world will see the light and follow our example before the body count becomes too high.

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Statement to the World

My fellow nations, it has come to our attention that the world is once again subject to the evils of a Russian Communist state. This latest development both breaks my heart and angers me. For I dread to think of how high the human cost will be for such a regime, a regime that promises so much and will in the end deliver so little. Communism is an evil that must be contained if not completly obliterated from the face of this planet. To those who support Communism I can assure you that their precious Communism will lead to nothing short of complete Stalinism in Russia, something that cannot be tolerated. The Confederacy of Mexico can not and will not conduct any diplomatic relations with any communist state, including this one. We can only hope that the rest of the world will see the light and follow our example before the body count becomes too high.

It is a shame you feel that way Comrade, but if our existence is not declared to you then we have no business with your state as well. Good day.


"Things are not going well for the face of the nation General." Said the soldier, standing at attention beyond the desk. "There is a storm of countries refusing to recognize the state."

"A pity." Said Zhana as she put down the paper. "But this will make the movement any more successful, if they believe us Communist for Meritocratic Socialism, just think when Rational Communism takes over, those capitalists will be !@#$ting their pants in no time that someone would dare do something against their precious status quo of capitalism and plutocracy. This Mexican confederacy should just be happy they have a nation like Tahoe and Viniland protecting them, its much easier for them to shout out how powerful they are that way." She laughed. "Leaders make me sick to my stomach."

Edited by Sarah Tintagyl
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The Republic of Finland welcomes this nation to the world. "While personally I am a capitalist, and I believe that one's hard work should be the source of their wealth and outcome in life, not some state handing them everything, I wish this country luck. The lives of your people are in your hands, and hopefully you have a real Meritocratic system, not a totalitarian state like history has shown us before." President Uberstein commented, mainly as the head of the Ubersteinist-Republican Party.

The reformed Leftists for Peace Party has sent their congratulations to the new communist government.

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Kōgō Sakuya Hayashi, Vice-Empress of the SST, would like to begin setting up travel arrangements with Vaule to meet with leadership, and official personnel. Considering her current visit with Catherine Reznov in Yuktobania, travel arrangements made at this time would be faster, and easier.

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Sygh-Varthys, Vaule

It was a strange night when there was an actual rain fall in the south of Vaule, especially at this time of the winter, but there had been a sudden warm front that had come across the northern Chinese deserts and the warm air had melted all the snow on the sidewalks and on the rooftops. The capital held an air of gloom around it, there was a fog in the air that arose from the damp streets and mixed in the air made the entire city have an eerie feel as though something, something vile was going to happen and indeed it was for the gears had already been set in motion weeks ago. It went with the old sayings, forgiveness is sweet, but vengeance is sweeter. Zhana Akhatova, walked down one of the main boulevards of the capital towards the Old Town and the Central District. It wasn't late, only about ten in the evening and many of the citizens of Sygh-Varthys were enjoying themselves in the cafes and taverns which ran the streets around the town. These of course were the wealthiest citizens of the new Vaulian state, business entrepreneurs, politicians, and faux royals who had since the rise of Nikolai and the reinstatement of the monarchy had been quick to lead to the corruption and waste that now gripped the capital. "This will all change soon enough." She said under her breath as she pulled her hat down over her eyes, shying away from looking at the building that was in front of her.

It was an old apartment, built in the Tsarist style, the architecture of Enlightenment Moscow, that had graced the courts of Peter the Great and Catherine. A green outer wall, gloated the buildings that stood in Irkutsk and the doors and windows which lined the outer walls to the roof, were high and narrow though gilded and beautiful. It was the called the Дворец Снега or the Snow Palace and her chessboard was made perfectly for a final move, a checkmate. Zhana had bribed one of the maids of the hotel beforehand, for five thousand Vaulian Credits which was enough for the maid to take the next month off of work, Zhana had her uniform, her access cards and with the night shift, she would almost be working alone. The maid would be questioned after all this, but by that point it wouldn't matter and the police would be told to leave the subject alone, she had no intention of one of her supporters losing possibly her life, for the general's gains.

Walking into the employee entrance, Zhana found it abandoned, most of the employees on the night shift had already been called out through the hotel. There was an officer's party upstairs, which she had been invited to and cordially turned down on the notion of personal business to take care of. However, both Kutzov and Glimko were there and that was what was important at the moment. She had their room numbers written down and so after changing into her uniform and getting her list from the manager of what rooms were to be taken care of tonight, headed up towards the main areas of the hotel. The manager had given her daunting looks while she made her way up there and Zhana half expected that she would have to bribe him as well, the other maid had been blonde, but much shorter than Zhana was and the uniform was a bit tight, but it would have to do. She walked out int the rooms, did a little folding work to pass about an hour and about fifteen minutes before the officer's ball downstairs had ended, headed up to the rooms that other hotel workers had tipped her off where Kutzov and Glimko were staying.

Opening the rooms, she shut off the lights and took a seat in the far corner looking at the doorway. Slowly she pulled the pistol with a silencer attached out of the back of her uniform and rested it on her legs. The only thing left to do now, was wait. Zhana waited for about thirty minutes or so before the footsteps outside of the room, stopped and keys jingled for a moment. She could hear both Kutzov and Glimko's voices outside the room, talking, laughing, jeering one another. "To bad the !@#$%^& failed, she'd be out of our hair by now." A smile crossed Zhana's face as she heard the phrase, oh things like this just made everything so much more grandiose. The door opened wide as the lights turned on and the door shut.

"So perhaps one more bottle of vodka to finish the night Sergei." Said Kutzov.

"I'd be more than welcomed to that Vladimi-" Glimko turned to the chair, where Zhana and her pistol stared back at the general, her gaze sending chills down his spine. "Akhatova? What is the meaning of this? What in Gods name are you doing here? I thought you had personal business."

Kutzov turned in surprise as well. "The hel-" A whine from her gun rang out as Kutzov gripped his stomach and fell to the floor, blood already running the carpeting. Being unarmed as well, Glimko began to raise his hands into the air, his entire body shaking, still looking down at his dead comrade.

"What do you think you're doing Zhana? You don't realize that you just committed a murder? You don't realize that we will have you shot now?"

"Like you tried to have me killed before Sergei? You are nothing but a weak little man trying to hold onto the last strains of power of a dying ideology. It is time, I'm afraid to remove the Old Guard and replace it with something new, something bold."

"You !@#$%*! You're going to destroy everything that we worked so hard to create!"

"What you created?" Zhana scoffed. "You created nothing my dear Glimko, you and Vladimir over there, hung on like leeches to the monarchy and to a new country and to what? See it reduced back to the same plutocratic states that dot the world? No, I will not let that happen, I will not let Vaule corrupt itself again as it did in the past. I have seen the people of Russia, of a splintered Russia fail too many times and I will not let that happen again."

"And so you kill to get what you want?"

"No, I only kill those that want me dead." She pulled the trigger as Glimko fell to the ground still holding onto life.

"People are not going to let you get away with this Akhatova." He whizzed, blood pouring from his mouth.

She looked down at the dying general and smiled. "My dear Sergei, they already have. By this time tomorrow, I will have become Marshal of the Vaulian Army and Airforce and I'm afraid that it is because of your own folly and unpopularity that this happened. People aren't going to ask questions because people will be told to forget and people always forget." Zhana watched as his eyes began to fade and his head turned back to the carpet, she took a deep breath and sighed. "They're the lucky ones that can forget. I want to forget." The general said to herself as she left the room, leaving the two dead generals in the dark for the morning dawn.

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Decades, perhaps even longer, there was such a thing known as Russia. This great nation had a history dating back to prior to the rise of European states, its people hearty and strong willed, its leaders cruel though wise, and its power supreme. It had been Elizabeth the First who had pushed the Prussians under Fredrick back to the gates of Berlin, nearly placing him on his deathbed and it only had been because of the idiocy of Peter the Third that he had even been able to survive, perhaps even that Prussia was able to still exist as a state. However in the weakness that effected the Russian state there was hope in the form of the young Sophia of Anhult-Zerbest, a German who had so fallen in love with her adopted country that she created a country supreme among nations, the Russian Empire, from this point would be part of all functions of world politics, from defeating Napoleon at Boredino to throwing the demons of the Third Reich into retreat from Stalingrad until the Red Flag of the Worker was risen over that dauntless fortress of Fascism that was Berlin. From that point and well into the Twenty First Century, the state of Russia had declined, finally to the point of non-existence and was now home to a series of states of various ideologies and beliefs. Slavorussia, Bosporan, the Northern Empire, Vaule, and various others had represented what people still clung to as Russia and even though splintered was powerful. But even the age of RUSSIAN had come to pass leading the world to the present as the lands of Russia, Siberia, and the Urals stood firm but divided. Where were the voices? Where were the shouts of the people calling for more? Calling for a future that was bright, calling for a future that would lead them into the golden age.

It was true, Vaule was not a Slavic State, they were Vaulian, but this did not separate them from the glories of the past and what could be achieved in the future. They say that Russia, when it was in her prime, took the image of the mother bear, willing to defend her people, defend her young from the hostility and chaos in the world. In the midst of this chaos, the chaos that had gripped the Vaulian state as of late, heroes had risen up to give home to a people who were still struggling to come together, who were still struggling to find a national identity. What made them Vaulian, what could keep them from splintering back up into various regions in a protectorate controlled by their neighbors. Nikolai and Gurov had did this, but the people wanted more, the weakness of Monarchy could be seen around the world, its inequality, its failure and its inevitable rise to despotism and dictatorship. The philosophers, Marx, Engels, Lenin, Lynneth, Leclerc and Pons had devoted books to the success of the working class and what could be achieved with equality, with reason, with Rationalism. It had been these philosophies which had given rise to Saboria, to Canada, to Bosporan, to the organization which had balanced Nordic Power in Europe for so long and it because of these philosophies, these desires for greatness, that the young Zhana Akhatova now found herself in the middle of thongs of her people as they marched through the streets of Sygh-Varthys towards the gates of the palace, a revolution that a people had so long desired was about to take place.

Pyotr Gurov stood along side of Prince Nikolai of the Vaulian Royal household as they looked out onto the boulevards in front of them. Over a month had passed since the death of Glimko and Kutzov and in the face of Akhatova's rising popularity as the woman that by benevolent force of the military alone had begun bringing the people of Vaule together, by voice and desire. She talked about a united state, of a state that had no prejudice, a worker's paradise. The world would condemn them as they most often did, they condemned ideas and ideologies they that didn't understand and maybe for a brief moment, Zhana understood how the world worked, but the prejudice that was already in place would stop that. There would always be bloodshed in the world, there would always be suffering and death and she was not the person that was going to stop it, however here, here in Vaule there would be peace.

"Perhaps, we should have arrested her when we had the chance Gurov." Said Nikolai, breathing deeply as he turned back into his office. "Perhaps we waited too long."

"No." Gurov sighed. "We were always left leaning, Zhana is just an extremist, but she is an extremist with a goal and it a goal that the people believe in. Perhaps destiny, perhaps ill will. But there is little we can do at this point. She has sway over the Council and their inner workings."

"Is it that I'm wrong Gurov? Is it that I made a mistake?"

"No Your Highness. It is the way the world works. Vaule was a monarchy, it is now changing with the cycle that nations go through. But all governments are monarchies in some ways. She is a destined soul, as we all are and I do not believe your time is finished yet Your Excellency."


"No, not at all."

Below, on the ground level of the palace, Zhana along with her closest guards walked into the palace, saluted by the Royal Guards. She saluted back sharply as her boots clicked on the marble floors as she was led up to the Prince's personal study and it would be here that the moment of peace or bloodshed would be decided. The oaken doors were opened and for the first time, the Prince and the General stared at each other as equals.

"Your Majesty." Zhana smiled and bowed her head. "I believe it is time for us to talk."

Nikolai smiled. "Yes General Akhatova, I believe it is. I see that you have created a bit of a throng and a riot outside of my home." Zhana smirked. "You want a repeat of the Romanovs of the 20th Century? You and your Communist Movement."

"I can assure you that I am not that evil Your Majesty, but the monarchy will end. The people have no need for it any longer and it is time to bring in a new ideology."


"Rational Communism." Zhana closed her eyes. "I want to make Vaule great, just as you do Your Majesty, but it is time for a change, it is time for a new destiny for our people. One that you may have a part of or not."

"As a monarch?"

"As a government official."

Nikolai smirked. "Zhana, I know as well as you do that you don't want me here. But I think Lenin would have had me killed."

Her jade eyes sparkled. "I'm not Lenin Your Majesty, I know what I want, but there are better ways to go about doing it. But I want something great from you, our relations with Buryatia are key and there is nothing more than I would want is for you to stay on with our government as an ambassador. If you accept I would be forever grateful."

Nikolai shook his head. "No, but I will take your offer to return to Vaule, I have no business in this country now. But I can assure you that I will not be trying to overthrow this new government." He sighed and stuck out his hand. "I guess I should wish you good luck General, in running this country. May you bring prosperity to Vaule." As they joined hands, Nikolai turned to Gurov. "And what about Pyotr, his position of Premier?"

"He will still help run the Council as my personal advisor, we made this country the way it is now Your Majesty, but it is time for a new path and a new destiny."

"Then I will pack my bags General Akhatova, though I will be sure to tell my cousins that for such a coup, I was treated with a great deal of respect, much more than Yuri could be used to. He'll be jealous." They laughed together, as the sun set outside. The moon would be rising soon and as it did, the red sun reflected on its pale snowy surface and it almost seemed to glow as red as the sun. It would be a beautiful dawn tomorrow morning, for when Zhana would face her country and the world as a leader and as a Mother, Mother Vaule.

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