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Pro-Piracy Act of 2009


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And that's supposed to mean what? It's not angst, it's an opinion. Do I have to worry about people tech raiding me, nope. Fact you said my angst over someone tech raiding me is delicious makes me think you don't know wtf you talking about. Then again judging from a previous thread that's more of a given by now.

Your reading comprehension doesn't seem so good. I didn't say anything about people raiding you. Although I am sure I could arrange something, if you liked. Damn Carthaginians, breathing our Mediterranean air, stealing our olives, sailing our seas... )):

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Your reading comprehension doesn't seem so good. I didn't say anything about people raiding you. Although I am sure I could arrange something, if you liked. Damn Carthaginians, breathing our Mediterranean air, stealing our olives, sailing our seas... )):

We can share the Mediterranean. Let us join together and crush the Romans once and for all. :ehm:

(Sorry for going off topic.)

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So funny on so many levels.

You're missing the obvious. We're still goons, we're just not *those* goons. The difference sal is talking about there is about the distinct line that was crossed in the old GOONS, we don't intend to cross that line. What sal said in that post in no way contradicts our long-held position. there is more than enough leeway before hitting that line. Point being, we never claimed we weren't goons.

You claimed it many times when you tried to join NOIR and when confronted with your past and questioned it you became childish in behavior and attitude. Thus, showing that you were no different than those before you. That you and many of the supporters of GOONS have so called claimed that you are "suppose" to be different.

This isn't a different GOONS this is the same GOONS, and I'm glad I'm being proved right with the games you want to play here.

To some of your allies that fought against the old GOONS and claim that the new GOONS are just that new, I hope they haven't become blinded with the game you're playing.

How adorable, you claim to have intimate knowledge about us based on a "conversation" we had in which you brought your delightful pre-conceptions about us to the diplomatic table before you even knew us (not that you seem to even now). Don't go there. We *are* different, there are key differences between us and the old GOONS, I would be a fool to claim otherwise. However, there are many similarities, we are all from the same place, after all.

Edited by Sardonic
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You're missing the obvious. We're still goons, we're just not *those* goons. The difference sal is talking about there is about the distinct line that was crossed in the old GOONS, we don't intend to cross that line. What sal said in that post in no way contradicts our long-held position. there is more than enough leeway before hitting that line. Point being, we never claimed we weren't goons.

How adorable, you claim to have intimate knowledge about us based on a "conversation" we had in which you brought your delightful pre-conceptions about us to the diplomatic table before you even knew us (not that you seem to even now). Don't go there. We *are* different, there are key differences between us and the old GOONS, I would be a fool to claim otherwise. However, there are many similarities, we are all from the same place, after all.

You realize that the old GOONS were being destroyed before they crossed that line right? You realize that the line you talk about was only crossed after they were on their way to their death as an alliance don't you?

If you do realize those things then why are you surprised that when people said you were the same alliance that this is the type of thing they were talking about and not the line that was crossed after their destruction?

Edited by KingSrqt
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Ignorant statement on my part for sure then. -_-

However STA does have a very "humane" way of doing it. It's a simple raid and in fact they have a license to raid properly. GOONS is doing something a bit different and more "GOONish" per se.

Good luck I guess, I just hope you guys don't go off making the wrong people angry with you.

What is proper raiding? That is merely a point of view and a way of thinking held by a select group. What you may view as "proper raiding" others may view as pansy-waist play time. Not saying they do, that I'm one of them, or that you my friend are a pansy-waist....just saying it could happen.

EDIT: Just realized you are AUT...yeah I was saying that. Exactly that.

Edited by AgentofChaos
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You realize that the old GOONS were being destroyed before they crossed that line right? You realize that the line you talk about was only crossed after they were on their way to their death as an alliance don't you?

If you do realize those things then why are you surprised that when people said you were the same alliance that this is the type of thing they were talking about and not the line that was crossed after their destruction?

You know nothing of our true history, and should not pretend as such.

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You realize that the old GOONS were being destroyed before they crossed that line right? You realize that the line you talk about was only crossed after they were on their way to their death as an alliance don't you?

If you do realize those things then why are you surprised that when people said you were the same alliance that this is the type of thing they were talking about and not the line that was crossed after their destruction?

This made me chuckle heartily good sir. Gotta love the way history warps.

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You're missing the obvious. We're still goons, we're just not *those* goons. The difference sal is talking about there is about the distinct line that was crossed in the old GOONS, we don't intend to cross that line. What sal said in that post in no way contradicts our long-held position. there is more than enough leeway before hitting that line. Point being, we never claimed we weren't goons.

How adorable, you claim to have intimate knowledge about us based on a "conversation" we had in which you brought your delightful pre-conceptions about us to the diplomatic table before you even knew us (not that you seem to even now). Don't go there. We *are* different, there are key differences between us and the old GOONS, I would be a fool to claim otherwise. However, there are many similarities, we are all from the same place, after all.

And those pre-conceptions where brought to you to help clear the air and to show people that you were beyond the past. But instead you continued down the same path. The door was open for you to show what you were and are about but instead brought the same attitude and mentality that was those in the past. You were ask to show and prove people wrong. You didn't then and you seem to not be showing it now.

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OOC: The "line" refers to the OOC attacks that certain members of the old GOONS perpetrated, those attacks took place after the UJW began.

Yes, I'm aware. I was just wondering if you were.

GOONS was in good shape during the war. It was the OOC thing that did us in, having ally after ally bailing on us.

I do not condone what occurred OOC, and neither do any of the current membership of Goon Order of Oppression, Negligence, and Sadism. We don't roll that way, and that's what is meant by 'we're not old GOONS'. If it makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside to say we're the same people, we're happy to provide you with an inner warmth that you seem to be lacking without deluding yourself.

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Yes, I'm aware. I was just wondering if you were.

GOONS was in good shape during the war. It was the OOC thing that did us in, having ally after ally bailing on us.

I do not condone what occurred OOC, and neither do any of the current membership of Goon Order of Oppression, Negligence, and Sadism. We don't roll that way, and that's what is meant by 'we're not old GOONS'. If it makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside to say we're the same people, we're happy to provide you with an inner warmth that you seem to be lacking without deluding yourself.

You were not in good shape during the war, your allies were beaten badly others were surrendering and you had 0 chance of holding up on your own. I was there I was fighting alongside the GOONs for longer than most, not out of any sort of like mind you but I was obligated.

OOC I am not accusing you of being the type of people that would pull the OOC crap but to think that the OOC crap is all that people were concerned about is ignorant when your alliance was attacked based off of your IC actions.

Edited by KingSrqt
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I don't get what the big fuss is about. Most alliances support and engage in tech raiding, and when they do, they usually team up (provided they're not too inept to do it).

What's wrong in helping the poor unaligned nations who tech raid? I think it's an honorable, caring gesture, especially in a world so full of dangers at the hands of fanatical righteousness and anti-piracy inquisition.

I for one welcome the GOON Renaissance.

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I know much of why your predecessors were destroyed.

Apparently not, there was far, far more to the destruction of GOONS than what the general public knows. More than that I don't care to elaborate, and you're not worthy of hearing anyway.

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You were not in good shape during the war, your allies were beaten badly others were surrendering and you had 0 chance of holding up on your own. I was there I was fighting alongside the GOONs for longer than most, not out of any sort of like mind you but I was obligated.

OOC I am not accusing you of being the type of people that would pull the OOC crap but to think that the OOC crap is all that people were concerned about is ignorant when your alliance was attacked based off of your IC actions.

Wow...your timeline is broken as all hell. The line was holding before then. Not only that, the only surrender was on the OPPOSING SIDE not on GOONS' side. The first GOONS ally to break ranks was post OOC attack and only then did their side collapse in on itself (which it did in rather quick succession admittedly but ultimately understandably).

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Apparently not, there was far, far more to the destruction of GOONS than what the general public knows. More than that I don't care to elaborate, and you're not worthy of hearing anyway.

I was there with a super moderator mask on the ~ forums spying for \m/. I knew what was going on on both sides of the war I saw the reasons and motivations and have talked to people like ES and Doitzel (who were very involved in the planning of your demise) at length. I know what went down and your trying to paint me as ignorant to the situation is laughable.

Wow...your timeline is broken as all hell. The line was holding before then. Not only that, the only surrender was on the OPPOSING SIDE not on GOONS' side. The first GOONS ally to break ranks was post OOC attack and only then did their side collapse in on itself (which it did in rather quick succession admittedly but ultimately understandably).

Yes teh first ally to officially surrender was TPF afte rthe OOC attack, thier surrender however was planned before that, \m/ was broken, poor and beaten, and most of your allies were jsut looking for an out. GOONS lost that war before it ever started and telling yourself any different is just kidding yourself.

GOON leadership stopped caring long before the war started and were more concered with petty games (OOC Mini Putt) then with the welfare of their alliance. GOONS had no chance.

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And hey, I will take a page out of your book and say if you do not like what I am saying then do something about it.

Funny, that's not in our playbook. What is in our playbook is making fun of people, such as RebelVirginia, that make veiled and ominous threats against us then produces excuse after excuse after excuse for backing down from those threats. I don't particularly care whether you agree with me or not, and, generally speaking, as long as you're not obnoxious then I am more than willing to find some middle ground when the occasion requires. However, when you start off telling us that we're wrong and that you're going to show us by some sort of force, whether military or your pathetic excuse for political grandstanding, I reserve the right to tell you to put up or shut up. We all know that you'll just whine about how unfair it is that I'm calling your hand and keep posting more, but a good many of us find the backpedaling that follows to be quite hilarious.

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Any alliance who recruits by force will probably crumble once force is brought to bear on them in a war. Leaving aside the moral arguments this will result in a paper tiger type alliance if successful, all NS and no guts. I hope for the sake of your alliance this part of the act is a failure. Good luck

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Any alliance who recruits by force will probably crumble once force is brought to bear on them in a war. Leaving aside the moral arguments this will result in a paper tiger type alliance if successful, all NS and no guts. I hope for the sake of your alliance this part of the act is a failure. Good luck

We appreciate your opinion and the fact that it has nothing to do with the thread. Did you mean to post this somewhere else?

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