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Pro-Piracy Act of 2009


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Funny, that's not in our playbook. What is in our playbook is making fun of people, such as RebelVirginia, that make veiled and ominous threats against us then produces excuse after excuse after excuse for backing down from those threats. I don't particularly care whether you agree with me or not, and, generally speaking, as long as you're not obnoxious then I am more than willing to find some middle ground when the occasion requires. However, when you start off telling us that we're wrong and that you're going to show us by some sort of force, whether military or your pathetic excuse for political grandstanding, I reserve the right to tell you to put up or shut up. We all know that you'll just whine about how unfair it is that I'm calling your hand and keep posting more, but a good many of us find the backpedaling that follows to be quite hilarious.

Go for it

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I was there with a super moderator mask on the ~ forums spying for \m/. I knew what was going on on both sides of the war I saw the reasons and motivations and have talked to people like ES and Doitzel (who were very involved in the planning of your demise) at length. I know what went down and your trying to paint me as ignorant to the situation is laughable.

Yes teh first ally to officially surrender was TPF afte rthe OOC attack, thier surrender however was planned before that, \m/ was broken, poor and beaten, and most of your allies were jsut looking for an out. GOONS lost that war before it ever started and telling yourself any different is just kidding yourself.

GOON leadership stopped caring long before the war started and were more concered with petty games (OOC Mini Putt) then with the welfare of their alliance. GOONS had no chance.

Aside from being terribly misspelled, you're still missing quite a lot, you might know a few of the "Hows" but you are still woefully ignorant on the "Whys". But that's more than enough reminiscing on the past. This announcement here is quite possibly the least threatening thing we've ever posted, and as such will have no effect whatsoever on the long term stability of the alliance, any attempt to paint it as such is foolish.

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Any alliance who recruits by force will probably crumble once force is brought to bear on them in a war. Leaving aside the moral arguments this will result in a paper tiger type alliance if successful, all NS and no guts. I hope for the sake of your alliance this part of the act is a failure. Good luck

"Force recruiting" involves getting a nation to join your alliance under threat of attack. If you will re-read the OP, you will see it contains absolutely nothing of that nature.

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Aside from being terribly misspelled, you're still missing quite a lot, you might know a few of the "Hows" but you are still woefully ignorant on the "Whys". But that's more than enough reminiscing on the past. This announcement here is quite possibly the least threatening thing we've ever posted, and as such will have no effect whatsoever on the long term stability of the alliance, any attempt to paint it as such is foolish.

Yes all of your facts and sources sure put me in my place.

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Any alliance who recruits by force will probably crumble once force is brought to bear on them in a war. Leaving aside the moral arguments this will result in a paper tiger type alliance if successful, all NS and no guts. I hope for the sake of your alliance this part of the act is a failure. Good luck


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"Force recruiting" involves getting a nation to join your alliance under threat of attack. If you will re-read the OP, you will see it contains absolutely nothing of that nature.

Absolutely nothing or something?


The Goon Order of Oppression, Negligence, and Sadism (GOONS) finds the practice of attacking new, unaligned nations for the purpose of gaining Technology, Land and money (raiding), to be a particularly commendable act. As such, GOONS seeks three goals; to encourage these operations; as a possible source of recruitment; to further build a good reputation among other alliances of planet Bob.

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Yes all of your facts and sources sure put me in my place.

I'm not in the business of divulging goon secrets to whiny pubbies. [OOC]Now if you're done assaulting this thread with your terrible posting, please go away.[/OOC]

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New Ireland (KingSrqt) - You cannot declare war on this nation because they are not within your range of nations to declare war on. View your My Ranking screen to find nations within your range.


Same here. Also, the reading comprehension thing. You all are just so excited about being able to post here that you forget to actually read, don't you?

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Any alliance who recruits by force will probably crumble once force is brought to bear on them in a war. Leaving aside the moral arguments this will result in a paper tiger type alliance if successful, all NS and no guts. I hope for the sake of your alliance this part of the act is a failure. Good luck

Don't really know if I agree with what you're saying, but if you agree with what you're saying then why on Bob are you pointing this out? File it away, and when the time comes declare on this paper tiger since it'll be so easy.

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Absolutely nothing or something?

Quoting something out of context doesn't prove your point. Yes, they do mention it as a form of recruitment, and later on they explain exactly what they mean: The nation they HELP with tech raiding has the option of joining GOONS. Why is this a possible form of recruitment? Because an unaligned nation might find this help to be awesome, and will potentially like to join them. How is this "recruiting by force"?

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Absolutely nothing or something?

Oh my god...your idiocy never ceases to amaze me.

They are not FORCING people to join them under threat of attack or by actually attacking nations to make them join. They are merely saying that this will be a form of recruitment as nations that they assist are welcome to join them and will be notified of this fact. No force involved.

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Same here. Also, the reading comprehension thing. You all are just so excited about being able to post here that you forget to actually read, don't you?

So you weren't referring to me with the political grandstanding comment or all those times you said "you and you're" in direct response to me? Or is this some of that hilarious backpedaling you mentioned earlier?

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Quoting something out of context doesn't prove your point. Yes, they do mention it as a form of recruitment, and later on they explain exactly what they mean: The nation they HELP with tech raiding has the option of joining GOONS. Why is this a possible form of recruitment? Because an unaligned nation might find this help to be awesome, and will potentially like to join them. How is this "recruiting by force"?

You have just conducted a spy operation against the nation of unaligned. In the attack your spy efforts were successful as your spies were able to force the enemy to accept $1,000,000 of your aid. Your spies returned home unharmed and unidentified.

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You have just conducted a spy operation against the nation of unaligned. In the attack your spy efforts were successful as your spies were able to force the enemy to accept $1,000,000 of your aid. Your spies returned home unharmed and unidentified.


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So you weren't referring to me with the political grandstanding comment or all those times you said "you and you're" in direct response to me? Or is this some of that hilarious backpedaling you mentioned earlier?

Let me spell it out for you - the "Put up or shut up." comment I made to RebelVirginia is because he had already stated he was going to bring about the demise of GOONS. Your "Do it" statement does not follow, because I have made nothing that could be construed as a threat to attack or otherwise affect your alliance. Are you really having that much trouble keeping up?

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You disappoint me, Doitzel. You should know what claiming 'we're goons through and through' means. [ooc]You're a member of SA, after all, and posted in the CN recruitment thread on the SA boards.[/ooc] Spare the attempts to shun those you socialize with now that it's in public.

I had such a good reply to this and I totally lost it* and now it's past freshness.

At any rate, lamuella and maybe a couple others have from the formation of your alliance been touting the "we're not the old GOONS" line and from the same time salithus and a few others have been defecating all over that. I know it was promised during numerous diplomatic overtures made by your alliance that this wasn't "the same crowd". Now you guys are saying the exact opposite and claiming those things were never said.

Tech-raiding is a reality that I abhor and will always campaign against. Aiding those aggressors who bite off more than they can chew just so you can poke fun at another alliance is deplorable; I don't know whether you intend to actually turn these words to action, but I sincerely hope not. If this is indeed the path (in b4 stale unjust path joke) you intend to follow then, as I said, so be it.

*OOC: )): unreliable wireless networks

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Between the anti-piracy act and folks land-mining for raiders, it seems only fair to give the unaligned raiders a sporting chance. It may have started as a parody, but it turned into something neat; I like it.

It also amuses me to picture goons aiding a raider while the anti-pirates aid the raidee. :ph34r:

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