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The Fellowship goes to war.


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Legolas, Gimli, and Aragorn were three typical penguin ranchers in the wilderness known as the Groenlandian Antarctican Territory (GAT). They lived far from the main settlement, the capital known as PHALLUS, however they were accomplished penguin ranchers and were well known to most Groenlandians. Gimli was the shortest of the trio, almost dwarflike, and like to carry an axe with him for reasons unknown to the other two. Legolas was good at archery and Aragorn was a natural leader, charismatic and able to lead others.

It was a typical day, and the three men woke up at 5:00. Before leaving, they turned on the radio and adjusted the knob to the news station so they could hear, wondering what was going on in the world. The trio suddenly became angry when the announcer stated that a nation called 'Mordor' had been formed, with things called Orcs inhabiting the nation. By the sound of it, this nation seemed plain evil, and they planned to do something.

The three men put on their parkas and got on their genetically modified, subzero temperature resistant horses. Gimli packed an axe and a 12 guage shotgun, Legolas packed a bow, some arrows, and a 50 caliber sniper rifle, and Aragorn packed a sword and a standard assault rifle. They took enough food and drink to last for a few days, and after radioing in their intentions to PHALLUS, they galloped to their destination: the Antarctica territory of Mordor.


Edited by Californian
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OOC: I can't tell whether to facepalm and get pissed because you're another person getting on my case about my DoE, or whether to go along with it as a joke. i'm going to facepalm and get pissed.

OOC: I think your DoE is perfectly legitimate and am responding with an equally legitimate action. I'd prefer if we could take this OOC elsewhere, thanks. By the way, this is public knowledge to all nations, the trio radioed in so the world would know from looking at FRG news stations. Feel free to reply IC.

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OOC: It isn't sarcasm.


The Fellowship had traveled 50 miles before calling it a day. At this speed, it would take weeks to reach the land known as Mordor. Realizing they needed help, they took out their radio and made contact with the government in Phallus. The government official relayed them to an Intelligence official who relayed it to his superior. In the Ministry of Intelligence, it was decided to aid the trio, to help sabotage this obviously unstable regime. Preparations were quickly made and a C-130 took off from PHALLUS and landed next to the trio had had pitched camp.


They loaded their gear and horses into the nondescript plane and it took off, its destination only hours away.

Edited by Californian
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Despite the situation in Buryatia's capital, the President still had enough control to issue an order to seven outlying military bases. Accordingly 40,000 Buryatian soldiers, 200 tanks, 10 MiG 35s and 10 BA-774 Dragon Breath MRLS moved towards the Buryatia-Mordor border. Once they arrived they would join the existing border forces and wait for new orders.

Attack helicopters were armed and deployed to bases nearest to the border.

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A transport lift off from the nearby aircraft carrier Lothrólien, with bearings that would bring it to intersect with the trio's path. The pilot Galadriela flew slowly but steadily, keeping a careful eye on th whie the Antarctic lands below for signs of the travellers. Sure enough soon the fiugre of three man on what looked almost like horses appeared, and she steered her plane to just in front of them. Pulling on a lever, she could hear the back of her mighty machine groan and creak open. Pulling up slightly, the unstoppable forces of gravity dragged the three crates in the aircraft's bay out, tumbling and crashing towards the ground.

Galadriela watched with satisfication as the crates smashed into ice meters dead in the trio's trail, spewing forth sacks of french toast and several dozen old fashion swords, as well as a heat resistant cloak. She did not see that a vial of crystal clear liquid had been broken into pieces and its contents seeping into the snow, but likely did not care. Without another glance she returned to ship.

Edited by Teriethien
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Before the trio stepped into the C-130, they heard a bang and looked behind themselves. Gimli grimaced as a splinter of wood lodged past his thick beard and into his neck. Before them, they saw their favorite food, and ironically, the provincial food of GAT, french toast. They took as much as they could and loaded the sword into the plane to complement their arsenal.

Reply to Caucasia and Finland: We believe both these persons seemed qualified for the job. Please have them rendezvous at [secret coordinates] as soon as possible. Note: bring weapons.

Edited by Californian
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A group of C-17 Globemasters with fuel tanks attached to the wings were prepped for take off. Gathered around was a regiment of soldiers called, "Shire Hellions" due to the midget height requirements to join in. They were an elite special forces squad and would head to Groenland to support the "three researchers".


*scramble*Once upon a time, Shire sent out three hobbies.  Time of arrival to Doom 8 hrs.*scramble*

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Before the trio stepped into the C-130, they heard a bang and looked behind themselves. Gimli grimaced as a splinter of wood lodged past his thick beard and into his neck. Before them, they saw their favorite food, and ironically, the provincial food of GAT, french toast. They took as much as they could and loaded the sword into the plane to complement their arsenal.

Reply to Caucasia and Finland: We believe both these persons seemed qualified for the job. Please have them rendezvous at [secret coordinates] as soon as possible. Note: bring weapons.

Bor Omir packed a large, round shield, a sword, and an M4 carbine. He was put on a transport and sent for Antarctica.

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Back at the carrier Lothrólien, a company of marines were being assembled when the message came through. Hardy folk hailing from the highest mountains of France, the soldiers that comprised the unit known as the Dead Men of Dunharrow were fearsome soldiers on the field of battle, feared by even their own comrades.

An admiral took took the message down to the hangar where the men were preparing their weapons, and politely informed them of its contents. Without waiting for futher instructions they brushed the old sailor aside and jumped into small White Mountain class gunboats, heading straight for rally point Minias Tirith.

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Samwise simply looked at the sea, and decided to arrive at Minas Tirith instead. As he continued to walk cane in hand, he reached the rally point. He waved and signaled to the other adventurers. On the side of his Mithril-plated Gun, the place where it was made was seen and could be made clear.

The Shire

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