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MO - USA Merge announcment

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Midnight Order and USA have decided to merge as one alliance, we will keep the current name of Midnight Order. We will also keep our flag, the only thing being switched is we will have a 2nd President. The emperor will be the leader of the alliance USA, having 2 leaders will have a very large advantage, it will ensure the alliance is being looked over because we will both be looking over the whole alliance not separate parts. Me leaderofamerica and Panopatican have decided that MO will stay a free alliance which means we will still vote on all big issues and movements.

leaderofamerica - emperor

Panopatican - 2nd emperor

Mreds - imperial regent

liltrekkie - Minister of Defense

Edited by leaderofamerica
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Sparta has two heads of state, and I don't think they have differentiating titles, they're just both considered "King." Please correct me if that is inaccurate.

You are correct. We have such a system to prevent any one person from running the alliance into the ground. Each King must work with the other to get things done, which encourages debate and brainstorming before action.

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