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Announcement from the New Sith Order

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Just a quick note to other alliance leaders out there.

If you make up a list like this you need to try to get it right the first time. If you miss a name or two you might accidentally include a prima-donna that will !@#$%* and moan about not being included and quit even though you have pointed out the error and it is a known fact that you suck at the technical aspects of the [OOC]game[/OOC].

Just keep a box of tissues handy.

Edited by Ivan Moldavi
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Just a quick note to other alliance leaders out there.

If you make up a list like this you need to try to get it right the first time. If you miss a name or two you might accidentally include a prima-donna that will !@#$%* and moan about not being included and quit even though you have pointed out the error and it is a known fact that you suck at the technical aspects of the [OOC]game[/OOC].

Just keep a box of tissues handy.

Sounds like somebody learned this the hard way.

I would guess this is why most people only make such lists in a quitting topic (so they dont have to deal with the aftermath), or make a much shorter list and put something retarded like "and many more, you know who you are".

Anyway, looking forward to seeing what you do with your official reentry to preeminence.

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Sounds like somebody learned this the hard way.

I would guess this is why most people only make such lists in a quitting topic (so they dont have to deal with the aftermath), or make a much shorter list and put something retarded like "and many more, you know who you are".

Anyway, looking forward to seeing what you do with your official reentry to preeminence.

Oh, I was being a bit sarcastic. I don't really give a damn if some crybaby wishes to quit over something so trivial. :)

Also, hello.

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Just a quick note to other alliance leaders out there.

If you make up a list like this you need to try to get it right the first time. If you miss a name or two you might accidentally include a prima-donna that will !@#$%* and moan about not being included and quit even though you have pointed out the error and it is a known fact that you suck at the technical aspects of the [OOC]game[/OOC].

Just keep a box of tissues handy.

The incident you're referencing was truly one of the more pathetic displays I've ever witnessed. I was actually a bit embarassed for him it was so laughably shameful. Good riddance.

Sounds like somebody learned this the hard way.

Ironically, the crybaby the Dark Lord is referring to has applied to Mushroom Kingdom. Have fun with that one and be sure to stroke his ego on occasion, lest he get all in a huff and leave.

Edited by Corinan
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The incident you're referencing was truly one of the more pathetic displays I've ever witnessed. I was actually a bit embarassed for him it was so laughably shameful. Good riddance.

Ironically, the crybaby the Dark Lord is referring to has applied to Mushroom Kingdom. Have fun with that one and be sure to stroke his ego on occasion, lest he get all in a huff and leave.

We're used to crybaby's getting in a huff and leaving. We're comfortable at our member count. If he manages to get in and enjoys himself, great. If he decides to act as pathetic as you paint him, he will be gone in short order and we'll keep trucking as normal.

Oh, I was being a bit sarcastic. I don't really give a damn if some crybaby wishes to quit over something so trivial.

Also, hello.

Exactly the attitude I would expect from you. He clearly was not strong enough to survive.

Also, hello, how have you been doing?

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The incident you're referencing was truly one of the more pathetic displays I've ever witnessed. I was actually a bit embarassed for him it was so laughably shameful. Good riddance.

Ironically, the crybaby the Dark Lord is referring to has applied to Mushroom Kingdom. Have fun with that one and be sure to stroke his ego on occasion, lest he get all in a huff and leave.

You know, screenshots of such event would certainly be welcome for us common folk. Just for some laughs >_>

Edited by Portugal
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Let me start off by admitting that yes, my display was a bit pathetic, though not as pathetic as this.

I will not be in an alliance where the majority of members who are vocal on the OWF are all “hurrdurr me and my crew are here to talk about yo mama hurrdurr now watch your back hurrdurrhurrdurrhurrdurr” among other things.

I will not be in an alliance that, after choosing to hand out medals for simply being in it, cannot even do something as retardedly easy as recognizing everybody within the parameters of the award. I don’t need my ego stroked, I don’t need medals, but being left off of a list like this (as silly as it is, I was quite proud to have been there since day 1) is actually pretty insulting, as was the pithy response from moldavi.

So perhaps I was a bit of a “crybaby” yesterday, but for moldavi and corinan to start flaming me out here, pointing out what alliance I wish to join, saying “good luck with that one” especially after the things I’ve done there (while modest, they are not negligible) is completely uncalled for, though not unexpected.

In my resignation thread I said if you want to talk !@#$, PM me, if you want more (and this is more) then go ahead and declare. So declare or STFU and don’t mention me again.

Have a nice day. :war:

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Let me start off by admitting that yes, my display was a bit pathetic, though not as pathetic as this.

I will not be in an alliance where the majority of members who are vocal on the OWF are all "hurrdurr me and my crew are here to talk about yo mama hurrdurr now watch your back hurrdurrhurrdurrhurrdurr" among other things.

I will not be in an alliance that, after choosing to hand out medals for simply being in it, cannot even do something as retardedly easy as recognizing everybody within the parameters of the award. I don't need my ego stroked, I don't need medals, but being left off of a list like this (as silly as it is, I was quite proud to have been there since day 1) is actually pretty insulting, as was the pithy response from moldavi.

So perhaps I was a bit of a "crybaby" yesterday, but for moldavi and corinan to start flaming me out here, pointing out what alliance I wish to join, saying "good luck with that one" especially after the things I've done there (while modest, they are not negligible) is completely uncalled for, though not unexpected.

In my resignation thread I said if you want to talk !@#$, PM me, if you want more (and this is more) then go ahead and declare. So declare or STFU and don't mention me again.

Have a nice day. :war:

*pat pats*

It's actually much more enjoyable to embarrass you publicly and watch you drown in your own tears than giving you what you want and turning you into a martyr.

Moldavi forgot to include me too at first. I should be heartbroken, considering I've worked for him for years. But you know, instead of turning into St. Mussolandia of the Holy Tears, I didn't care.

By the way, the second paragraph in your post states the real reason you've resigned. The medal thing is just an excuse, which by the way served to display how, despite your posturing and "hurrdurr declare war on me hurr", you don't have the guts to set things straight.

So yeah, good luck with this one.

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I will not be in an alliance where the majority of members who are vocal on the OWF are all “hurrdurr me and my crew are here to talk about yo mama hurrdurr now watch your back hurrdurrhurrdurrhurrdurr” among other things.

hurrrdurrhurrrdurr yo mama's so poor she eats cereal with a fork just to save milk hurrrdurrhurrrdurr

Anyway, whatever. Have fun, get over it. hurrrdurr

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Let me start off by admitting that yes, my display was a bit pathetic

More than just a bit, but yes.

I will not be in an alliance where the majority of members who are vocal on the OWF are all “hurrdurr me and my crew are here to talk about yo mama hurrdurr now watch your back hurrdurrhurrdurrhurrdurr” among other things.

I believe you're referring to this thread:


You'll note that it's a single member, and not the "majority" of our near 160 members. Your math is quite a bit off.

I don’t need my ego stroked

Are you sure about that?

being left off of a list like this (as silly as it is, I was quite proud to have been there since day 1) is actually pretty insulting

Looks like someone had some hurt feelings. :-(

So perhaps I was a bit of a “crybaby” yesterday, but for moldavi and corinan to start flaming me out here

Your name was never mentioned, so no. You're only bringing more shame and embarrassment upon yourself. Quit while you're behind.

In my resignation thread I said if you want to talk !@#$, PM me, if you want more (and this is more) then go ahead and declare. So declare or STFU and don’t mention me again.

Your posturing will get you nowhere. It's a shame you didn't use your anger like this while a part of the Sith. Perhaps then you would have made for a decent one.

Edited by Corinan
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Your posturing will get you nowhere. It's a shame you didn't use your anger like this while a part of the Sith. Perhaps then you would have made for a decent one.

mhm, i was not even a decent member, of course i'm not a complete jerk-off like corinan, but in the NSO that is what's expected. to truly belong, you have to be a star wars nerd, mildly retarded, or a complete and utter jerk-off. if you're all three, you must be a sith lord :P

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mhm, i was not even a decent member, of course i'm not a complete jerk-off like corinan, but in the NSO that is what's expected. to truly belong, you have to be a star wars nerd, mildly retarded, or a complete and utter jerk-off. if you're all three, you must be a sith lord :P

I'll plead guilty to the first and third charge. Thems are some awfully sour grapes though!

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mhm, i was not even a decent member, of course i'm not a complete jerk-off like corinan, but in the NSO that is what's expected. to truly belong, you have to be a star wars nerd, mildly retarded, or a complete and utter jerk-off. if you're all three, you must be a sith lord :P

I hate Star Wars.

EDIT: the irony in this "I hate you now but I loved you so much yesterday I wanted a medal" is delicious

Edited by Mussolandia
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