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Galactic Imperium-Goon Order Of Neutral Shoving Treaty


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It's such a shame that the name of Neutral Shoving is dragged through the mud by such an incompetent fool, and an even bigger shame that he's dragging naiive alliances along with it. Love or hate their various exploits, I'm sure everyone here would agree that the end came long ago for old GOONS. This mockery of the dead of those long ago wars is disgusting, and it makes me sick to see others being hoodwinked by this idiot.

Galactic Imperium, you have no idea what you may brought upon yourself by allying with such scum.

Go away coward. Flame some place with all your fake buddies, 3 people who wear the GOONS AA including me know you are all a bunch of cowards not willing fight or resist, if you have a brain you will know what I mean. Now leave, kthxbye.

Edited by GOONS
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I'll give you the same advice I gave you in your channel.

If you wish to maintain that you didn't sign it, perhaps immediate outrage at being potentially dragged into a war by a moron would be the appropriate response, Not this passive "But, we didn't do it"

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I'll give you the same advice I gave you in your channel.

If you wish to maintain that you didn't sign it, perhaps immediate outrage at being potentially dragged into a war by a moron would be the appropriate response, Not this passive "But, we didn't do it"

Though there isn't anything for me to be outraged about, and as for signing it, it was a joke signature and was not our proper one. But all that is moot because this was never intended to be a real treaty nor be viewed as one.

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Go away coward. Flame some place with all your fake buddies, 3 people who wear the GOONS AA including me know you are all a bunch of cowards not willing fight or resist, if you have a brain you will know what I mean. Now leave, kthxbye.

Quoting for hilarity.

What exactly was the point of this treaty other than to drag other alliances into your ridiculous trolling? It's already been canceled. Thanks for wasting everyone's time.

Edited by Biazt
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Though there isn't anything for me to be outraged about, and as for signing it, it was a joke signature and was not our proper one. But all that is moot because this was never intended to be a real treaty nor be viewed as one.

so what's the difference between "a joke signature" and a real one?

I'll have to remember that tactic in the future

"yes, we signed an MDP with you, but it was a joke signature so we're under no obligation to defend you"

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Though there isn't anything for me to be outraged about, and as for signing it, it was a joke signature and was not our proper one. But all that is moot because this was never intended to be a real treaty nor be viewed as one.

Maybe posting it in the [OOC]IC part of the forum[/OOC] wasn't such a smart idea?

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Quoting for hilarity.

What exactly was the point of this treaty other than to drag other alliances into your ridiculous trolling? It's already been canceled. Thanks for wasting everyone's time.

You missed the point if you think this treaty was about the treaty, you needa think again. Hahahahahahah. Now that's hilarity.

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Maybe posting it in the [OOC]IC part of the forum[/OOC] wasn't such a smart idea?

This is what I was going to say as well.

Joke treaties do not belong in alliance announcements. Things posted here are viewed by the community at large as proper announcements.

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so what's the difference between "a joke signature" and a real one?

I'll have to remember that tactic in the future

"yes, we signed an MDP with you, but it was a joke signature so we're under no obligation to defend you"

Difference is what you put in the articles...

And by all means try to do that tactic, though I'm sure the other alliance would know if it's a "joke treaty" or not.

This is what I was going to say as well.

Joke treaties do not belong in alliance announcements. Things posted here are viewed by the community at large as proper announcements.

I agree with that, though I had no control over where he posted the treaty.

Though hopefully a mod will move this topic...

Edit: Didn't want to double post.

Edited by Hakaisha
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The possible death of my alliance is not trivial, just seems this whole thing is being thrown way off proportion and in my opinion having a valid CB on the Galactic Impeirum over this makes no sense.

Why not? No matter if you signed it for a second, you still signed a treaty with GOONS (GOoNS?).

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Why not? No matter if you signed it for a second, you still signed a treaty with GOONS (GOoNS?).

Okay lets say this treaty wasn't for a fake for a moment . How much is a treaty like this worth? I would say it's not worth much at all.

And like I said this topic wasn't even meant to be posted here.

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