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The Republic of Biff goes to war!

Markus Wilding

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Biff steps up to a podium, and clicks a button. Behind him, a speech prerecorded by his PR agent plays. Biff emphasises points during the recording, throwing his hands left and right.

"For too long we have suffered from the complaints of the CFNA, for too long they have create instability in North America! Now they fall, and fall they shall. This, this Oates claims to have brought peace and stability to the Mexican region, yet all our satellites reveal is an ongoing power struggle. It is time to end this belligerant and foolish "corporation" once and for all. As I speak, our men are on their way to achieving ultimate victory, not just for us, but for North America, and the WORLD!"

Biff's recording ends and all that can be seen is the ROB flag with a picture of Biff next to it.


Bombers escorted by fighters drop their payload, hoping to knock out any means of letting the CFNA call for help. At the same time, transport ship paradrop troops and supplies below. If there is little resistance, then the troops will secure every town they come across ultimately making their way to the capital. Morale has never been higher, as the men have full confidence in Biff's leadership capabilities.

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There is no need for this war for any reason. It seems that Biff is a war monger and is prepared to bring war to a nation just because it argues. Maybe the Republic of Biff should watch what it does or it could find itself with a dagger in the back one day.

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"We have a feeling that Biff is merely a puppet head of government, his mysterious PR agent might be the real president.

Anyways, as much as we do not like the CFNA's policies, we believe that initiating this war will only cause instability in North America, which was once non-existent. Disparu demands that the Republic of Biff should cancel their invasion."

Edited by Pikachurin
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The Malvinian Government has placed its security at DEFCON 2 and called up the army to high alert. our Lancer long range bombers are on standby if hostilities do not cease against CFNA.

They may seem nuts but peaceful diplomacy is the way forward. NOT gunboat dilomacy.

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Xaristan watches this with interest. However, we will not condemn the invasion, nor will we support it. What we will do, however, is to call upon all nations of the world, including those in North America and Asia, to let this remain an affair between these two nations to avoid it escalating. Any foreign aggression against any North American nation will be dealt with accordingly.

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OOC reeki.. dont take my "ultimatum seriously" i was under the impression you was invasing to claim it as your own.. not returning the land... my bad. pay no attention to it.

IC The Malvinan Government retracts its statement regarding its military high alert and request to pull out.

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While the CFNA is certainly a nuisance that more than likely will have to be removed some day, we question the CAU's ability to carry out this war, seeing as though there is no shared border and the CAU has no coastline to launch a naval strike from...

We are launching a massive air invasion, and if that doesn't work, well then we'll send our boys from Antarctica to Mexico.

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Emperor Lu Tai smiled as he drank his tea as he wacth's the news about Biff's declaration of war .

"Hehehe ah war how it makes the world riddle with chaos and destruction , but it is always so boring to watch sometimes but what can I do well as they say let others be your entertainment as you sit and do nothing but laugh".

Edited by lutai
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"Normally we let nations deal with their own disputes, but given there is absolutely no valid Causus Belli coming from the Republic of Biff backing their sudden aggression against the CFNA, as well as considering this is taking place in North America - we condemn the attack and call upon other American nations to do just the same.

We give the Republic of Biff 48 hours to call off their aerial attack and reach a settlement with the CFNA, else we will be compelled to act against the aforementioned nation."

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Normally Biff and his PR agent would continue - but Biff has seen the error of his ways.

Biff has withdrew the attack.


"Maybe next time Biff."

Biff strangles his monitor again and mumbles incoherently.

"It seems that the RoB has not addressed one of our concerns:

"We have a feeling that Biff is merely a puppet head of government, his mysterious PR agent might be the real president...

Nevertheless we are happy to know that you have withdrawn the attack."

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Due to these peace and stability disrupting actions undertaken by the Republic of Biff the Islands of Ice will be placing their nation under heavy surveillance to ensure that they don't go off and start something just as bad as this or something worse without us knowing about it.

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