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AUP Proclamation, and Announcement

Elrich von Richt

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[ AUP Announcement and Proclamation ]

Protection over the former domain of the Republic of Yawoo. Annexation of part of the Riau Islands.


As per the decision of the members of the Asiatic Unity Pact, an expeditionary force was sent to the Republic of Yawoo to see if our Asiatic brothers truly had left behind the land, and it had collapsed into anarchy. The observers, mainly civilians, reported the findings back to the Congress, and a plan was formulated. Due to the recent collapse of Yawoo, the AUP hereby formally annexes part of the Riau Island Chain beneath Singapore, and proclaims the remainder of The Republic of Yawoo's former domain, an AUP Protectorate. We shall use the islands as a joint-controlled area, considering it's low population and unimportance, and monitor and survey nation applications for the territory in the protectorate. We do this in the name of sovereignty and freedom, and wish that new nations may come along to this profitable land, and set up their roots. Also, the other half of the eastern island of Bangka-Belitung is hereby returned to Golgothan control. Consider this our due proclamation. As per previous agreement, any member caught attempting to annex land from this protectorate shall be reviewed, and be subject to a potential breach-of-charter.

Signed in the name of the AUP,

God-Empress Haruhi Suzumiya of the Haruhiist Empire

Queen Amyante Tojimaru of Zargathia

Chairman Mikhail Nagato of Diadochoi

OOC: We got Yawoo's permission. Plus, white space shall now be reserved for new players.

Edited by Elrich von Richt
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"Zargathia confirms the existence of a joint protectorate, and wishes to express its hopes that suitable leaders will soon start to emerge from amongst the inhabitants of the islands. Whomever these leaders would be, they will be able to count on the support of the AUP until the time comes that they would be able to stand on their own feet, and become fully sovereign in making their own decisions."

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If it is at all possible, to allow us to have some contiguity with our lands, may we have the eastern most islands directly between the Main Minilla Island, and the three small islands on the other side of them? This would make internal aid for the southern most provinces on the other side of the old Yawoo much easier for us. We would be very happy to join some sort of arrangement for this to happen.

Thank You,

HRH King Raymond II

Edited by Minilla Island
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Who said anything about threatening? I only asked for the easternmost islands of the former Yawoo, not the whole thing. If you see the map, Yawoo's easternmost islands are being sandwiched by my main island and the three island's south of the easternmost islands. You can do anything you want with the rest of the country. All I am asking is to annex the three (actually 2 and a little speck in between them) easternmost island. And the tiny one off the coast of the southeaternmost island. Again, this is to give contiguity, If I need to send things to those islands south of Yawoo, I need to go around Yawoo. Can't fly over it. Cannot sail through it. I need to go around it. Can also help united that area economically by setting up infrastructure between the islands in question. This is all I ask.

Edited by Minilla Island
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