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WOLF DoE: Round 2


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Yes. The WOLF Pack is still here, we're happy with the results and yes, you all still have to deal with us.

Membership, in case you forgot: Roman Empire, The Phoenix Federation, The Fellowship, Spartan Defense Force, Global Democratic Alliance, Republic of White Nations, The Red Guard, SOS Brigade, Box Vipers, Orbit Black, GATO, The Black Hand, Aeonic Imperium, and Sons of Anarchy.

If for some reason you would like to set up an embassy with us you can sign up here.

I know there is going to be a lot of whining and moaning, I have come to expect it. For those who have logical, ethical, and reasonable arguments. Thank you, you are part of the reason that WOLF exists.

For the rest of you let me go over a few things so we can avoid going over the same tired retread as last round

1) WOLF is ruining TE! - Answer: TE is a war game, if you want to change something in it, do something. Talking accomplishes nothing in war

2) WOLF is a "ebil super bloc"! - Answer: WOLF existed before it had a name, all the members were allies before WOLF existed

3) WOLF is going to control the world! ( aka the chicken little statement) - Answer: We never have controlled even half the nations or half the NS in the world

4) WOLF is gonna curbstomp every alliance! - Answer: No we aren't, we didn't last round we won't this round. Yes it's MDP, however help has to be requested before it's given.

5) WOLF makes me angry! ( or whatever word you use to express your opinion, I don't have to explain the difference between opinions and facts do I? ) - Answer: Do not reproduce.

If you say any of the above, I will assume you are incapable of learning and/or reading and treat you as such. I have little patience with idiocy, let's see if we can actually respond intelligently this round.

Edited by Gabryal
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No point of announcing this. We know you are around. Does a bloc really need a DoE? Honest answer, not really. Good luck this round nonetheless and I hope WOLF War II will be better than WOLF War I. Maybe WOLF will make this game better. A war against TE blocs is a just CB in my PoV since(no offense) they are unnesesarry and dumb in TE. This should be a war game, not an FA game with blocs and coalitions. As I said, I have something to fight for rather than just fight for nothing. That is why WOLF is somewhat good :P.

o/ Round 7

Edited by Ryan Greenberg
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1) WOLF is ruining TE! - Answer: TE is a war game, if you want to change something in it, do something. Talking accomplishes nothing in war

Hahahaha, yet you limit the amount of alliances you can attack. After all this is a war game

5) WOLF makes me angry! ( or whatever word you use to express your opinion, I don't have to explain the difference between opinions and facts do I? ) - Answer: Do not reproduce you forum troll

That's not what you were saying to me last night under the apple tree

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No point of announcing this. We know you are around. Does a bloc really need a DoE? Honest answer, not really. Good luck this round nonetheless and I hope WOLF War II will be better than WOLF War I. Maybe WOLF will make this game better. A war against TE blocs is a just CB in my PoV since(no offense) they are unnesesarry and dumb in TE. This should be a war game, not an FA game with blocs and coalitions. As I said, I have something to fight for rather than just fight for nothing. That is why WOLF is somewhat good :P.

o/ Round 7

Ok I think I hear the twilight zone music playing, who are you and what did you do with Ryan?

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Hahahaha, yet you limit the amount of alliances you can attack. After all this is a war game

That's not what you were saying to me last night under the apple tree

First Point, this is to avoid that "curbstomp" accusation mentioned above

Second Point, you seduced me with candy

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[ooc]You know that is somewhat offensive saying that I am in the twilight zone and crazy.[/ooc]

Ryan that's not what I ment at all, I ment that you have been a really outspoken critic of WOLF since it's inception, yet I counted at least four things positive you said about it in your first post. I felt like I was in the twilight zone and you were some alter-dimensional version of yourself, I don't think you're crazy, a little off sometimes, but no more than me. I was giving you credit not trying to offend you.

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Comes pretty close to #1, 2, and 5

pretty impressive

Can't help it if only the people actually in WOLF or who have never played TE might believe that anything said in OP is true

Edited by SativaZealot
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I see that you mention that WOLF is a Mutual Defense Pact. Is that to say that there is no aggression component to the agreement? I thought I heard it mentioned last round that WOLF would coordinate for offensive actions based on a vote of a certain percentage of membership or something like that...Would you clarify this please?

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all i see in this thread is a bunch of posers trying to be cool and act all tough and !@#$.

I love this growing trend of alliances building super blocs to pretend they're cool. guess what? you're not. MI set that trend a long time ago with the Prometheus project. We did it better and with fewer alliances (3 to be exact). we had style. you aint got !@#$.

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all i see in this thread is a bunch of posers trying to be cool and act all tough and !@#$.

I love this growing trend of alliances building super blocs to pretend they're cool. guess what? you're not. MI set that trend a long time ago with the Prometheus project. We did it better and with fewer alliances (3 to be exact). we had style. you aint got !@#$.

you know, everytime you post, I run to see what you've said, and then I read, and spin around in my chair, for it is you that makes this game truly interesting, by putting this weaklings in their place.

much love for elborrador, and MI <3

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Can't help it if only the people actually in WOLF or who have never played TE might believe that anything said in OP is true

Umm... what's a lie? The membership roster? That people have whined about it? Or the list of things most common that people have whined about?

Point it out to me please, and enlighten me with your brilliance please?

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I see that you mention that WOLF is a Mutual Defense Pact. Is that to say that there is no aggression component to the agreement? I thought I heard it mentioned last round that WOLF would coordinate for offensive actions based on a vote of a certain percentage of membership or something like that...Would you clarify this please?

If 2/3rds of the alliances in WOLF vote to declare an offensive war on another -Coalition- ( which doesn't exist yet ) then war is declared, and all those who voted yes participate, anyone who votes no does not.

If someone attacks a WOLF alliance and they ask for help, they will get it, if they don't ask then it is assumed they can handle it.

If a WOLF nation attacks another alliance and get's curbstomped that's their own fault.

Does that help?

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