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The Commonwealth Issues a Doctrine

Voodoo Nova

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"This doctrine is basicly saying, any Non-European nation who attacks a European nation will incure the wrath of all European nations.."

"However, we will note that no single nation of Europe may speak for all Europeans.

"Nonetheless this does not detract from our point, that unwarranted must be opposed anywhere, and that seeking to secure unconditional protection for a vaguely defined area both invites abuse and is, in our view, selfish."

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"However, we will note that no single nation of Europe may speak for all Europeans.

"Nonetheless this does not detract from our point, that unwarranted must be opposed anywhere, and that seeking to secure unconditional protection for a vaguely defined area both invites abuse and is, in our view, selfish."

"Noone is attempting to speak for you. If you do not wish to partake, you do not have to. Noone is going to force you to."

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"Noone is attempting to speak for you. If you do not wish to partake, you do not have to. Noone is going to force you to."

"I point to the prior comment made by representatives of the Empire."

This doctrine is ... saying ... attacks [on] a European nation will incure the wrath of all European nations. (sic)
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"Excuse my comment, I should have been more clear:

all European nations who have SIGNED the pact.

I apologize for the misunderstanding."

"This isn't a pact, it is a doctrine. It states that the Commonwealth will defend any European nation that has been attacked like Netherlands has been. Other nations in Europe are encouraged to do the same, but it is their choice to implement this policy in their own nation. The Commonwealth has made their decision, and we'll stick by it regardless of who in Europe is attacked.

(OOC: @ Mael)This is a Commonwealth doctrine. This is not an EU doctrine."

Edited by Voodoo Nova
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France cannot look favourably upon this doctrine. It is our firm belief that unwarranted aggression anywhere by anyone should be opposed by all able nations, and the selfish outlook of certain nations who seek only for protection of their own geographical area is not something we will agree with.

Indeed we in Euzkadi concur, we cannot sign up to any doctrine that will in essence have the potential for our nation to be aiding the defense of European nations with whom we hold a deep ideologically based aversion to.

Events in the very recent past have clearly shown that Europe is not united in any shape or fashion and i urge my allies in the Iberian pact to avoid endorsing a doctrine that we Basques believe is seriously flawed.

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"While this seems a good idea, what if the European nation deserved to be attacked? What if it sent spies, crimes against humanity on a certain section of people because it doesn't like the original country they came from. What if they show the Middle finger to a nation willing to talk out its differences. Will you still defend them or lawyer your way around it. We foresee this as a problem since European nations may get arrogant with this doctrine in place."

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"While this seems a good idea, what if the European nation deserved to be attacked? What if it sent spies, crimes against humanity on a certain section of people because it doesn't like the original country they came from. What if they show the Middle finger to a nation willing to talk out its differences. Will you still defend them or lawyer your way around it. We foresee this as a problem since European nations may get arrogant with this doctrine in place."

ooc: I don't think spying in CNRP isn’t as serious as it is in CN. If your spies get caught you just deny their existence and let the other government execute them.

ic: That's a very good point. By defending a problem country the Commonwealth could be creating a monster that might someday cause them more headaches than they're worth. At what point does this doctrine transform from a noble cause to an unbearable burden?

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Indeed we in Euzkadi concur, we cannot sign up to any doctrine that will in essence have the potential for our nation to be aiding the defense of European nations with whom we hold a deep ideologically based aversion to.

Events in the very recent past have clearly shown that Europe is not united in any shape or fashion and i urge my allies in the Iberian pact to avoid endorsing a doctrine that we Basques believe is seriously flawed.

"Are you really SO Ignorant that the Ideology of men bares you from coming to your Aid? This level of Ignorance is unfathomable. But what can I expect from a bunch of War mongers like your self and Scotland. All you seek is to stir up the situation and make sit worse. thats ALL your statements try to do. Do us all a favor and stay the hell out of our way and community. You refuse peace with our nation. You refuse to accept that we are people who are attempting to reform to modern standards. You Refuse this because you are IGNORANT. Euzkadi and Scotland, let it be known that no matter what the world or us in particular do, we cannot appease their anti-Peaceful, anti-Unified Egos. We actually endorse you to build a stronger wall, your arrogant kind have no place in Krieg or the Modern world. Shut your views out from the rest of us."

OOC: I know it sounds harsh, but ICly my Emperor is tired of hearing this jargon >.>

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"How can it be abused? It's purely defensive, and purely for non-Europeans."

"just like the Eurasian Union was? And look how that turned out."

"In addition, we point to the statement made by the Slavorussians..."

ooc: I don't think spying in CNRP isn't as serious as it is in CN. If your spies get caught you just deny their existence and let the other government execute them.

ic: That's a very good point. By defending a problem country the Commonwealth could be creating a monster that might someday cause them more headaches than they're worth. At what point does this doctrine transform from a noble cause to an unbearable burden?

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"For those of you that still have doubts and/or are slow to understanding the concept, this is specifically meant for nations, like Dranagg, that invade Europe. If a European nation does something aggressive, they are on their own. The Commonwealth is intelligent enough to know when the European nation being attacked has warranted it.

(OOC: @ Subtle :end OOC) This has nothing to do with the EU. This is a Commonwealth Doctrine."

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"Are you really SO Ignorant that the Ideology of men bares you from coming to your Aid? This level of Ignorance is unfathomable. But what can I expect from a bunch of War mongers like your self and Scotland. All you seek is to stir up the situation and make sit worse. thats ALL your statements try to do. Do us all a favor and stay the hell out of our way and community. You refuse peace with our nation. You refuse to accept that we are people who are attempting to reform to modern standards. You Refuse this because you are IGNORANT. Euzkadi and Scotland, let it be known that no matter what the world or us in particular do, we cannot appease their anti-Peaceful, anti-Unified Egos. We actually endorse you to build a stronger wall, your arrogant kind have no place in Krieg or the Modern world. Shut your views out from the rest of us."

French diplomats watched the outburst from the Emperor of the Krieg on tv with astonishment. "What the heck is this guy on?"

"How would I know the dude's plain nuts," his colleague chirped in. "In any case we need to appeal to cooler heads."

"To make us look like the good guys?"

"What? Oh yeah that's a good point. I just thought we should act like we're being paid for something."

We appeal to the Empire of Krieg to remain calm and civil in her dealings with the international community. Though you may not agree with them, Euzkadi merely voiced their disapproval of this commonwealth doctrine, and the reasoning they gave were generalised principles. It was not an aggressive statement, merely an observation, and nowhere in their statement did Euzkadi name Krieg. There is therefore no reason for the Empire of Krieg to interpret their message after such a hostile manner, and even less cause for a response that is far more aggressive and antagonist. We caution the Empire to approach diplomacy with both more patience and levelheadedness.
Edited by Teriethien
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"For those of you that still have doubts and/or are slow to understanding the concept, this is specifically meant for nations, like Dranagg, that invade Europe. If a European nation does something aggressive, they are on their own. The Commonwealth is intelligent enough to know when the European nation being attacked has warranted it.

(OOC: @ Subtle :end OOC) This has nothing to do with the EU. This is a Commonwealth Doctrine."

"We never said it was an EU doctrine. We were simply pointing out an apparent logical flaw."

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"Are you really SO Ignorant that the Ideology of men bares you from coming to your Aid? This level of Ignorance is unfathomable. But what can I expect from a bunch of War mongers like your self and Scotland. All you seek is to stir up the situation and make sit worse. thats ALL your statements try to do. Do us all a favor and stay the hell out of our way and community. You refuse peace with our nation. You refuse to accept that we are people who are attempting to reform to modern standards. You Refuse this because you are IGNORANT. Euzkadi and Scotland, let it be known that no matter what the world or us in particular do, we cannot appease their anti-Peaceful, anti-Unified Egos. We actually endorse you to build a stronger wall, your arrogant kind have no place in Krieg or the Modern world. Shut your views out from the rest of us."

OOC: I know it sounds harsh, but ICly my Emperor is tired of hearing this jargon >.>

We find the outburst by the Empoeror laughable in the extreme, we have no wish for such a nation as the Krieg Empire to ever come to our aid and had we really been warmongers we would have crushed your primitive and backward state a while back. The fact your nation is still standing is testimony to the fact no one has tried to take you out and that your paranoia is reaching new heights.

Your outburst is also bordering on a insult and will take this one time to warn the Empire, there will be consequences is you insist on verbally baiting us in this fashion again. Do not test our patience.

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