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The Haruhiist Empire - All Lifeforms Welcome!

Elrich von Richt

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Just then Yuki and Mikuru came out of their offices. Yuki was finally finished. As Yuki walked down the hall, she was reading a book as usual, Mikuru was just a little shy, and carried out some more tea. Yuki really didn't have any care much for the outside world, although she liked her friends. Tsukasa and Kagimi were still busy doing their respective jobs.

After Yuki made it into the main area, she found a chair and sat down instead of on the floor. Mikuru poured more tea, and sat down herself.

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Amyante bit her lip, taking a deep breath as she was trying to decide whether or not to bring something up that she was wondering about.

- "Umm... Haruhi? There is another thing i wanted to ask about, but i really don't know if i should... It's about a small piece of land."

Looking a bit nervous, it was obvious she was probing for an initial reaction. She didn't need to have an answer right there and then, but it'd be nice if it were at least considered. Then again, some nation leaders would be quite offended by what she was wanting to ask about, and she liked Haruhi too much to end up arguing with her.

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While the thought raced through Haruhi's mind, different reactions blended together. Anger, fear, and other thoughts crossed her. Of course, paranoia wasn't required. Amy was her friend, and wouldn't ask something unless she viewed it as important. Why destroy a friendship created so new?

"I'll consider it. Show me exactly what you mean first."

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Amyante nodded, opening the briefcase again to take out a couple of maps. A number of locations were encircled on it, map markers in English, arrows and other such things.

- "Well, as you probably know Zargathia's only sea access is through the Songhuajiang. Small and medium sized ships can travel through it, but the river is frozen from November to March. While looking for an alternative, we found the Posyet Bay to be a good alternative, as it's low populated, has barely any infrastructure to speak of and is relatively close to Zargathian soil."

As she spoke, she pointed out the various details as she brought them up, trying to answer any questions that may have risen up in her explanation before Haruhi would need to ask them.

- "Now, for our calculations, a commercial port and naval base would mean we would be needing the land between the Korean border and the village of Zarubino, located here on the map. Ideally though, we would like to purchase the land up to Ryazanovka, as there is a small pass leading almost directly to Zargathia there called the Guan Avenue, which would cut back on overhead cost quite a bit."

She left the maps on the table, and sat back down, still probing for a reaction to see whether Haruhi was annoyed, interested, angry, enthustiastic or a combination of the above.

- "Now, we've explored the area a little and the only things there are a number of small villages with four, five thousand people tops, and a number of weather stations which will of course continue to operate. Also, Ryazanovka is still far enough from Vladivostok to not interfere with shipping there at all, so there'd be no trouble on an economic level. Quite the contrary, once this project would reach its completion our nations would profit from the boost in infrastructure in and around the bay. Now, i'm not asking you to decide right here and now, just... think about it. Okay?"

Her speech done, she sat down again, waiting on the answer. It really could go any way from here, and she was lying if she wasn't feeling more than a little nervous about the whole thing. Initially, she had planned these talks to be held with Sarah, but her departure from the world of politics had ended up putting this plan on the fast track before it was too late.

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Haruhi thought up everything Amy had just mentioned, and motioned her hand in the air to see how much land it would carve off the Empire. After calculating it, and doing some hard thinking, she saw that it was barely noticeable. Also, due to the recall of Cochin's initial agreement, Urajiosutoku remained in Haruhiist possession.

"As odd as it is for you to probably hear me say this, consider it done."

She smiled, and knew Amy would like that response.

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Amyante looked happy at the response, though the look of relief overpowered everything else at that moment. The area would still need a few years of construction, something the Haruhiist rubber would help a great deal with, and undoubtedly take a few years to complete. Still, the plan was now at least at a stage where construction could begin, and considering her chances she believed she had had that was a small miracle in itself.

- "Oh wow, that's great! So umm... What would you want in return for it?"

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Haruhi could tell Amy was ecstatic. She may be self-absorbed, and hide compassion for others on a regular basis, but she could read other people rather easily. She could tell when they weren't satisfied with what she had planned, which made yelling at them more fun for her, normally it was Kyon, of course.

"Consider it a gift. Nothing is needed. Just remember we're pushing back the Obon festival to sometime at the end of August, if not the 1st of September. The area from Ryazanovka up to the Korean border, that's my agreement. Consider it signed in my name."

Edited by Elrich von Richt
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Haruhi was happy, another friend in the world had been gained. Through commercial interests, these two states would benefit. August 26th was almost as important to her as her own birthday, and knowing her self-absorption, Kyon knew she would do something fanatically amazing. Haruhi only had to wait Nagato's response now, as otherwise, it was rather quiet.

The King merely watched things unfold while drinking his tea, commenting that he would love to attend the Tanabata, but due to his duties to his state, this would be hard, if not impossible. However, he mentioned that he would ask the Minister for Foreign Affairs to attend it, as well as the Minister for Culture.

After this, he continued watching the people do their thing.

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Amyante grinned, having noticed the subtle invitation to come by for the Obon festival.

- "Heh sure, i'll make it. I'll be there if i have to swim across the Sea of Japan to get here. It's the least i could do to make up for not being able to join you on the 26th."

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Promised Land hereby recognizes the Haruhiist Empire. however, due to seperation of church and state, we cannot endorse one religion over another, and cannor recognize the ruler as a God Empress.

Doing so would violate our principles, and therefore the most we can offer is to recognize her as the legal sovereign.

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"Public nudity... Wouldn't that be a sin in your book? :v:

As for the comments made by others, respect for other's religion. We were not the ones who cast the first stone. They first began by refusing to recognize the sovereignty of the Haruhiist empire simply because they derived their authority from another faith. Meanwhile they are standing upon an equally weak foundation based on another faith. The point was if they classify what the Haruhiists do as a false religion, and a delusion then we will do the same for them (the church) as well. I have yet to see them refuse to recognize the holy imperium of man for founding their soverignty on the divinity of their immortal emperor, or any other nation which has a similar epistemology."

OOC: Also my comments to the church were classified.

Mooning isn't public nudity. You're thinking of flashing.

And as we said before, it isn't so easy to recognize htis country right now. It isn't worth it at the moment.

OOC: Just to clarify, only the Pope can recognize countries.

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OOC: Actually...

v. mooned, moon·ing, moons

v. intr.

1. To wander about or pass time languidly and aimlessly.

2. To yearn or pine as if infatuated.

3. Slang To expose one's buttocks in public as a prank or disrespectful gesture.

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While the Haruhiist Empire dislikes the non-recognition of Haruhi as the divine God-Empress, we respect the Promised Land's decision.

As such, we are fine as long as they address her as royalty, and acknowledge such. However, we shall continue to know her as our rightful and divine God-Empress.

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The Kingdom of Cochin informs the Haruhiist Empire that the work on the Air Force Base and Army Base is almost completed. The 1st Marine Task Force has arrived at Vladivostok with the 1st Marine Division. We are planning to base the RF30 regiment of Mig29s at Vladivostok Air Force Base with an assortment of support aircraft.

Edited by king of cochin
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Procinctia formally recognizes the emerging Haruhiist Empire and the divinity of Haruhi Suzumiya.

Liska Atka, Procinctia’s sixteen-year-old Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs and acting Minister of Foreign Affairs, will be sent for more formal conformation. Liska is humbly and respectfully looking foreword to meeting the Devine-Lady Suzumiya in person.


From the office of Generalissimo, Generalissimo of Procinctia

Somewhere in the Saint Paul City Wasteland

Liska, I don’t know how to tell you this, but lack a diversity of administration roles. Don’t take this the wrong way, you’re doing a fine job as Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs, but that’s the problem at sixteen you’re only acting Minister of Foreign Affais.

Wait, I’m attend high school, yet hold the highest active diplomatic position in this country – what more do you want from me?

Look at Haruhi Suzumiya, at seventeen Haruhi is already God-Empress of the Haruhiist Empire.

I’m not a goddess or head-of-state, there’s nothing I can do about that.

It’s my fault for not diversifying your proficiencies; your sister currently holds ten cabinet posts with additional positions and ranks.

My sister also had problems with sleeping, stress, and other work related trauma.

Even Sarah Tintagyl was Lady Protector, White Cross Director, international diplomat, and spokeswoman for a variety of causes.

Sarah’s personal life imploded, she couldn’t cope pressures and left the international scene.

I’m just saying Haruhi is already God-Empress of the Haruhiist Empire, that’s the kind of achievement you ought to be striving for. Her imperial government is equally impressive; Kyon somehow manages Errand Boy and Imperial Minister of Internal Affairs, Itsuki Koizumi doubles as Mysterious Transfer Student and Imperial Minister of Foreign Affairs, and Yuki Nagato is both Meganekko and Minister of Defense. Mikuru Asahina beats them all as Imperial Mascot and Minister of Education and Propaganda, that’s right education and propaganda, that’s what I call versatility – how come Procinctia doesn’t have a mascot? That’s why I’m going to expand your role in Procinctia’s government.

By making be a mascot?

Not unless you really want to be a mascot.

I’d rather not.

Let’s start small than, we have year after all, starting immediately you’re herby promoted to senior Commodore of Procinctia’s navy.

I announced it publicly an hour ago.

Great, now I’m a child soldier, thanks Generalissimo. Doesn’t that makes me the second highest ranking navy officer after the Vice-Admiral? Commodore Issorartuyok isn’t going to be happy about this, good thing we don’t have any ships at the moment. Any other bright ideas?

I’m sending you to the Haruhiist Empire, officially for diplomatic stuff, unofficially meeting other government functionaries closer to your own age might be good for you. I’ve already taken the liberty of informing the Haruhiists

Oh, joy. Another delusional flamboyantly dressed easily excitable loud eccentric, I get enough of this at home.


Generalissimo, Generalissimo of Procinctia


Liska Atka, Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs/acting Minister of Foreign Affairs

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Imperial Dispatch:

We thank the Procintican Government in formally recognizing our independence, existence, and divinity of Our Lady, God-Empress Haruhi Suzumiya. We hope Liska Atka will enjoy her visit here, and have already sent Kyon to the airport to wait upon her arrival


Itsuki Koizumi

Mysterious Transfer Student and Imperial MoFA

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