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"We do recognise the sovereignity of the nations that currently exist, this includes the United Netherlands."

Your map has shown that you do not and so have these words:

As Emperor-elect of the Empire, I strive to reunite all its former provinces, from Flanders to Moravia, from Holstein to Tuscia. As with Austria, I wish to unite it peacefully, and without the use of war."

Peacefully and without the use of war while striving to "re-"unite an empire. And that while the back then Seventeen Netherlands started fighting for their independence as early as 1568.

We have heard enough and we will invite our warrants and those other nations that are now under threat for a summit in Brussels. Other European can hereby be considered invited as well.

Edited by DeRaadspensionaris
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"Just because you say you will use peaceful means does not make your arrogant and false claims any less real. By saying you own, or should own, territory of my allies, it is a threat. And in addition, even though you claim you shall use peaceful means does not mean that you will stick to that vow. There were times when Nordland said it would not use military means to expand, and everyone knows how truthful those statements were."

"If I use military might to enforce these claims, strike me down where I stand.

I have sworn, when I was crowned Emperor-elect, to leave those alone who do not wish to join the Empire. I will stand by this, and I shall certainly not let the Empire become the hated Nordic Reich or Nordland."


To: King Alexander Emperor elect of the Holy Roman Empire.


"Greetings your majesty, may I first congratulate you on your current announcements and I wish you the best of luck and hope with your current and future plans. Whilst the distance between our two great nations is vast I feel that it does not mean we have to refrain from contact and thus I cordialy ask for your invitation to visit yourself at a time best suited to yourself.

From: Queen Anne Smith of the Imperial Kingdom of Tasmania.

*Classified Reply*

To: Queen Anne Smith of the Imperial Kingdom of Tasmania.


"Be greeted.

First, I thank you for your congratulations. Secondly, I would love to come and visit your nations when I do have the time for it. However, currently, I do lack time, having to reorganise oh so many things.

I hope I will see you in person soon."

From: King Alexander Emperor elect of the Holy Roman Empire.

*End of*

Your map has shown that you do not and so have these words:

Peacefully and without the use of war while striving to "re-"unite an empire. And that while the back then Seventeen Netherlands started fighting for their independence as early as 1568.

We have heard enough and we will invite our warrants and those other nations that are now under threat for a summit in Brussels. Other European can hereby be considered invited as well.

"The map shows the territory that once was part of the Holy Roman Empire, before it was forcefully dissolved by Napoleon.

If a region does not wish to join, it shall be left alone, sovereign and independent until such a time where it decides to join the Empire.

I will not force you in any way into the Empire, but I am sad that you see the Empire as a threat, not a friend that could help."

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"We welcome this new nation to the world We also urge other European nations not to over react to the Holy Roman Empire's claims. They have promised that they will not take these lands by war, and have shown no signs of lying. If you are going to have such a reaction to a claim, why not react to the invasion of European lands that passed only a few days ago? There is no need to start a war where it is not necessary."

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"Given the current storm of protests, in the defense of the Holy Roman Empire we would like to point out that the Dragon Empire in Asia is also a conglomerate of nations, and we feel that the ideology of the Emperor-elect closely resemble that of setting up a similar conglomerate in Europe. Such an Empire is not formed through conflict per definition."

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It's in our nature to overreact. Europeans are like tiny dogs, skittish but vicious. Anyway as long as no wars are started by this then we have no opinion either way. For those who choose to join the Holy Roman Empire good luck, for those who don’t, it’s understandable and good luck to you as well.

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"And...Europe overreacts once again. Even when Nordland repeatedly broke their word, they were not kicked out. Bavaria has yet to break any promise it has made, and it has stated it intends not to take any of these lands by force."

"Overreaction is a common theme in European politics.

Do note that Bavaria is but a part of the Empire now, as are Austria and Slovenia."

"We welcome this new nation to the world. We also urge other European nations not to over react to the Holy Roman Empire's claims. They have promised that they will not take these lands by war, and have shown no signs of lying. If you are going to have such a reaction to a claim, why not react to the invasion of European lands that passed only a few days ago? There is no need to start a war where it is not necessary."

"Thank you for your welcome. However, Europeans are prone to overreact, as is their right."

It's in our nature to overreact. Europeans are like tiny dogs, skittish but vicious. Anyway as long as no wars are started by this then we have no opinion either way. For those who choose to join the Holy Roman Empire good luck, for those who don’t, it’s understandable and good luck to you as well.

"While they bicker and try to slander the HRE, let us hope that they shall keep to this, for war is something none of us desires."

"Additionally, in light of so many believing that the Empire plans to enforce its claims with military might, and through war, I hereby issue a universal Guarantee of Independence. All european countries shall now have their independence guaranteed by the Holy Roman Empire, unless they fall into Anarchy or decide to join the Empire."

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"Yes, but the Dragon Empire does not kow-tow to the yearnings of one man, we are by the People, for the People. We have no Emperor.. we have an elected Triumvirate."

"And perhaps such a thing may come for the Holy Roman Empire as well. At this point the vision is still young, and only time will be able to tell which form it will take. As long as they remain true to their peaceful policies, Zargathia has no reason to object to their goals as stated."

Edited by Amyante
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As we are currently in a state of sede vacante, the Church cannot give a position. However, half the Church does not have a problem with this, as they intend to expand peacefully. The other half condemns this move as imperialistic.

OOC: So if you become as big as the Dragon Empire, can you guys have a Cold War? :wub:

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The Italian Republic recognizes the new Kingdom of Austria due to the historical ties between the Italian and German people in acient times, in the near past, and present with the former Bavarian state. But we must remind that Italy's unity and sovereignty is inviolable and our borders are not for sale nor open for changes.

We reject in advance any secession of Italian land into the Kingdom of Austria.

Edited by Junio Borghese
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Well it would appear that the Holy Roman Empire is the Dragon Empire of Europe. This is a great day for the world indeed. Austria, Eurasia, the Dragons. The world is coming closer and closer to peace, soon I doubt that anarchy will ever be able to thrive on the largest super continent in the world.

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"Additionally, in light of so many believing that the Empire plans to enforce its claims with military might, and through war, I hereby issue a universal Guarantee of Independence. All european countries shall now have their independence guaranteed by the Holy Roman Empire, unless they fall into Anarchy or decide to join the Empire."

"So you just gave yourself a casus belli against every nation that wars in Europe. That doesn't seem like a very peaceful idea."

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"So you just gave yourself a casus belli against every nation that wars in Europe. That doesn't seem like a very peaceful idea."

"We seem to be having trouble interpreting your message. Wars are not meant to be avoided?"

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So did the Dragons in Asia. They're just repeating mantra of the most stabilizing force in the world. There are good times ahead.

"I doubt it, for many, many reasons. It worked for the DE because they're not in Asia. They basically ARE Asia."

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"And perhaps such a thing may come for the Holy Roman Empire as well. At this point the vision is still young, and only time will be able to tell which form it will take. As long as they remain true to their peaceful policies, Zargathia has no reason to object to their goals as stated."

"Thank you."

As we are currently in a state of sede vacante, the Church cannot give a position. However, half the Church does not have a problem with this, as they intend to expand peacefully. The other half condemns this move as imperialistic.

OOC: So if you become as big as the Dragon Empire, can you guys have a Cold War? :wub:

"Those who have no problem we thank, those who find it imperialistic we ask to reconsider their opinion. We cannot force them to change it, however."

OOC: Lol, I dunno.

The Italian Republic recognizes the new Kingdom of Austria due to the historical ties between the Italian and German people in acient times, in the near past, and present with the former Bavarian state. But we must remind that Italy's unity and sovereignty is inviolable and our borders are not for sale nor open for changes.

We reject in advance any secession of Italian land into the Kingdom of Austria.

"Only if the territories in question voluntarily join the Empire or Austria shall they be admitted into it. We will not accept forceful annexion into our nation."

Well it would appear that the Holy Roman Empire is the Dragon Empire of Europe. This is a great day for the world indeed. Austria, Eurasia, the Dragons. The world is coming closer and closer to peace, soon I doubt that anarchy will ever be able to thrive on the largest super continent in the world.

"It is an honour to have Miss Tintagyl speaking for my cause.

Indeed, world peace is a step closer, and we all should strive towards eventually reaching it."

"So you just gave yourself a casus belli against every nation that wars in Europe. That doesn't seem like a very peaceful idea."
I think the spirit of the guarantee was to make the nations surrounding less nervous.

"This is what was intended."

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"I doubt it, for many, many reasons. It worked for the DE because they're not in Asia. They basically ARE Asia."

Unfortunately that is not how the Dragon Empire started, they expanded just as any Empire does, perhaps not through war, but expansion nonetheless. They control Asia through peaceful means and give promises of independence to the countries around them. Holy Rome is doing the same thing at yet the countries of Asia did not need to join Dragonisia, they chose to. Just as the countries of Europe do not need to join Holy Rome unless they choose to. Just as nations do not need to join your Eurasian Union unless they want to. Do not hold one Empire to one standard and another Empire to another, it only causes tension. Member states of the Eurasian Union should be just as friendly to Holy Rome as they are to the Dragons. All three blocs want peace, why not work together?

Edited by Sarah Tintagyl
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The Federal Self-Defense Force has been asked to organize a military exercise ( "Oefening Juniper Cobra") for tomorrow and both Brabant, Limburg and Flanders train with a DEFCON 2-condition and their National Guards have been called up.

Edited by DeRaadspensionaris
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Rakata refuses to recognize this clear imperialist ruler over the lands of Austria. We furthermore condemn this rogue statesmen making grandiose claims over Europe and hopes that not only Europe, but the world, will stand in firm resolve against him.

"The Commonwealth asks Rakata then to condemn every other Empire and nation that has ever promised independence for countries bordering them or that has ever constituted that their claims revolve around manifest destiny. When Holy Rome declares war against one nation, you may do this, until that time. I would expect you to add Empires as the Dragons, and any nation that has expanded over their borders in the past few years."

The Hanseatic representative chuckled. "Including us, luckily we've been releasing most of our territory."

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