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Crimson Guard Edict #5: Ultimatum to Internet Superheroes

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Sorry there hoss, I ain't looking to duel today. I may of mentioned it eariler, but got like a buck fifty in money on hand. Though, if you're game in say a week, send me a PM.

I'll tell you flat out what I'm doing and that is baiting IS to pick a real fight, a fun fight, a fight they're not guaranteed to win. Now why did I just come out and say that? Simple, because every second they spend not picking that fight is every second I get to call them spineless.

And they ain't gonna take me up on the offer.

Don't worry, I know exactly what you are doing. You want IS to attack you that way you have VE to come and back you up, so it because a fight that you will win. On the other hand you can attack IS, but if that happens then I doubt VE will have your back when IS's allies come to their back, so that will be a fight that you will lose. So please do not call some people spineless if you fall in the same boat.

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Ok, this isn't worth my time to read 15+ pages of this. It'd be quicker just to skip the pointless banter after the OP and just state what I think;

Crimson Guard has no treaties. Therefore, Crimson Guard is open to be raided. That's a fact that everyone knows and accepts when it comes to alliances - if you don't have a treaty where someone must or could defend you, you will be raided. Simple as that. Internet Superheroes tech raided an "alliance" under 15 members, with no treaties or protectors. Now, I can guarantee if any other alliance had done that, nobody would be making such a stink about this. However, it's Internet Superheroes who initiated these raids and we all know how much the rest of Digiterria loves IS. Which makes this whole ordeal by CG and others who oppose IS to be excessively hypocritical because you don't care about CG, you just want a chance to see IS be attacked and "put in their place". All you're doing is trying to capitalize on people's emotions for vengeance.

When it comes down to it, it is your fault you decided to neglect the wonderful art of diplomacy by not getting yourselves a protector or an M/ODP partner. Pinning the blame and misplaced rage at Internet Superheroes doesn't hide the fact that you failed to play politics in a political world. You reap what you sow by doing that, and frankly, shouldn't complain. But I won't stop you, the tears are quite delicious. As for issuing an "ultimatum" to Internet Superheroes, LOL. You have accepted peace with them already from what I can see, but now you want reparations? Why? You already agreed to peace with IS after they sent you the peace offers. Oh wait, I remember - All you're doing is trying to capitalize on people's emotions for vengeance.

So as far as I am concerned, this is over. If you decide to attack Internet Superheroes for ignoring your complaints and grievances you will get to meet some pretty RAD people shortly after. You can count on it.


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Why don't you make me shut up?

Because I think it's quite flattering to play this backwards "cat and mouse" game where everyone plays around about hitting IS, then when someone does it they get chewed up by their allies. But please, do be an annoyance for anyone who argues for the sake of lolitics.

Well there's yours and then there's Planet Bob's definition of a tech raid which is GA's only...

I'll remember that if you ever make an alliance and don't want anyone infringing on YOUR sovereignty.

Edited by Rey the Great
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No, its not the truth, its just a clever way to hide what she really meant.

I do believe it is the Truth. I have talked to many people who when they Raid, They are raiding for Land, and Not for Tech. Sakura must be one of those players who needs land more than they need the tech. You can take the High Ground all you want and say that they just want to kill CG, when all they really wanted was some discounted land and tech.

Well Said Emperor Marx, Well Said. RAD <3 IS

Edited by Druss the Legend
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Ok, this isn't worth my time to read 15+ pages of this. It'd be quicker just to skip the pointless banter after the OP and just state what I think;

Crimson Guard has no treaties. Therefore, Crimson Guard is open to be raided. That's a fact that everyone knows and accepts when it comes to alliances - if you don't have a treaty where someone must or could defend you, you will be raided. Simple as that. Internet Superheroes tech raided an "alliance" under 15 members, with no treaties or protectors. Now, I can guarantee if any other alliance had done that, nobody would be making such a stink about this. However, it's Internet Superheroes who initiated these raids and we all know how much the rest of Digiterria loves IS. Which makes this whole ordeal by CG and others who oppose IS to be excessively hypocritical because you don't care about CG, you just want a chance to see IS be attacked and "put in their place". All you're doing is trying to capitalize on people's emotions for vengeance.

When it comes down to it, it is your fault you decided to neglect the wonderful art of diplomacy by not getting yourselves a protector or an M/ODP partner. Pinning the blame and misplaced rage at Internet Superheroes doesn't hide the fact that you failed to play politics in a political world. You reap what you sow by doing that, and frankly, shouldn't complain. But I won't stop you, the tears are quite delicious. As for issuing an "ultimatum" to Internet Superheroes, LOL. You have accepted peace with them already from what I can see, but now you want reparations? Why? You already agreed to peace with IS after they sent you the peace offers. Oh wait, I remember - All you're doing is trying to capitalize on people's emotions for vengeance.

So as far as I am concerned, this is over. If you decide to attack Internet Superheroes for ignoring your complaints and grievances you will get to meet some pretty RAD people shortly after. You can count on it.


Also, this can be considered the official stance of RAD.

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I never knew you spoke for planet bob. Must have missed that meeting.

He spokes for the majority of us who actually know how to raid.

Whereas you and company rewrite the definition of raiding to defend yourselves.

Anyway you spin it, What IS is doing is underhanded.

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Don't worry, I know exactly what you are doing. You want IS to attack you that way you have VE to come and back you up, so it because a fight that you will win. On the other hand you can attack IS, but if that happens then I doubt VE will have your back when IS's allies come to their back, so that will be a fight that you will lose. So please do not call some people spineless if you fall in the same boat.

Well, considering I'm not going around and starting wars, no tech raids, no it's a war, no it's a tech raid with little alliances I can beat rather easily and boasting about how much I love fun wars, I'm fairly certain I am on a radically different boat. I can see IS and their little pink dingy floating around somewhere off the starboard if that helps though.

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I have talked to many people who when they Raid, They are raiding for Land, and Not for Tech.

16:44 %Londo • did you raid NOAH ReytheRAD

16:44 %Londo • lol

16:45 %ReytheRAD • I hit the leader I think

16:45 %Londo • NOAH didn't take it to the OWF though

16:45 %ReytheRAD • That's irrelevant

16:46 %Londo • also that raid wasn't politically motivated

16:46 %ReytheRAD • someone had to notice

16:46 %Londo • well yeah

16:46 %ReytheRAD • all raids are tl;dr "you're smaller, I want money"

16:46 %Londo • I wanted land


Edited by Rey the Great
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