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Pope to Resign?


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Public: Catholic Newsletter, THe Homily, gives headline: Rumors State Pope Will Resign


The Pope sat in his bedroom with a handful of trusted and loyal Bishops and Cardinals, his head full of wild chaos. He looked out the window and saw the sun setting under the city. The Pope always hated sunset, because it signaled the end of day. Now, he felt as if his work was suffering a similar fate. He turned to his friends and asked, "How is it possible that a mere human could take care of the entire world? Christ does, but He is Christ. Popes are only elected."

"Karol, faith, hope and love."

"Yes, I remember those and utilize it every day. Faith for seeking God's will. Hope that our home may become more peaceful and tranquil. Love for the world. Yet this isn't enough. Look at the news. Only two countries have given full support for this Church. Many of the others, however, try to claim that I'm an antipope. A couple even called me the Antichrist!"

"But isn't it likely that God's Grace is not with them?"

"Isn't it possible that God's Grace is not with us?"

"But it must be with us. We are the Church."

"Don't give false hope. No one can know if God's Grace is with us. If it isn't, then may He pour it down. If it is, then may we have the desire to keep it."

"Yes. Saint Joan of Arc."

"She sacrificed her life for God. It may be time to sacrifice mine."

"How, Father?"

"By ending my Papacy."

A giant gasp erupted through the room. "Papa, the world depends on you right now! The Holy Spirit chose you to lead the Church and the World."

"The Holy Spirit now tells me to prevent this Schism, and it is my responsibility to do what ever I can to preserve this Church. Also, I love the world, and sacrificing happiness for the happiness of the world is the greatest love you'll ever see."

"But Karol, there ARE other ways to prevent the schism."

"Yes, but those other ways are not nearly as effective as my resignation. I will not let this simply become a gamble. I'll talk to you in the morning. I need my rest."

The visitors exited the bedroom as the Pope then walked to the balcony, stared at the city, and looked at his Fisherman's Ring, which could be destroyed anytime soon.

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A package would be arriving at the Church, addressed to the Pope himself. The address and stamp would mark it as being sent from within Zargathia, the fact that it arrived that day indicating that it had been put in the mail a few days ago.

In it, the Pope would find a leather bound copy of the Book of Job. On the first page there would be a hand-written message.

Teneo Fides.

G. Sokolov

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In an office in the Church of St. Peter, the Patriarch of the Vaule Orthodox Church read over the headline that the Pope of the Roman Catholic Church was rumored to be resigning from his post. The Patriarch reflected quietly on the situation for a moment. This was on the one hand unfortunate, but on the other it presented the Orthodox Church with a major opportunity. The Patriarch scribbled his signature onto a pre-written letter and dispatched it immediately to the Supreme People’s Court of Buryatia.


“The government of Buryatia will not comment on the rumors surrounding the situation with the Pope at this time, until an official confirmation is issued on this matter.”

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A package would be arriving at the Church, addressed to the Pope himself. The address and stamp would mark it as being sent from within Zargathia, the fact that it arrived that day indicating that it had been put in the mail a few days ago.

In it, the Pope would find a leather bound copy of the Book of Job. On the first page there would be a hand-written message.

The Pope received the package and wrote the following back:

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The Pope stood on the balcony of St. Peter's with three Cardinals and a team of LASER Guards. Preparing to address the world, he gazed at the mob of media. Then he spoke.

"Brothers and sisters, I come to you today as your Pope. Normally, I would present myself in the most sincere and humble manner, but this issue requires different circumstances.

"In the past few days, a lot of you have criticized me for being an antipope and the Antichrist. I have heard your accusations and have wept at your thoughts. I am very saddened that you have condemned me like this. Due to this, a schism is inevitable. So now I will get to the point.

"Some of you don't want me to do this, but it is, as I see, the best way to resolve this mess that has been laid. I, Pope John Paul III, declare that..."


A bomber, either hijacked or following government orders, flew above St. Peter's Square. It drowned the Pope speaking, and then when it was at the right position, it fired a small missle at the balcony, killing the three Cardinals and all but one of the LASER guards. The Pope and the other guard was critically wounded from the blast. Immediately after this, a loud voice boomed, "The false God, Jesus, and His servant have fallen!"

Following this was extreme chaos and havoc, and by the time someone did get the Pope, it seemed to be to late. But when that person approached the wounded Pope, the Pope started reciting over and over, "Abba, indulgeo lemma, pro operor ignoro quis es effectus."

The Pope is now in the ICU. Results to come out soon.

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Ziggy had heard that the pope would soon be speaking, he failed to get THAT HAT, the last time he went there... he was not planning on failing again and was taking aim with his newest device, a suction cup long range sniper rifle calibrated for low speed projectiles. Once again though, his plans were wrecked as a massive explosion shock the world around him.

Ziggy: T_T Wow, I really look great here now. HOW MANY TIMES DO THEY TRY TO KILL THIS GUY!

Putting away his rifle he moved to blend in for a while and was even considering going underground a bit if necessary to avoid being followed.

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Elrich von Richt stared at the recent news coming from the Catholic Church. While Normandy was not bound to any one religion, there was a decent-sized catholic community. Protestants however remained the highest. He sent a simple message to the pope:

"While our national government does not hold any one faith to be the true faith, and adheres to a policy of free religious practice, we wish the pope well. May he recover speedily."

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"Zargathia sharply condemns what appears to be yet another attempt on the life of the Pope. May the perpetrators be doomed to Fail for eternity. Also, the Zargathian priory of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem would urge to send in a team of Knights Hospitaller, as this second attempt clearly shows an increase in guards had indeed been a necessary action to take."

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"While we disagree with the very existence of a Pope, we do condemn this act of violence as that is not the solution to the issue and never will be. It simply makes the man a martyr. We hope whoever committed this atrocity is found and executed." stated Maelstrom Vortex, speaking as Chairman of the State of Dragonisia.

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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The Aether Empire believes the time has come to implement a new pope indeed. These actions call for a Pope for the 21st century.



Private... to himself Zarfef makes the following thought.

If Ziggy messed this up, we're going to kill him.

In the meantime, Ziggy was attempting to move discreetly out of town.

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