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IS Public Service Announcement

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Oh, so you came up with that whole picture of IS from this one thread, Conner? Amazing. Lot of hate from someone who reckons they didn't know IS existed til this thread. Although, any alliance that has Rey the Great deserves to be shunned and ridiculed. That guy sucks. <_<

Um, yes, i did get that picture of IS from this thread. Considering they blatantly said they don't have morals and they thought what they did was funny, I'm fairly justified in my assumption of IS. If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck and smells like a duck...chances are they're not giraffes.

As for Rey the Great...who is that? I looked him up and he's a RAD member. What does that have to do with my alliance?

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So I take it you didn't read any IS or any of their allies responses?

Their responses seem to be based around this:

--Yes we're &#33;@#&#036;%bags

--Yes we're jerks

--We don't care, we'll pick on who ever we want.

No, I haven't seen any of their allies responses nor do I care to because they are probably, "Let IS have their fun and mess with the alliance leader who doesn't know what he's doing."

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Ok Conner, just seems weird to me that someone would read a thread from an alliance they have never heard of, get pissed off and make a post calling said alliance pathetic children, while in the same post telling everyone to ignore them. A bit self-defeating, if you ask me.

And :psyduck: about the Rey the Great part. My sleep deprived brain saw him posting in here, (OOC: and combined with his membership of IS in another game) thought that he was an IS member.

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Their responses seem to be based around this:

--Yes we're &#33;@#&#036;%bags

--Yes we're jerks

--We don't care, we'll pick on who ever we want.

No, I haven't seen any of their allies responses nor do I care to because they are probably, "Let IS have their fun and mess with the alliance leader who doesn't know what he's doing."

I wonder what happened to their other lolPink buddies when they messed with someone ;)

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Ok Conner, just seems weird to me that someone would read a thread from an alliance they have never heard of, get pissed off and make a post calling said alliance pathetic children, while in the same post telling everyone to ignore them. A bit self-defeating, if you ask me.

And :psyduck: about the Rey the Great part. My sleep deprived brain saw him posting in here, (OOC: and combined with his membership of IS in another game) thought that he was an IS member.

Well, CAN is a friend of ours. They're a new Yellow alliance and are a protectorate of one of our oldest allies in GRAN. So yes, I did have a reason to read this thread and be involved. As have many longstanding members of CN, I've also been on the receiving end of noob alliance leaders asking me to join their new alliance to help lead it. Of course I've declined, but I havent gone out of my way to insult and embarrass them. Doing so shows a classlessness reserved for the lowest of the low.

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Well, CAN is a friend of ours. They're a new Yellow alliance and are a protectorate of one of our oldest allies in GRAN. So yes, I did have a reason to read this thread and be involved. As have many longstanding members of CN, I've also been on the receiving end of noob alliance leaders asking me to join their new alliance to help lead it. Of course I've declined, but I havent gone out of my way to insult and embarrass them. Doing so shows a classlessness reserved for the lowest of the low.

Ah ok, that makes more sense. And I agree with you about humiliating noob leaders, but Kingem isn't a noob. He's just an idiot.

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Ah ok, that makes more sense. And I agree with you about humiliating noob leaders, but Kingem isn't a noob. He's just an idiot.

I'll refrain from commenting on Kingem's intelligence as I'm just getting to know him, but either way, issues like what this thread is based on should always be discussed and handled in private. Making a scene on the public forums just shows that the OP is looking for attention. That's all.

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Picking on someone new and doesn't know any better is dispicible. But unfortunately, you and your allies are treatied to people that others don't want to piss off. I hope someone rolls IS soon because this world does not need people or alliances like you.

We were all newbs once and no one took your incompetence to the public.

Looking back on that, you did that all on your own and didn't need anyone to do it for you.

Well I have a couple of points, this is a response to all who hold this general opinion and not just to AirMe.

1. The point of this was to point out that newbs are newbs and shouldn't be forming alliances. People need to realize that its ok to join an existing alliance and learn how to run one successfully. CN is hurting itself with this cycle. Let me explain.

A new guy joins CN and decides, let me be a leader and form my own alliance it'll be easy and fun. Said person forms the alliance with a few friends and DoE's. They have fun for a while and decide, "Hey lets recruit and get some more awesome people here". Well the problem is, alot of the potential recruits are stuck in failing alliances. There is no new blood to recruit so what could be a successful alliance fails.

This is a cycle that will continue until newbs learn that leading an alliance is not easy and that they should get some experience in a established alliance first.

2. Those that wish use to be rolled can continue to wish things. You know what they say. Wish in one hand, *@ in the other and see which fills up first.

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Their responses seem to be based around this:

--Yes we're &#33;@#&#036;%bags

--Yes we're jerks

--We don't care, we'll pick on who ever we want.

No, I haven't seen any of their allies responses nor do I care to because they are probably, "Let IS have their fun and mess with the alliance leader who doesn't know what he's doing."

And yet you find no idiotic responses? How silly of you

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Well I have a couple of points, this is a response to all who hold this general opinion and not just to AirMe.

1. The point of this was to point out that newbs are newbs and shouldn't be forming alliances. People need to realize that its ok to join an existing alliance and learn how to run one successfully. CN is hurting itself with this cycle. Let me explain.

A new guy joins CN and decides, let me be a leader and form my own alliance it'll be easy and fun. Said person forms the alliance with a few friends and DoE's. They have fun for a while and decide, "Hey lets recruit and get some more awesome people here". Well the problem is, alot of the potential recruits are stuck in failing alliances. There is no new blood to recruit so what could be a successful alliance fails.

This is a cycle that will continue until newbs learn that leading an alliance is not easy and that they should get some experience in a established alliance first.

2. Those that wish use to be rolled can continue to wish things. You know what they say. Wish in one hand, *@ in the other and see which fills up first.

But who are you to say if someone should be able to start their own alliance or not? Hell, from this thread, I've come to the conclusion you shouldnt be in any leadership capacity in an alliance either. But the good thing is, you've found people who (somehow) do believe you should be. It's not your place to tell these other people what they should/shouldnt do. If you didnt want to join up with kingem, say so and let it be. My point is that making a thread in public to mock and embarrass him is pathetic and shows the lack of class you have.

Edited by JWConner
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I'm sure if I went back and looked I would find plenty of them but I do not have the patience nor the time to do that.

So... You read all 7, now 8 pages of responses and stated you haven't seen a idiotic response. Then you give a list of all the idiotic responses, but claim they aren't. Then you say if you re-read the topic you would find some. Ummm I repeat, How silly of you.

Anyway, KingM isn't a noob. Mistake me if I'm wrong, but wasn't this the guy who started to poach everyone's members?

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But who are you to say if someone should be able to start their own alliance or not? Hell, from this thread, I've come to the conclusion you shouldnt be in any leadership capacity in an alliance either. But the good thing is, you've found people who (somehow) do believe you should be. It's not your place to tell these other people what they should/shouldnt do. If you didnt want to join up with kingem, say so and let it be. My point is that making a thread in public to mock and embarrass him is pathetic and shows the lack of class you have.

Well, who are you to criticize what I post on a public forum? Thats right, you have your opinion of whats right and whats not, as do I. CN has become entirely to Karma like and boring. You guys feel the need to make sure everyone loves each other and not to hurt anyone. Its cute really. Like Woodstock without the drugs (or with, your choice).

But this basically how its going to go down. You will continue to post your disagreements with IS. We will continue to do stuff to make you angry. Everyone wins.

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Well, who are you to criticize what I post on a public forum? Thats right, you have your opinion of whats right and whats not, as do I. CN has become entirely to Karma like and boring. You guys feel the need to make sure everyone loves each other and not to hurt anyone. Its cute really. Like Woodstock without the drugs (or with, your choice).

But this basically how its going to go down. You will continue to post your disagreements with IS. We will continue to do stuff to make you angry. Everyone wins.

Everyone wins until you guys get rolled....

example: RAD :gag:

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Picking on someone new and doesn't know any better is dispicible. But unfortunately, you and your allies are treatied to people that others don't want to piss off. I hope someone rolls IS soon because this world does not need people or alliances like you.

We were all newbs once and no one took your incompetence to the public.

Looking back on that, you did that all on your own and didn't need anyone to do it for you.

Except hes not a noob...

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Well I have a couple of points, this is a response to all who hold this general opinion and not just to AirMe.

1. The point of this was to point out that newbs are newbs and shouldn't be forming alliances. People need to realize that its ok to join an existing alliance and learn how to run one successfully. CN is hurting itself with this cycle. Let me explain.

Then why did you guys make Internet Superheroes. :huh:

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But who are you to say if someone should be able to start their own alliance or not? Hell, from this thread, I've come to the conclusion you shouldnt be in any leadership position in an alliance either. But the good thing is, you've found people who (somehow) do believe you should be. It's not your place to tell these other people what they should/shouldnt do. If you didnt want to join up with kingem, say so and let it be. My point is that making a thread in public to mock and embarrass him is pathetic and shows the lack of class you have.

I support extraduty, I think he is a great leader. Who are you to say what that it isn't our place to say what people should/should't do? It's not your place to say that.

Also, We did't tell anyone to do anything. We just want to educate nooby alliance leaders.

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Then why did you guys make Internet Superheroes. :huh:

My good friend, you may want to do your research before you post. We formed IS with a founding group of 10 members. I was former MoFA of TCB. King Xander was the King and founder of TCB, Sakura was a gov member in TCB as well. CzarNick was a former Trium. Acetone's nation is over 9000 days old.

This lesson was free, next one you gotta pay for, son.

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My good friend, you may want to do your research before you post. We formed IS with a founding group of 10 members. I was former MoFA of TCB. King Xander was the King and founder of TCB, Sakura was a gov member in TCB as well. CzarNick was a former Trium. Acetone's nation is over 9000 days old.

This lesson was free, next one you gotta pay for, son.

I still don't get why you formed IS... ;)

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Well, who are you to criticize what I post on a public forum? Thats right, you have your opinion of whats right and whats not, as do I. CN has become entirely to Karma like and boring. You guys feel the need to make sure everyone loves each other and not to hurt anyone. Its cute really. Like Woodstock without the drugs (or with, your choice).

But this basically how its going to go down. You will continue to post your disagreements with IS. We will continue to do stuff to make you angry. Everyone wins.

I agree that being all "Let's look out for other people's feelings and not attack each other," is obnoxious if it stays that way too long. Yet I fail to see how embarrassing an alliance will accomplish anything. If anything it will make them less likely to go out on limbs in the future. You claim to somehow help out alliances but it doesn't do much. Explaining why what they did was stupid would have been enough. Even if you were totally blunt that they were blockheads.

But embarrassing them on OWF? Nothing accomplished.

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