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The Sovereignty of Nations

Voodoo Nova

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With the collapse of the would-be government to head up the Hungarian, Austrian, and Slovenian areas, the Commonwealth does hereby integrate all of these areas as first-level administrative division within her sphere of influence.

"Lübeck was handed control of the lands yet again, however, we hereby hand over control of the region to a more level-headed, and non-imperialist nation, that being The Kingdom of Serbia, to do with the lands as they see fit. We support them, and not your false claims on land which detest you."

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With the collapse of the would-be government to head up the Hungarian, Austrian, and Slovenian areas, the Commonwealth does hereby integrate all of these areas as first-level administrative division within her sphere of influence.

"The Bavarian ultimatum is hereby being shortened to 36 hours.

We strongly advise you to leave that territory immediately. We will stand by Sverige and Lubeck with this."

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"The Bavarian ultimatum is hereby being shortened to 36 hours.

We strongly advise you to leave that territory immediately. We will stand by Sverige and Lubeck with this."

We will follow through with Bavaria's ultimatum as well, and will side with our friends the Imperium, and her allies, reflecting on Lübeck, Bavaria, etc.

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"The Bavarian ultimatum is hereby being shortened to 36 hours.

We strongly advise you to leave that territory immediately. We will stand by Sverige and Lubeck with this."


Seeing threats to our EU allies, the RA is to mobilize immediately. 1 million troops, along with thousands of armoured units, are to be deployed to Prussia immediately. Soldiers previously stationed in the protectorates will be redeployed, bringing the total amount of soldiers in the province of Gebiv and protectorates at 100 000. The 83 480 soldiers in Ecuador and the 200 000 soldiers in the Mid-East will be put at high alert, to be ready for possible attacks. 80% of the RAF is to be deployed to bases in Prussia (primarily Warsaw) and the RN is to commence drills and enter stand-by for a deployment in the Med. It is time for war.

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300,000 troops, along with 1,000 tanks, 5,000 various armored vehicles, and 3,000 artillery pieces, are being transported to the Commonwealth due to threats to the EU. Ten squadrons of Tupolev Tu-160 bombers and twenty of F-22 fighters have been ordered to base in Air Force bases around the city of Prague. The Drakorian Royal Navy has been notified and is ready to set sail at a moment's notice.

Edited by Drakedeath
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Feel free to request Aid or a small force of policing troops to maintain order while your troops are moved out.


We thank you for your offer and should we bein mobilization and movements of our troops, we will contact you should we need additional police forces in our nation.

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This is an interesting situation. We're allies with both Prussia and Bavaria. On one hand, we agree with Bavaria 100% we feel the Commonwealth should leave Lubeck's protectorate since they are doing all they can to make it independent, but on the other hand we respect the Prussians for their efforts in restoring Europe. On top of that they've been a responsible member of Europe's community. In many cases a situation would force us to be neutral, but that doesn't seem likely.

The Slavorussian government urges everyone to take a step back and rethink this whole thing. Why should Europe be the battleground for another war? The commonwealth should embrace a newly independent country in Central Europe and work with Lubecks government to ensure a smooth transition.

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Excuse while I take a moment and laugh at that statement.

The Slavorussian government urges everyone to take a step back and rethink this whole thing.

Indeed, you did exactly the same when you entered negotiations with the Ukraine to take over their former lands. Except, you didn't do any of that. If anything you lied or should I say "falsified" claims, to be more polite, that a proper negotiation settlement couldn't be reached, then you rolled in the tanks. Such are the words of a hypocrite. I'd advise you sit back and look at yourself in the mirror, my dear european "friend".

Edited by Malatose
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300,000 troops, along with 1,000 tanks, 5,000 various armored vehicles, and 3,000 artillery pieces, are being transported to the Commonwealth due to threats to the EU. Ten squadrons of Tupolev Tu-160 bombers and twenty of F-22 fighters have been ordered to base in Air Force bases around the city of Prague. The Drakorian Royal Navy has been notified and is ready to set sail at a moment's notice.

OOC: Sorry for this, yet what route will these troops be going through to get there.

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Seeing threats to our EU allies, the RA is to mobilize immediately. 1 million troops, along with thousands of armoured units, are to be deployed to Prussia immediately. Soldiers previously stationed in the protectorates will be redeployed, bringing the total amount of soldiers in the province of Gebiv and protectorates at 100 000. The 83 480 soldiers in Ecuador and the 200 000 soldiers in the Mid-East will be put at high alert, to be ready for possible attacks. 80% of the RAF is to be deployed to bases in Prussia (primarily Warsaw) and the RN is to commence drills and enter stand-by for a deployment in the Med. It is time for war.

*Message to the RA*

Your military movements have been followed.

Let it be known that Commonwealth forces have unlawfully made their way into the Lubeck Protectorate.

We are defending Lubeck's sovereignity from aggressors, not the other way round.

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"We offer full health, supply, food, weapons, ammunition, etc aid to any and all countries requesting. We are also willing to dispatch Battalions of Policekorps to maintain order in your native countries so that you may focus on repelling the imperialist scum."

EDIT: The Empire of Krieg is now in a sticky situation as we had misread Greenland's support for the commonwealth. Although the Empire of Krieg is naturally bound to help the Imperium and her allies due to our Lease colony on Maderia Island, we are also close friends with the country of Greenland.

We however now issue a statement as to assure we do not comprimse any friendships with friendly nations.

We withdraw our offer to send Peacekeeping police to any nations.

We however maintain the offer that any current friendly nation of Krieg can request aid regardless of side. We however will now limit this aid to Medical, food, and supply.

We apologize for we misread the standing of Greenland and we very sad to see multiple friendly nations of ours go to war at eachother.

Edited by Colerich Krieg
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*Message to the RA*

Your military movements have been followed.

Let it be known that Commonwealth forces have unlawfully made their way into the Lubeck Protectorate.

We are defending Lubeck's sovereignity from aggressors, not the other way round.


Yes, since most of our protectorates have been released and the new province of Gebiv has been annexed, we are redeploying our military assets accordingly. As for the Lubeck issue, we are not concerned with that, as our allies have yet to be attacked. I'm not sure why you are so concerned with our redeployment of ex-protectorate forces. Never mind that, we have no idea how you can do that, as even though you can use a satellite to locate an enemy fleet, either via radar or optics. It is a difficult process to do so, as a satellite will only stay over the same area for roughly 2-6 minutes (depending on how directly overhead it flies), and it might not find a smaller fleet, or one with a reduced RCS. This also assumes that the weather is perfect, as clouds will obscure the ability to conduct surveillance. And yes, it is possible to have a geosynchronous satellite. However, these will be virtually useless when it comes to tracking an enemies movements, as the enemy will quickly go out of scope. Furthermore, they can not "follow" the fleet. If they are geosynchronous, they don't move, plain and simple.

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"Bavarian forces are advancing into Austria and Slovenia to take control of the territory.

Afterwards, we will be cutting off all but the most necessary communications with other nations for the time being.

Any attempts to stop our forces will be regarded as offensive and aggressive declaration of war upon Bavaria."

OOC: To hell with this.

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Excuse while I take a moment and laugh at that statement.

The Slavorussian government urges everyone to take a step back and rethink this whole thing.

Indeed, you did exactly the same when you entered negotiations with the Ukraine to take over their former lands. Except, you didn't do any of that. If anything you lied or should I say "falsified" claims, to be more polite, that a proper negotiation settlement couldn't be reached, then you rolled in the tanks. Such are the words of a hypocrite. I'd advise you sit back and look at yourself in the mirror, my dear european "friend".

We’ll give you a moment to think about how absurdly ridiculous your statement is.


Done? Good. Now watch as your account of events is picked apart for the world to see absurdity of it. First, the C.S.S.R. surrendered, negotiating the return of our land was a curtsey we didn’t have to offer. Secondly, We didn’t lie, or falsify anything, our southern regions were going to be returned no matter what, we were willing to negotiate the infrastructure built up by the C.S.S.R, which by the way was very little if any. Shortly after the C.S.S.R. diplomats walked out of the meeting the C.S.S.R. fell into anarchy, and we moved in to reclaim what was stolen from us. The Polish can support this.

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"Bavarian forces are advancing into Austria and Slovenia to take control of the territory.

Afterwards, we will be cutting off all but the most necessary communications with other nations for the time being.

Any attempts to stop our forces will be regarded as offensive and aggressive declaration of war upon Bavaria."

OOC: To hell with this.

"We wonder why Bavaria is taking control of the lands owned by Lubeck, not as a protectorate, but as an actual part of their nation."

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"If this can not be solved in a civilised way, then, we have no choice but to activate the Central European Union's defence clause, due to your violation of the treaty, therefore, we demand that Prussia, Finland, Sweden and Norway, in accordance to Article III, Section II. I'm sorry to say this, Prussia, yet it is still active, thus, you are inclined to assist, not to be neutral in this."

ooc: Late, however...

IC: As a founding member of the CEU prussia can veto any activities of the bloc; including the activation of defensive clauses or actions by the bloc itself.

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ooc: Late, however...

IC: As a founding member of the CEU prussia can veto any activities of the bloc; including the activation of defensive clauses or actions by the bloc itself.

"That would be the case if the CEU was still in existence."

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