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Recognition of war

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It is slightly amusing to watch the same people who at one time criticized TPF and NPO for its lack of diplomacy in the OV talks now so quick to defend the same attitude NSO has shown here.

I guess that is just how things work around here.

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It is slightly amusing to watch the same people who at one time criticized TPF and NPO for its lack of diplomacy in the OV talks now so quick to defend the same attitude NSO has shown here.

I guess that is just how things work around here.

People around here usually support whatever fits their current agenda regardless of past stances, I am pretty used to that.

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The NSO is correct, as always. Our enemies are wrong, as always (though not whining, and in more or less good spirits, which is nice). Uninvolved parties are asinine, as always.

It can be no other way ;)

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And even leaders can have their own opinions they just usually separate them from their alliances.

Be logical my drunk friend ;)

When a Leader/Minister puts in their own opinion you can usually tell which is their opinion and what they are talking about as a whole on the alliance. Want to know more on what I just said, look at all the posts Ivan Moldavi (The great) has posted.

here's the catch with my statement. The only people who can not have an opinion are diplomats to another alliance. Let me explain farther.

When diplomat A enters another alliance, diplomat A must be casual but classical at the same time. When diplomat A does business with alliance B (alliance A is the alliance where diplomat A if from) he/she must not state an opinion unless they say, "Well here's my thoughts on this issue." or "Ya, I'm not in favor of that too but, *Put name here* is and that is why I am here." well, the second thing isn't as great as the first but you know what I mean.

That's where the catch is.

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Just some stats:

RAD Anarchy: 13

NSO Anarchy: 13

Looks even to me. :P Although from what I'm seeing the NSO is declaring the most. Of course, anarchy is 13/164 in the NSO and in RAD it is 13/34 so it is pretty obvious who is winning...

Edited by Gondor
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RAD is in anarchy? Aw, crap.. :(

*Chuckles* I like you man, your funny, friendly and intelligent when it comes to politics, but you must understand, RAD will be in Anarchy soon because of this "War of Stupidity", yes that is what I am calling this war.

Why? well RAD's leaders/Ministers (Or at least some of them) made a VERY STUPID MOVE by attacking a group of rouges (Yes that's what I am calling them). Why rouges? Well, it's the way I see it.

In my opinion (See, I said it so don't do any "Oh you hypocrite!" remarks), I think that RAD should have talked about this (The poking of RAD people) to NSO so that this War of Stupidity never had to happen.

Also, be careful everyone. Ivan Moldavi is using "Loaded Questions" or as others may call it "Double Questions". I know I may be stating the obvious but I feel that I must for I am opposed to those kinds of questions.

P.S. Ivan, don't question me. You will only bring a Red Herring into this useless (But fun) debate.

Edited by Ivan III
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Monos Archein is very close to Ragnarok, one of RAD's closer allies.

Good grief, talk about tenuous.

Penkala's previous alliance was RAD.

Ahh, now that makes much more sense.

Thanks very much for the info, gentlemen.

I still don't understand why a government Minister from an alliance that's uninvolved in this would go out of his way to insult several alliances, but I suppose (?) I understand the motivation now.

Oh no! Nobody can have their own opinions! You must have the exact same opinions as the rest of your alliance or there will be anarchy!!!!!

Government members, even low-ranking ones, speak for their alliances.

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Just some stats:

RAD Anarchy: 13

NSO Anarchy: 13

Looks even to me. :P Although from what I'm seeing the NSO is declaring the most. Of course, anarchy is 13/164 in the NSO and in RAD it is 13/34 so it is pretty obvious who is winning...

My point exactly. I never use Nation to Nation Anarchy levels but I use Anarchy Ratio. It's easier to use in wars ;)


Government members, even low-ranking ones, speak for their alliances.

Again, my point exactly. Good to know that there are people who think the same way as me :D

Edited by Ivan III
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you guys do know that RAD is not regretting any of this. we are having fun. why is their still this much posting in this thread?

Because there are those with a distinct distaste for NSO and once again they are trying to use any and all NSO actions to defile the name of NSO. It really doesn't matter what it is they will defile it.

I mean, we have here a full blown Official RAD Declaration of War that really isnt precise in stating who it will be upon. When we see the first shot is fired by a RAD nation at an NSO nation one could say that is the first shot in a war. Due to the heavy tensions between pink and NSO lately, NSO decided to actively defend the assault on their alliance that took place publically in a DoW thread. Because it is NSO though it is not hailed it is attacked thoroughly. The best part about it is though that NSO actually lives off of this stuff yet the same people spouting off about them time and time again think they are getting one up on NSO with their words.

Maybe some day they will realize they are just feeding the amusement and Fun that those guys in NSO thrive on.

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I'm just trying to understand why MA's Deputy-Minister of Defense1made veiled threats, then backtracked, and now sports a signature that attacks the bloc NSO belongs to. (And which includes my alliance.) I was unaware that the New Polar Order, the Liquor Cabinet or the Siberian Tiger Alliance had done anything to antagonize Monos Archein in any way.

Perhaps I'm mistaken?

Good grief. He is an ex-member of RAD and is displaying his own opinion. Period. Signatures are usually played for sport and/or fun. Take, for instance, the signatures about a "Stern Talking To" toward NPO. A whole bunch of people not even involved in the war wore them just for giggles, or because they agreed with it, etc. etc.

I'll be honest, I don't like Frostbite for several reasons... just like how many people don't like SF! or Cit. Does that mean that CSN now automatically has beef with Frostbite? Heaven forbid I express my own personal opinion... seems being in Vox for all that time really proved to be a sham.

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Because there are those with a distinct distaste for NSO and once again they are trying to use any and all NSO actions to defile the name of NSO. It really doesn't matter what it is they will defile it.

I mean, we have here a full blown Official RAD Declaration of War that really isnt precise in stating who it will be upon. When we see the first shot is fired by a RAD nation at an NSO nation one could say that is the first shot in a war. Due to the heavy tensions between pink and NSO lately, NSO decided to actively defend the assault on their alliance that took place publically in a DoW thread. Because it is NSO though it is not hailed it is attacked thoroughly. The best part about it is though that NSO actually lives off of this stuff yet the same people spouting off about them time and time again think they are getting one up on NSO with their words.

Maybe some day they will realize they are just feeding the amusement and Fun that those guys in NSO thrive on.

WHAT?! I don't even get this. You went in one to many directions for me along with adding a Red Herring in your statement too. :gag:

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